Variety (September 1913)

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14 VARIETY _■ -^ BILLS NEXT WEEK (September 8) In Vaudeville Theatres, Playing lliree or Less Shows Dally (AH houB«t open (or the wtfk with Moriday nuiilme, when not otherwise Indicated.) Theatres Hated aa "Orpheum" without any further diatlngulahlng deacrlptlon are on the •rpheum Circuit. Theatres with "S-C" foliKHliif; nHine (usually "Empreaa") are on the SolllTan-Conaldlne Circuit. Proctor'a Circuit hou.s. v, wht^re not Mated aa "Proctor'a," are In- dleated bj (pr) following name. Agencies booklnir the hous«>s tr*- denuttd hy sioKU name or Initials, such as "Orpb." Orpheum Circuit—"U. U. O.." Uiilt»a li .oUlriK OiIltiK— 'W. V. A., Western Vaudeville Managers' Association (ChlcuKo)—"S-*'," .Stilllvan-«'t)nHUline Circuit—"M." Pantages Circuit— "L«ew," Marcus Loew Circuit— "Inter,' Init rHiiit»- Circuit (booking through W. V. A.).— "M," James C Matthews (Chicago)— Tr," ITntorH CMrcult (New York)—"Craw," O. T. Crawford (Bt. Louis)- ••N-N." F. Nlxon-NlrJlluK<r « l'hlladelphla)—"BL." Bert Levey (San Fran- 1-s," Jones, Llnlck A Schaeffer (Chicago). •isco).—"J New Y«rlu HAMMERSTEINS (ubo) Evelyn Nesblt Thaw ileruian TImberg bert Leyy Arnaui Bros Elida Morris Ahearu Troupe McMaUon Diamond & C Julia Curtis lirown & WUllama l^epploo OTH AVE (Ubo) "Lady from Okla- homa" Edwin Arden Co AuKUHta Glose Ward Bros Doc O'Nell Morrow & Harris Martlnettl & Bylvester Merrlt & Douglas De Lisle 8 MaolklnB I'olzin Brothers UNION SQ (ubo) Jack WllBon Trio Eva Fay Edmund Hayes Co Florentine Singers McCormack & Wallace Franco It Troupe Stort Ooelets Ml Lafett Grace DArmo COLONIAL (ubo) Nora Bayes Co Edward Abeles Co Gould A Ashlyn Hunting & Francis Kae Eleanor Ball a Keatons Lynch A Zeller The Stanleys (One to All) ALHAMBRA (ubo) "Fountain of Youth" Francis McGinn Co ,ini«>phlne Dunfee Howard Ratclltfe Co Cooper & Robinson Paul Klelst Work & Play Paulhan Team The Chamberlains BRONX (ubo) Jack Norworth Valerie Bergere Co Mrs Gene Hughes Co Hrlce & (}onn« Eva Shirley Stan Stanley 8 Nlck'8 Skating OlrlH Helsner A Gores Em lye Sisters PROCTORS 12,'iTH Lambert Bros Baker Lynn Co Selman Arden Co Curtis * Scanlon Rube Welch Co Hunters Dogs Weston & Fields Doyle A Boyne Art Gibson Josephine Clalrmont Buckley & Moore 2d half "Indian Cartoonists" Krammer A Rowland Hadleys Players Mr A Mrs Mark Hart Royal Russian Troupe Duke Brown "Nursery Maids" Clyd Veau Co Helen Llnders Johnson Horton A J Muriel A Arthur Valll PROCTORS 23D Ed Zoeller 3 Tezlco NeTlns A NeTlns Qulntanto Band Reynolds A Drake Harry Stone Co Mabel Retew 2d half Oxford 3 "Miss 318" Burton Burke A W •Great Pool" VeronI Verdi Bros Harry Warden Buckley A Moore PROCTOR'S MTH Oxford 3 Bobby l.