Variety (August 1913)

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VARIETY 19 LONDON VARIETY'S LONDON OFFICE 18 CHABINO CBOtS ROAD (CABLB "JEM! JESSE FREEMAN, R.j*—nuthre. Mall for Americans and European* fa Borope, if add i ii nl care VARIETY. a§ abore, will be promptly forwarded. London, Aug. 2U. According to some oi me dames the Revue is given as one of the causes of the decline of musical comedy here. The decline though not admitted by all the Icaumg managers, was discussed hrst last week, when the Gaiety thea- tre declared a dividend of 10 per cent. as agamst us usual percentage of 20. The London Opera House manage- ment ftas caiaulisiicu an open dour pol- icy to aap.ruig penoriaers by allowing any applicant* to snow lor the man- agement uunng the day. News of two American acts splitting has uccll llo.bCU auoul iaiciy uvci iiciC. Luwards, Ryan and Tierney, and Hill aim AcKcrinan, are said to be those auout to dissolve partnership. The La Maze Brothers had $300 taken from tiie»r dressing room while en the stage at the Hoiborn Empire last week. The safety curtain required by law here fell at the Empire Croyden one night last week just belore the second house was started, and the perform- ance had to be abandoned. The dailies are giving much space to the coining production of "Joseph and his Brethieu" at His Majesty's theatre this fail. Rehearsals are well under v/ay. The Opera House version of "The Spider's Web" Willi Mado Minty (the originator of it) was put on last week. Though no doubt a great deal of harm was done the scene by the Alhambra production of the same subject, the Minty scene went fine. Mado is some girl and does great things around the lope web. The London Hippodrome gave a souvenir performance this week of "Hullo Ragtime." All the members cf the company were given life stories in a booklet passed among the audi- ence. Will Evans, in his new skit, "Paper- ing the Ceiling," at the Holborn, has a scream, though the idea probably sprang from Willard Simin's "Flm- der's Flat." Away from this though there are big laughs due to Evans' bad acting, but funny assistants. While the pushing of the paste brush into the woman's face may be a novelty, all agree it is not pretty. Pearl Barti, from the Opera House original company, is appearing at the Coliseum this week, starting a four weeks' engagement. Miss Barti is do- irg a singing act, two numbers of the ballad style and one popular song. The Coliseum audience is fond of a good \oice, and Pearl is there with it. Madge Fabian and Myrtle Tannehill will be the joint heroines in the new Drury Lane drama, "Sealed Orders." A big stir over here about the actor who was shot on the stage of the Ele- phant and Castle theatre last week. The actor, Herbert Bonhote, was play- ing the hero. When the villain shot him (as in the play) Benhote fell wounded, dying a week later in the hospital. A wad was found in the ac- tor's shoulder. He finished the play. BERLIN By K. A. Levy. Berlin, Aug. 19. Vaudeville artists booked for Royal Orfeum, Budapest, are advised to read contracts through carefully, or if the contract is issued in a language not understood, to have it translated. Some American artists of the opinion tney had to work in the theatre only, found after their arrival in Budapest they were also to appear at the Cabaret of the Royal Orfeum. Protests were of ro avail, as the contracts signed gave the manager the right to demand the appearance of the artists in the Cab- aret show. For the Royal opera house, Berlin, Mme. Leffler-Burghardt and Mine. Mickley-Kemp have been engaged. Melchior Lengyel, whose "Typhoon" had such a big success, has finished a new play called "The Black Butter- flies." Reports from Hanover say that Harry Vosberg's "Generalprobe" ( 'Dress Rehearsal") proved a good laugh hit. Claire Waldorff, the Cabaret artist, has been engaged to play at the Kleine theatre, Hamburg. She is to appear in one play only. Sylvester Schaffer has leased the "Theatre des Westens" for August He gave his full show, painting, jug- gling, shooting and violin playing, and did two-thirds of the performance. The houses were well filled and Schaffer's personal success big. His show was preceded by two one-act plays, which were good, but a little too risque to fit into the show. "Filmzauber." shown at the Gaiety, London, as "The Girl in the Film," will also be played next season in France, Belgium and Switzerland. Tetrazzini, from the Metropolitan opera house. New York, has been en- gaged to sing the coming season at the Royal opera house. Rerlin. She will appear there a few