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24 VARIETY KN APP i CORN ALLA the tanbark and the confinement to the hos- pital haa alao tempered her daring illghtly. Monday afternoon she had a little scenic trouble, but when this la adjusted, she will have as good an equestrienne act as there Is playing on the big time. Jesse L. Laaky's posing act, "Types," got a short rib Jolt at the Monday morning try-out. when "September Morn" and several other poses were barred from presentation here. An extra rehearsal was Immediately called and poses less striking were substituted. It went well even in its modified form, although the applause was not heavy because It was Boston. Valentine Vox did well with a ventrlloqulal act. Wil- liams, with WolfuB, riot. Howard and RatllfT with Dorothy Hayden, were given a big re- ception on the bill and scored heavily. The Eight Borlln Madcaps always go well, Flo and Wynne In an act In which an apparent girl Budflenly pretends to be a boy and gets away with it, did nicely, and the Tuscano Brothers opened In their old act. LOEWS ORPHEUM (C. J. Morris, res. mgr.; agwnt, Loew).—Vaudeville. I.OEW'S ST. JAMES (B. Frank, res. mgr.; agunt, Loew).—Vaudeville and pictures. BOSTON (A. L. Levering, res. mgr.).— "Hanky Panky." playing its third engagement In this city. Scale of prices is now |1 and doing good business. f'OLONIAL (Charles J. Rich, res. mgr.).— * The Merry Martyr." with Macklyn Arbuckle, premier week; business fair. PARK (Charles J. Rich, res. mgr.).—"The Qhost Breaker," with H. B. Warner. Orig- inal booking of two weeks was only a tenta- tive one and the success scored so far will probably mean an extension of the booking to at leant four weeks and probably' Ave. PLYMOUTH (Fred Wright, res. mgr.).— "A Widow by Proxy." with May Irwin. Opened Saturday night to good business. SHUBERT (E. D. Smith, res. mgr.).—"All for the Ladles," with Sam Bernard; good business. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, res. mgr. ).— "What Happened to Mary," with Olive Wynd- ham; business falling off. <^ASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, res. mgr). —Stock. "London Assurance." kins. "The Courtin' " Is a local production, being Qulncy Adams Bawyer set to music and will probably do well here if not out In the cold world. The score Is by Qeorge Lowell Tracy. "The Sunshine Qlrl" will probably open at the HolUs Street theatre this month. Sept. 16 may. see the premier of "Her Lit- tle Highness." at the Tremont. Judging from the reports of the good progress In rehearsal of the production by Werba A Luescher. ATLANTIC CITY A billboard strife between (he Columbia Burlesque wheel and the Progressives \n quietly In progress In Boston, although noth- ing aggroBfllve has happened. Both are sim- ply plastering right and left. John Cort will arrive In Boston Monday, at which time his plans for the new Cort theatre in Park square now nearing completion will be made public. The location of the house at flrst caused the skeptics to nod their heads In disapproval, but it is now felt that Cort has a winning location and will do a big busi- ness In his own Independent way. SAVOY (Jake B. Isaac, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Bessie Wynn, good: Bernard A Weston, good; Madame Besson A Co., well liked; Mer- rill A Otto, applause winner; Karl Emmy's Pets, amusing; Tyson A Brown, liked; Lock- hart A Leddy, good. NIXON (Harry Brown, mgr.; agent. N-N). —White. Pelier A White, hit; Bernard A Lloyd, well liked; Walsh. Lynch A Co.. scored: Three Yoscarrys, laughs; "A Day at the Cir- cus," novel; Military Maids, good; pictures. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young, mgr: Wister Crockett, bus. mgr.; agent, Jos. Dawson direct through U. B. O.).—Interna- tional Polo Team; Imperial Russian Troupe; Four Mendelssohns: Musical Gougets; Flying De Velles: Hortls Minstrels; pictures. APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr).