Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY 23 (THE POET OF THE PIANO) Mary Logan, number producer with the Jamea Poat Mualcal Comedy Co., la to rejoin that organlzatlnn when It reopena at Pan- tagea', Sacramento. Governing Director HuRh D. Mcintosh haa engaged the Richards Brothors and Lucille Savoy for the RIckard Circuit In Auatralla, both acta to sail Oct. 21. One Ben Bernard opened Auif. 30 at Marah- fleld. Cal., with a pop burleaque organization reported to be playing one-night stnnda north of here with a travesty of "Tho Only Way." J. C. I^an»rley. n manngor for Turner A Dnhnken'n chain nf plrtnre thentren. la nura- Ing several painful In1urle« sustained Aug. 27 In a motorcycle mishnp across the bay In Alameda. Tt Is understood Monte r.irtor nnd his pop biirlesquers are to bring their onKagement at the Cnrrlrk. Stockton, to a close Sept 20 and the foMowlnsr Ttiesdr^y s.tII for Honolulu to op»n In one of the theatres there. The Columbia Park Boys' Bnnd of this city have asrnin boen heard from on their tour of the world. They are now In Australia, where late reports sny they nre making a hit In tho Antipodean cities. James PhesKreen. ahead of the Margaret Anglln show, hns hem planting some very efTortlve newspaper stories for his star during the la«t fow weeks. Thf Anelln sho a- follows the "Mission Play" at the Columbia. Leonlda dl N'oln. a 10 year-old girl of this rity, and described as a "talented young musi- cian and elocutionist," Is reported missing from her home nt 3^4 Rtelner street, and the hejlff |f< expressed that her absence is due to the hire of the foofiljfhts. The Brennan-Fullr>r (Atistrallan) Vaudeville '"Irciilt has reopened offices here In Piintnir<'S theatre biilldlnp. where A. R. Phepard, the n<Mv Amr-rlcan booking representative. Is lo- '•nted. He Is taking out an agency license and hrrrafter will book direct. This we^k he ^v's lolnerl hv Mrs, Phepard, who arrlvtd tuTi' Thursday from Pydney. With contrnf'ts for ten or more nrrks, from six to olpht acts a week are romlntr In h^re from fhlfufro to onen on the Birt T.i'vry (''\r- ' lilt AA'lth the hooUlniT of the pretentions »>IIls "n'llred at tho R«pnt>l!r. I,os AngiUs. Wlir- 'v.'im find re iiivena t«'(l Princess here. T-evi'V found It necossary to fortify hlmsi-If with a hetter grade of attractions The theatrical syndicate that recently pur- rhnsfd a frontage of 75 feet on >facdonRld avenue, near Eleventh street. In Richmond, across the bay from hero, as a sito foi' a 'Ubb a theatre, has since erected a sign <<n the property announcing ita Intention to build. The structure Is to be a combination theatre and ofllce building. A reduction has been made recently in the working stage crew at the Majestic "pop" vaudeville theatre In this city by the "let- ting out" of William Quinn and Frank Durk- hardt, and leaving Thomas Burke alone to handle the back of the house. Twice a week the latter Is allowed assistance to make tho sets for the new showa A stock musical comedy tabloid company has been lately organized here by the man- agement of the Wigwam and Is rehearsing for an early opening. The plan Is to alternate the tab with the Ed Armstrong pop bur- leaquers and another company that Armstrong Is to organize and to play the three alter- nately between tho Wigwam and Princess In this city and Bert Levey's theatre, San Jose. U. S. Medical Inspector R. P. Crandall and wife, Bonnie Clark, formerly of Edwards' Song Revue, and also a former member of the companies of Blanche Ring and Bessie Mc- Coy, sailed from here Sept. 5 for the Philip- pine Islands, where the husband will take command of the Naval Hospital at the navy yards In Canacoa, Just across the bay from Manila. Roy Clements has Joined tho Rcott Players which are to occupy the stage of the Tivoll Opera House next week for six nights for a charitable caiise. The veteran, McKee Ran- kin, Is directing the show. The bills are "Nadje" and "Mary of Magdalen." The reg- Tivoll company will In turn go on the road for a four days* tour, opening Sept. 15 at I'etalumn., then Santa Rosa, San Jose and Sacramento. Preparations are being made to commence construction shortly on the "Submarine" con- ♦ easlon that Is promised for one of the l>lg attractions here at the Panama-Pacific Tn- torn.i tlonal Exposition. .Jacob, Adolph and Mervyn Btinzendorfer, Callfornians, are the listed biillders and owners of the exhibit. The ".Submarine" Is a cignr-shaped riding device, fashioned .'ift(>r the designs of the Covernment submarine boats, and with s«'veral of thrse It Is proposed to take visiting passengers down to the tiottom of an artificial lake on con- structed steel rails. It is planned to produce the pitching sensations of ri'al sea travel and through spacious portholes In the "subs" will be observed much of fish and life known to exist In the ocean. The new San Francisco (Evening) fall made its Initial appearance on the streets Sept. 1 at one cent. It gives the impression of belnir an out and out Hearst publication, although that personage does not appear to be di- rectly Interested financially or other\^ise The rival afternoon dailies. Post and HulUtln. were unablo to resist the temptation of throw- ing ■om«t editorial "mud" at the new sheet Including^ disparaging cartoons of W. R. Hearst, but at the same time they both openly acknowledged their fear of the new competi- tor by promptly cutting their selling price to one cenL Izzy M. Welngarden, the former Chicago burlesque manager, has been hero very lately for the ostensible purpose, so It Is said, of