Variety (August 1913)

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VARIETY Vaudeville Gut Outfit Al^HEN you send photos ahead for * * lobby display, send along News- paper Halftones for advance news- paper notices WE FURNISH THESE NEWS- IS] PAPER HALFTONES Isl $j ^.00 1 Single Column Cut and- 2 Duplicates d^ = 1 Double Column Cut and 2 Duplicates $^•50 1 Single Column Cut and 6 Duplicates L = 1 Double Column Cut and 6 Duplicates $"1 p.50 1 Single Column Cut and 12 Duplicates JlU^ 1 Double Column Cut and 12 Duplicates Drngraving(& WILLIAM COLLIER PHOTO ENGRAVERS, ElfCTOOTYPCRS DESIGNERS 143-145 WEST 40IM STREET NBATYO^K WILLIAM HUFFMAN, President WILLIAM COLLIER r * joe: hu i STONE Eccentric Dancing Comedian THE TWO STARS and PLLARD The Whirlwind Girl of "THE SOCIAL MAIDS" Direction, BURLESQUE PRODUCING CO., 1545 Broadway, New York BEAUMONTE K and ARNOLD «* USI I Preeontlng Direction SAM BAERWITZ MUSI Lyrics and Music by JACK ARNOLD I IVI 9t COMING EAST SOON 7 Bonomor Arabs Open second successful season with Eva Tanguay's Volcanic Vaudeville Company Address—Per Route