*onard Co Langweod SlHti-rs Walter Law Co Burton Hurke & W Helen Linder [id half Wc-^lyn :? Nevlns A .Nevliis Walter Law Co WeKton & Flclils Baker Lynn Co Albert Donnelly AMERICAN (loewt CTrapho Hall A Francis "Evbodys Doing It " Moffett La Rolne Co Wallace Galvln "Apple of Paris'" Rosalre A Provost Gray A Graham (Two to fill) 2d half ToHHing AuHtlna Herman A Shirley Gray A Graham "Apple of Paris • Ronalr A Ward Glrard A West (Four to mi) 7TH AVE (loew) The Skatelles Billy K Wells Grade Emraett Co Varsity 3 3 Falcons (Ose to flin 2d half Warren A Brockway Gertie Carlyle Leno Roberty 3 Newmans (Two,to fill) NATIONAL (loew) Ben Lewln Dotson A Gordon Chlng Ling Foo Ronalr A Ward John Hlgglns (Two to fill) 2d half Gertie De Milt Jenkins A Covert O'Boyle Chlng Ling Foo 3 Musketeers Knapp A Cornelia (One to All) YORKVILLE (loew) Leno Roberty Gertie Carlyle Warren A Brockway MIntr A Wertz (Two to All) 2d half Scott A Wilson Lester Mtirray Co Carson A Wlllard (Three to flll) LINCOLN (loew) Al Lawrence Telegraph 4 Lester Murray Co Herman A Shirley (Two to flll) 2d half "Girl In Moon" Oracle Emmett Co Nadel A Kane 3 DeHoman Bros (Two to flll) GREELEY (loew) Kelt A Kernan Knowles A White Jane Hope Co Gertie Van Dyke Coakley A McBrlde Marr A Robinson (Two to flll) 2d half Fritz's Dogs Allen Wallace Orapho Richards A Montrose I>ewlH .1 Cody Co Telegraph 4 All's Arabs DELANCEY (loew) Fritz's Dogs Allan Wallace Scott A Wilson Grace Wilson Co Thos Potter Dunne Tossing Austins (Two to flll) 2(1 half Kelt A Kernan Hong Fong Mr a:- Mrs Reynolds Harry Walman '.) Kr:tzy Kids AiittKMiy A Ross .NU)ri«ti Ln Reinc Co I Olio to till) I'LAZA (loew) (1 lto> ie n.dniton & Corlew I .wis J Cody Co l"i-hi r & Green (One to flll) I'd balf ■(ilk I'p Man" ■; li )-; Potter Dunne '. I'iippaa (Iwu to nil) (IIIAND (loew) Kit! Redmond Lawrence & Edwards Marry Walman .ifMikina *: Covert .Mice Hanson (Throe to till) 2d half '111.' Skntellea .Musette I oaklcy & McKrlde Knowles & White The Criminal" Murray Bennett Aldro A Mitchell (Ono to nil) Brpoklya OlU'IIErM (Ubo) Van A neaumont Sis Hurley & Rurley Francis McGinn Co Smith Cook A B .s Madcaps Clara Inge Ch.Ts Weber Duffy A Lorenz Miller A Mack nrSHWICK (ubo) Belle Baker Bert F'ltzglbbons ChHs F Van McKnc A Clegg "VIlMan Ptni" The Uessems FULTON (loew) McGinn Is Bros 3 Pappas "Gin In Moon" 1) Krazy Kids Nadel A Kane "Yip Yaps" 2d half Dotson A Gordon Thornton A Corlew Schrode A Mulvey Linton A Girls Al Lawrence 3 Falcons SHUBERT (loew) Billy KInkald Vander Koors Wltson A Pearson "On a Side Street" Carson A Wlllard Dc Homan Bros (One to flll) 2d half Geo Wlchman "Ev'bodys Doing It" McGlnnls Bros ZIngarl Opera Co Billy K Wells Mlntz A Wertz (One to flll) BIJOU (loew) Gertie De Milt Geo Clark Co ZIngarl Opera Co All's Arabs (Three to flll) 2d half Hallen A Fuller Wallace Galvln Grace Wilson Co Watson A Lloyd Billy KInkald (Two to flll) rOLTTMPTA (loew) Lewis A Lewis "Stick Up Man" Walter Brower (Three to fll?) 2d half Hall A Francis "On a Side Street" Eddy 3 (Three tn flll) LIBERTY (loew) Musette Mr A Mrs Reynolds