Variety (September 1913)

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16 VA iflfi TY I IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN DONT ADVERTISE AT ALL BILLS NEXT WEEK (September 29) In VbUdevlUe Theatres, Playing Three or Less Shows Dally (All huuai-8 open tor thu week with Monday matinee, when not otherwlBe Indicate d.) Thfdtres Hated as "Orpheiim" without any further dlatlnKulBhlng deucrlption are on the Urphvum CMrcult. Theatre* with "S-C" following name (usually "Empresa") are on the tiulllvan-Conaldine t'ircult. Troctor'a Circuit houaea, whore not Hated as "Proctor'a,"' are In- dicated by (pr) following name. Agenclea booking the houaes are noted by alnfle name or Initials, auch as "Orph," Orpheum Circuit— U. H. O." United Booking Offlcea— 'W. V. A.." Weatern Vaudeville Managers' Association (Chicago)—"S-C." Sulllvan,Con8ldlne Circuit—"M," Puntiigea Circuit— •Loew." Marcua Loew Circuit—"Inter," Interatate Circuit (booking through W. V. A.).— "M," Jamea C. Matthewa (Chicago).—"Pr," Proctor'a Circuit (New York)—"Craw," O. T. Crawford (St. I..ouiB)—"N-N," F. Nixon-Mrdlinger (Philadelphia)—"BL," Dert Levey (San Franclaco)—"J-i-a," Jonea, Linlck & Schaeffer (Chicago). New York HAMMERSTEIN'S (ttbo) Belle Baker John Bunny Courtney Sisters Bert Leslie Co Raymond A Caverly Mchol Blstera Yorke A Adams Billy McDermott "Temputlon" Three Keatons Alexander A Scott Weber & Wilson Girl from Milwaukee Tbe Parsleys Rlngllng Norman FIFTH AVE (ubo) Tyrone Power Co LeRoy Talma ft Bosco J as J Corbett Conly A Webk Mae West Cantwell A Walker Walter Van Brunt Coogan A Coz Clara Ballarlnl Hunter's Statue Doga COLONIAL (ubo) Clifton Crawford Maurice A Walton Frank Sheridan Co Fred V Bowers Co Robt L Dalley Co Wood A Wyde Delro Jed A Ethel Dooley "Act Beautiful" ALHAMBRA (ubo) La Belle TItcomb Julius Tannen Mrs G Hughes Co MelTllle A Higglns Courtney Sis Martlnettl A Sylvester Alexander Bros Sharp A Turek BRONX (ubo) "Song Rerue" Wm. Weston Co McKay A Ardlne Dooley A Saylen "JuBt Half Way" Williams A Wolfus Bernard Rheinold Co Lynch A Zeller Btaneys UNION SQ (ubo) Amelia Bingham Co Ernette Asoria Waterbury Bros A T Clarice Vance Tracey A Stanley Wheeler A Wilson (Three to fill) PROCTOR'S 125TH McDonald A Kenney Arthur Forbes Co Helen A Justin Jim Tenbrook 3 Lula Roma Dirk's Circus Blondell A Tucker Marie Faochonettl Co Hans Wayner (Two to nil) 2d half Ivy A Ivy Conroy 6 Wilson Ann Madlgan Co Dennett A DarllnK Night On White Way Great Pool Chinese Cabaret "Night of Wedding" (Three to fill) PROCTORS 'J.'iD Brown & Hodges Ivy & Ivy (Tladiator K Nymph FaUHt & Williams Chinese Cabaret Bernard A Harris Saunders & Cameron 2d half Muriel Walters Harry Dare S Dunbars McDonald A Kenney Dicks Circus Blondell A Tucker Maxlnoff Troupe PROCTOR'S MTIl BInns A Burt Clifford A Douglas Clyde Veau Co 0 Duobarp Harry Dare Mazlnoff Troupe 2d half Copeland A Payton Ed De Corsia Co Lula Roma "Leading Lady" Bernard A Harris Saunders A Cameron AMERICAN (loew) Hall A Francis Billy Van "Ifetween Trains" Dancing Macks Ryan Richfield Co Bessie Browning 3 Ambler Bros (Two to fill) 2d half Bruce Morgan A B Snyder A Buckley Leno Roberty Ellis Nowlan Troupe Ryan Richfield Co Bessie Browning (Three to fill) GREELEY (loew) Austin A Blake Moffett LaRelne Co Harry Walman Robt H Hodge Co Marie Fenton Kaapp A Cornelia (Two to fill) 2d half Hall A Francis Alice Clark "Between Trains" McGlnnis Bros Clare Rawson Co Lee Barth LaVelle A Grant (One to fill) GRAND (loew) Dick Ferguson Laurie A Alleen Coy DeTrlckey MrGlnnls Bros Maurice Freeman Co Leno Roberty Stalne's Circus 2d half Kay A Lee Ward Sisters Schrode A Mulvey Warren A B'.anchard (Three to fill) 7TH AVE (loew) Snunders & Von Kuntz Marguerite Ann Walters Co Coakley McBride A M LaVlne Clmeron 3 (One to fill) 2d half Love A Halght Porter J White Co Green McHenry A D Eddy Trio (Two to fill) YORKVILLE (loew) Love A Halght Mab A WelHH Wm Lampe Co Scott A Wilson "Yip Yaps" (One to fill) 2d half Knapp A Cornelia Mack A Atkinson Harry Waiman Ann Walters Co Edith CllfTord (One to fill) NATIONAL (loew) Leonard & Louie Porter J White Co Bruce Morgan & B Snyder A Hurkley Levering Troupe (Two to fill) lid half The McCarvers CbristeDseD (To<lfrey A HenderRon OrRcle Emmett Co Telegraph Four Altus Bros (One to fill) PLAZA (loew) Fred Hayden Morton A Well Miller A RuRsell McCarvers (One to fill) 2d half Chief Clear Skv Knnwles A White Hallen A Fuller Laurie A Aleen LINCOLN (loew) Eddy Trio Mack A Atkinson Warren A Blanchard Schrode A Mulvey Edith Clifford (One to fill) 2d half Saunders A VonKuntx Dancing Macks "Broadway Love" Al Herman Buch Bros (One to fill) DELANCEY (loew) Dancing Dalys Alice Clark Buch Bros Hallen A Fuller Green McHenry D Altus Bros (Two to fill) 2d half Hendricks A Lawrence Austin A Blake Walsh Lynch Co Leonard A Louie Thermos Arktos (Three to fill) BrooklTm. BUSHWICK (Ubo) Ed Hayes (>> "Beauty Skin Deep" Jack Wilson 3 Morton A Glass McMahon Diamond A C Robert E Keane Frawley A Hunt ismed Gaach Sisters (lardner 3 Howards Ponies Clara Inge ORPHEUM (ubo) Victor Moore Co Cameron A O'Connor Bowers Walter A C Florence Tempest Co Valerie Berger Co Nick's Girls COLUMBIA (loew) Kay A Lee Oddone Leo A Chapman Chas Bacbman Co Aveling A Lloyd Herald Bros 2d halt Fred Hayden Job R Ketler Co Lillian Bradley Nester A Delberg Abe AttsU 3 Newmans FULTON (loew) (Todfrey A Henderson Walsh Lynch Co Diana Bragaar Broa (Two to fill) 2d half Dancing Dalys Helen Primrose MofTett LaRelne Co Kobt H Hodge Co Billy Van :t Ambler Bros LIBERTY (loew) Chief Clear Bkj Lillian Bradley ■When Women Rule" Abe Attell Thermos Arktos 2d half Coy DeTrlckey Toomer A Hewlns Dotsop A Gordon Staines Circus (One to fill) SHUBERT (loew) D'way Love" Dotson A Gordon Clare Rawson Co ;: Falcons (Three to fill) 2d half. Dick Ferguson Richards A Montrose "Xraas