—"Stop Thief," 1-S; "The Winning of Barbara Worth." 4-6 (premiere). STEEL PIER (J. Bothwell, mgr).—Mur- phy's Minstrels; pictures. STEEPLECHASE PIER (W. H. Fennan. mgr).—Pavilion of Fun; pictures. YOUNG'S PIER (J. Levey, mgr)—Pictures; concessions. CRITERION (L Notes, mgr).—Pictures. BIJOU DREAM (H. J. Elliott, mgr).— Pictures; Klnemacolor WINDSOR AIRDOME (Moore A Hoffman, mgrs.).—Pictures. CITY SQUARE (E. O'Keefe, mgr).—Pic- tures. COLONIAL (F. T. Reed, mgr).—Pictures. ROYAL (W. R. Brown, mgr).—Pictures. CENTRAL (Jacoby A Goldman, mgrs.).— Pictures. ARCADIA (Hall A Mason, mgrs.).—Pictures. LIBERTY.—Pictures. Traffic reports from the railroads give the largest number of people carried here for over Labor Day ever known In the history of the resort. The Hippodrome on the Million Dollar Pier closes Sept. IS. The 12-act venture at the Bowdoln Square, adopted by the Lothrop Interests after Violet Masootte's stock burlesquers closed, is meet- ing with good success, prize waltzing being the latest contest Innovation to be added to the weekly program. Mrs. Flora Keive. a sister of Jake B. laaac, the manager of the Savoy here, died at Ar- verne, Sunday last, from cancer. Beginning Monday, and running for the whole week, a French farce entitled "Ma- dame President," with Fanpie Ward as the star will be presented by Charles Dillingham. In this play Miss Ward recorded a Londoa success. "The Girls from Happyland," headed by Billy Watson, which played the Casino last week, lost thr<>e girls simultaneously through Illness, two being temporarily laid up and the third being rushed to a local hospital suffer- ing from acute appendicitis. "Joseph and His Brethren" opens Sept. 29 at the Boston theatre and .will remain an long as it can make money In the spacious house at a |1 scale. Two recent engagements made for the cast of "The Courtin'," which will have Its pre- mier at the Boston Sept. IK for a two weeks' tryout, are Walter Paschal as J. Qulncy Ad- ams and Robert Mllllken ns Hezcklah Haw- NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. 8AMUCL. LYRIC (Bert Gagnon, mgr.).—"Hawthorne. U. 8. A.." permitted Douglass Fairbanks to scale to histrionic heights, but It doesn't seem a propitious vehicle for the Gagnon-Pollock Stock Co.. which opened its season Sunday afternoon. The company,., a quite ordinary one, never for a moment realized the possi- bilities of the play. The version employed by the Gagnon-Pollock company Is vastly re- moved from the original. Bert Gagnon ap- peared In the title role. Edith Pollock was Princess Irma of Borrovlnla. The remainder of the company Is Taylor Bennett, Joseph The last words of Filmdoms' Progress!! Licensed too! KINEMACOLOR COMPANY For ijartlculnrn address tli«s oIfl(f closest to you. NKW Y(»KK ( Hl( .\<i<> mm Broadwiiy 5:18 fio. Dearborn St. ( iN( l\N.\TI l>KOVll>KN( K iAi K. Fourth !St. 509 Westminster St. Eehebal, Ctoorga Hanna, Bdwln Bcrlbtter, Claude Gagnon, Percy Barbat, H«rry Dale, Harry Ellsworth. Eugene Dautell, Ivy Bow- man, Gladys Bush, Amanda Buckman. With opposition at the Dauphlne. the Oagnon-Pol- lock company must Improve If It hopes for local sucoess, notwithstanding its previous yopalarlty. CRB8CBNT (T. C. Campbell, mgr).—"Me- Fadden's Plata" TULANE (T. C. Campbell, mgr; K. A E.). —Pictures. MAJESTIC (J. C. Kalem, mgr.).—Vaude- ville. ALAMO (Wm. Guerlnger, mgr.).—Vaude- ville. Superintendent of Police Reynolds haa noti- fied owners of Cabarets In the theatrical dis- tricts that their shows commence at eleven hereafter. Rudolph Ramelli has succeeded Wood Bal- lard as literary Ananias of the Tulane and Crescent theatres. "Mary's Lamb," featuring Den McGrath, Is underlined for the Crescent next week. Among those engaged for the Emma Bunt- ing Stock Co. to open at the Dauphlne Sept. 14, are George Whittaker, Fva Sargent, Jessie Harcourt. Jack Ball. Sam Miller, Vera Town- send, Leslie Webb. The Lafayette opens Its pop vaudeville sea- son Sept. 8. CINCINNATI By HARBT HK88. KEITH'S (J. F. Royal, mgr; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Sun. 9).