Variety (August 1913)

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36 VARIETY ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (September 1) (The routes or addresses given below are accurate. Players may be llated la tale lepartment weekly, either at the theatres they are appearing- In, or at a permanent or temporary address, which will be inserted when route Is not received, for II yearly, or if name la In bold face type, $10 yearly. All players. In vaudeville, legitimate, stock or burlesque, art; eligible to thla department.) Abeles Kdward, Variety N Y Adama Billy A Edith Shubert Utlca N Y Adonla 64 W 144th 8t N Y Alexander Bros. Dominion Ottawa Can Alexander A Scott Foraythe Atlanta Ga AmhroKf Mary 146 W «3d Nt N Y Aaaoroe Sisters Taualg 104 East 14th Ht N Y Anthony A Rose. Variety N Y Avon 4 Keiths Cincinnati O n Barde Four Variety N Y Berger Edgar White Rats N Y Berliner Vera 6724 Ridge Ave Chicago Rig Jim F Bernstein 1483 Bway N Y Bowers Walter A Crocker Keiths Philadelphia Bracks Seven 104 E 14th Tauslg N Y Braham Nat Variety N Y Breton Ted A Corlnne Plunkett 1488 Bway NY Byea £ Langdon Keiths Columbus O Caites Novelty 1484 Cth 8t Philadelphia Cartetta M 1ST Manhattan Ave Bklyn N Y Ce Dora • Riverside Ave Newark Clark 41 Bergman 121 Oeorge St Brooklyn Corelll A Gillette Variety London Crouch A Welch Variety Ixmdon Coraon Sisters Third Time Orpheum Circuit D'Arvllle Jeannette Montreal. Indef Davis Josephine Variety London Deely Ben A Co Keiths Philadelphia Dekota Jack 3 Sheas Buffalo i VImore A Lee Lyric Richmond Va Diamond A Brcnnan Temple Detroit IMnale A F«meralria Marlnelll 14WS Bway N V Divine A WilMame Orpheum Salt Lake City Dorr Marl*- Nixon Atlantic City Dressier Marie Keiths Cincinnati O An Adept la Jaggtery W. J. DU BOIS Now Touring Sullivan A Cenaldlne Circuit Next Week (Sept. 1), Empress St. Paal, Mine. Ebellng Trio, 18 Hudson PI Hoboken N J Kdwarda Shorty Variety N Y Elisabeth Mary Variety London Elliott Sydney A 147 Harvey Ave Detroit Kmmett ClmHe Maple Crest North Foxboro Empire 4 Keiths Toledo O KMrardee 3 G Hughes Palace Theatre Bldg New York KuH'-itf Carl Troupe Sheas Toronto Can Ferry Alcasar Casino Dcauvllle Franc* Fields W C Coliseum London Eng Four Regala Variety Chicago Frevoll Fred Variety N Y Fox A Ward 1117 Wolf 8t Philadelphia Frauds Buth Roche Ocean Beach N Y Frey Twins Vaudeville Comedy Club N Y Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave NYC O <:.-iscli Sisters Foray the Atlunta Ga ■ ...rtfr.y a HenrtTnon 241 W 45th N Y Golden Claude Majestic Ft Worth Texan tioldrn Morris 104 Syndicate Bl<lg Pittsburgh Graham A Dent Variety N Y Granville Taylor »R0 W 66th St N Y Grimm A Elliott Myers Park Canton Ohio Guerro A Carmen 2108 North Ave Chicago HalUgan 4k Bykes La Salle Chicago lndef Loinse-HAMUN »»° MACK Buiy Care Will Collins, Broadmead House, Paoton St., London, England. Hanlon Broa Hippodrome Devonport Erin llarrah Great White Huts Clul» N Y « Haywood Harry Co Variety N Y Heather Josle Sheas Toronto Hermann Adelaide Hotel l'lerreponi N V Hlnes Palmer A Girls Variety N Y Holman Harry A Co Franklin chlcnx" & Wil- son Belolt Wis lloudlnl Varlrtv London Hutchinson WlUard A Co Hippodrome Liver- pool Eog I Inihoflf Conn A Coreene T» mple n.