Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY 27 AUDITORIUM (J. D. Murray, mgr.).—Roma Reade Co. In "The Lottery of Love." Laat week In thle houie, which closes for winter, rompaay will probably open In St. George's Hall, formerly moving pictures. FAMILY (Ken Flnley. mgr.; agent. Alor).— 28-SO. Jack Lyie; Juggling Wilbur; Qourlay A. Keenan. 1-S, Los Modernlstas; Kathryn Pot- ter: Billy Ray. • FRANCAI8 (Ken Flnley. mgr; agent, Aloa).—28-30. Paule Frebonle; Los Modernls- tas: The Austins. 1-3, Jack Lyle: Lemons; Tlanita Midgets. CASINO (F. H. Loduc, mgr; agents, Alox; Orlffln).—28-30. Btlckney dt Webb, Carlyle & cooper; Bob Warren. PATER80N. N. J. MAJESTIC (W. H. Walsh, mgr.; agent. U. B C; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 11).—1-3, Teresa Miller, good; Jack Campbell & Co.. funny; Helen Nixon & Qlrls, good: 6 Brag- dons, laugha 4-6. Qene Barron; Ba^Uer & Lo Condas; Gretta & Mae; Bounding Pater- OPERA HOUSE (John Essex, mgr.).—1-3. •Within the Law"; 4, Yiddish show; 6-6. Royal Opera Co. LYCEUM (E. J. Wilbur, mgr.).—"A Fool There Waa." EMPIRE (A. Zabrlnskle, mgr.).—Stock. ORPHEUM (Mr. McCreedy. mgr.).—"Bow- ery Burlesquers." Mr. John Essex, who managed the Opera HouHe so successfully during the summer months, was again reappointed manager of the Opera House. The house caters to trav- eling shows. DAVID W. LEWIS. PERTH AMBOT, :«. J. PROCTOR'S (J. BuUwlnkel. mgr.; agent, direct).—1-3. "The Palace of Parisian Arts." excellent; Broncho Four, pleased: Harry War- dell good: Langweed Sisters, very good; Wal- ton & Brant, clever; four performances Labor Day to capacity. , . „ AUDITORIUM (H. P. Fox. mgr.).—1-3. Four Callfornlans. pleased: Sing Fong Lee. good; Blauson & Tyson, good. More Judgment In booking would help this house. M. A. BRAM. PHIIXIP8BURG. PA. GRAND (H. O. Craln. mgr: agent. L. <:. McLaughlin).—Helen Terry; Jack Bardett; FleldB & Foly Musical Comedy Co. PORTLAND, ME. KEITH'S (J. M. Mosher. mgr; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10.80).—Nip & Tuck, clever; Bob Warren, laughs; Modena Singing Four, excellent; Cameron. DeVltt A Co.. iRughs; Al A Fannie Steadman. hit; Neptune'n Statues, featured. - OREELEY.—1-3. Rose Trio; George Smed- Jey; Rutter A Casson. 4-6. Flnlay Girls A O'Connell; Frank Carmen; iWalsh A Reardon. RIVERTON PARK (Smith, mgr; agent, J. W Gorman; rehearsal Mon. 1).—Bob Ott In "I Should Worry" Co.. return engagement. Sea- aon extended a week later than usual. JEFFERSON (Julius Cahn. mgr).—JefTer- ion Stock Co. present "A Grain of Dust." The Cape theatre at Cape Cottage closed Its Biason Labor Day. Next year a stock com- pany will play at this house, which has had a straight picture policy most of the season. H. C. A. PROVIDENCE. R. I. BULLOCK'S (P. L. Burke, mgr; agent. U. H o.).—Mason. Lee A Mason; The Fredericks: Ward A Barry; ColllnH A Manning. SCENIC (F. W. Homan, mgr).—Temple PI a vers. WESTMINSTER (G. Collier mgr).— •Drenmland Burlesquers." EMPIRE (Sol. Braunlg. mgr).—"A Wo- nifin's Way." ^ „^^ „,, KEITH'S (C. Lovenberg. mgr).— The Mil- lion." OPERA HOUSE (F. Wondelshafer mgr).— "Quo Vadls" In pictures. UNION (C. Allen, mgr: agent. Quigley).— Strauss Komlral Kids; Harlow A Morrison Co.; Homer Bamett; Veronica A Hurl Falls; Brookway A Elliott. COLONIAL (A. H. Spink. Jr. mgr; Stair & Havlln).— "The Common Law." C. E. HALE. READING. PA. HIPPODROME (C. O. Keeney. mgr; agent. Prudential; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 10.80). —Paul Stephens, very well; Holmes & Rellly. nicely; Robert A Leslie, liked; Evnrs Wisdom « Co., laughs; Herman Zelts. nicely; Cecllle Francolne ft Co.. big. ORPHEUM (Wllmer A Vincent, mgrs.) —"Alias Jimmy Valentino." excellent. (!»r.ind opens next week with "The Gam- blers." Calsmlth Co. G. R. H. 103 W. 18th Street. New York Ct^. Merer'* Grease Paint, In tubes fO.lO Lining Colors. In tubes 10 H-lb. Blending Powder... .M H-lb. Cold Cream 80 Clown Whlte(nevor hard)15c.