Wilson A Washington "The Criminal" (One to till) :.'d half Lewis ^ Lewis Ed Jose Co Xestor A Delberg (Two to till) JONES (loew) .Marion Munson Co (Two to till) 2d half Walter Brower (Two to flll) Ailiuuy, i\. \. PROCTORS "Macey Models" Lazwcil Si Holland Suppressing Press" hitiiis A B'urt Mr ti Mrs Mark Hart .Madeline Livingston Alt Adair lid half liubc Welch Co Fred Primrose Grace Beaumont Curtis & Scanlon Hobby Ix'onurd Co 4 Hums Sisters Hunters Dogs AtlABtlC Clt7 SAVOY (ubo) French A Els CharU?s Graiiewine Caiilleld A Ashley '1 raccy A .Vshley Herrens De Witt Burns A T .Juggling De Lisle MXON (n-n) King A King Watson A Little Kosmary Girls Kawson A Clare (Two to fill) Baltimore MARYLAND (ubo) Lydia Barry Frank Fogarty Herbert A Goldamltb Versatile 3 Van A Schenck Laughlln's Dogs I>!itzel A Jeannette VICTORIA (n-n) Aldro A Mitchell "Night In Station" Wm Lampe Co (Two to flll) 2d half Ma gee A Reese Wm Lampe Co "On the Farm" (Two to flll) BIlllBSS, M«Bt. BABCOCK (so) (8-10) (Same bill as at Miles City this Issue) B«atoB KEITH'S (ubo) Clifton Crawford Adas Family Jarvls A Dare Juggling Mowatts Lavinc Clmaron 3 Cummlngs A Glady- Ings Rembrandt (Two to flll) J ORPHEUM (loew) Vlssochl Bros Dick Ferguson LaVlne CImeron 3 Godfrey A Henderson Geo Rolland Co Marie Stoddard Barton A Lovera (Une to flll) 2d half Cowan's Setters Berry A Wllhelml Hall A Earl "Scrooge" Grant Gardner (Two to flll> ST. JAMES (loew) Cowan's Setters Berry A Wllhelml "Scrooge" Grant Gardner Hall A Earl (One to flll) 2d half Dick Ferguson Vlssochl Bros LaVlne CImeron 3 (ieo Rolland Co Murle Stoddard Barton A Lovera nr4»«lctoa, MMfB. CITY (loew) Rag A Classic Duo Keuuy A Hollls Tooraer A Hewlns 2d half Kammerer A Howland Sadie Ott • Erin's Isle" Uollalo SHEA'S (ubo) Dainty Marie Laddie Cilfl MelHterulugers" .Joe Cook Vera Mlcbelena '1 he Rosalres Butte. EMPRESS (BC) (Jruet A Gruet O'briuu A iMHT Clayton Drew Players Clarence Oliver "Mission Garden" ChampaJvBi III* WALKER O H (wva) Monobau WUelan West A W Dudley & I'erson Musical Splllers 2d half Stanley & Rice c:asc A Rogers Donovan A Arnold l^HVoen Cross Co Calsary, Alta. K.MPIRE (m) liothwell Browne Co Ell Armstrong Co 2 lx)wes tienc A Arthur Santuucl Chlcatfo. MAJESTIC (orph) David Bispham S Miller Kent Co Lewis A McCarthy Hanta Bros nines & Fox Lew Hawkins Lloyd A Whltebouse Hison City 4 The Wiltons PALACE (orpb) Mile Dazle Gertrude Barnes Matthews A Shayue Lola .Moore A Young Sherman Van 6i H The Hennlngs Landry Bros Aerial Buds EMPRESS (sc) Halsted St (Open Sun Mat) Martlul A Maxlmllllan Curtis Sisters Ballo Bros "Louis's Xmas" Louise Mayo 3 Emersons McVICKER'S (J-1-8) Harry Holman Co Matthes 3 Giant Myraphone Tilly ZIck Sambo Girls Kubellck H B Fitzgerald CROWN (J-l-8) Canfleld A Carlton Flying Fishers AUegar Cllvette Andrews Opera Co Modelskl Troupe 2d half Harry A Davis Co Martlnette A Lewis Caldera Co 3 Dales Kathryn Mylle Venetian 