-tmit Inge Clare Variety N Y lol-en Slaters Variety N ^ Iahawaka Japs Variety N Y Ismed Temple Detroit Jackson Joe Variety N Y Johnsons Travelogue Keitha Phlla Jonea A Sylvester Majestic Bellas Tex Jordon Girls Keitha Cincinnati O Jungman Family Empire Edmonton Can Karno Comedy Co 8 A C Circuit Kayne Agnes Variety Chicago Kelly Andrew Orpheum St Paul Kelly A Tollock Temple Hamilton Can Kelao A Lt Ighton 187 W 146th St N Y C Kennedy A Rooney Variety N T Kenny A Hollla 66 Bralnerd Rd Allston Mi Kent 8 Miller Chases Washington Kingston-World Mlndell Idora Park Oakland Klein Bros Empress Portland Ore Knners Bros Alhambra London Indef Kramer A Morton Orpheum Bklyn Kurtls Roosters Brennan-Fuller Sydney l<amhertl Variety N Y Lambs Manikins Proctors Elisabeth N J Langdons The Orpheum Edmonton Can Lavelera A Stokes Orpheum Omaha Lawaon A Namoa Variety Chicago Lean Cecil M 8 Bentham Putnam Bldg N v Le Dent Frank Variety Tendon Levy Bert Orpheum Bklyn Lewis A Dody Lyric Richmond Va Lille Carrie Harris Pittsburgh Llttlejohns Frank A Clara Variety N Y Wart In A Fabbrtal, it* W ltld It N T THE POBTBT OF MOTION IVIAIM-ril. IN SOCIETY DANCING. ASSISTED BY B. LLOYD. McDcrmott Billy Miller Hotel N Y Meredith Sisters, 808 W Hat St N Y Mersereau Mile Variety New York Moran I'olly Variety London Moaarts Fred A Eva Hough Neck Qulncy Mass Marray Bllaabeth If Variety N T Musette 414 Central Park West N Y Nash Julia A Co Majestic Milwaukee Nevlns A Erwood Keiths Cincinnati O NewhecT A Phelps, 148 W l«8d St N Y Nlblo A Speneer 868 18th St Bklyn N Y Nlcol Bros 1180 Amsterdam Ave N Y "Night at Bath," Victoria Baltimore Norcross Hale A Co Orpheum Sioux City la O'Donnell Chan A Co Orpheum Montreal CMearas Dancing Orpheum Montreal O'Meer 81sters Variety N Y O'Nell Nance A Co Variety N Y Orfords ElephanU Variety N Y Pagllaccl 4 care J Levy 1141 Bway N Y Paka Toots Variety N Y Tarry Charlotte Variety N Y Peers The Keitha Cincinnati Peter A Baker American Davenport la Pletro Keitha Philadelphia "Pinafore Kiddles" Orpheum Montreal Pla Trio Majestic Dallas Tex Pollock Mllten * Co Variety N Y Polsln Broa Proctors Newark N J Pope A Uno Variety N Y Priest Janet Wolfolk 86 W Randolph Chicago Rafael Dave 1181 Grant Ave San Francisco Ramsey Sisters Ehrtoh House N Y Reeves Blllls Rlckard Circuit Australia Rice Faany Blanchard Farm Franklin N H Richmond Dorothy Hotel Wellington N Y Rlesner A Gores Fifth Ave N Y W. E. Ritchie and Co, THE ORIGINAL TRAMP CYCLIST Rnehme Athletic Girls Variety N Y Ross A Ashton Unique Minneapolis Bolls Bros 4 Variety Chicago Stanley Stan Union Ave A Oak Lane Phlla Indef Stanton Walter The Billboard Chicago St James W H A Co J Jacobs 1488 Bway N Y Stoddard A Hlnea 116 8 7th 8t Hannibal Mo Sutton A Caprice Corinthian Rochester Sutton Melntyre A Sutton Variety N Y "Telephone Belles" Harris Pittsburgh Terrlll A Foster, Orpheum Jacksonville Terry A Lambert Friars Club N Y Thomas Mr A Mrs Bayshore L I Thurston Howard 8 A H 1498 Bway N V Tina Mile Orpheum Sioux City la Trlx Helen Orpheum Bloux City la Keep Your Address in VARIETY THIS Address Department will print your name and address, either with an attraction, at a theatre or permanent- ly, for $5 yearly [one line weekly], or $10, with name in bold face type. Address may be changed weekly. Let everyone know where you are* at a minimum cost. Send remittance, with name and address, to VARIETY, New York. Trevato Morris A Fell 1488 Broadway N Y Tuscano Broa Keiths Boston Valll A Valll Variety N Y Van Billy Forrest Ave Madlsonvllle O Van* Billy B Van Harbor N H VIollnsky Keiths Cincinnati O Walman Cosmos