Variety (September 1913)

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32 VARIETY GREAT HARMONY SONG KOR QUARTE TRIOS - DOUBLES - OR ANY COMf^lNATION OF VOICES 1IU1III m Lyric bs K U kOSK Music In I,KO FHIKUMAN f'""i \ i. \\ In |i HH tliiiii li.ilf ;i M.Mond. Th»! ■ mill' till .1 ii|>>iiiiili i| V Dclfii nu.s'y. l>ut Hubse- Mii'III lii\ • st ik'.«t ii>ti r"i,:Mi :i \, r>- iTiuch liat- ii-r. il iiirrnMii.i. H. h.i'l fillin Ihrougji h 1 r^ip <I()i)r. Tlllv nmiliar. un A u.h 11 ill l.i ii i nini dlt'linc, who lii>* |il.i\iit III Ami 111.I iiii sniiH- viar><. ti'- I 111 111 il hi 11' Uist iiimi t li I'hi- rilmrnsi I'liur ;ir, Mi, ni"-^! liilk'd iif il 1 t I 11 > I .1 I M 'I'll! II' ^'i Tiio'i ;i I Aiii ;.,;.;. I.. I,, ij|)< n St iit. i'< Tip- ii|)i iiiii^,' Kill \\'\l\ I,,- 111 11 I iKJi.iiM. Till' II' « |iiii|--i will tiiilcl •' null |ii'ii il, K'1 11 \ iri'l WIMir 'i;i\, I. mii 11 r 11 a fm South Afi il ,1 \'u- A U.iiMiil. A |pi tiiitUlv I. 11 111*' Rlck- ii:il> iHiipli fill- :i iiiKii- I I'liriiK r:i 11 vi' position \^.tli till- M !•' liiiult. h.m In 1-11 iki>pointed m.iTiak'it fill til. tiiniM W.-i i-i ii Australia h<iu.s<- b A i: I . N ;,■ t- I M /•. r. •-> fA i l.lii 1 'I'iin ,1 ili\ir AusirHllan co- 'ii'ili'ii. fill' w linsi iMiKiit ;i iiiatinrc was Te- |'ii''\ II' 111. IS il\li!K ill his r<'8lili lue here. • '• I' iiiMilili his i.iiii iiiin up for- some in nil I hs Aif Mil'iiiiiiiti piiimliHiii lure snrin- yoars .iK'i il." a (iMii ilhiTi, iliiil twii WfckH iifjo. It'iiv- iriK H \\ Iff iiiKJ Mt-iv 1 I ,il siiMtll ( hililrcii. The A. V. A. V ItH unnual election yt'Sti-nlHy. (hoik'' Sorllf. an <ntTgetlc mem- her, |8 proaldi nt for thf yeiir. A coiipli' of ■hldvv Ins" leave by the next Mti-ariur Thilr try-outs' wero all to the had. Will John K. Doiintllan, lite manager of the J I). Wlllliims' pUlure houses. pN-an*' write ♦ APOLLO, FA. McCAULF:V ( U. E. McCauley. mgr.; agent. I.. C. McLauKhlln). —.lohnaon Bros. A John- son. Snow If Mahelle; Thf Great Weber. BATTLR CKEKK. MICH. HIJOU (Harry I.orch. mRr.). — H-18. IVppl.- & Klllott, pnsenfInK <'olonlal Minstrel Maids. I'ig. IV-LM. l':arl S, Dcwry A Mabel Rogers. In 'Tlio Itunaway ■■ HKIMAN BUFFALO. TE('K {.John H. Olshel, msr.; Shuberts).— Ulanche HIng receives royal welcome. 22. "Within the Law." HHIOAS (Henry J. ('arr, mgr.; agent, U. n. O.; rehearsal Men. 10).—Krank Tlerncy & Marie Sahbatt. capital; Betts & Chldlow. witty; Bert Levy, artistic; Mabel Berra. Hne; Horace Goldin & <'o., spectacular; Billy Qould &. Belle Ashlyn. up to date; Roladow Bros., marvelous; Hairv K Thaw pictures, drew big, L»vy appeared before the curtain and an- nounced that, ^owlng to the delay In the ar- rival of his baggage. tJeorKe Evans, the Honey Boy, would take his place. STAR (V. (\ Cornell, mgr.; K. & E.).—Geo. Evans and his Honcj Boy Minstrels, good re- ception. 22. "Joseph & His Brethren." LYRIC (A. R Sherry, mgr; agent. Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10). -Alvora, a surprise; Will Dockrey. creditable; Onalp, mystifying;' Gla- dys Wilbur, many encores; Kchrodes & Cha- pelle, many htughs: Wilson & Rich, novel; Dletrlck Bros., well received. MAJESTK" (John Laughlln, mgr.; S. & H.). —"The Rosary." even better business than on ita former visit. 