Carol" Marie Fenton Itrngaar Bros (Two to fill) BIJOU (loew) Rota Redmond Tooracr & Hewlns Richards & Montrose llardeen (Three to fill) 2d half Hardeen Mab A Weiss "E'body's Doing It" Coakley McBrlde A M Levering Troupe (Two to fill) JONES (loew) Billy K Wells Gwynn A Gossett Ward Sisters 2d half Undine Andrews "King for a Night" 3 Falconns Albany. N. Y. PROCTOR'S Fisher A Sal Seyon A Julian Melody Monarch.s Fox A Fox Palace Girls Helen Stevens Hickman Bros Co 2d half St Juliana Jack McAuIllfe Claire Vincent Co "Don" Weston & Fields Flske A McDonald The Austins Atlnntlc City SAVOY (ubo) Marshall P Wilder Wlllard Slmms Co Murray A Roberts Kaufman Bros 5 Martells Gaballs A Desmond Wentworth Vesta A T Chas Weber naltlmnre MARYLAND (ubo) McRae A rieRg Vandlkoff Girls Chas & Fannie Van John Oelger Carl (Trees (One to fill) Relolt. Win. GRAND (wva) Montrose A Montrose Paulino Joseph Musical Smith 2d half Howe A Howe (Two to fill) Bllllaars. Mont. BABCOCK (sc) (2-4) (Same bill as at Mlle.s City this issue) Ba wton KEITH'S (ubo) A Seymour Btown Co Goldberg Relsner A Gores Ward Brothers Jnle Kelcey (Four to fill) ORPHEFM (loew) El Mino Eddy Mr A Mrs S Reynold-^ The DeForests "Stage Johnnlen" Demarest A Doll "The Criminal" Felix Adier Alvln A Kenny 2d half Al Lawrence Page A Newton PleclannI Tmupe Johnson A Coldsmlth Jenkins A Covert Enrico (Two to flin ST JAMES (loew) Al Lawrence Page & Newton Johnson ft C,nMcmlth Jenkins & Covert Enrico Plcclnnnl Troimo 2(1 half DeForoHts "Staeo Johnnie^" D#»mnre«>t A Doll "The Criminal'- Felix Adlrr Alvln A Kennv Hrnrktnn. >InM«. CTTY (Inow) The Cleveland? Jere Sanford Linton A Clrk 2d half Gray & Graham Honulr A Ward "(iirl in Moon' Boffalu SHEA'S (ubo) Sam & Kitty Morton Edwin Stevens Co Marie Fenton "Mercedes" Chas F Semon Juggling De Lisle "House Warmers" Batta. EMPRESS (so Lewis A Norton Maglin Eddy A Roy Lester Trio Campbell A Campbell "Court by Girls" CalcarT. Can. ORPHEUM (Same bill as at Re- glna this Issue) EMPIRE (m) 5 PlroscofBs 5 Bragdons Oxfonl Quartet Uottomley Troupe WIlHon & Lenore Champaltfn, III. WALKKR O H (wya) Vernon Crelghton Sis Patrlcola & Myers Casting Dunbara 2d half "Girl Question" Charleaton. VICTORIA (ubo) "Passing Parade" (hfttfnnouicn MAJESTIC (ubo) Johnnie Rellly Wilton Sisters Ipabelle Miller Co Allman A Nevln- 4 Soils Bros CtalraiEO PALACE (orph) Lillian Ix)rralne Frank Keonan Co Rert FItzgibbons «» Russian Dancers Joe A Lew Cooper Kennedy A Rooney Sam Llebert Co PIson City Four Uanlon A Hanlon EMPRESS (sc) Halsted St (Open Sun Mat) "Night at Baths" Oolduu & Hughes Mary Dorr Arthur Oeary Prince Flora Morandlnnis Willie MoVlCKERS (J-1-8) 4 Holson Comlques Creo Clifford Hippie Co Hughes Musical 3 Canfleld & Carlton Alpha Sextette Adele Oswold WILLARD (J-l-s) Exposition 4 Mitchell C7lrls Leslie A Leslie Venetian Four Flying Fishers 2d half Mueller Bros Schrodes A Chapelle Wahlund Tckia 3 The Almonds (One to fill) CROWN (J-l-H) Bessie I.ieCount Oeorge Evers Doria Opera Trio Keough & Francis Rllpy A ONell Twins (One to fill) 2d half Lyons A Cullum Morrette Sis Harry LeClaIr (Three to fill) WILSON (J-l-s) Caldera Co Dawson Lanl^nn A C Sf'hrodes A Chapuel Wahlund Tokla 3 (One to fill) 2d half Prll Oliver Keou^h & Francis Mitchell Girls Exposition 4 (One to fill) COLONIAL (1-1-s) Dryer & Dryer Winona Winters 11 V Fitzgerald Harry LeCIalr Lyons A Cullum AKnes Burr (One to fill) 2d half 4 DeKocks Bros Thoda A Crampton Resale LeCount Winona Winters Del|)hluu A Dclmora Mary Rclth Co Ifaker A O'Nell Cincinnati. KEITH'S (ubo) Homer Miles Co Felix-Barry Girls Cleo Gascolgne Harry DeCoe Field Bros Lasky's "Red Heads' EMPRESS (so (Open Sun Mat) "Night In Station" Aldro A Mitchell Bernard A Lloyd John Healy Webster A Wardc Moranl's Dogs Cleveland (KEITHS (ubo) Horace Goldln Co John A Mae Burke Ball A West Ray Conlln Dunn A Nelson Landry Bros Olorndii ^prinva EMPRESS (sc) (2-4) (Same bill as at Pue- blo this Issue) rolnmboa. KEITH'S (ubo) Dr Carl Herman Robt T Haines (3o Nevlns A Erwood .loe Whitehead Musical Soanes DnIInN MAJESTIC "Little Stranger" Temple 4 4 Yoscarys The Dorians Gardner A Revere Frank Melsei Kerr A Kennlson Sl» Denver. ORPHEUM Bell Family Milton Pollock Co Will Rogers Ward Baker "Titanic Disaster" Du For 3 Cene Muller 3 EMPRESS (RC) (Open Sun Mat) Grace Cameron Hayes Roberts A H Ash A Shaw Harry I^andcr Hal Merritt Dorothy's Playmates PANTACTES (m) Victoria 4 5 English Roses Hill Cherry A Hill Maldle De Long Dllla A Templeton Dea Molne*. ORPHEUM Hazel Weston Chief Caupollcan Walsh A Bentley Rose Valerlo (Two to fill) Detroit. TEMPLE (Ubo) Maggie Cllne Harrv Tight Co Burnham A Irwln Ed Morton Australian Scouts Uno Clayton Co Louehlln's Dors BROADWAY (sc) (Open Sun Mat) 3 Musketeers Perkins Fisher Co Dave Ferguson Price A Price 'Diving Nymphs' Dixon, 111. FAMILY (m) I.«ora Trio De Stcfano Bros 2d half Ttvoll Trio Russell A Ratcllffe Dulath. ORPHEUM ■Blackbirds' Helen Trlx Lewis A McCarthy Carson Broa n(7iiny Artes Stuart Barnes Fred A Albert Bdasonton, Alta. PANT AGES (ni) Coccla Amutu Co Laurie Ordway Marlon Munson Co Uelzac A Baker Frances Le Malre Elizabeth. \. J. PROCTOR'S M A A Valll Inez Clough Kramer A Ross Anna Madlgan Co Daker Lynn Co Zcno A Mandell (One to fill) 2d half Le Roys Grace Belmont Rube Welch Co Bartell A Hanley Marie Fanchonetti Co Brown A Hodges (One to fill) Urle, Pa. COLONIAL (Ubo) Albert Perry Co Hlnes A Fox Rose Berry Mllt Collins Kecanamba, Mich. ORPHEl'M (wva) Turner A De Tennis Walter Whipple Chester A Grace Norba 2d half Montrose A Montrose La Vettl Sisters Otis Mitchell Princess Bonlta ETanaTllle. Ind. NEW GRAND (ubo) Two Seolas O'Rouke A Atkinson Hendrle Bellisle Co Jones A SyI/ester Laveen Cross Co 2d half Colonial Minstrel Fall Rlver» MaaH. ACADEMY (loew) Kenny A Hollls John R Gordon Co LaVelle A Grant (One to fill) 2d naif Mr A Mrs Reynolds Jere Sanford