Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY 25 A despatch from Parts announces grand opera artists are to be exchanged between the Boston and Chicago companies which will feature Pevrler's Monna Vanna. The artists affected are Loulso Edvlna, Llna Cavallerl, LuclfH Muratore, Vannl Marcoux. Julia Claus- gem. Mabol RIcgelmann. Minnie Haltzman- Btevens, Maggie Teyte, Carolina White, Ales- tandro Botkcl and Arlstodem'o Qlorglnl. Julia Sanderson's opening date at the Hol- Its, n6w dark, has been definitely announced as Sfpt. 22. The Bhubert and Majestic have at last issued thi Ir long expected artistic programs and the greatest surprise was that they came up to expectation. ATLAl^TIC CITY SAVOY (Jake B. Isaac, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—French A Els In "Rouge et Nolr." plea8- urable excitement; Charles Grapewin and Anna Chance In "Mr. PIpp," laughter; Cnn- fleld A Ashley, good; Berrens, liked; Stella Tracey A Johnny Stanley, when speeded up ■hould get over nicely: DeWltt, Burns & Torrence. flne; DeLlsle, excellent. NIXON (Harry Brown, mgr.; agent, Nlrd- llnger).—Rosemary airla, went very well; Kelly & Catlln, funny; Wilson Franklyn ft Co., headlined; Evans ft Wilcox, liked; King ft King, good; Watson & Little, good: pictures. APOLLO (Frrd E. Moore, mgr.; K. ft E.).— "Mndame President." all week. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Youni?, mgr.; Wister Orookett, bus. mgr.; agent, Jos. Dawson, direct through U. B. O.).—Willards Temple of Music: DeWar's Comedy Circus; Bobby Pandour ft Co.; Miss Josephine; Dol- llnl; Joe Hortis Minstrels; pictures. Next week at the Apollo la split with Robert Hllllard. beginning his season in "The Argyle Case," for the first half and "The Honeymoon Express." with Al Jolson the last half. "Madame President, the current week's attraction, was to have played but threo days, but the Illness of Blllie Burke, who had been scheduled to star in "The Amazon," allowed the new fare* to remain all week. Charley Qrapewln breezed into town on Sunday and handed out a dozen laughs. Mon- day he opened at the Savoy In "The Awuk- ening of Mr. PIpp." Tuesday morning he ha<l a good laugh handed to himself. The mnll containe t a letter from a local institute In whirh was told the new and easy method of curing alcoholism. Oeorge M. Rappelyea, who has condurtcd the Bohemian Cafe here for the past few years, died suddenly Friday night last from an attack of heart failure. Wslter Raymond, the stage manager of the Apollo, gave all his "boys" an outing last Sunday. Another new picture house was opened a few dnys a«o. It Is called the Park and lo- CRted on Atlantic avenue, at the corner of Ohio avenue. Stores flank the entrance nnd there are apartments above. This makes the twentlet^f picture house in town. NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. SAMFKI.. CRESCENT (T. C. Csmphell. mgr.; K. ft E.) —Don McOrath in "Mary's LamK" TUT^ANE (T. C. Campbell, mgr).—"Quo Vadls" pictures. LYRTC (Bert Gagnon, m^r.).—Gagnon-Pol- look Stork Co.. in 'The Third Degree." MAJESTIC (J. C. Kalem, mgr).—Vaude- ville. ALAMO (Wm. Guerlnger. mgr).—Vaude- ville. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—Open- ing program thoroughly entertaining. The Brarls. droll acrobats; Ornre DeMnr. charm- ing; Moore ft Elliott, laugh provoking; Five Bullys. applause hit; Florence Rohrrts, solen- rtirt vehicle. Ideally Interpreted: Jark Gard- ner, did little; Hnnlon ft Hanlon. closed. LAFAYETTE (H. C. Fourton. mcr >.—Her- mnny's Animals, favor; Csllowsy ft Roberts, scored wi»h sure-flre Hokum, as did Tyewls. OrifTIn ft Lewis:-Weston ft Leon, appreciated: Johnson. Hownrd ft LlsB'>tto. hit. HIPPODROME (Lew Rose, rngr).