-.85 Black and White Wax 20 " Nose Putty (never hard)., .20 Spirit Gum. with brush... .15 Burnt (3ork (never dry) .20C.-.80 Dry Rouge (4 shades) 20 Moscaro. all colors 25 Blue Eye Palat 26 Grenadine Lip Reuge 25 Exora Powder. Rouge, Cream, Etc.. 50o. Above aent prepalt on receipt of price. 0HA8. BUCTEB. DrmrrAiNms m luxk EDDIE RILEY'O'NIELL TWINS THE FASHION PLATE TRIO RICHMOND. VA. LTBIC (B. P. Lyons, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.: rehearsal Mon. 11).—Karl Kraft, amuaed; Lewis A Dody. big hit; Doris Wilson A Co.. featured; Pepplno. scored heavily; Fred Bond A Co., encores: Fay, Two Coleya A Fay, big applause; Deimore A Lee, well received. COLONIAL (M. A. Wllber. mgr; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 11).—Willie Dick, clever;; Be Anos, big hit: Olrard A Gardner, featured; Mahoney A Tremont, scored heav- ily: AttM Trio, well liked. ORPHETJM (H. V. Zarrow, mgr).—"The Winning Miss," playing to capacity houses. BIJOU (H. McNlven, mgr; agents, S. A H.).—"The Confession." EMPIRE (Blair Meanly, mgr).—Klnomu- color pictures. ACADEMY (Chas. Briggs, mgr.).—Quln?y Adams Sawyer," 4-6. The Colonial has gone back to the old pol- icy of running Ave acts and three shows u day. "WALTER D. NBLSON. BATANNAH, GA. BIJOU (Corbin Sheild, mgr; aKent, U. B O.; rehearsal Mon. 11).—Ralls A Co.. best ever; Kahn A Nugent, went well, but nhould pay more attention to dress: Mllo Beklon A Co.. not a distinct success; Kennedy A Roo- ney, hit of bill; Austin A Taps; KInemacolor. SAVANNAH (William B. Seeskind. mgr; K. A B.).—Season opened with the usual show, "McFadden's Flats," to top heavy house. 28, "Mary's Lamb." with Ben McGrath; "The Merry Countess." 4; "Quincy Adamn Sawyer." 9; "The Confession." 19: "Ready Money." 27; "Robin Hood." 29. LIBERTY (Bandy Bros., owners).—Reopen- ing regular season Labor Day with "The Modern Drama Players, under the direction of O. G. Munthe. in "The Third Degree," headed by Miss Leah Lessi and Edward B. La Renze. This company Is destined for an entire season here, and are already provlnR very popular. ARCADIA (Jake Schrameck. mgr.).—McAn- allan A Otto, duo of singers. Attendance keeps up big. FOLLY (Mose Ebersteln, mgr).—Return of pictures at this house for the coming season, business very ffood. ODEON (Mose Ebersteln, mgr).—Renirn en- gagement of Pat Drew, who In very poi)ular here. Business continues up to standard. PRINCESS (Gelger A Stebblns. mgrs.) - Dramatic tabloids with Ed. Lawrence A ten people. Business holds up well. PEKIN (J. Stiles, mgr.).—Vaudeville and pictures for colored only. STAR (W. Payne, mgr.).—Vaudeville and pictiires for colored only. AIRDOME (W. Baker, mgr).— Vandevlllr and pictures for colored only. "REX." SrHENFCTAPY, N. Y. PRCX^TOR'S (Chas. H. C.ouldlnK. inKr : agents. U. B. O. and K. A K.: reheHrs-ii Mon. and Thurs. 9) —1-3, "The Trays." with Rlea- nor T^awson and a capable cast, a pnnltlvo success; York * Adnms. entertained: Oxford Trio, novel: Verona Vorda A Bro., ext-ollent: Nevlns ft Nevlns. seored. VAN riTRLER (Chas. H. McDonald, m^r.) —29. "Widow by Proxy"; 30. "The Honey «lrls." mediocre, capacity htislnoss; 1, "The Olrl of My Dreams," scored, to very M» busi- ness; 2-3. Ralney's pictures; 4. Louis Mann In "Children of Today": B. Wash MarMn's "Sun- shine Olr's"; 6. Doris Keane In "Romsnre." MOHAWK <Ackerman J. Olll, mgr).