times only. Tetraz- 7ini has not sung in Berlin before. If .no don't ad vert 1m la VAKIKTV. dMi •avertUe at a ||. PARIS By E. G. KENDREW 66 Bis Rue St. Dldler Fans, Aug. ZU The Marigny will revert to legiti- mate in October, and will mount a new work by Abel Hermant. A new management will be found at the Cirque de Paris next season, M. Vives having obtained a controlling interest by the aid of his friends. He proposes so to build a stage as to give production of revues and vaudeville in addition to the circus. Mistinguett is among the few French soubrets able to handle her free pub- licity to her advantage. The report is now published she will marry Mayol, the singer and owner of the fashion- able concert hall which bears his name. The "Controllers" at the Paris the- atres want better payment. These are the important gentlemen, in all shapes and sizes of evening dress, who otten give you the impression they consider it a favor to let you have a seat after paying for it. At present the chief earns $20 per month, inspectors, under- controllers, less than $17.50, ticket takers, etc., $14.50. They want an in- crease, specifying $15 per month as the minimum with 19 cents per hour after 6 p. m. or 1 a. m. All matinees (with the exception of Sunday and national holidays) to be paid 80 cents extra. There is however no question of a strike. Many clerks and government employes like the extra work at night. Willie Lewis, the American boxer, opened at the Folies Bergere, in a vaudeville act. The temporary summer season under the management of the mime, P. Franck, comes to an end shortly. Clement Bannel takes charge again for the winter season. OBITUARY The death list of the New York Theatrical Protective Union No. 1 has added two more names to its total. George A. Adams, about 40 years old, a stage hand, died Aug. 15 from the after effects of an operation. John DafTncy, Sr., about 60 years old, boss flyman of the Prospect theatre, dropped dead in the Bronx Monday. IN MCMOMUM In Loving Memory of JAMES B. MULLEN DUd August 31, 1912 STE.LLA MAYE Arthur Carleton, brother of Violet Carleton Canfield (Canfield and Carle- ton,) was found dead in bed at the home of his sister in Bcnsonhurst, L. I., Tuesday morning. Death was caused by apoplexy. The deceased was rehearsing for a tour in "The Round- up." having closed a few days before with the "Hanky-Panky" company, playing at the Grand Opera house. New York. Before his engagement with the latter organization he had been with "The Traveling Salesman" Co. Funer- al services were held Wednesday at the home oi Mrs. Canheld. He leaves a widow, known in public life as Hope Bates and a son, Donald. Rose Naynon, who had traveled twice around the world with her trained cockatoos, died at her home, 188 19th street, Brooklyn, Monday morning, after a lingering illiness. She was operated on for cancer in Fort Wayne just before Christmas and had been an invalid from then until her death. At her request the body was cremated Wednesday at Fresh Pond, L. I. Miss Naynon was a sister of Blanche Wash- burn. Lawrence Rae, who appeared recent- ly in "The Spring Maid" and "The Quaker Girl," died late last week at the Alston Sanitarium, 26 East 61st street, New York, lie was a member of The Lambs. Joseph Shanberger, former manager of the Warburton theatre, Yonkers, N. Y., died a few days ago in Balti- more. Victor Bracht, 63 years old, owner of a chain of moving picture theatres in Brooklyn, died late last week. Funeral services were held at his late home, 147 McDougal street, Brooklyn. F. R. Carter, father of Chas. J. Car- ter, the magician, died at his home, 252 West 85th street, New York. His son is at present in Seattle. Billy Windom, the old time minstrel man, died Aug. 26 at Gary, lnd. James M. Colville who appeared in "Everyman" died of heart disease at his home in Amityville, L. 1., at the age of 54. He was of the company vhich was supporting Fanny Daven- port in "Joan of Arc" at the time of her death. He also played with Clara Mor- ris. Michael Maybrick, writer of "The Holy City" and other famous songs, is dead in England. Mrs. Rosamond Woodworth, mother of Matthew Woodworth, a translator of plays and writer of songs for the £huberts, died in London this week. She was a noted court beauty in her youth. She was 93 years old. JACK SYDEIX DIES. Atlantic City. Aug. 27. Jack Sydcll, a former advance man and manager, and a brother of Rose Sydcll. died while bathing in the surf here this morning. Heart failure caused his sudden de- mise, as Sydell was a good swimmer and the pulmotor disclosed no water on the lungs.