22. "The Old Home- ■tead." ACADEMY (Henry Marcus, mgr.; agent, Hh C r„' . AK( . I Mt '. K A I ; I ;''■.' -S HAROLD ROSSITER Z Music Company TOM MAYO GEARY 'm^" HEW yORI. 2?8 W 46'h S' - CHICAGO, 145 H Clark S' - S.'N FR:KCISC0, Pantages 8L'f:. .•> -A - .11 1 Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Grundy Duo, en- trertalnlnr; Laurie A Aleen, classy; Cora Youngblood Corsin Sextet, excellent; Slgnor Piottl, appreciated; Close Bros., above aver- age; Geo. 'Wickman, acceptable; Geo. A Lilly Cardcn, exceptional; Harry GIbbs & Co., tense; Arthur RIgby, popular; Flying La Mars, sen- sational. CtARDE.N (W. F. Graham, mgr.; Progres- sive). —May Howard A Her Girls of All Na- tions, scores; capacity business. FILLMORE (Geo. Rosing, mgr.; agent. Mc- Mahon & Dee; rehearsa! Mon. and Thurs. 6;. — 16-7. Frank E. Lynch & Co., scored; Billy Baker, hit; Bell A Hey wood, pleased; Rita Alnsley. went over nicely. 18-20, Crotty Trio. Art. Vance; Florence Wrlghton and the Jug- gling Thorns. Season opened auspiciously. PLAZA (Slotkln, Rosing A Michaels, ragrs.; rehearsal Mon. 1).—16-17, Three Walsey, Catherine Sheppard; Boyd & Rowland and Irene Grett Jack, scored; big buslnesa. 18-20. Musical Tremalne Trio and three other acts. CASINO (Ruderlsch Bros., mgra.; agents, McMahon A Dee; rehearsal 6).—Miller A St. Clare, good; Grwat Hanford, clever; business good. LAFAYETTE (C M. Bagg. mgr.; Columbia) Roble's Beauty Show met with an enthusiastic reception. AMHERST (Sol. Swerdloff, mgr; agents. McMahon A Dee; rehearsal Mon. 6).—Al. Creedon, excellent; Del Gibson, went nicely; Allle Lawson. fair, business up to the mark The leaders of the News Popularity Contest —to attend the opening game of "World's Series," are Dr. Campbell, Fred Becker, W. H. Young and A. R. Sherry, manager of the Lyric theatre. BUKLINOTON, lA. GARRICK (J. Henri Fischer, mgr.; S-C,— First half: Gellerini Four; Gllmore A La Tour; Burns, Brown A Burns; Eugenie 8c- guln. Last half: Shaw's Comedy Animal Circus; Vincent A Lome; Nellie Bennett Trio; Ray Lawrence. CfRAND O. H. (Ralph Holmes, mgr ).— Nell O'Brien's Minstrels 18. CANTON. O. LYCEUM (Abrams & Bender, mgrs.).—Sel- blnl A Groblnl. good; Carrie Lille, taking; Foy TALKING PICTURES Theirjnaturalness— freshness and beauty- speak for them— [^Licensed too! KINENACOLOR COMPANY For partkiil.irB NKW YORK moo Broadway CINCINNATI 183 K. Fourth Ht. add ress oilit 1 ( io<) to you. cificA(;o S.'fH .So. Dearborm St. rKOVIOKNCF 5M Wcatmlniit«r Si. 1 H.ATK r,^ (:ak;h in a A Clark, hit; Qulnn Broa. * Helen Bell, scored; Metropolitan Minstrels, headllners, scored: S. R. O. buelness. The Orpheum, under the management of Victor Shram. Is being remodeled. A whole new front Is being put In. THOMPSON. CAMDEN. N. J. BROADWAY (/W. B. McCallum, mgr).— 11-18, Toscana Brothers, clever; Four Pals, won favor; Johnny O'Brien, fair; MIchale Braham A Co., entertaining; Inglla A Read- ing, liked. 16-17, Bert FItzglbbon, stopped show; 'The House That Jack Built." repeat- ed former success; Ward A Curran. neat; Malcolms, api)laUBe; Lo Kellors, thrilled. Pearl DIehl. late of the "Sun Dodgers." Is cast with "The Honeymoon Express." Work on the proposed house at Broadway and Pine strt'ct started this week. DANIEL P. McCONNELL CLEARFIELD, PA. OPERA HOUSE (J. Clarke. Boyer mgr; agwnt, L. C. McLaughlin).—Marion A Thomp- son; Al. Harvel; Temple & O'Brien; Ray Harrison. CLEVELAND, O. KEITH'S HIP. (Harrj A. Daniels, mgr; rehearsal Mon. 10).—The Skating Bear, good: Gertrude Holmes A Robert Buchanan, pleas- ing voices; James H. Cullen. popular; Gar- diner Trio, clever dancers; Cecil Lean A Co., ■onga, hit; Carl Henry A Nellie Francis; Maurice Levi A His Invisible Band; motion pictures of Thaw. PRI8CILLA (Proctor E. Seas, mgr.; rehear- sal Mon. 10).—"Aladdin's Lamp" feature; Fitch Cooper, hit of bill; Daley A Shewbrooke, pleased; Brandon A Taylor, won favor; Jim- mie Caasldy A Vivian Longton Co.; "The Smoke Queen," well received; Hickman & Wills, good line. COLONIAL (R. H. KjJlLaughlln, mgr; Shu- berts; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Dorla Keane In "Romance." OPERA HOUSE (Geo. Gardner, bus. mgr: K. A E.; rehearsal Mon. 10). — "The Quaker Girl," with Victor Morley. EMPIRE (Geo. A. Chenet, mgr.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Taylor's Tango Girls, with Gladys Sears, Tony Kennedy, Mile. Veola. STAR (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.; rehearsal Mon. 10.)—"Taxi Girls" with Wilbur Dobbs and Princess Luba MerofT. PROSPECT (J. W. Lyons, mgr.; Stair; re- hearsal Mon. 10).—George Sidney and Carrie Webber, "Busy Izzy." METROPOLITAN (Harry A. Smith, mgr). —Vaughan Olascr with Fay Courtney and stock company, "The Third Degree." OLYMPIA (Paul Mooney, mgr).—Mazzone A Mazzone; Delia Myers; John Halpy; Wood- ford's Dog A Monkey Circus. GLOBE (W. D. McDonald, mgr.).—Balthrat A Balthrat; George Clay; Watson A Watson. .WALTER D. HOLCOMB. DANVILLE, ILL. LYRIC (C. V. Miller, mgr ; agent. W. V. M. A.).—13-15, Georgalas Brothers, got by; Dud- ley A Parson, phased; N. H. Lytic A Co., good sketch: Rose Troup, clever; Mattlc T^ochette. good. FISCHER (C. V. MMler. mgr ). —Paullst Choristers. H, great; "What They Did to Mary," 1!!. H. J. Allardt. of tho Allardt Circuit, wus here >ver Monday EVF.RETT W. FLAUGHKH I)ETRi»IT. TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; agent. II. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Mercedes, Inter- esting; Julius Tannen, scored; The Randalls, good; Moore A Young, well liked; John A Winnie Hennings, good sketch; Wilfred Clark, big laugh; Empire Comedy F^our, fa vorltes; Seldom's Venus, good. BIKJADWAY (J, M. Ward, mgr.; S-C; re hearsul Sun.) —"A .Night In a Police Station. " feature act. Elghi other acta. First week of two-a-day. Looks like a winner. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr.; agent. T. c C.; rehear.sal Mon. 10). — Hurdle & Dorothy, hit; Lalla Selidiii, good; English Pony Ballet. good; James Gaylor, pleased; Bob McDonald, good; Pej.sers; Hayiies Ai Montgomery, good. FAMILY (C. H. Preston, mgr.; agent. U. B O.).—Morris Weston & Co.. stream; Jesley Rogers \- Co. good; Four Healy Girls, excel- lent; Joliiiny Hell & Clancy Twins, hit; Drcsd- ner & I'riiue, goo'd; Mllley Anita, splendid: George .Mooie, good; Kennedy & Kram«i. pleased. GARHICK (Illihard H. Lawrente, mgr). "Passing .Show of 1912," eajiaelty husliiess. DETItCirr (Harry I'aniit. mgr.). "Count of Lux» inhourg." LYCKU.M (A. U. Wat tier, mgr ).— 'In OM Kentucky." GAYETY (William Hoi he. mgr). --.Miners "Big Frolic." CADILLAC (Sam L«vy, iiigi ) -The .Mis chief Makers" 'WASH I .NlJ'ro.N" (James Sloeiim. lugt ) Cecilia l.iiftu.s In ".Mrs. l>ale's Defense." JAl'OB SMITH KLMIHA. N. Y. MOZART (Geo. Van Demark, mgr.).—16- 17, Grace Ellsworth, well received; Wilson & Golder. good; William Raylor A Co.. enter- taining; John Mangle, good. MAJESTIC (M. D. Gibson, mgr). —15-17. Five Dunbars, excellent; Duke Darling, good; Wardo A Hunter, good; Shaw A Packard, pleased. LYCEUM (Lee Norton, mgr). —16, "Peg O' My Heart." J. M. BEERS. ERIE, FA. COLONIAL (A. P. Weschler, mgr.; agents, U. B. O. and Ous Sun; rehearsal Mon. 10).— Skaters BIJouve, good; DInehart A Heritage, excellent sketch; 3 Hlckey Bros., encored; Billy A Edith Adams, good; Percy Pollock & 2 Rosebuds, well liked. PARK (D. D. Kelsey, mgr).—Sept. 13. Ber- nlce^ McCabe In "The Quaker Girl." Good show. Sept. 15, Wm. Faversham In "Julius Caesar." Bernlce McCabe, 17 years old. Is taking Ina Claire's place in "The Quaker Girl." M. H. MIZENEH. KVANSVILLB, IND. C.RA.ND (Wm. McGowan, mgr).—Sept. 11- 14. Vernon Co.. fair; Flnley A Cheslelgh Sla- ters, good; Billy Jenks. very good; Wilson Bros., good; Caron A Farum. pleased. 17-19. 'Rock-a-Bye Baby," good. BIJOU (Chas. Sweeton, mgr).—21, "OfTl- cer 666." majestic:.— Mallory Sisters, stock. E. S. FALL RIVER, MASH. SAVOY (L. M. Boas, mgr).—Malley-Dennl- son Stock Co., In "The Confession," business good. BIJOU (Chaa. E. Cook, mgr).—Baylles- Hlck Stock Co., in "The Westerner," busi- ness good. LOEWS ACADEMY (L. M. Boas, mgr, agent, Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—15-17. Erin's Isle, very good; Barton A Lovera, excellent: VIsBochl Bros., hit; Dick Ferguson, good 18- 20, The Stlck-Up Man; Ward Sisters; Fields A Barnes; McAdams A Anthony. EDWARD F. RAFFERTY. GEOROETO^VN, DEL. The following amusement Incorporations have been recorded at Dover, Del.: Baltimore Hotel & Amusement Co., capital $100,000, to erect and conduct amusement places and hotels: Incorporators, Harry E. Jackson, F. E. Yewell. George H. Fisher National Capital Amusement Co., Washington; capital. $100,000, to conduct amusement hall; Incorporators, Clarke Waggaman. Colley Dodge, James Mc- Kee. all of Washington. Edith Dolores Walls, an actress of Philadel- phia, and John W. Matthews, of Wilmington. Del., sales maYiager of the duPont Powder Co., were married a few days since In St. Francis de Sales Catholic church. Philadelphia. The groom Is 37 and the bride 23. Interior Improvements have been made to the Avenue theatre. Wilmington, preparatory to the opening Sept. 22. The personnel of the stock company to play this season has been completed by L. E. Conness, lessee of the house, and the opening attraction will be "A Woman's Way." John S. Hale, of New York, who has been selected as manager for the new duPont theatre, to be known as the Playhouse, has been In Wilmington making arrangements for the opi-ning, which will take place about Oct. IT). William A. Brady Is the lessee of the new theatre. H. P. Fenlmore. of Dover, has taken over the management of the Smyrna Opera House, at Smyrna, Del., and will conduct It In the future as well as the opera house at Dover. He will have as his assistant Mark McManus of Wilmington. OSCAR 8. WILSON.