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VARIETY 25 BEST PLACES TO STOP AT LEONARD HICKS m HOTEL GRANT, q!!UBp m DIARBOIIN STt. The Keystone of Hotel Hospitality GEO. ROBERTS, Asst. Mgr. The Reflaed Hob« for ProfeMlooals. Handsomelj Fandahed 8tc«m Heated Raoms Hatha aad •▼•17 eoBveolaBca. KILDA Pbaaa 1191 Biraat. »wladc«d tm iha beat plaoa ta atop at la New Tark City. Oaa blaak fram tha Baak- lac Ollaaa aad VARISTT. Now at 67 W. 44th Str««t PAULINE COOKE, Sole Proprietress BAeH TO TNK ORIQINilL MANAQKINCNT KNTmiLV RCMODCLCO WELLINGTON Wabash Ave. and Jackson Boulevard, Opposite Illinois Theatre, THOROUGHLY MODERN PROFESSIONAL RATES: $7 a WMk !■« i^ Wnh bath $• a wtsk aii ip. I Jl. IIm E ^ , Mana)^er William Raynor Is in the managerial end of the Empreaa. Jack Yeo and Arthur Hoff are In the box offlce. Lillian Herry, Milwaukee girl playing In ■Types" In vaudeville In the east, has writ- ton "Dlfrerent Roads," a four-act play sched- uled for a New York production this fall. Shf has been in Block and musical comedy. MORGAN. APOLLO. PA. MiH'AUl.EV'.s (B. E. McCauley. mgr.; agent. L. «'. McLnuKhlln).—F. T. Collier. Ola Ede- lurn; Munlral Mack; Grace Harwood. AHBl'RY PARK. N. S. .saVDV (Jerome Rosenberg, mgr).—1, • Hought and I'ald For"; 2-3. Peg O' My Hc'iirt": 4. "Polly of the Circus"; 6, "Ro- mance." LVHIC (W. E. Kmlth, mgr.).—The summer .•leaBon over, this house will play pictures for thr winter. ARTHUR. BRIDGEPORT. CONN. POLI'S (Matt Saunders, mgr.).—Fox & Ev- ans, pleased; Polland, good; The Frcscotts. poor; Herron & Douglas, well liked; Coakley, McBrlde & Co.. big; Diving Nymphs, good. PLAZA.—The regular vaudeville season opened Monday. The policy of the house will be five acts and pictures. Mr. J. Cullom will inannRc name. H. REICH. BUFFALO. TECK (John R. O'Shel. mgr.).—Eva Tan- guay opens her second annual tour here with •N'lchols Nelson Troupe. Orlando Trio. Musical .N'osses, Eva THnguay, Harry English & Co., .lohnny Ford. Bonomor Arabs. Brady and Ma- honey. Miss Tanguay as "Salome." 8, "Ro- mance," with Doris Keane. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.).—Maude Adama in "Peter Pan," delighted a good-sixed audi- ence. 8, "Sins of the Father." SHEAS (Henry J. Carr. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Kennedy & Melrose, acceptable; Lillian Ashley, appreciated; Wil- fred Clarke & Co., merry; Freeman &. Dun- ham, won favor; Kathleen CIllTord, exquisite; Harvey Family, agile; Henry & Francis, cur- rent; Levl'H Invisible Band, novelty. MAJESTIC (John Laughlln. mgr.; .S. & H.). Normnn Hackett, accorded generous recep- tion In "Double Deceiver." Play excellently atagcd. 8, "Romance of the Underworld." LYRIC (A. R. Sherry, mgr.; agent, Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).