looking over the field with a view of estab- lishing a Coast burlesque "Wheel." with the aid of Coast capital. Stock burlesque was successful out here until Ed and Will Arm- strong were opposed by every little fly-by- nlght manager who could manage to get hold of a few old discarded play Vnanuacripts and worn-out costumes. Welngarden's plan Is understood to be to line up a route of week stands and one and two-nlghters, and bring the shows out of the east by way of Denver and then from Southern California straight up the Coast as far as Vancouver, from which point the routing would be back eastward through Spokane. An echo of the recent vicissitudes of the Afnilated American Amusement Co. (musical comedy tabloid promoters) of which Fred- erick Giesea of Oakland was president, was heard down Stockton way a fortnight ago, when on the motion of tho district attorney, the case against one Sidney Pollak of alleired fraudulent raising of money via the worthless check roTite, was dismissed for lack of evi- dence. Pollak is orchestra leader at the Mac- donough theatre, Oakland, and was charred with negotiating a bad check for 1200 Fred Kressman, manager of the Yosemlte theatre, Stockton, was tho conaplainant. Polink was manager of a show sent o\it by the AfTlllated Co. and raised the money, so it is said, to move the outfit on to the next stand. As the story goes. Olesea was to have deposited sufTI- cient money In the bank to meet payment and bis alleged falhire to do so resulted in Pol- lak's arrest The latter satisfactorily ad- lusted the matter bv making restltiitlon for the $200. Bert Levey appronri;itely styled his reliabll- Itated Princess "The Plavhouse Iti'aiit Iful " Levey worked wonders In improvements dur- ing the w ei'k the th»'Htre was clonefl The Princess now looks like a real theatre, and under thi> Levey m.'in:i Kemen t Is run like a rejfiilar plavhovisn Insteail of a i)lcture lulnj; sandwichefl in between eaeh act, the show opens with a reel ;ind then the six arts are presentril «■ it h precision :in<I rapidity br-fore the serond anrl rioslnp t)lcture Is offered. The Prlneess has 1 r.un catinclty, and with the we(>l^ly l)illn Tii;iili- iiri of thi- very t;est material that his circuit .ifT'iids. he looks to hnv,- picked a winner The inislness pubseriurnt to the Sunday opeping and I.nbor Day has held uji encouragingly uell While several can- didates for re<<|.I. nt managerial honors are t>elng considered, no •;electif)n Is expected to t>« made right away. During tl)e Interim <leneral Represent.-ur e HIM Dniley will hold down th« Job PHILADELPHIA B7 GBOBOB M. TOUNG. KEITH'S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.; agent. U B. O.).—There were few weak spots to he found In the week's bill, and there was ample enough of the good quality stuff to strike more than an even balance, the average hold- ing up well, with two or threo "booster" acts near the finish. Frank Sheridan and Co., in Richard Harding Davis' "UlackmaH" fea- tured, but It la tho Courtni-y Slaters put the big mark to their credit when the running of the show Is summed up. The Davis sketch Is featured by stage heroics of the glaring kind with Sheridan, a capable actor. In the principal role. Mr. Davis lust missed hand- ing Mr. Sheridan a red-fire dramatic hit Shortening of the dialog In two or three places and another finish will do the trick. Threo long speecbi-s following one another are needed to acquaint the audience with the text of the story. That's the sketch's principal fault. It nerds some action where there is so much talk, nnd the plain murder of the blalckmaller in full view of the audi- ence smacks too broadly of th»» "meM»>r- dram- mer" to hit tho exact spot desired. Lewis and Doty followed the sketch and the boys found little trouble pulling those in front back to the lighter vein of entertainment Only one song missed fire and strangely it was one of their new ones, Leiloy, Talma and Bosco held attention with magic, which, al- though not living up to the program billing as being absolutely original. In splendidly worked up with a cabinet trick for a finish yhich stnufls up as one of the showlnut ever seen Ttatiy TTel«n repeated a former triumph as a Juvenile entertainer The little girl tells her stories like a veteran and her poise and stage i)resen«e stnmp' Inr as ;i regular 'lltel wonder The hill had an excpll».nt starter in Hoser's Doirs .IiiKKHni,' Miirkes rileased, after whl<li Well li, riatnH a rwl Co did Cilrl\' well uith ;i n.iiirh eortnilv skit Sfelni-r Trio flll.d t)\<- elunln^f r<|i>>i w |i |, th<-lr CKini dv bar act, (f-llltiif ilirom.'!) nlnlv MKTItDPOMTA.V < \U,K<n- M\,r-i, rnis'i at'ent. Loew ). Ma rill en I ■< Ibis w.iU'm Iliier Mondav afti?n<i(>n, with a \\i]\ hll'il houMe, (he e-ic'ipe .irllst dill Will v\|lliM'it cnii"lt)K any stir Kilting the w. e|< a clinik" or rniiUlle prob.ihly w ,m madi', but If w.i'iM h.lV. helped Hanlecri and ttie lioiine a lot hid at least new trick In < ri ii'-ed f.,r ti,, opining dnv As a srnill time ofTirhiK II u <\i <n and fhe old Hoiidlnl trliks \\ II1 dr). tut tilw tricks are expecteit |ti the house tn.ikiinr ;i t>l;^ for some of th.^ 'i|l; fltnc p.-itinnapi Fretl TfalUn ami MmP', fillir \v. r» ue'l t.- celved in till sketch, 'Ihi- Koad to .lorii'-- vllle " If Ih not a piirti' 'il;irlv brichf h|f nf writing, Kuf has th' ;i d v;in t .iirr of skiMfuI handllnK' •'•nd hroui^hf (.'n-ul ri turns Tumi Idntrin nnd ",rungle f;ir«" addi d ii st^ow v singing and danelnp sUir 'li.' -I'lKhllv tf)],- pln» of »tn» gIriM hookflrig tl;« - i up consld-