Variety (September 1913)

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36 VARIETY PRODUCER AND STAGE DIRECTOR IMO\A/ AT Columbia Theatre Bldg., '"SSS'l and 47th St. YORK CITY Room 405 ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (September 22) lTb« routes or addreiwea fflven below are accurate. Players may be listed In this department weekly, either at the theatres they are appearing In, or at a permanent er tenaperary address, which will be Inserted when route Is not received, for $S yearly, or If name Is In bold face type, $10 yearly. All players, in vaudeville, legitimate, stock or burlesque, are eligible to this department.) Abcles Edward Variety N Y .Adonis ti W 144th St N Y AinbrMe Mmrr Tauslg 104 KnHt I4th St .\ Y Anthony A Ross Variety .N V " 8INGER8 FROM WAY BACK." AKIN, FIGGs DUFFY "GIRLS YROM HAPPYLAND." Arnaut Bros, Variety N Y ABh A Shaw, Variety N Y Aug Edna, Variety N Y Azard Bron. Varloty N Y BardB Four Variety N Y Barnes * Crawford Globe Theatre N Y UfTKer Edgar White Rata N Y Berliner Vera 6724 Ridge Ave Chicago Big Jim F Bernstein 14K2 Bway N Y Bowers Walters & Crocker Alhambra N T BrMks Seven 104 E 14th Tauslg N Y Brahara Ned Variety N Y Breton Ted ft Corlnne Plunkett 1491 Bway N Y Byron A Lan^don 18 G O H Indianapolis Oaites Novelty 1SS4 6th St Philadelphia Carlctta M 837 Manhattan Ave Brooklyn N Y Ce Dora 9 Riverside Ave Newark f'iarke ft Bergman 121 (George St Brooklyn Corelli A Gillette Palace Chicago Croorh ft Welch Variety London Cunon Slaters Third Time Urpheum Circuit iMntlng Kt-nnedya EmpreBs Sun Francisco Darieil A Conway Orpheum Portland Ore I^'Arvllle Jeannette Montrial Indtf Davis Josephine Variety London Dirkln's Clr^ua Bahcock Billings. Mont Devlne ft Williams Orphrum Omaha Ulngle A Corcoran Emprem Vletorla B C Dingle ft Rameralda Marlnelil H9S Dway N Y FRED DARLING'S TRAINED BQVINBS Fall Season, New York Hippodrome. Duffy A Lorenz Colonial N Y Dunedin Troupe Empress Winnipeg Can An Adept la Jugglery W. J. DU BOIS Now Touring Hulllvan-Consldlne Ctrcult (Sept. Ti), Empress, Butte. EbelJng Trio II Hudson PI Hoboken N J Kdwarda Hhorty Variety N Y Elizabeth Mary Variety London Elliott Sydney A 247 Harvey Ave Detroit Emeraon 3 Unique Minneapolis Enunett (iraole Maple Crest North Fexboro Kaoardoa 3 G HuRheS Palace Theatre Bldg New York Evans & VIdotq, Kniprcaa Los Angelea 'Everywlff" Kmprcaa rhlcago Ferry Alcazar Caalna Vichy France Ftolds W C Coliseum London Eng Fox A Ward 1117 Wolf 8t Philadelphia Francis Ruth Rocho Ocean Beach N Y Frevoll Fred Variety N Y Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave N Y C Frey Twins Vaudevlllo Comedy Club .V Georgia 8 Empress Kansas rity Georgette Orpbeum 8eBttl« Gerard Empreu Vancouver B C Glascr Lulu Orpheum Seattle Godfrey A Henderson 241 W 46th N Y Golden Claude Majestic San Antone Tex Golden Morris 104 Syndicate Bldg PlttaburK^ Golden A West Empress Pueblo Gordone Robbie Orpheum Portland Ore Graham A Dent Variety N Y Granville Taylor 850 W 66th St N Y Gruel A Gruet Empreas Seattle Guerro A Carmen 2108 North Avp Chicago HalUgsa ft Sykco La Salle Chicago Indef Lo»ise HAMLIN and MACK >% Cars Will Collins. Broadmead House, Panton St., London, England. Hanlon Bros Palace Blackpool Eng Harrah Great Variety N Y Haywood Harry Co Variety N Y Heather Joale Temple Hamilton Can Hermann Adelaide 1193 Broadway N T Hines Palmer A Girls Variety N Y Holman Harry ft Co Variety Chicago Hondlnl Variety London Hutchinson Wlllard ft Co Variety London Imhoff Conn A Coreene Variety N T Inge Clare Savoy Atlantic City Inglls * Redding Variety N Y loieen Bisters Variety N Y Ismed Keiths Philadelphia Jackson Thos A Co Dominion Ottawa Johnson Cheater & Co Lyric Newark Johnson Horton A Johnson Proctor's Albany Johnson A Wells Proctor's Schenectady Rayno A^nes Variety Chicago Keefe Matt Empress Denver Kelly A Galvln Empress Victoria B C Kelly A Pollock Fifth Ave N Y Kelso A Leighton 167 W 146th St N Y C Kenny A Hollls 66 Bralnerd Rd Allston Mass Kenna Chair Pantages Denver KlnKuton Vtorld Mlndell lUora Park Oakland Klein Bros Empress Sacramento Klutlng's Animals Orpheum Seattle Konerz Bros Variety London