— Kelly & Davis, applause; Dancing Mars, graceful; Billy Rherer, live wire; KlttenJHh Kiddles, pretentious: Chas. Basselalll, verHatlle: Liiveon Cross & Co., un- usual. GARDEN (W. K. Graham, mgr.; Charles Robinson's "Crusoe Girls," opening attraction, and scored blgRext kln<l of a hit to capacity. ACADEMY (Henry Marcus, mgr.; , agent Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Sadie Fondeller. • larliig; Juno Le Veay. dainty: Melody Musical Monarchs, exceptional; Hemely Kids, favor- ites; Juggling Bannons, skillful; Redwood St tlordon, enjoyable; Joe Brcnnan, popular; Fun In a Bxardlng House," feature; Marlon De Beauclalre, flne; Vahtna & Le Morn, went well. LAFAYETTE (C M. Bagg. mgr.; Columbia). —"Beauty, Youth & Folly," satisfactory at- tendance. AMHERST (Sol. Swerdloff. mgr.: agentt*. McMahon & Dee; rehenrnal Mon. 6).—Jean Cowan, pleaHed; Hilly Ray, hit; Blllic Breen, dainty; excellent buHlness. FAMILY ((;. W. Ryder. mRr.).—Leased to A. A. Fennyvt s.sy, prop, of Family and Co- lonial at RocbeHter. COLONIAL (It. Lowry. m^r ; agents, Mc- Mahon & Dee; rehearsal 1). — Kenday A ('hnse. good: Ch.irleB Saunder.'i, clever; buslnes.s big. The opening of the P«Try Centennial brlnKH the biggest crowd since the Pan-American. Hotel Plymouth 38th Street (Between Breaiway ud 8th Ave.). N. Y. City Maw Flrapfaaf BoUdlns. A ■taoa'a Thiaw twnm Braadwaj »a|le roon $1J!? $1iS or $1.^ with private bath Dadbleraan $1.^ $1.ZS ir $2.!!! witii private hatii Bpealal law weakly ratoa to tha pfafaaalaa. ■rary roam haa hot and cold mnnlns wator, eleetrle Usht and Ions diatanoa tolaphaaa. Pkaaa IBM Oraeley KVBOPKAN FLAN T. 8INNOTT. Manaser PBorasnoNAL COOLEST AFABTMKNT8 IN TOWN OVKRLOOKINO CENTRAL PARK REISEiNWEBER'S StTH WtmMMT, AT COLUMBUS OIRCLB, NEW TO Maala Tabla d'Hato aad A la Carta la Open Air Oardan. Rata* Inelada flt.SS par weak} Parlar. Dodfoeia aad Bath.tlB.OS par wa»k. Spaalal I aad Bath at ST. UMIIS, MO. REGENT HOTEL, 100 N. 14th. NEW BEOENT HOTEL. 101 N. 14th. B. B. CAMPBELL, Pv«P' •■& Mgw. Thaatrtoal Baadquartera. Tm Mtestoa* Walk to aU Tkaattaa. Dad*s Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA ZEISSE'S HOTEL Oppailto tha Walaat aad Caalaa Thaatraa, PMIadslphta, Pa. COOKE'S HOTEL PhllMMptila "A Thaatrtoal Hatol of tha Battar OmatT Walaat Straat, aba^a Btahtk OppMlto Caalaa Thaatra. ^^^^^Caf^^ba»atajar^l£ht^^^^^ Philadelphia Theatrical Headquarters Hotel Taylor lOO-llt Nartk lltk St., aaav Areh. Amartaaa plaa, dally, 91 par alncla or double Enrapaaa plaa, weakly. IS rtafla, SB doable. (Special rato to eompanlea) Amarleaa aad Chlaeaa dlahaa aerred at all honra. Bar aad Cafe attached. Maalc every Seymore Hotel ETarytUas New 4S-M Sooth Ave., RochetteTp N.Y. JOHN A. DICKS, Prop. Tel. Bryaat 4iBl. The Monffort FanUahad Rooaia, With ar Wlthant Board. 104 Wett 40th St., New York Biaakfaat Served Free Diraet to Tear Roam If dealrad, at MANDEI/S. INTER OCEAN HOTEL and ANNEX evealas. JOHN PAVEY, Prep. The theatre! are all doing well. The onl> two with turnaway buslneHH were Acidemy and Garden. Batha (170 Newly Pamlahad Steam Heat SM to 8M Saath Stoto 8t..vnlkADD N. W. cor. Vaa Baren St. Opp. BathehUd'e Bis Stare. PROFESSIONAL RATES. StJO Single. Weekly. »0.00 DaabU A Up. • Hotel Lynwood 102 W. 44th St., New York Citv Hlnglp rooma, $5 wk.; double, $7 wk.; with bath, fO wk.; auite 2 roome and bath, fIB wk.: Klevator, Kirrtrlr Mghtn and Telephone. Oood Beda, Clean I.lnen, Hot Water at all houra. CAMDKN. N. .1. UHOAIi«WAV (W. H .Mri'iilluiii. iiigr»— 21- •^i. Hazel neMH Lang" riMur. headllner; Hoydell Duo, liked: Quigg & NIckerson, excellent: Gavin A Piatt, acored; William Slato. eatiefled. 