Variety (September 1913)

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14 VARIETY BILLS NEXT WEEK (September 15) In Vaudeville Theatres, Playing Three or LeM vShows Dally • All hous<>s oj.< n for tho week with Munrlny mHtln<<«>. when not otherwise lnclU;uied.) T>ti-;itroR lifted um ' < x-phtum" without any furthoi (IlKtlnKulnhlng MeHcrlptlnn arc on the Miplifuin <'lrculv Th«Htrfn with "H-t"" ffrUtrwInn nHnw (usually "EmpreHs") aro on Ihc SulllvKt) <'(iiiBldlne Circuit. Trortor's <'lr< uli Iioiihi-h, wIm'K- not llHt< d -.if "Proctor's,'" are In- • li'Hted hy (pr) following nume. AK«-n(l«H booking the houses are not<<l by single name or liiltiulH. such its "Orph." Ori>hcum <Mrcult—"U. B. O," United Hooking Offices—"W. V. A..' Western Vaud^-vllle ManaRorM' Association (Chicago)— •R-C." Sulllvan-Coniildlne Circuit—"M." Pantagea ('Ircult — ■I>oew," Mart'iM l>oew Circuit—"Inter." Iin. rBtate Circuit (booking through W. V. A.).— M." JaiiKM <• Matthews (Chicago).— Pr." I'roctor's Circuit (New Vork)—"Craw." O. T. t'rawfnrd (Si Louis)—"N-N." F. NIxon-NlrdUnger (Philadelphia)- "BI>." Bert Levey (San FrHnclaco).—"J-l-.x." Jones. Llnlck A Hchaeffer (Chicago). lf*w T«rk. ALHAMDRA (ubo) Delia Daker .led A Etbel Dooley Frank Sheridan Co Miller A Mack 'A KeatonH C & T Van The Stanleys .luggllnK MowallH BRONX (ubo) Adelfl RItcble La Delle Tltconib Courtney Sis Smith Cook A B Cameron ft O'Conoor McRae A Clegg Kramer A Norton The Uessems HAMMBRSTEIN'S (ubo) Evelyn Neeblt The Berrcns McKky A Ardine Arnaut Btos Leitiel Sinters Cabaret Trio Ben Lind LouKblln'a Doga Work A Play (Othom to nil) FIFTH AVE (ubo) Tyrone Power Co Frank Fogarty .Tulle Rlnv Co Bnwera Waltera ft C Friend ft Lesser Br It Rogera Miller A Vln<mit lyoulfl stone Asard Bros CaiHiaro PALACE (orph) Nora Bayea Nance O'Nefl Co The Ueaaema ♦rthur Aldrldge ^Hale A Patteraon (Four to fill) COLOVTAL (ubo) Amelia Bingham Co "Song Reme" R L Ooldherg Rdmond Hayes Co Bert Melroae Pii^T A Lor«ii« Muller A Stanley Flvlnr Raaaella UNION BQ (ubo) •Auto Bandit" Florence T*mi»eat Mark A Walker Port*»r A SoUlTan Lorraine A Dudley (F'>"r to fill) PROCTOR'S 125TH Fred Nurd T^irahee A Wnoda Kramer A Row Corinne R<okus A Hh Iters .Tohn H Weat Cnrmenrlta A Belles wiTon ft Conley VeronI Verdi ft Bro R'o ft Norman Mljrphy Woods Co 2d half Finn A Finn Orare Felmont B'anchette Bros Zeno ft MandHl O'Brien ft Cole Dsrlv Bird ft Lee Tsvior Twin Sis T>a«ky'8 New Act P^tt* A Chldlow Tomkumo Gre«t Pool PT?OCTOR'S 2nD MrAlPvy's Msrvels Revon ft .Tullan nsHv Bird ft Lee .Towephlne Calrmont Perrv Minstrel Olrla Weston A Flelda Mlirlel Arthur A V 2d half '2 Luclfem Andv Morris "Vlaht of Wedding" Curtis A Sonnlon Kramer A Ross .lohn H West •Psis^e Arts" PROCTOR'S R«TH rsasper A Clayton Bush A Bugle Oenevlevp Warner "Night of Wedding' O'Brien & Cole 'Palace of Arts' 2d half Rio A Norman Corrlne "Macy'H Models' Ivy ft Ivy Harry Wardell Muriel Arthur & Val- lle AMERICAN (loew) Harry Wolman Godfrey A Hendernon Oertle Carlyle Hall A Francin All's Arabs (Four to (111) 2d half Joe Kelsey Warren A Brorkway "Love Specialist" Morrlssey A Hackett Oertle Carlvle (Four to fill) SEVENTH (loew) Wilson A Pearson Clare Rawson Co Al Lawrence Knapp A Cornelia (Two to fill) 2d half Glrard ft West Christen sen Robt H Hod»© Co Carson A Wlllard Levering Troupe (One to fill) DELANCEY (loew> Sue Fisher Hardeen Demarest A Dahl BIllT K Wells Eddy Trio (Three to fllM 2d half Nestor 6 Dahlborg Hardeen Dave Ferguson "Ev'bodv's Doing It" Xola Famllv (Thre* to fill) PLAZA (loew) WII«on ft Wsvhtngton Stoddard ft Haynes Dsve Ferguson (Two to fill) 2d half Mr ft Mrs ReynoUlp Ben Lewin Warren ft Blanchard (Two to fiin YORKVILLE (loew) rhrl««tensen >7o«tor * Dnh'herg '•By*body's Doing If Coakley MrBrlde ft M Aerial B^"et ( fill) 2d half 3 Musketeers Hallen ft Fuller Ronslr ft Wsrd Arrhle Oo'^«'all (Two to fill) LINCOLN (loew) Ronair ft Ward Jos R Ketl*r Co Carson ft Wlllard Billy KlnksM (Two to All) Sd half Jim ReynoH^ Oray ft fTrshsm Edouard To^e Co M'»b ft TTolsR All's Arab^ (One to f^in N*TTON^▼. (loew) Tossing Au't'ns Shirk A We»<*h Andrew 'V«»rV The ClerelsndM Hermsn ft Shlrlfv (Two to AH) 2d hm^r WdVIni » wiikin« Andrew Msfk BI'lT KInVnM nwKT>:LFv (in«w) M'»«'V *• Atkinson Pn«h Bros Pot«nn ft Cordf^n Fdonard Tnao Cn Kdlth Clifford Moffett LaRelne Co (Two to fill) 2d half Sue Fisher Demarest A Dahl Jos R Ketler Co Wilson ft Pearson Aerial Ballet AI T/ftwrence Tossing Austins lOnr to nil) GRAND (loew) Wllklns A Wilklns Lre Barth Warren ft Brockway Hallen ft Fuller Telegraph 4 3 Newmans Bthel Golden 2d half Karlton A KIlfTord Knickerbocker 3 Schrode A Mulvey Cloak Models Ethel Golden (Two to fill) ORPHBUM (ubo) .Marie Dressier Chas Mack Co Florentine Singers Dooley A Saylea Brice A CTonne MartlnettI A SylTeater The Hassmana BU8HWICK (ubo) Mra Gene Hughes Co Eva Fay Morgan Bailey A M' Victor Moore Co Ward A Weber Roser'a Dogs Nick's Skating Girls Williams ft Wolfus SHUBERT (loew) Jenkins A Covert :{ Musketeers Ching Ling Foo (Three to fill) Morrlssev A Hackett 2d half Harry Walman ChIng Ling Foo Coakley McRrlde ft M (Four to fill) JONES (loew) Gertrude Rose (Two to (111) 2d half "Brin'a Isle" (Two to mi) FULTON (loewi Ben LewIn Knickerbocker Gray A Graham "Love Specialist" Joe Kelsey levering Troupe 2d half Rag ft Classic Duo Mack A Atkinson Billy K Wells Chss Bschman Co Edith Clifford Bu««h Bros COLUMBIA (loew) I^awrence ft CTarvIn Mr A Mrs W DeWolff Schrode ft Mulvey Honev Johnson Tossing Austins (One to fill) 2d half Wilson A Washington Leno Roberty Knapp ft Cornelia (Three to nil) LTB»5RTV (loew) lieno Roberty Chas Bachman Co Mab ft Weiss Mint ft Wert (One to fill) 2d half Richards ft M'ontroee Jenkins ft Covert lyee Barth Fddy Trio (One to nil) BTJOU (loew) Glrard ft -West Jim Reynolds "Xmns Carol" .Four tT All) 2d half The Clevolands Xmas Carol" Telepraph 4 3 Falcons (Three to nil) Alhaay. N. Y. PROCTOR'S liinean £ Claxton copcland ft Pnyton (iardncr Vincent Co Ilurko nnrton & Wil- Hon Bnker Lynn Co Inez Clough Carl Eugen Troupe 2d half Hal|)h Cox Howell ft Scott Murphy Woods Co "Devil's Ball" Arthur Forbes Co Johnson A Wells Quintans Band A HAW. III. HIPPODROME (wva» Dow A Dow Knight Bros & Saw- telle 2d half DuflUn Redcay Troupe Whelan West A Whe- lan Atlmitlc City SAVOY (ubo) ITernard Granville Mrs Louis James Grace Wilson De Vole A White Welch Francis Co 3 Bscardos Copper A Robinson Claude Ranf MARYLAND (ubo) Ed Foy A Family Arthur Sullivan Co Wllla H Wakefield Britt Wood Fav 2 Coleys A Fay Will A Kemp Weston A Keith Juggling De Lisle millwaii. HffAwt. BABC'>CK (sc) (1V17) Smith Voike A C Lowrle A Gardner W .T Du B**!* "Nature Nobleman" Derkln's Circus Ro«ton KEITH'S (ubo) .lack Norworth Weston A M'ae Co American Dancers Great Harrah Co Let Zarell Co Duflln Re-'cay Troupe Carmen Frcell (Two to nil) ORPHEI'M (loew) Field Barnes McGlnnlB Bros Grapho Knowlea ft White Grade Emmrtt Co Nadel ft Kane "Yip Yaps" (One to nil) 2d half "Girl In Moon" Jano Hoop Co NpM McKinlpy Iv»Vlne CImeron 3 (F^^tir to fill) ST JAMKS rloew) "Girl in Moon" LaVIne Clmcron :? Jane TTT«e Co N^ll M^K'nley (Two to nil) 2d half O'rapho Knowles ft White McGlnnIs Bros Orsrie Emtiett Co Nadel A Kane "Yip Yaps" CITY (loew) (7rnnt G-^rdner "Stick TTp Man- Ward S'^terR 2d half The PV«»t«»"es Vnrle Stoddard (One to nil) Bmllmlo SHEA'S (ubo) Mabel Berra Gould A Ashlyn Bert Levey Rolandow Bros Biliy B Van Co Batte. EMPRESS (8c) •Cupid's Syndicate" Belmont ft Harl "Spirit Paintings" Wm Cabin •In 1090" Calamnr* Alta. PANTAGES (m) "A Winning Miss" Kelt A De Mont Collette 3 Provol Gordon & Day CaatoB, o. LYCEUM Selbini ft Grovlnl Carrie Llllle Foy A Clark Quinn Bros Helen Bell .Metropolitan Minstrel < hNmpMlirii. III. WALKER 0 H (wva) Marcus A Gartelle Bessie Leonard lloHdell Singers Deaves Marionettes 2d half Musical Vynoa El Gordo Knight Bros A Saw Bell Boy Trio f^klraso. MAJESTIC (orph) Henry Woodruff Co Edna Sbowalter Svengall Johnson's Travelogues Eva Taylor Co Erdman A Rubens Delmore A Lee Joe Whitehead Ballinger & Reynolds PALACE (orph) Saharet 'The Purple Lady" Kathleen Clifford Homer Miles Co John E Hazzard The Castllllons Borden A Shannon Chas Olcott Romallo A Delano WILLARD (J-l-s) 4 Prevests Matthes Trio H V Fitzgerald CanHeld A Carlton Walter McCullough Co 2d half Hughes Musical 3 Newsboys 6 Richmond Hutchlns Co 3 Ameres The Sambo Girls COLONIAL (J-l-B) Florenz Troupe Sullivan Bros Big Frank J Herbert Frank Wahland Tekia Trio Ireland A Catta 3 Dreamers 2d half Morrett Sisters Weston Raymond Co Olga Karrow Orilla Barbee Co Bowery Trio Atkinson Whitman 3 Whitney's Dolls CROWN (J-l-s) Mueller Bros The Healys Leslie & I^eslle Three Ameres Merle's Cockatoos Clifford Hippie Co 2d half The Elllses Florenze Troupe J Herbert Frank Co Three Dreamers Paul Wagner Hubert Estes 3 WILSON (1-1-8) Hughes Musical 3 Newsboys 6 Sambo Glrln Richmond F Hutchlns Co Ijamb & Clayton 2d half Irelsnd ft Catta Mueller Bros H V Fitzgerald I Prevosts ClilTord Hinnle Co McVICKFRS (J-l-B) rimmy ITrItt Chester's Dogs J Albert Hall Co Sweeney ft Rooney 4 Dekorks Bros Porla Opera 3 Numba Japs Claclaaatl KEITH'S (ubo) Sophie Tucker Trovato Robt T Halnea Co Hanlon Dean A H Hal A Francla McCormIck A Wallace "Pinafore Kiddles" Lawton Olrreland. KEITH'S (ubo) .Muuirce Levi's Band Percy Warran Co Jan Cullen Henry A Francis Gardiner 3 Skating Bear ColomilA gpHava. EMPRESS (sc) (1R-20) (Same bill as at Pue- blo this Issue) Colvaaboik KEITH'S (ubo) .lohn A Mae Burke Lnneton Lucier Co Cleo dascoigne Alber'*' Bears Dallaii MAJESTIC {) Piano Bugs Anne Kent Van Hoven Fields A Brown La Relne Heras Family La France A McNabb TIrratnr. III. EMPRESS (wva) Monahan Donovan A Arnold Burns A Fulton Mermaids ft Maids Whelan West ft Whe- lan 2d half Musical Bugs (Yet to secure) Great Howard Pannv Simons La Veen Cross ft Co 0*ww*r. EMPRFSS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Walter Daniels Co Sampson A Douglas "Easy Monev" G'^Iden ft Weat "Giri In Vase" The Savoys Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) Wilfred Clarke Co Moore A Young Empire Cmedy 4 The Randalls The Hennlngs ••Mercedes" Sel-'om's Venus BROADWAY (sc) (Ooen Sun Mat) "Night In Station" Bernard ft Lloyd M'erlan's Dogs John Heal^v Aldro Onutchell Curtis Sisters Musical T>ockwoods Hope Vernon RffiMAwfAw. Alta. PANTAGFS (m) AllskVs HawaMans Dorothv Vaughn Flo Morrl«on Co Carter ft Waters American Trumpeters Ellv»1»»f1i. V. J. PROCTOR'S Helen Llnder "Snnrtressing Press" PiicVley ft Moore Harrv W«rdell T askv's ypw Act F«>iisf ft WMllams Whlrllnr Erfords 2d half Wickson ft Connolly Monita .n Carmencita Felles Svlyestor Trio Snitz Mnor* Co Jim T^nhrooke 3 Nola Family riH^. Pa. COLONTAT. (ubo) ".Tn«t H"'f Way" Hlokev Pros Sksters Bljouvo Artists 3 NEW G^AVD (uho> rhns Ledegar AliTi''n<» ft Newlns nof^rirk Moore ft Klaiss Pnrke Kinir * W»lsh Ergottl * T PKnutlans 2d half "Rook a Rve Baby" ACAnKMY (loew) Dick Ferguson "Erin's Isle" (Two to nil) 2d half Field Barnes "Stick Up Man" Ward Sisters (One to nil) nmrr. Imi. ORPHBUM (wva) Petticoat Minstrels 2d half The District Leader CSre^B Bay, Win. ORPHBUM (wva) Kartello ft Stoddard Virginia Grant Veddor ft Morgan Fay A Mynne Newport A Sttrk VfavniHon, Caa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Chas O'ponnell Co Hussey ft I/ee Lillian Ashlyn Chas F Semon The O'Mearas Dnre Bros ffNrH«hnra ORPHETTM (ubo) Mu<^h Hfrhert Co Farher Sinters Cnites Bros Ideal" Maiestic 4 c C Thomas Co Nipper Naplno Lane II«il»«»k*a. W. J. LYRIC (nr) rnlver A Williams Solvation Sue Svlvester 3 Snitz Moore Co S^ndberg ft Lee Nola Famllv 2d half Tlel«»n Llnder O K Sato Varlnl V«rd| Bros Roht Hadlv Co E'iBter ft Wood \ewton ft Rhvnairs I,YRTC (lopw) Bonner ft Powers Warren ft Blanchard niake'a cirrus 2d half Harry First Co Stoddard ft Haynes (One to nil) fit^lKwnpolla KEITH'E (ubo) Felix ft Psrrv Sis Stertn Goodrich A K Pond ft Benton S>iriner * Richards El Rov S'sters Ijindrv Bros .I««»V««»»»v1II#». OnoHTJJTTM (1"ter) (Open 9,]n Vat) Porln WMaon Co Wentworth Vesta ft T fJordon ft Rica (T-'nible rono tn nil) DT'VM, (K ft E> Th« Whit- Sister Mutt f- Toff KFTTTt'S (ubo) TuMa Vfl««h Co Avon C^TP^dv 4 vovino ft Erwood V'ol1n«kv <^->rni)ov J^ CnfTory Morton ft VlMott Conrov's Models F^TT>pl^cq fflo) "TV* Tmlnpr" T,«1v>itnof *■ Tordon T>nvrn«nd Tenl Fvnositlon 4 Whit"'" Anlnns1«i LVRTO (m) (nn«>p Sun Vftt) Frpect Carr Cn AmoHrnn T^^^'riwinds Bf^r.^f *• P^'ker T «»w«s Slsfc-n Nichols ft Croix Sis J.nm %«»flre1e«. FV'^P''*'^ '«c) Chss Prtwoer Po pornnrd * Si'arth T n^inn" T.ucca Henrv Fr#»T T^W T>qlTn'<rp PANT^dS ^"i> Tottle Mayor Gtrls rioytoTi ft T.enn(e Toletti ft Pennett nimhprp Marlon ft Day pni,f Mann Alfredo Marshall f.owoll. Mww*, KFJTTTS Miho) Cummlngs ft C.laddlnes Chalk Saunders Don Fulano Danny Simmons .') Tyroleans Ml lea City. LIBERTY (sc) (18-20) (Same bill as at Bll'ilngs this issue) nflltvankee. MAJESTIC (orph) Frank Keenan Co Gertrude Barnes Musical Cutlys Matthews A Shayne Four Bards Thomas ft Hall Field Bros Cavana EMPRESS (nc) Bruce Duffet Co "Bower of Melody" Mayo A AUman Brooks ft Harris Livingston 3 HflnacnpollM. UNIQUE (so) (Open Sun Mat) "Louis Xmaa" I oul'^e Mavo Martini A Slaxlinilllan Ballo Bros 3 Emersons Mollae, III. FAMILY (m) Blanche Gordon Archer A Ingersoll Fielding A Carlos Burnlsor. A Taylor 5 Plroscoffls 2d half Roland Carter Co Klein A Erlaneer Wilbur Harrington Co Hetty Urma Cervo ntnittr^nl. Can. ORPHETTM (ubo) Robt I> Dalley Co Don Chris RI'*liarfls Thoq p Jflokson Keller ft KeHer Foster A I>ovctt FO"r H«rveVB FR'VNCTS (loew) T aVe'le ft Grant Teddy Dupont Archer ft py»lford Pletro Bsssslsrl "Maid of Vicohar" VIrk ft Lvda Russell Lyon." ft Cullen W^WMfk. PT^OCTOT^'g (Mho) Fdwin Stevens Co Plee'ow Cr»mnhrtl| ft B '^^1lrle1 ^ i^ronfjq '^'e'lev ft Pollock Wm SIsto Pnjl'^'nn Tooni JUggl'"" Purk«9 LYTTTr' rnr) T l1H!»n \11ir»>in BrriTrn ft •wiMinrns Ovtvesfor Tr'o Snltz Moorp Co Uni T^nhmoke 3 Nola Fn'^'lv 2d Vqlf TTpten T,lnder O K Ssto ^'eror-* V'»r''1 ft Pro Pol' P^vs Jf- Pol's Fiofon Jf' Woods "Supre«5s1ng Press' Vo<^H«irp-1i. -v. V. rOf^Vyj O TT (Mew) Rip; Jf- piT<;<al«! DtIO Tn-a MrT'T^nnnld "f^'"nk M'^'^eN" (Two to All) 2d ^"If Hnt'^on f- Cordon "''M ft Fr-in^l^ ■TtTv Bt r-'dr-US" (Two tT fill) O'RPTTFT^M Cntherln" Countiss '''"n Mann >Tr«nkf'" TT'nno/^r^nne F^Mr Fntert-^lners ppilo So«ifon n Russian Dnnccrf. T.OFW TTrion Paf^^Hy (Two to All) 2<^ hfilf .Tr.v.n D C'Hert (Two to nil) Vorfolk rOT,OVTAT (nho) Ploomonr-st Players Tt o<»d Pro«; f' & Denahy Zelaya IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN ^Aj^/ffy DONT ADVERTISE 1