—Dninty Maxine. fnir: Ver Valln. Ilkod Imniensoly; Irene Althane, conventional; Rillle Oss. bijr; Aldeans. old timers; Elliotts, well received; Moore Gllson Trio, closed. The Emma Rnnting Stock Co. opens at the Dauphlne Sunday in "Tess." .Tohn Stengard succeeds Frnnk Marclante as treasurer of the Orpheum. Walter Kntfman is again press representative of the theatre. Somebody's coming to Sol Myers' house. Underlined for the Crescent next week is "Littio Miss Fix-It." which closed and stranded at Tor.jnto last Saturday. The engraved card of the press agent of the Greenwall and Dauphlne theatres bears • he name of Thomas Barr. PITTSniTRGIl By F. T.ANCI GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; agent, IT. R. O V—Marie Dressier, well received; .Tnllus Tnnnen hit; Robt. T. Haines ft Co.. vory good; Kallvama, clever; General Plzalro. flne; Rail ft West, good; Demarest ft Chahot. pleased; John A Mas Burke, scored; The Youngers. clSTer. HARRIS (C. R. Btictahalt, m gt r «J»mt,- V. FAMOUS ACTRE SS LOSES 7 0 LBS. OF FAT Texas Guinan, Star of the "Passing Show*' Company, Offers Her Own Marvelous New Treatment to Fat Folks NEW TREATMENT GIVES ELEG ANCE OF HGURE AND STARTLING RESULTS QUICKLY If You Are Fat and Want to Be Thin, You Can Reduce at Many Pounds as You Desire By This Astonishing New Method As Texas Guinan had to perform at the matinee It seemed the easiest thing In the world to arrange an Interview without con- sulting her. The vigilant stage doorkeeper was easily passed. The dressing-room was hospitably turned open by a maid, and then —well. Miss Guinan, that Is. what Is left of her. appeared. "So you have come to learn the story of my weight reduction, have you?" said Texas in her breezy style, with her glorious coun- tenance beaming in smiles at her supreme gladness, realizing how appreciative the world was In bestowing admiration and ap- plause upon her, all on account of the new glory of her form which she transformed almost as If by magic with her own marvelous new treatment. "While you are not going to get away with my secret," said Texas, "it is true that my sev- enty pounds of weight reduction was brought about with my own delightful treat- ment, but it cost me a pretty sum of money to learn of It. and I am not giving my secret of how I lost my weight free to reportera, but I havo written a book telling all about this wondsous new treatment which rescued me from the thralldom of fat. This book haa Just come off the press and Is offered free to fat burdened men and women, as I early learned In life that the only way to know happlnesn was to give It to othrm. and If by letting the world know of this harmless, quick method of reducing weight I can do a great good, then I will feel that I have not lived In vain." "But won't you give me an Ink- ling of Its component parts? Just a sug- gestion as to what It Is, or will I have to be content to read your free book telling all abont It?" "That Is exactly It." said Texas, "hut I don't mind telling you what the treatment is not. It does not cons'st of Internal drugs or medicine; there Is nothing to take Internally. Neither is there any pink col- ored camphor water, or worthless, harmful stuff to rub on the body. There Is no sweating, no bandages, no Turkish baths. The treatment does not consist of a single exercise or physical ciilture of any de- scription. There Is no diet. One may abso- lutely eat all the food they desire of any kind, and go rlirht on reducing without depriving themselves In any way. "There are no enemas or flushing of the colon, no harmful massaging, no sweating garments to wear, no Immersing yourself In hot hnths with the tub flllod with oheslty water or epsom salts, nor does It include any medical concoction of any doctor, and it has nothing to do with any drug store