Linton A Girls Hcrry LaVall rt. Wayve. lad. EMPRESS (so (Open Sun Mat) James McDonald Herman Shirley "Canoe Girls" Wyhte Pelzer A W Yoscarys Gary, Ind. ORPHEUM (wva) I'elmonts Manklna Fred Swift Marie K Scott Girls Whitesides A Picks 2d half 'Oh Look Who's Here' Green Hay. Wla. ORPHEUM (wva) 2d half Eugene Trio Bessie Leonard Ted McLean Co Parllo A Fabrlto DeOnzo Bros Haaalltont Can. TEMPLE (ubo) Geo B Reno Co Hal A Francis Thos P Jackson Co Ben Beyer A Bro Harry B Lester Aerial Four Hancock, Mich. ORPHEUM (wva) Roland A Dale Rose Troupe HarrlHbnric ORPHEUM Lasky's "3 Types" Billy A Edith Adams Gus Williams McCormick A Wallai'e Freeman A Dunbam Reed Bros Duffy A Lorenz Hartford, Conn. POLIS (ubo) Howard Ratcllffe Co Chadwlck Trio Dainty Marie Kaufman Troupe Guerro A Carmen Ramsdell Trio Hoboken, N. J. LYRIC (loew) Wllklns A Wllktns "Suffragette Army" Geo Randall Co 2d half Ward A Perry Gllmore A Castle Wm Lampe Co llnrley. WU. TEMPLE (wva) La Vlcta Sisters Otis Mitchell Walter Whipple Chester A Grace IndlanapollN KBITH'S (ubo) Cecil Lean Co Florence Roberts Co Byraa A Laagdon Trovata M'orton A HUlott Le Van Trio Darras Bros Co Thleesen's Dogs IsikpaaUMv, Mich. ISHPBMINO (wva) Rose Troup* Roland A Dale KNOXVILLB BIJOU (ubo) "Jolly Mizap" JaokaonTlil*. ORPHEUM (Inter) (Open Sun. Mat.) Nederveld'a Monkeys Great Richards WInburn A Mullen Norwood A Norwood (One to fill) OWy. ORPHEUM Orford's Elephants Catherine Countess Co Taylor Holmes Barry A Mortimer 3 Bohemians 2 Carltons Melody Maids A Man EMPRESS (sc) Walter Daniels Co Golden A West The Savoys "Easy Money" Sampson A Douglas "Girl In Vase" Uncoln. ORPHEUM Kid Kabaret" Dorothy Harris Fiddler A Shelton Hamil A Abbott Bartholdl's Birds Loa Anselea. ORPHEUM Stella Mayhew Co Blanche Walsh Co Redford A Winchester Wlnslow A Duffy Elsa Ruegger Fianagan A Edwards Charlotte Ravenscroft EMPRESS (sc) May Ward Klein Bros Clark A McCuIIou^h Dancing Kennedys •His Nerve" Mirthful Maids PANTAGES (m) 5 Musical Lassies Tllford Verga A Dorothy Rondas Trio Becker A Adams 4 Victors liOnlaTllle. KEITH'S (ubo) Francis McGinn Co SelbinI A (Trovlnl Mykoff A Vanity Howard A Lawrence Lillian Ashley Rossow Midgets Ijowell. IN a an. KEITH'S (ubo) Cameron A De Witt Meredith A Snoozer Burke Barton A W Kitamura Japs (Two to fill) LynchbnrK, Vn. TRENTON Variety Duo Earl Wilson A Neal Stuart A Donahue Gamble A Co 2d half Phocnie Lockhardt Van Bros Lionel Paris (One to fill) Manistee, Mich. NEW ROYAL (wva) Great Nelson White A Plenty Renard A Neale 2d half The Malcommls Jean King 4 (One to fill) Marquette, Mich. OPERA H (wva) Princess Bonlta Norba Mempbln. ORPHEUM "Detective Keen" Zelda Sears Co Matthews A Shayne Kathleen Clifford Moran A Wiser Mike Berkln MIchlKan City, Mich ORPHEUM (wva) (Oct 5th) "Heartbrakers" MUan City. EMPRESS (SO) (29-Oct 1) Kelso A Lelghton Ross A Ashton Orville A Frank Dunedin Troupe Franconia Opera 0> f I (Continued on pa«e 2A.)