4 COLONIAL (J-l-s) Hughes Musical 3 Creo Brown A Barrows Provol Graham's Animals canfleld A Carlton Big Ben 2d half Paul Case Co Apollo 2 A Bertha Billy Chase Gray A Peters Agnes Burr Chester A Grace Daring Darts WILLARD (J-l-s) Paul Case Co Agnes Burr Creo 4 Van Oss Caldera Co 2d half Riley A O'Nell Twins Nelson Comlques Cooper A Eshell Keough A Francis Musical McLarens WILSON (J-l-s) Sweeney A Rooney Big Frank Nelson Comlques Marlntette A I.«wls Musical McLarens 2d half Musical Byrons Allegra J Herbert Frank 3 Dreamers Walton Troupe riacinaatl KEITH'S (ubo) (Open Sun Mat) Bert Wheeler Co Fred Duprez Byron A Langdon The Hedders Cormley A Caffery Stepp'Goodrich A K (One to flll) HEUCKS Collins A Hart Besses Cockatoos Dorla Opera Co The Healys Graham's Animals Morrette Sisters Petite Novelty 2d half Edwin Ford Co Ixiuls Iforls Paul Case Co "New Minister" Isabelle Jackson Co "Hearts A Dollars" Great Hermann EMPRESS (sc) .'{ Livingstons Brooks A Harris Hruce Duffett Co Mayo A .Mlman "Hower of Melody" Farley A Presrott Cleveland. KEITH'S (ubo) Bertha Kallch Co Tfovato Hal A Francis implre Comedy 4 Lancton Luclcr Co Australian Scouts Ballet Classlque " Colorado SprlBKS. EMPRESS (sc) (S-10) (Same bin as at Pue- blo this Issue) IlareBport. la. AMERICAN (wvu) Robbers Arabs Pierce Bellctler Co Falrman A Falrman Warren A Frames Young A April 2d half Princeton A Yale Bromley A Deerfoot Leonard A Mcrldlth Wilton A Merrick Petrrs & King DeBTer. EMPRESS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) 3 Bennett Sisters Joe Blrnes Georgia 3 "Passenger Wreck" Palace 4 The Cavaliers Dctralt. TEMPLE (ubo) "Arcadia" Josle Heather J A L Cooper Helen Page Co 4 Bards Murphy A Francis Asabl Japs Ramsdell 3 Gallagher A Fields DiXOB, III. FAMILY (ra) Romero Family Clyde Elliott 2d half Joe Mole & Bro Lauder Cherry Co BdaaontOB. Alta. PANTAOES (m) Kelt A Du Mont Provol Gordon A Day Collette 3 - Winning Mlse" Bllaabeth, N. J. BROAD ST (pr) "Palace of Arts" Darley Bird Lee Co .Johnson Horton A J Saunders A Cameron Genlvere Warner Rose Grey Co Copeland A Payton 2d half O K Sato "Salvation Sue" York A Adams Bush A Engle Corlne Two RoBe?^ Hickman Bros Co Brie, Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) Metropolitan Minstrels Salvator Myrtle A Daisy Two Kilties Trovolo Craig A Co ifi^aaavllle. lad. NEW GRAND (wva) Asakl Keegan A Healy Knight A Sawtelle Golden A Hughes (One to flll) 2d half Vernon Co Flnley A Cbeulelgb Sis Wm S OIU Co WUson Bros Carson A Farnum Fall aivcr. Maw*. ACADEMY (loew) Glrard A West Fred Sanford 3 Newmans (Onu to flll) 2d half Shirk A Walsh Godfrey A Henderson Jane Hope Co Welcome A Welcomo Ft. Wayne, lad. EMPRESS (8C) Katie Sandwine D'Arcy A Wllllaius Lew Wells Willlsch "Everywlfe" %tmrf. tail. ORPHEUM (wva) Gedmln Horace Myer Blcknell A Glbney Heiidrix Isle Co 2d balf "Buster Brown" Hamilton, C'nn. ORPHEUM (ubo) Robert L Daily Co I'adtla De (Jascogne .Muller A Stanley Wilson A Wilson Spraguc A McNcese Mung A Snyder Cook A Stevens Lora linrrUliurK ORPHEUM (ubo) Ed Reynard Ray A Hlllard John Hilton Co Fay 2 Coley A Fay Juggling De Lisle Majestic 4 Manon Opera Co Hul*ukfB. .