Kurtls Roosters Brennan-Fuller Sydney Lambert &, Ball Orpheum Portland Ore Ijimberti Variety N Y Lambs Manikins Variety N Y Langdona The Orpheum Seattle 4^aw8on A Namon Variety Chicago Lean Cecil M S Bentham Putnam Bldg N Y Lee Broa Empress Portl and O re L* Dent Frank Variety -tUBflUrK^ Leiands The Empress Los Angelet^ Leonard Bessie 229 Townsend Ave .N'ew Haven Conn Lesters S Empress Miles City Lewis A Norton Empress Miles City Lichter Baron Empress San Francisco Littlelohna Frank A Clara Variety .N Y Lorraine A Burke Orpheum Portland Ore Lowrlo A Gardner Empress Butte Lozano Troupe Empress Denver Martin ft Fabbrlnl, 120 *V 103d St N Y McDermolt Billy Miller Hotel N Y "Mcccdcs" Temple Rocheater Meredith Sisters 830 W 61st St N Y Mersereau Mile Variety New York Mormn Pallx Variety London Moaarts Fred ft Eva Bedford Brooklyn Morrar EUxabeth M Variety N Y Musette 414 Central Park West N Y N Nagfys The Empress Tacoma Newhoff ft Phelpo 640 W 163d St N Y Nlblo ft 8pone«r S<S 12th St Bklyn N Y Nichols Nellie Orpheum Spokane Keep Your Address in VARIETY THIS Address Department will print your name and address, either with an attraction, at a theatre or permanent- ly, for $5 yearly [one line weekly], or $10, with name in bold face type. Address may be changed weekly. Let everyone know where you are, at a minimum cost. Send remittance, with name and address, to VARIETY, New York. Phone, 7871 Bryant Nlcol Bros 1690 Amsterdam Ave N T "Night In Police Station" Empress Ft Wuyn. Norton A Earl Empress Vancouver B C O'Brien A Cole Proctors 23d St N Y O'Brien & Lear Empress Seattle Olympla 3 Savoy Atlantic City O Nell Doc Savoy Atlantic City Orvllle A Frank Empress Winnipeg (Tan Paka Toots Union Sq N Y FagllnccI 4 care J Levy' 1141 Bway N Y Palace 4 Empress Kansas City Pal more Lew Empress San Diego Parry Charlotte Variety N Y "Passenger Wreck" Empress Kansas City Payne Nina Empress Victoria B C Plrnacoffls 6 Pantages Edmonton Alta FlHuno General Orpheum New Orleans Pollock Milton ft Co Variety N V Priest Janet Woolfolk 36 W Randolph ChUagu Pringlf A Allen Empress Portland Ore Rafael Dave 1101 Grant Ave San Franclaco Ramsey Sisters Ehrlch House N Y Rei ves Blllie Rlckard Circuit Australia Regals Four Variety Chicago Rice Fanny Blanchard Farm Franklin N II Richmond Dorothy Hotel Wellington N Y Relsner A Gores Maryland Baltimore Roehms Athletic Girls Variety N Y W. E. Ritchie and Co. TKB OUaiNAI. Ronair ft Ward Variety N Y Rosa A Ashton Empress Winnipeg Can 8 Smith Cook ft Brandon Keiths Providence Soils Bros 4 Variety Chicago Stanley Stan Union Ave A Oak Lane Phlla Indef Stanton Walter The Billboard ChUaKo Stevens Leo Star Scranton Pa St James W H ft Co J Jncola 14!)3 Bway N V Stoddard A HInes 116 S 7th St iliinnil).-il M<> Sutton A Caprice Gaiety Albany A Franklyii Worcester Sutton Mrlntyre & Sutton Ori)h<-um Srattio Taylor Jack I'aiitaKes Salt Lake Terry ft l.amliert Kriiiri* ("luli N Y Thomas Mr & Mrs I'nd UayBhoio L I Thuritttm Howard S A H 1493 Hway N V Th-rnry & Saobottl Sh»'a'8 Toronto Tllford I'untagi a Oakland Tojettl A U«'nn<tt Savoy Sun Diego "Tralnoil Nuraos" Orpheum Omaha Trovato Morris A Fell 1493 Broailway N Y Valli Muriel A Arthur Variety N Y Van Billy Forrest Ave Madisonvlllo O Tan Billy B Van Harbor N H Vlollnsky Orpheum Birmingham Walker A III Eini)reHB Loa AnKiloa Wander ft Mtnne Variety New York Ward Bros I'Hlarc N Y Wataoirn (MiiUH I'mprcvs San Franclaco Welia Lew lCmpr*«s Cliiragt) •White P.lz'T A White Broadway Detroit Whipple Houston Co Empress Denver "Who Was He" Kmprcss Victoria U C WIlllHch Empress Chicago Wllnon A La Nore Pantages Edmonton Alta Work Frank 1039 E 29th St Bklyn N Y Wynne Ed A Co Orpheum Portland Ore BURLESQUE ROUTES WEEKS SEPT. 22 AND 29. American Beauties 22 Grand St Paul 29 Gay- ety Milwaukee Beauty Parade 22 Peoples New York 29 L O (owInK non-couipietlon llirith 3t Musir Hall New York) Beauty Youth A Folly 22 Gayety Montreal 29-1 Empire Albany 2-4 Worrcstcr Worcester Behman Show 22 Gayity Detroit 29 Gayety Toronto Belles Beauty Row 22 Star & Garter ChlcaRo 29 Standard St Louis Ben Welch Show 22 Columhln TndlanapllB 29 St^r ft Garter Chicago