prescription to have fliled. There is no formula to carry out, no sonps to rub on the skin; neither Is It a religious faith cure or Christian Sclenc«» stunt. It Is not a vi- bratory electric massage treatment, mental sTig^fStlon—no. and It Is not a belt or mechanical device of any kind. "I have tried many such fakes I trlf-d drugs, pills, capstiles. harmful concoctions to rub on th«» bodv. I have tried sweating and taking Turkish bstbs exercising, pbvs- Ical cultnrp an<1 everything known to sci- ence without result, and without losing weight. As I was about to desnair and give up in disffust all ftirther efforts to reduce mv enormous weight, which was two hun- dred and four pounds. I. by luckv accident, lesrned of the most slmnle. harmless, rapid, safest fat reducing treatment on earth. I tried It on mvself with astonishing resn'ts My friends stood aghast In amarement. marveling at the wondrous change In my appearance. My fat Just rolled away. Af- M1HS TEXAS GI'INAN. God's masterpiece and the moi»t fascinat- ing actress In America. ter the flrst three days I noticed It begin- ning to leave me. My reduction grew greater and greater until Anally, I was al- most appalled with delight when I realized the stupendous success of my efforts and when I awoke to the fact that I had re- duced 70 pounds of my fat without leaving a wrinkle, and the glory of my new figure and the grace an«l beauty of my curves gave me the admiration of the world. I en.loyed the triumph of my life and the suc- cess of my whole career when my manager. Mr. Shubert, on account of my glorious new figure, made me the star of the 'PasHlng Show,' and, mind you, this very same mjin- ager had said I was doomed to oblivion Just a short time befori> whrn I tlp|>ed the scales at two hundred and four pounds. I was crushed and bewildered when he told me he could not give me a part In the T-ish- Ing Show' unless I could reduce my enor- moua weight, and my heart hangs heavy with the memory of the fat daya that are gone when my fat, ungainly figure made me realize that I waa doomed to despair and failure. "My success in reducing my own fat proves that there Is no such word as 'foil.' I simply would not be resigned to my fate, and although everyone aald 'Texas, there Is no way out of your dilemma.' and told me that no fat reducing specialist could reduce my weight, I determined not to give up In despair, with the result that I abso- lutely conquered my fat. My new. great book on obesity, which gives full particulars of my 'simple, safe, quick, harmless fat re- ducing treatment. Is now ready and will be sent free to all who wish to reduce their weight any number of pounds." It Is simply astonishing the furor this new trestment is causing among the Inti- mate friends of Miss Guinan to whom she has given it. A Jetter from the world's most famous dancer, La Petite Adelaide, says: "Dear Miss Gulnnn: Let me con- gratulate you upon the high excellence of your remarkable new obesity treatment, which I And reduces me as rapidly as I desire. Sincerely. Adelaide." Other letters of praise and gratitude are pouring In to Miss Guinan from all parts of the country from those who have reduced with her suc- cessful treatment. Louise Brunelle, the Quaker maid, one of the earth's greatest beauties, states she lost 10 pounds the flrst week with this astonishing new treatment. It Is said this remarkable treatment Is not unlike the treatment used by the court ladli s and famous actresses of the Old World, who have been using a similar rem- edy throughout Europe, and the remark- able thing Is that Texas Guinan Is the first to Introduce It in America. Her free book, which is now ready for distribution, should be requested by nil who desire quick re- duction. It is written In a