—8-10. "The Sliver King." ORPHFUM (F. X. Breymaler, mgr.; agent. Walter Pllmmer).—1-3. Lew Mortimer A Co.: Musical Leslies; I..e Roy A Appleton: Joe Christy. The New American, located In the rewl- dentlal section of the city and seating abo\it 800, will open Sept. 4, presenting plrttires Management. Joseph Oalalse. HOWY ••rOTTDALK. PA. OPERA HOUPP; (E. M. MrOrlven, m»r airent. L. C MrTiauRhlln^.—Hnrrlson-W. st Trio: finowle M-'Helle; Sensational Yoting: Bradshaw A Lowrle. HPOKANE. AMERICAN.—PiBVlnsr hooklnjrs of ATPI TORIITM rCharles York, mwr.: narmt. N W T. A.> — "Wi^r^i P«^nt. 8. "Everywoman" ORPHFTTM (Joseph Muller. mir.: ne. nl direet) —♦Week 2R. "The New Soni? nirdw " took: J. C. Nnirent A Co, easily second: Pnrl McCullousrh. fair; Mullen A rooffnn and TTJin- ders A Mllliss, dancing acts: Carl Roslnl laoWed novelty: Lane A O'Donnoll. fair. EMPRESS (Oeorare Blakeslee, mjrr.: .ipeni. S-C.).-;-Week 2S, Karno Comedy Cn . iiminl lauorhlnR hit: Florence A Lovett. close nt>'. Tlf NB«yfys. thrilled: Oeorge F. Hull nrisonnlll v helped- Brl<»rle A Kln». entertained. PANTA«^FS (E. Clsrke W.olker. mcr.; np»'nt rtlrecf).—Week 2f). "Heart Throbs of a Crrni City." pretf^ntlous but wenrUd mnnv: Ponndlv Sisters had right touch: Rapoll. efn(•l^nt: Ir- ving Roth, clover; Allen A T.owIb i:f>o<l r-harles Rellly and Girls, pUoecd be rewired and the gallery, which has been closed, will be remodeled and reopened, Miriam Lee, traveling over the Pantages Circuit with Charles Rellly, told the Spokane police that she had been deserted by Rellly in Calgary, when "broke," She said strangers had provided her with a ticket to Spokane and with meals. The local Pantages man- agement gave her transportutlun to her home in San Francisco and Hcllly played here one girl short. ST. JOHN, N. B. UPEKA HOUSE (Kleran Kelly, iiigi.). -1-3. "Seven Hours." NICKEL (W. H. Golding, mgr; agent. U. B. O.).—25-30. Leslie Thursten. pleased; Ger- trude Ashe, good; pictures. LYRIC (Steve Hurley, mgr),—28-30. Ben- nett A Sterling, fair; pictures. L. H. CORTRIGHT. 8T. PALL, BUNN. ORPHEUM.—Richards A Kyle; Chung-Hwa Chinese Four; Five Melody Maids; Swaln-Ost- man Trio; Delia Rosa A Marcello; Fred A Al- bery. EMPRESS.—Nature's Nobleman; Dorkin's Dog A Monkey Pantomime Co.; Gardner A Lowrle; Smith, Volk A Cronin; W. J. Dubois; pictures. PRINCESS.—Edgar Foreman; Tom Eck's Racing Bicycle Girls; Bowery Trio; Kate Fow- ler; pictures. METROPOLITAN.—Chauniey Olcott. Sept. 11-13, Henry Miller SHUBERT.—The newly-organized company of Cullen and Balnbrldge, Inc.. are present- ing Oscar Flgman In the "Doctor De Luxe" musical comedy with success. Next week, the Wright Huntington Players will open a win- ter stock. GRAND.—"Dehman Show" Next week, "The Girls from Starland." BBNHAM. SYRACUSE. GRAND (agent, U. B. O.).—The Skating Bear, decided novelty; NewhofT A Phelps, fair; Percy Waram A Co., good sketch; Walter Van Brunt, good; "Le Ballet Cluaslque," excel- lent; Goldsmith A Hoppe. hit; Sophie Tucker hit of bill; Loughlin's Dogs, great comedy animal oiruring, RUBK. TERRK HAUTE, IND. VARIETIES (Ross Garver, mgr.; agent. U. U. O.; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 10).—Ross A Sherman, good; Peter F. Baker, hit; Ke- ough A Nelson, good; Quigley Bros., hit; Swain's Cockatoos, good; Montrose & Jackson, good; Pierre Pelletler A Co.. good; Roxy Lo Rocco, hit; Rice A Cady. good; Ishlkawa Bros,, great. Business good. GRAND (S, W. Carruthers, mgr.). —30. AVm. Hodge opens season. YOUNGS AIRDOME (Sum Young, mgr).- Aubrey Stosk Co., 3tl week. LOIS (E, B. Sheets. mKr.).— Vaudivllle and pictures. EMPIRF: (Joe Barnes. mKr.