Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY Volcanic Vaudeville Company Opened Sept. 1st in Buffalo to Capacity Business Blessed is the Man who has formed his work. NATIONAL (John B Barrett, mgr.).—"The CoHt of Living." VICTORIA (Alfred Spink, mgr.). —"Don't Lie to Your Wife." OHCHKSTRA HALL (Wewels A. Vogell. niKTH.). — IMctures. HAVINIA PARK.—Chicago Symphony Or- chestra and grand opera. Kheppard Butler, Sunday editor of the Uecord-Horald, and assistant to James O'Don- urll Hennett. dramatic editor of the paper, lias gono to New York, where he will be In ( hiiTKc of the news bureau of the paper for till' nrxt three weeks. Klf<ko O'Hara opened his season In a new Irl«h play called "In Old Dublin," at She- boygan, Win., Sunday night. The play is by AuguHtun Pltou. Sr., and Mr. O'Hara is under the management of Augustus Pltou. Jr., man- HK»T of the Diackstonn. Klslc Janls and Montgomery and Stone opened at the Illinois Monday night In "The Lady of the Slipper." The house was packed, ;itid the Hhow was received with much warmth. The top price Is $2.60 for the attraction. The irltlclsmH were all favorable. KlHle Stlrk tripped over some misplaced lorn pl'ite.<i In the Central Union depot. Cincin- natl. last Wednesday, and Injured her knee. She will not be able to work for a few \\ e» kf to roine. Elale will try to make the riiilfiid pny for the Iosm of time. The ex< ruilvf ntAtt for the Drury Lane Com- P'uiy of Anieiha, playlnff "The Whip," at the Aiidltorliim, ronnlsta of V. Newton Llndo, r<preH( ntiitlve for Author Collins; R. A. Mac- Hrlilc, business manager; .loe Garrlty, as- .sj.stjitit; Helwyn Joyce, staRO manager. SAN FRANCISCO By HARRY BONNELL VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE I'ANTAOKS' THEATR?: ULDO. riione. Douglass 2213 ourilKU.M (Martin Beck, gen. mgr. ; agent, direct). —This week's bill voted generally ►,•(,,.(1 Hl:in<he Walsh and Co. In Interesting si,i t( h. Hplendidly staged. Flanagan and Ed- wiirdH Fcored lieavlly with d.'inclng flnlah. Hedfnrd and Wlmliester. appreciated. Char- ImIi.- K,i\. n.-^ricf t. pl;:ise(!; WInslnw and Duf- fv, III ojx fiing position, proved artistic. Stella Mayhevv anl Hlllle Taylor, of the "repeat- trs," were again succeB.sful. W. L. Ablng- At Last! A Real Booking Office in Pittsburg, Pa. \/ AmericanBookin^ \ Offices, Inc. " BO Capital $25,000 JENKINS ARCADE BL06. Fifth Floor PHONES I SAM M. REICHILUM Pro. aid Qm'I Mfr. 2730 Court 4573 Grant PITTSBURG, PA CLIFF B. NELSON Bookiag Mgr. MlsnSfifCrS* if you are contemplating a change in ^ " agents, give us a trial. Split weeks arranged. Reliable service guaranteed. Nothing too large or too small. Write immediately for full information re- garding our service. We will be pleased to have our representative call on you. Artists Immediate time for real acts, who have not played this territory. Can break your jump East or West. Acts known to us write or wire. All letters answered. Can use acts for fairs. State salary and full particulars. V/ B O Y B O Can Use Good Musical Comedy People and Chorus Girls for Tab. Producdonsi don A Co. did fairly well. Kenney and Piatt, ■atlsfactory. EMPRESS (S-C agent direct).—Fairly good bill, though show ran tiresomely long, with the Harry Whitney Arctic game hunt pic- tures added. "La Somnambule," strong closer. Charles W. Bowser and Co., capably acted "The Walch." Bernard and Scarth enter- tained, ^enry Frey passed. Lew Pal more. In opening spot, well received. Fanny Rice filled In and drew down much applause. PANTAOE8 (Alex. Pantages, gen. mgr; agent, dlrecL).—Show unusually good. In closing position Lottie Mayer and her diving girls, to satisfaction. Tojettl and Bennett, favor. Clayton and Lennle, comedy hit. Al- fredo and Marshall opened and did well. Harold Browne and Co. sent over a gripping sketch. Bimberg. Marion and Day, clean score. Billy Mann, pleasing. Frank Weston is the new manager of the Columbia, Santa Rosa, Cal. Anclyn McNulty and Marguerite McNulty have departed to join the McQovern Stock Co., Wichita, Kan. Norine O'Nell, a Southern California Caba- ret singer. Joined the list of entertainers here at the Odeon Cafe this week. Internal dissensions are given as the rea- son for Lancaster and Miller closing recently with the Claman Amusement Co. In Marys- vllle. Cal. Raymond Whitaker is at the head of a stock dramatic company that Is understood to be scheduled for an indeflnite season very shortly at the Yosemlte theatre, Stockton. The Idea of putting In a weekly feature of stock tabloid musical comedy at the Wig- wam has been abandoned and Instead the policy is an out-and-out Bert Levey vaude- ville show. On what is said to have been a day's notice, Kernan Cripps capably filled th* part of Jules Beaublen in "The Wolf here last week at the Alcasar. substituting for Forrest Stanley, who waa suddenly called east. Future bookings out of here on the Bren- nan-Fuller Circuit in Australia include the Georgia Trio, Brent Hayes, Josephine Qass- man and "picks," Valentine and Bell, Harry Antrim, and the Levolos. John Stevens McOroarty, author of the original "Mission Play," appears to have an ambitious rival in the person of Rev. R. M. Mestres, pastor of the San Carlos parish church In Monterey. Cal. The latter has written a five-act drama, the stery of which, like McQroarty'i, !• woven around the lift