\. J. LYRIC (loew) Herman Wallace A H Ed Jose Co Richards A Montrose Geo Wlchman (One to flll) 2d half Nat Carr "In Politics" Blgelow Campbell A R Ward Sisters (One to flll) Indlanapolln KEITH'S (ubo) Leona Stevens Avon Comedy 4 Una Clayton Co Vlollnsky Nevlns A Erwood Rafayettes Dogs JacksoBTllla. ORPHEUM (inter) (Open Sun Mat) Burnette A Lee Robert E Keane Yasch Sisters (Two to fill) Kaaaaa City* EMPRESS (BC) (Open Sun Mat) Emma Francis Co Morris A Beasley Hibbert A Kennedy Porter J White Co Plsano A Bingham Booth Trio LYRIC (m) (Open Sun Mat) Emma Carus Grimm A Elliott Zeb Zarrow Troupe Burnlson A Taylor Fielding A Carlos Los ABaclea* EMPRESS (SO) 4 Readings B Kelly Forrest Manning A Ford Sager Midgley Co Mort Sharp Max's Circus PANTAGES (m) Howard A McCanc Lopes A Lopez Jack Taylor Velde 3 Dixie Southern Courtney A Jeannette Mliea City. EMPRESS (SC) (11-13) "Spirit Paintings" lielmont A Harl "In 1099" Wm Cahlll "Cupid's Syndicate" Mllwankee. MAJESTIC (Orpb) Simon Osterman Co Lawrence A Cameron James Thornton Welch Mealy A Bell Billy Hall Co The Randalls Mike Berkln Balllnger A Reynolds EMPRESS (SC) I.*o Beers Edna Aug Houghton Morris & H Adelyne Lowe Co Uehind the Foot- lights" (One to nil) Mlnaeapolla. UNIQUE (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Orvllle & Frank Kelso A Lcigbton KosH A Asbton I'ranconia Opera Co Diinedin Troupe Moilnr, 111. FAMILY (m) Beaumont A Arnold Venetian 4 Ed Vinton A Buster Lllllau Watson Alvla A Alvla 2d balf Fred Irland A Cato Hesbie I^ Count bob Harmon Co .\pollo 2 A Bertha Musical Bentleys Montreal, Caa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Mile Dazle Fred Bowers Co Madden A Fltzpatrkk Alexander Bros Ray Conlln Wood A Wyde 3 Types Moss A Fry H A C Fargeon FRANCAIS (loew) Sahays Hemley Kids Leonard A Louie Boys In lilue Geo A Lily Gardner Joe Brennan Auker Sisters The Klsners Newark. PROCTORS (ubo) Gregoire A Elmlna Louis Stone Hanlon A Clifton "Auto Bandit" Miller A Vincent Friend A Leser Billy Rogers LYRIC (pr) Lamb's Manikins "Fun on the Ocean" Hickman Bros Co Al Donnelly Corlne Porter A Sullivan 2d halt "Childhood Days" LydIa Yeamon Co Genlvere Warner Saunders A Cameron Copeland A Payton .John A Jess Powers Kewbnrsk, N. Y. COHEN O H (loew) Watson A Lloyd Schrode A Mulvey Murray Bennett Eddy 3 (One to flll) 2d half Wilson A WashlnKlon Una Clayton Co Alice Hanson John Hlgglns (One to flll) New Orleaaa ORPHEUM Florence Roberts Jack Gardner The Brads Moore A Elliott Grace De Mar Hanlon A Hanlon LAFAYETTE Hermanys Animals Calloway A Roberts Lewis Grlffln & L Leon A Johnson Howard A Leaette IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN DONT ADVERTISE AT ALL