>.—31, dark McCURLEV. ■ ■ TRENTON. N. J. STATE ST. (Herman Wahn, mgr.; HRent. Prudential; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 11).— 1-3, The Five Violin Beauties, hit; Bert Wil- cox A Co.. applause; Brown, Delmont A Brown, good; Clayton A Healy. pleased: Klnzo. great; 4-6, Aviation Dance; Rvars. Wisdom A Co.; The Ambergs; Marie Donla; Alex Ru- bens. BROAD ST. (F. W. McAln. mgr; agents. S. A H.).—Elsie St. Leon In "Polly of the Circus." 1-3. good business; 4-6. George Sid- ney In "Busy Izzy"; 11-13, "Deep Purple." A. C. W. VANnKRGRIFT, PA. TASINO (C. F. Fox. mgr; agent. 1. C. McLauKhlln).—Aerial Leons; Smith A War- nork: Happy Sailor; Croat Covert. VIRGINIA. MINN. LYRIC (Henry HeRal. mgr.; auent. W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Mon. and Thnrs ). — 2B-27, Ower A Ower, clever; .Mr. A Mrs. Dunn A To . entertaining; Paul A Marion .^tone, reOned; SIgna. applaudfd 28-31, 'A Knight for a Day Co." ROYAL (R. A. McLean, mRr.; agent, Web- Hler; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 12).—25-27, Aerial Wilsons, good; Lee'a Hawailans, well llk<d. 28-31. Lavlne A Liivlnr. c lever; Hcdrlrh A Wright, fair. "RA.NOE. ' F. R. Newman, formerly a nieml" r of th«' Spokane tlveatre staff bus »)fen si)polnt<'1 manager of the Colonial, Salt Lake The Spokane then-tre management hnM nr piled to the city council for permits coverInK alterations. The interior and the stage will WIIKKMNG, W. VA. ORPHEUM (Orphcum Theatre Co. niKr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. and TIiiitk 10).—Five PlrlscofHs. well recelve<i; McDer- mott A Wallace, clever act; Hunter Twin Sisters, cleA.r; Bell,. Myers, good; Phli ka A. P>ee. extremely clever. »^ M. H WILKES-RARKK. PA, f'.RA.ND O. R. (D. M. < 'aulTriKin. niRP t — 1-2. "A Homanre of Billy rjont Hill". 9, ^otlj- «^rn A Marlowe. .MAJESTIC (J KallHkl, mirr.)—six DIvItik .Vymphe, pl<-avr ,|; IXclic Wood* I to & rn . went well; Amm(»nd A Koi i ■-^i'r, pooil; W.n- den A Gueiin, good: Ml!f ArnHm,ii>, .-nior- tulned. P©LI (I,. J. Vannl. mgr >. — Prof. Emni^tt A Co., went hig; The KriiH;trlo«. good; Bill Brnd, entertained: Archer A Rrlford. ploased; Mr Quick, amused; "Bappinces." clever. AWORLOWIDC 5eRViCe. (THEATRICAL COMMERCIAU AGENCY) Riliirts Furnishid •n Anyhdy or Any- thini in Connietim with tlie Siiiw lusiness The Variety Information Bu- reau is to the Theatrical Pro- fession what R. G. Dun's and Bradstreet's are to the Commer- cial Field. Reports will be ftunished upon request concerning the Standing of all Theatrical Peopio Flntit, Manaftrt, Agtntt, Actors and ActrotMs In Every Branch off the Proffession (Dramatic, Musical, Vaudeville, Buriesquc, Moving Pictures.) Reports on persons connected with theatricals, their standing in the profession and reliability, will be furnished. The Variety Information Bu- reau has the exclusive privilege to all of the files of "Variety." Allied theatrical trades, cos- tumers, dressmakers, wig makers, boot and shoe makers, scene makers, or manufacturers, or dealers in any commercial line having business with stage people (managers or players) can obtain information desired. All requests for information or reports must be made by mail only. No information of any sort or character furnished verbally. Rates $2, Single Request; $100 Yeariy Subscription (Allowing 200 roqiMttt) (Single application for informa- tion or report to contain but one request.) AH single requests must be accompanied by remittance. Yearly subscription payable in advance. A WORLD WIDE SERVICE. (THEATRICAL COMMERCIAL A6ENCY) 1536 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY