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VARIETY V Charles Horwitz Author of tho best Plajlets and Sketches lo Vaudeville. His record speaks for Itself. Hundreds of successes. Don't esperlment with others. Get a Horwlts sketch. Call, write or telephone. CHABLE8 HORWITZ, 1408 Broadway (Room 115). New York. Phone 2549 Greeley. Telephone 2695 Bryant. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER BsKiraffe Called for and Checked to all Railroads and Steamboats. Stand, S. E. Cor. 43d St. and 8th Ave. Htoraire—704 IIth Ave., bet. 5Sd * 54th Sts. Otllee—276 W. 4Sd St. NEW YORK. I. MILLER. 1554 Broadway. ^Vltr** Tel. S506-7 Chekea ^^^ Manufacturer ^j^j^ A _^^^^^^ o f Theatrical COS ^^^^^^K^^ Boots and W.2SIST^|93»»»^„ Ban.. N.Yi^HVBH^Il^^ and Acrobatic Shoes a spec- ialty. Air work made at short notice. Write for Catalog 4. I.E8T YOU FOROET WE SAY IT YET CROSS LETTER HEADS C'oiitrartN, TIrketfi, EnvelopeH. Free Samples, STA(iK MONEY, 15c. Book of Herald Cnta, 25c. rOnCG PRINTING COMPANY PIIIPAfifl bnUOd 501 8. DEARBORN ST. unitoHOU BIG TIME Photos SMALL TIME Prices Original and Beprodactlons. Call or Send for Special Price LiHt. ORPHEUM STUDIOS. 1364 Broadway. New York City at ITth St. 11 Something New 11 FROLIC "Vandevllle's Joy Joamal.** The flmt Issue will be oat THIS COMING Wednesday, Sept. 17 Frolic Is a nifty little Journal of snappy fun for vaudeville performers, and Is pub- lished twice Wonthly. Watch for It. PERFORMERS OUT OP NEW YORK CITY Win receive the opening Issue surely by following these simple instmctlons: Wrap a dime (or Ave two-cent stamps) In a piece of paper, together with your address for Sept. 18-19-20, and your copy will be de-, Uvered promptly. DO THIS. Address FROLIC, 819 Putnam Bid*., New York. llllU <2)yX\s\J^ LE; LK. The Calox Habit is a careful brushing of your teeth night and morning, using plenty of Calox Tooth Powder and a Calox Tooth Brush. Then a regular periodic visit to your dentist— he won't have much to do. Get the Calox Habit Sample and Booklet free on request All Draggists 25c ▲ak for the Calox Tooth Brush, tic. McKESSON « ROBBINS NEW YORK. C A.L-O X llil ■■^-■y WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR yADE TO OIDEI FROM $0.00 TO $100.00 We apedalisa la Stock Wlia THE WIGGERY *«» »««."• *taie CHICAGO WHO CAN DO FANCY DANCING. Hlirh kickinc and cartwheels, for vaudeville act, booked aolld; food salary, wardrobe and transportation fumUhed. Addreaa N. E. V., care YARnXY, New York. The Primrose Four have become big favor- ites here, on and off the stage. Their time Is taken up with entertainments given In their honor. Big Tom Murphy says "this Is sure some hospitable country." Jansen, the American Illusionist, Is angry at the action of Felix Blels and William De Hollls, late managers for his show. The latter subsequently ran Fasola, an Indifferent performer, and used much of Janson's print- ing as well as his photo blocks. Ike Rose's twin show reports good business all along the line. Ike Is no win ICuropp, but will return here about November. Merian's Dogs and Frank Fox, English comedian, are amongst the newcomers at the Tivoll today. nast'ball has got 'em all here. This county promise s to become a big field for America's national game, as a majority of the schools now Include It In their field games. The Primrose Four and Laskey'H "Hoboes" will try conclusions with a local nine next week. The wife of Alexander Prince, the con- certina soloist, died on her return voyage to England and was burled at sea. The American Burlesque Co., after their Sydney season, will play Newcastle, with New Zealand to follow. The show will be In Australasia for some conslderalile time yet. J. F. Dooky, comedy wire-walker, who has been with the St. I.eon Circus for some time, will return to American shortly. Available houses cannot use his art. owing lo stages being inadequate. Billle Hecves hjid a big send-off prior to leaving for Melbourne. A number of the Chasers, together with several other friends, were at the station. Together with fellow travelers, Reeves was forced to undergo vac- cination owing to the smallpox epidemic. The stork Is hovering around the domicile of Charlie Zoll, the Impersonator of Italian character. The Alhambra and Princess theatres (small time), are doing very good business, notwith- standing smallpox. Both houses are playing strong bills. Joe St. Clair, the West Australian entre- preneur, was in Sydney for a few days, and booked several acts ere departing last week. Owing to the support accorded his houses in the west, he will Import acts from England, commencing from this month. The Brennan-Fuller people will be playing an even greater number of acts from your side from now on, Ben Fuller having cabled his 'Frisco representative, R. A. Shepard, to keep him supplied. Llllle and Dan Dunbar, Australians who have been in America some years, returned here last week, as did Alberto, a local ma- gician. Max Steinberg is still holding down his con- cessions with the Greater J. D. Williams people. He is practically the only one left of the original American bunch. Hugh D. Mcintosh, by all accounts. Is going to shake things up when he returns here. Already he has arranged for something extra In the way of vaudeville attractions. The present standard of bills on the Rickards cir- cuit has never been equalled. The Brennan- Fuller people are also getting a hustle on and Xmas time should And uh In the centre of an American Invasion. Wlrth's Circus is doing regular business. The show, althoug^i posaesHlng no unusual fea- tures, Is fairly good all-round. BRiDOErOHT, CONN. POM'S (Mutt Saunders, mgr.; iigent, U, B. O.).—.Judge & Gale, pleased; fort & De Lacey, well liked: John T. Murray, entertained; The Monto Five, very good; White, Pelzer & White, big; Carman's MinstreLs. first honors; Kernan A Bcrnello, pleased; Mile. I.aton, entertained; Stroud Trio, very good; The Kru.sulas, well liked; Bell Boys & Belles, big. H. HEICH. BUFFALO. SHKA'.S (Henry J. Carr, mKiv; agent, T. B. O.: rehearsal Mon. 10).—Th»^ Hosalres, agile; Joe Cook, skillful; William Hawtrey & Co., original; Vera MIchelena, many encores; Dainty Marie, sensational; I..addle Cliff, favor- ite; The Melnterslngera of Boston, excellent. This Is anniversary week. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.; K. & E.).— "The Sins of the Katlirr." a company of six, excellent play, largo audlenci'. 1."., (Jeo. Evanii' Minstrels. I.,YUI(' (A. U. Sherry, mgr.; ag.nl, I.oew; rehearsal Mon 10).—Vandell Sisters, enter- taining; Parry (Jllbert, amused; Five old Vet- eran Boys In Blue, drew big; Reed St. John Trio, artistic; M. le Rowlands, attractive; "A Night In a Police Station," scored; Mack A Mayne, clever; LaVelie A Grant, well re- ceivedx^ MAJESTIC (John Laughlin, mgr.; 8. & H.). —"A Romance of the Underworld," Inter- ested from atart to flniah. 16, "The Roaary." ACADEMY (Henry Marcus, mgr.; agent, Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Cliff Bailey, dar- ing; Teddy Dupont, surprise; Richard Mal- loug & Co.. feature; Nick & Llda Russell, neat; Snyder A Hallo, graceful; Allenhardt, acceptable; Cooper ft May, went well; Harry Brooks ft Co., enjoyable; Tom Fletcher, good; Dalley Bros., won applause. GARDEN (W. F. Graham, mgr; Progres- sive).—Dan Coleman and his "Follies tof Pleasure" well deserved the cordial reception accorded It. AMHERST (Sol Swerdloff, mgr.; agents, McMahon ft Dee; rehearsal Mon. 6).—Florence Wrighton, dainty; Chas. Neai, clever; Bill Baker, funny. LAFAYETTE (C. M. Bagg, mgr.; Colum- bia).—"Trocadero Burleaquers," featuring Frank Finney. TECK (John R. Oishei, mgr.; ShuLerts).— The announced opening of "Romance" was postponed until 11, when Doria Keane and the Maxine Elliott Theatre Co. will open here. The change in the date was due to the re- arrangement of the route of the entire coun- try. Instead of week stands in the largest cities, the time will be limited to three nights. 16, Blanche Ring in "When Claudia Smiles." THAYER. BUBLINGTON. lA. GARRICK (J. Henri Fischer, mgr.).—7. Great Arthur ft Co.; Harry Green; Brown ft Bertram; Cameron ft Sherwood; Boyle Bros., and motion pictures. GRAND (Ralph Holmes. mgr.).—Neil O'Brien's Minstrels, 18. Pictures shown nighta when no legitimate attraction billed. CAMDEN, N. J. BROADWAY (W. B. McCallum, mgr.).— 4-6, Four Huntings, scored; La Mestena, novel; Irving Jones, hliarloua; Cameron ft Kennedy, clever; Peake, mystified. 8-10, Flo- rle Millership, Bobby Heath ft Co., went big; Walter Middleton, won favor; E. C. Llnds- ley ft Co.. entertained; Hunter ft Davettport, flniahed strong; Sully ft Larsen, fair; De Angelo. appreciated. Richard 8. Ridgway, a local newspaper man, baa been made general preaa representative for the housea controlled by M. W. Tajrlor, of Philadelphia. The death of Paul Brooks, for years atage manager of the Temple here, and late of the Liberty. Philadelphia, la mourned by many. Brooks resided In thia city all hia life and waa well known In the profeaaion. DANIEL P. McCONNELL. CANTON, O. LYCEUM (Abrama ft Bender, mgra.).— "The House Warmera," headllnera thia week, a hit; Neff ft Shaw, good; Italia ft Co., great; Karl, good; Lewis ft Chapin, acored. MYERS LAKE PARK (H. B. Rita, mgr.).— Cohan's Minatrela, 7, closed the season. Manager Rits'a flgurea show that there were 670,880 people at the park and 199,186 paid attendances at the theatre for season of 1918. CLEVELAND, O. HIPPODROME (H. A. Daniels, mgr.; re- hearsal Mon. 10).—Cavana, good; Hal ft Frances, fair; Lancton, Lucier ft Co., laughs; "The Pinafore Kiddies," pleasing; Trovato, well applauded; "Le Ballet Classlque," clever dancing; Empire Comedy Four, hit; Cap- tain Chink'a Australia Boy Scouts, in a real- istic scene of camp life. PRISCILLA (Proctor E. Seas, mgr.; re- hearsal Mon. 10).—Mme. Adelaide Hermann, headlined; Ten Dixie Honeysuckles, feature; Wall ft Kid: Two Stefanoa, good; Welter ft Clucas, won favor; Jack ft Nellie Gibson, very good; Terry, Benard ft Elmer, hit. STAR (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.: rehearsal Mon. 10).—"The Social Maids" with George Stone ft Etta Plllard, and others, give a pleasing show. EMPIRE (Geo. A. Chenet, mgr.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—"High Life Girls," In two acts, OPERA HOUSE (Geo. A. Gardner, bus. mgr,; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Rose Stahl, in "Maggie Pepper." PROSPECT (J. W. Lyons, mgr.; Stair).— "The Confession." COLONIAL (R. H. McLaughlin, mgr.; Shu- berts).—May Buckley, who was a local stock favorite at the Colonial ail summer opened the regular season with a new show, "A Ro- mance of Bllly-Goat Hill." ALHAMBRA (Fred Brandt, mgr.).