fascinating style. It explains how. by her treatment. Texas Guinan. who Is acknowledged America's moat successful star, reduced her own weight seventy pounds, oml conquered the monster FAT. This glorious little woman is doing her utmost to benefit fat men and women who are In need of a perfect home treatment. Everything will be sent to you In a per- fectly plain package, so that In your own room, awsy from all prying eyes, you may plan to reduce your weight at once. Miss Gtilnan wants to help all who are hardened with superfluous fat, and thereby make life really worth while. Wrlt«» her .it once, and learn the anguish she felt when her girlish beauty started to develop to abnormal proportions. Read of the tears she wept when that monster "fat" made her realize that she must give up her profession and fnde Into oblivion. Learn how she experimented, how she tried every- thing and. finally, with patient effort and determination she conquered her fat. Learn of these things so you may improve your own form and destroy your own fat so It will not be longer necessary for you to suffer the Jibes and .sneers of others. Remember, there Is no ex.'rclsing or physical culture of any description in her treatment, no harm- ful mass.tge or worthless poison body lotions. You mnv eat as many meals dally as you desire and go right on rapidly reducing. A most astonlshlnir part of this fat reducing trestment Is that It does not prodtiee wrin- kles or leave the skin flabby. All who have »)een dieting and starving themselves, trying to reduce their welifht, ;ind who havo been t.-iking ex«rclMes nnd Internal bsths and who have been taklnr Internal and external rem- e«Hei» should writo for n. copy of her great VUFK hook entitled "nATMT> WKIfJIIT RE- Ht'r'TTOV WITHOTTT EVEIflHE DIKT nil TVTEHVAT, RKMEDTPS." so that you may at.irt to reduce yotir hurd* nsorne fnt as lap- hllv as you d« sire. Simply write a lirl<f letter or" a po.wtenrd and ask for her new book. Kverything will be s<nt absolutely free. Do not send any money, because It is aliHoMifelv free. Arldrrvj. TF.XAH fil'INAN. Hnlt#i 2Hi, Ijinco nullding, l^s Angeles, Calirornia. B. O.).—"Ten Little Lambs." very good: .lea- saline Rogers ft Co., well received: Kennedy ft Kramer, scored; Capital City Four, flne; Dave Woods, clever; The Great Restlvo, pleased; La Verne ft Allyn, very good; Hdle Meyers, entertained; Tho Juggling LaRelles. clever. LinERTT (.1. H. McCsrron, mgr : agent. W. Keefe).—Ilertrah ft Rertrah. hit; Wilson A Sel- Hnger, very funny: The Forest Trio, clever: The Carrays, flne; Snowie Mabell, very good; May Bushnell Co, pleased; Morrell ft Jaeger, entertaine^j Bartlett, 0ns; EI Gojdo. enter- faloea." ~ • I VICTORIA (Geo. Schafer, mgr.: agent. Sun) — "Candy Store Girls." very good; Romany Trio, flne; The Four Valhirrs, clever; W. S Harvey ft Co., pleiised: •'The Ixinn Sh.irk." well received; Booth ft Howard, very gooil; Percy Pollack ft Sunshine (Jlrls. scored. NIXON (Thos. Kirk, mgr ; K ft R ) —' Th. Winning of Barbara Worth." 15. Pln< Feathers." ALVIN (J. P. Reynolds, mgr.; Shiiberts) - "Peg O* My Heart," well received. 16. 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." irrrwcrH <c: u. wiiron. mgr.- b. a n^.— ••Klpfliing." IB. "Life's Hbop .Window" f'..\VKTV (n<nrv rnifr ; Kasl.rni — •'Taxi fJIris" IT., '•f;avety Girls" DrQT'KSVR fifiirry Davin, mur ) --.'Itock. ■Sweet Kliiy Ri Hairs." in. "irj Minuten from Urondway." I'iTT /' Wbnti!i(h. mgr.).— .'^lo^k, "HiMter Rt.atrice" : ir>. "The Chaperf>ne " AMF,ltl''AN' (.?. Immerm:in, mgr ). —Sto( k. Thelma." ifi. 'A Mart of Mvnterv " EVI'fJSITinS' - Sousa snd His Hnnd. I^MI'lllE <A. A McTlgbe. mgr : ng. rif, L. (' M(I>atighlln). H](t, Pamphell \i I'arker, hit; Gales ft Gates, clever; Braddork X^ l^elghton.