—Opening bill a corker. The Peers, opened: Nevin A Brwood. good; Una Clayton A Co., hit; VloUnsky. scored; Ra- fayette's Animals, hit; Marie Dressier, fea- tured; Avon Comedy Four, hit; Jordan Girls, closed. EMPRESS (G. F. Fish, mgr; 8-C.; re- hearsal Sun. 9).—Martini A Maximilian, opened fine; Ballo Brothers, good; Curtis 81s- tera, nice; Dlnkelsplel's Christmas, featured: Louise Mayo, hit; Three Emersons, clever and novel. STANDARD (George Toby, mgr).—"Belles of Beauty Row." Frankle Heath, Harry Le Van and associates do the Job In flrst class style. Claire Devlne sang nicely. The cho- rus Is large, good-looking, and tastily cos- tumed, scenic effects exceptionally One. OLYMPIC (McMahon A Jackson, mgrs.).— "Girls from the Folllea" bright, clean show. Amelia Loverldge and Margie Satlin get over some fine singing numbers. Harry Steppe makes a flrst rate Hebrew comedian. The costuming Is magnlflccnt, the scenic effects are elaborate, and the whole show goes with a dash. WALNUT (Willis F. Jackson, mgr).— "Where the Trail Divides." Louiszlta Valen- tine Is the Bess Landof and reads her lines In excellent shape. Horace V. Noble Is Cralf. Remainder of cast Includes Lew Streator, Wil- liam Sargent, Leo DuMot, Hugh J. Adams. C. 8. Thomas, V. Dom Gassolo, Laura Sims, Guy B. Klbbee, Arthur Wallls and Edward Men- love. Next, "Frecklea" HEUCK'8 (C. Hubert Heuck, mgr; J-L-S.). —Margaret Minton A Co., opened; Browning A dog, "Spot," hit; Jeanette Dupree, big hit; Wahlund A Tekla Trio, very good; Maleta Bonconl. clever; Searcy A Everett, excellent. Last half: Ameta; Newsboy's Sextet; Marole's Trio; Riley A O'Neill Twins. A new ordinance to license picture opera- tors has been Introduced In Council, which provides for a Board of Examiners consisting of the Building Commissioner, an electrician and an owner or manager of a moving pic- ture house. The Motion Picture Exhibitors' League are making efforts to defeat the meas- ure. The Lyceum will open with vaudeville on Sept. 7 under the management of Harry Hart, booked by Gus Sun. A report s.Tys "Coney Island" will be sold to John Klein of Pittsburgh. The season was none too good. PITTSBURGH By F. LANO GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr; agent. U. B. O.).—Arthur Sullivan A Co., scored; Dan, May- fl«'hl & Billings, excellent; Dooley A Saylea. winner; Old Soldier Fiddlers, very good; Vera MIrhelcnn. fine; The Castlllans. artistic; Burn- ham & Irwin, well received; Fields Bros., good; SiK. F. Artusa. pleased; Clifton Craw- ford, repeatedly encored; Hale A Patter.son. very good. HARRIS (C. R. Buchheit, mgr: agent, U B. O.).—'Cunnlnff," pleased; Phil E. Adams A Telephone Girls, encored; Cadets de Gas- fogno. very good; Ncher A Keppel, neat; Mar- do & Hunter, many laughn; George & Mark, very jcood; ('nrrle Llllle. good; Gates & (tales. Hcoreil. LIUF.RTY (.1. H. McOnrren. mgr.; agf nt, W Keofe) — Dr. Mf-nonald. scored; Henzel) Bros., tine; Cody & <'<Kly, pleased; Bessie Rempell A Co.. good; Klorence Langdon. ncream; Al. Loonhardt, well received; Ross & Shaw, laugh- able; Victorian Trio, scored. VICTORIA (C.eo. Schaefer, mgr.; agent. ^iin).—Wormwood's idonkey Circus, well re- ceived; Ifoore'a Enchanted Forest, pleased; Mme. Hermann, scored; Jack Roberts A Co., very good; Heldelburg Four, excellent; Relff. Clayton A Relff, good; Marconi Bros., repeat- edly encored. NIXON (Thos. Kirk, mgr).—Pictures. ALVIN (J. P. Reynolds, mgr).—Primrose A Dockstaders' splendid company. 8, "Peg C Mv Heart " LYCEUM (C. R. Wilson, mgr; 8. A H.).— "A Romance of the Underworld." 8. "Kind- ling." QAYBTY (Henry Kurtiman, mgr; Eastern). -"Social Maids." 8, "Taxi Glrla" DUQUE8NE (Harry Davis, mgr).—Stock, "The iWorld and His Wife." 8. "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs." PITT (Frank Whltback, mgr).