—Beat- rice K. Scott, singer, features. WALTER D. HOLCOMB. DALLA8. TEX. MAJESTIC (O. K. (iould, mgr.; Inter; re- hearsal Mon. 10) —Waller Howe, Edna Norlh- lano ft Co., Very good; Five Melody Boys, hit; The Flying Geers, good; Ted ft Uno Bradley, pleased; Claude Golden, excellent; Benson & Belle, very good. FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL COSTUMER 149 W. 36th ST.. NEW YORK Tel. 1681 Greeley. Bend for Catalogne. Stage and Evening Gowns on Hand. Mme. MENZELI Former Premiere Danseuse and Maitresso de Ballet HIGH SCHOOL of Dancing and Pantomime. Classic Ballet and All Styles of Dancing Acts created and staged. Pupils, Mile. Daizle, Hoffman. Mile. Mar- selle, Grecian elassU- dan<er from Metropoli- tan Opera House; Spring Song; Vampire; Sa- lome, etc.; Marlowe and other prominent stars. 22 East 16th Street, bet. B'way and 6th Ave. A MAN IS KNOWN by the company he keeps, and an author by the people he writes for. Among my clients are Al. jolson, Joe Welch, Jack Norworth, Ben Welch, Byron and l4ingdon. Howard and Howard, Rooney and Bent. Marshall P. Wil- der. Jack Wilson, Nat Carr, Hunting and Frances, Alfred ZInk, etc. JAMES MADISON 1493 BROADWAY. NEW YORK (Room 417) . FRED J. BEAMAN Writes sketches that Uve. Here are a few of the many who have played his acts: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes, Dlgby Bell. Devlin and Blwood, Hallen and Fuller, Kelley and Went- worth, Harry M. Morse, i..ewU McCord, Halght and Deane. Dick Crollus. I do not write songs or monulogs, but do writ* sketches that LIVE and PLEASE. Room 400. Senate Offlre Building, Washington, D. C. she point of SHORT .^ VA Ml P SHOES O UP AND OXFORDS IN ALL LBATHBR8, CUBAN AND FRENCH HBBLH Ballet, one strap, $1.60. Stfrtlu FreiK'li Heels, ull ShtMles, $2. J. GLASSBERG t Convenient Stores. 511 (th Avs., near Slst St. M M Avt., N. Y. I lis WtH 4U SL Near 10th St. | West of B'way. niastratad StjU Book "V" Free. MOODY praphei Late of Nashville, Tenne s s e e The Exclusive Theatrical Photo I KNOW HOW TO POSE YO Prompt attention to all orders : I will treat you right 241 Wast 42nd StrMt, Now Yarti FREDERICK SCENIC STUDIO 641 W. 42d 8t., N. Y. Vaudeville Productions and Dye. Best Trunk Scenery on the Market. ACROBAT WANTKI) Most be good ground tumbler, for reooffnlsed three act, that Is booked. Address REX. 1120 Chateau Ht., Allegheny, l>a. GAHDKN (Ray J. Htlnnttt, mgr.; Inter.; rehearsal Sun. 12).— Rosh & King, g<to(l; Hl<'ge| & Matthews, pleased; Jos. E. Ilurnurd & Co., very good; Mllhr & .Miller, good; Wllllums A Held, pleased. OKO. B. 'WALKER. DANVILLE, ILL. FISCHER (C. V. Mlll.r, mgr.).—"I'rlnco of Tonight.'" 12. I.YHH: (C. V. Miller, mgr.; agenl, W. V. M. A.).—First half, Robert Sherman, dram- atic tabloid Co. In "I'ald In Full," scored. 2<l half, Montrose A Jackson; Mitchell Sisters; James MorrlHun A <.'o. In "The Verdict": Brown A Jurkson; Kerr A Ki-nnlson Hlnters. FLAUCIHKK. DETROIT. MICH. TEMl'I.K (('. (1. WllllumH, mgr.; agi nt, U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10).---Kolfi'B Arcii- dlnns, big act, Joe A Ia'w (.'oopcr, hit; Josl<! Heather, encored; Asuhl, exr*-ll<'til ; KiiniHdcll Trio, g«K>d danc<Ts: Murphy A FriindH, did nicely; Htden Tugu A Co., pleiisfd; Four Bards, fine. MILKS (C. W. I»ort« r, mgr.; iig. nt, T. II r.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Adiilr A Hl<k<y, v.iy good; Cleorge K. MnrDonald. lnt<r<MtinK, "The Vital yueHtlon." good Hk<i(h; Lis S;ila dons, good; Flor< rice May .*<iiiltli. will Ilk<il ; FltzslmmoiiH A (""anii-ron. |)l«a.s« i| FAMILY (C. II. rrtPton. niKr I aK-nl, IJ. B. O.). —Kube WilllH. K""d, .!<».• I". Sjdr^H. II At Co., excellent; M< DcimioM «\r \V.iliai>, iiit, Arthur Moris, pieuK'd; (;.(ir«( ,\i M.ick, v»-ry