1-8, "The TourlBtB," headlined: Vlda & Haw- ley, hit, Ju« Hardmann, entertained: Albert Perry & Co., breazy aklt: Miller A. Vincent, won applause. During a nevere electrical Htorm lait Friday night, aomeone uttered a cry of lire in the Prtnceaa, a movie house, which was crowded at the time and several people were injured In the panic that followed. One woman was so badly injured that her removal to a hospital was necessary. The mystery about the Temple theatre Is out. The reasons for the house remaining dark for such a long period is explained by an UDConflrmed rumor of the rental being raised. Fred Falkner will not return and the houae will most likely remain closed for the balance of the season. Walter Baldwin and wife, local artists, pro- fessionally known as "The Baldwins." have returned from a successful European trip. A new record for holiday business was aet at the Broadw.iy on Labor Day. DANIBI.. P. MeCOKNBLI... CANTON, O. LYCEUM (Abrams A Bender, mgrs.).— Opened season Labor Day. Mercedes, excei- ^nt: Broadway Minstrel Maids, good; Long A Dover, Hne; Foster A I..ovett. scored; Cavanna Duo, hit; La Belles, good; Yamamoto Broa., elegant. MYKRH LAKE PARK THEATRE (II. B. Riti, mgr.).—Walter Washburn, applause; Johnny Small, good: Beltrah A Beltrah, good; Louise De Fogie, good. Sept. 7 '''ohen's Minstrels season closes. THOMPSON. CLKVKLAND. hippodrome:: (H. a. Daniels, mgr; re- hearsal Mon. 10).—Master Gabriel A Co. head the bill; Jack Wilson Trio, good; Robert T. Haines & Co., very good; George Felix A Barry Girls, won favor; Jarvis A Dare, pleasing Spencer A Williams, good; Cleo Gascoigna, good; Harry De Coe, Juggler. PHI8CILLA (Proctor E. Seas, mgr.; rehear- sal Mon. 10). —Hoy A Fields Parlor Minstrels, headline; Mortimer Snow A Co., feature: Woods & Hyland, good; La WItte, liked; Dolljr Vardennia, fair; Regaros; Delphino A Dwl- mora, very good. OPERA HOUHE (Geo. Garner, bus. mgr.).- Evans' Minstrels. COLO.MAL (R. H. .McLaughlin, mgr.) •'The Incumbrance" and "To Die Like a Man " Lant Htork production of tho season. KMPIRE ((Uo. A. Chenet, mgr; rehearsal Mon. irn.-'Fay Foster's 20th Century Bur- leHtiiKTH," iileaHlng nbow. .STAR rl)rew & Campbell, mgrh. ; rebenrsal .Mon 10),- 'Tbe Hrr.adway (SIrls." I'HOHI'F:ct (J W. I.yonn. mgr.; Htalr). "Frerkl.H • WALTKK I). HOLi'OMM DKH MOINKH. oltl'HIOITM (H. II. Uurton. les tiigr.. re heiirsiil Sun. 10). Week L'4, Mile. Tina; Hrdwn A .Newman; Honiilind Cogblan A Co.; Walter De I,eori iind "MugglnH" Davlea; Lew Haw klriH: (icriiiro A Hulley; Carson Bros . JACOB WEISSBERQER THEATRICAL ATTORNET Sulto 7ft-7M. 1476 Broadway. N. T. O. Pkaaa 640S Bryaal. FREE DATE BOOK Mtntian thta The M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK I M.QTEIN'S • MAKE OP