Washington D C Walker Clifford Majestic Milwaukee Walsh Lynch Co Nixon Atlantic City Walton A Vivian Cosmos Washington D C Wander A Stone Variety New York Wartenburg Bros Majestic Dallas Tex White Palter A White Nixon Atlantic City WlUard A Bond Orpheum Omaha Williams A Wolfos Keiths Boston Woodwards Dogs Orpheum Montreal Work Frank 1088 B 8»th 8t Bklyn N Y BURLESQUE ROUTES • WEEKS SEPT. 1 AND SEPT. 8. American Beauties 1 L O 8 Oayety Omaha Beauty Parade 1 Columbia New York 8 Star Brooklyn Beauty Youth & Folly 1 Lafayette Buffalo 8 Corinthian Rochester Behmitn Show 1 Grand 8t Paul 8 Gayety Mil- waukee Belles Beauty Row 1 Standard Cincinnati 6 Buckingham Louisville Ben Welch Show 1 Columbia Chicago 8 Stand- ard Cincinnati Big Gaiety 1 Gayety Baltimore 8 Gayety Washington Big Jubilee 1 Casino Boston 8-10 Gllmor»> Springfield 11-13 Empire Albany Billy Watsons Big Show 1-3 L O 4-6 Bridge- port 8 Westminster Providence Blanch Balrd's Big Show 1 Majestic Indian- apolis 8 Gayety St Louis Bon Ton Girls 1 8tar A Garter Chicago 8 Gayety St Louis Bowery Burlesquers 1 Orpheum Paterson 8 Empire Newark Broadway Girls 1 Star Cleveland 8 Empire Toledo College Girls 1 Star Brooklyn 8 Empire- Brooklyn Columbia Burlesquers 1 Casino Brooklyn s Orpheum Paterson Cracker Jacks 1 Murray Hill New York 8-10 L O 11-13 Bridgeport Crusoe CTir.s 1 Gurden Buffalo 8-10 Bender ' Utlca 11-13 Van Curler O H Schenectady Dandy Girls 1 Olympic New York 8 Trocadero Philadelphia Dolly Dimple Girls 1 L O 8 New Englewood Chicago Eva Mulls Big Beauty Show 1-3 L O 4-6 Law- rence O H S Grand O H Boston. Fay Foster Co 1 Empire Cleveland 8 Olympic Cincinnati Follies of Day 1 Empire Brooklyn 8 Peoples New York Follies of Pleasure 1 Star Toronto 8 Garden Buffalo Gay New Yorkers 1 Folly Chicago 8 Gayety Detroit Gay White Way 1 Gayety Kansas City 8 L O 15 Gaiety Omaha Ginger Girls 1 Buckingham Louisville 8 Co- lumbia Indianapolis Girls of Follies 1 Olympic Cincinnati 8 Majes- tic Indianapolis Girls from Happyland 1-3 Gllmore Springfield 4-6 Empire Albany 8 Miners Bronx New- York Girls from Starland 1 Gayety Minneapolis K Grand St Paul Golden ('rook 1 L O (non completion Music Hall New York) 8 Empire Hoboken Huppy Widows 1 Empire Hoboken 8 Empire Philadelphia Hastings Big Show 1 Columbia Indlanapoll* 8 Star A Garter Chicago High Life Girls 1 Penn Circuit 8 Empire Cleveland Honeymoon Girls 1 Empire Newark 8 Casino Philadelphia Homy Girls 1-3 Empire Plttsfleld 4-6 Empire Holyoke 8 Howard BoBton Howe's Lovemakera Gayety St Louis 8 Gayet> Kansas City Jack Reids Progressive Girls 1 Willis Wood Kansas City 8 L O 15 New Englewood Chi- cago Liberty Girls 1 Corinthian Rochester 8-10 Bastable Syracuse 11-13 Lumberg Utlca Marions Dreamlands 1 Westminster Provi- dence 8 Casino Boston Marions Own Show 1 Gayety Boston 8 Co- lumbia New York May Howards Girls of All Nations 1 Cadillac Detroit 8 Star Toronto Miners nig Frolic 1 Gayety Milwaukee s Folly Chicago Mirth Makers 1 Haymarkot Chicago 8 Cad- illac Detroit Mischief Makers 1 Now Englewood Chicago s Haymarket Chicago Mollle Williams Show 1-3 Empire Albany 4-« Worcester Worcester 8 Gayety Boston Monte Carlo Girls 1 Gayety St Loula 8 Willis Wood Kansas City Panama PanBles 1 Grand O H Boston 8 Goth- am New York Parisian Beauties 1 Howard Boston 8-10 L O 11-13 Lawrence O H Lawrence Queens of Paris 1 Empire Toledo 8 Columbia Chicago Rector Girls 1 Gotham New York 8 Olympic New York