—Stock, "Sis- ter Beatrice and Don." EMPIRE (A. A. McTlghe, mgr; agent. L. C. McLaughlin).—Musical Klelses, well received; Fenner A Fox. very good; Bobbins A Friend, hit; RadcllfTe A Ward, pleased; Aerial Leons, applause. 4-6. Lawson; Lannlgan A Covert; Marlon A Thompson; West A Alqulst; Armond Melnotte; Lyna Cooley. PARK (J. P. McConnell, mgr; agent. Royer)—1-8. Stockton A Payson; DeLoss A Peral; Agnes Dovey. 4-6. Grove A Desmond; Denis O'Brian; Lulu A Delmay. K. & K. O. H. (A. W. Krell, mgr; agent. Roysr).—1-t. "Troublesome Kids" Comedy Co. 4-6, Deloss ATeral; Watson A Delmont. MILWAUKEE MAJESTIC (James A. HIgler, mgr; agent, Orpheum).—It was an easy matter for almost any act to get across with the holiday crowd at the opening matinee Labor Day. but those scoring heaviest would have done so at the hands Of the usual cold-blooded Monday audi- ence. David BIspham. basso, substituted too late to change the billing of Florence Hol- brook in the Sunday papers, went away be- yond expectations for a heavy singing act, probably due to the fact that he explained each number—before singing it in English. His work Is excellent. In the following hard spot for a musical act, Lyons and Yosco did well. Lew Hawkins was but a pace behind. Julia Nash A Co. also landed nicely. Belle Adair, with a fair voice and sutflclent per- sonality to make several old songs go, well received in second spot. Romalo and De Lano opened. Paul Seldom's "Poems In Marble." closed. Clifford Walker, who failed to mate- rialize, left the bin one act short with no sub- stitute at the opening. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr; agent. T. B. C.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Geo. Auger A Co., unable to open matinee because of delayed scenery and costumes. George C. Davis, flne; MaJ. O'Laughlln, good; Hardle A Dorothy, fair; Abreu Family, excellent. EMPRESS (William Raynor, mgr; agent. 8-C).—Franconla Opera Co., headline, only fair; Kelso A Leighton, good; Orvllle A Frank, good; Ross A Ashton^ passable; Dunedin Troupe, fair. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr; agent, Ind).—Pictures for week preliminary to open- ing of regular season. Excellent business. SHUBERT (C. A. Newton, mgr; agent, Ind.).—Opens SepL 7 with new stock com- pany for winter run. OAYBTT (J. W. Whiteside, mgr).—"Big Frolic." Capacity business. ALHAMBRA (George Fischer, mgr).—Pic- tures 8AXE.—Klnemacolor PABST (Ludwig Kreiss, mgr).—Dark. Roger Imhoff, the Irishman in "Surgeon Louder, U. 8. A.," which played at the Ma- jestic last week, had a nin-in with Kelly. Downey and Wlllard, at the Crystal this week with "A Call on the Doctor." It being claimed that the sketches are similar. Dow- ney claims copyright. In conjunction with Improvements In the Alhambra, the Saxe people have raised the orchestra from 10 to 14 pieces. There also Is a four-manual organ. Having a capacity or 2,800, it Is believed to be the largest exclusive picture house In the country. Max Welsfelt, who, with Treasurer Bob Beverung of the Majestic, had pictures In that theatre during the summer months, han gone to Chicago to operate the Empire, for- merly a burlesque house, with flims. He was to have had the BIJou. Minneapolis, but It changed hands Just ahead of him. President William O'Brien of th«- Unltci Theatres Co.. was In Milwaukee this week looking after private business Interests. The regular season at the Davidson. op«r atlng under the Shubert and K. A E. agree- ment, starts Sept. 7 with "The Passing Show of 1912 " Meta Miller, who most successfully man- ngpd the Davidson Stork company during? It^ long run, has gone to Kansas City for .i slm- ll.it- engagement. Fred Lincoln, general manug'T of the S-<" Intere.sts, has been In the city In the lnt( rests of the local house, which opened the season Sunday. Fletcher Billings, of the box offlre force at the Shubert last year, will go to Kansas f'lty In a similar capacity In the Auditorium,