Variety (September 1913)

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24 VARIETY BIIiliLS NEXT WBBK. (Continued from page 16.) Mllwaakcc. MAJESTIC (orph) Maurice Levi band Gallagher ft Carlln Jack Uardner Jobnson's Traveloga Tbe Castllllans b Sullya Erdman 6 Rubena 'Ibe Marsbea EMPRESS (BC) (Open Sun Mat) "Everywife" Lew Weill Darcy tt WllllamH WUllBCh Katie Sandwlne MlBBeapolla ORPUEUM Taylor QranvlUe Co Lyuas & Yoaco Marshall Montgomery Dupree A Dupree Mclntyre ft Harty La Valera ft Stokes Auatln Webb Co UNIQUE (sc) Bruce Duflet Co Mayo ft AUman Livingston 3 brooks ft Harris 'Bower of Melody" Mollae, 111. FAMILY (m) Woodfords Monkeys Pierre Pelletler Co Ailegro Monaban TlToU Trio 2d half Bert Weston Co Jourdane Trio Smith ft Pullman Joe Fondeller Brooks ft Lorella Maatwaif cam. ORPHEUM Master Gabriel Co Dare Austin Co Bernard Granville Goidamith ft Hoppe Jordon 3 Anita Bartling American Dancers MaakncoB. Mich. EMPIRE (wva) "Look Wbos Here" NasMvlllc. PRINCESS (ubo) "Funny Moon" ISewark, N, J. PROCTOR'S (ubo) "Orer Garden Wall" Lorraine ft Dudley YTette SUn SUnley 3 Kramer ft Morton ^. Camllle Jewell / Mme Busse Dog^^ (One to fill) ) LYRIC (pri Le Roys Grace Belmont "Night of Wedding" RutM Weich Co Bartell ft Hanley Whirling Erfords 2d half M ft A Valli Inei Clough Gladiator ft Nymph Zeno ft Mandell BInns ft Burt Seyon ft Julian Acwbarsh. N. Y. COHEN O H (loew) Hendricks ft Lawrence Tbe Masseys D Darrell ft Conway Lane ft O'Donnell Hoey ft Lee Mile Martha Carl McCullough PANTAGE8 (m) (Upen Sun Mat) Great Carter Frank Mills Players 4 Baldwins Uaymond ft Hall Carmen ft Robarts Uak Park, 111. WARRINGTON (WTS) Asakl Oodrlck Moore A K Ed Gray Mermalda (One to fill) 2d half Romalo ft Delano Koxy La Rocca Milton ft Dolly Nobles HInes ft Fox (One to ail) uii«eD. iitak PANTAGES (m) (Open Wed Mat) Lottie Mayer Girls Clayton ft Lennle lujetti ft Bennett Billy Mann blmberg Marlon ft Alfredo Marshall Oaaaha. ORPHEUM Krankln ft Green Jane Connelly Co Lew Hawkins Dolce Sisters Devine ft Williams Baileys Dogs The Cromwells Oakkoah. Win. GRAND O H (wva) 2d half The Westons Urlce ft Brazeel 3 Lorettaa McConnell ft Austin Utffwwa. Caa. DOMINION (ubo) Henshaw ft Avery Helen Page Co Josle Heather Kramer ft Kennedy Golden ft De Winters Herbert Oermatne 3 Cloude Ranf Partk AflBkay, N. J. PROCTOR'S Tbe Harringtons Westen A Fields John ft Jeasle Powers Musical Stewarts Perry Minstrel CHrls 2d halt Webb ft Bums Josephine Clalrmont SUte Fair Girls John West ft Wolfe Whirling Erfords Pklladclpkla. KEITH'S (abo) Ed Foy Family Lillian Bbaw Grant ft Hoag "Bonehead Billy" Llttlefleld's Singers Fay Coleys ft Fay 5 Mowatts Wallace Galvin Hanlon ft Clifton BIJOU (Ubo) Seymour's Circus Sterling ft Chapman Hllller ft Hill Ben Lewln Oracle Emmdtt Co Telegraph 4 3 Newmans 2d half Miller ft Russell Chas Bachman Co Billy K Wells Marguerite (One to fill) New Orleaaa. ORPHEUM Doris Wilson Co Ray Cox Louise Galloway Co Welch Mealy ft M Carl ft Lotty Boudlni Bros Innes A Lorella HIPPODROME Six Delflnos Gordon ft Gordon Doc Holland Duddy A Duddy Book ft Book Farlardeau A Brown Ernests Animals Naw Rockelle, N. Y. LOEW Jos R Keller Co Aeriel Ballet (One to All) 2d half Scott ft Wilson (Two to fill) Norfolk COLONIAL (ubo) Catherine Chaloner Co Burley ft Burley Chas Olcott 3 Muckle Mucks "Spring Girl" Winsch ft Moore Oaklaad* Cal. ORPHEUM "Little Parlsicnnc" J C Nugent Co Delmore ft Light The Drews ALLEGHENY (ubo) LaVere Trio Percy Waran Co Julia Rooney "Harnessing Horse" Kelly ft Pollock Les Kellols OPERA HOUSE (loew) Foy ft Arthur Knowles ft White Frank Stafford Co Cbrlstensen "Xmas Carol" AI Herman Ellis Nowlan Troupe 2d half LaVlne-Cimeron 3 Aveling ft Lloyd Frank Stafford Co Aerial Ballet (Three to All) PHtaborsk GRAND O H (ubo) Sophie Tucker Henry A Francis Spencer A WIlliamR Gould ft Ashlyn Stelner Trio (Others to fill) PialnflHd. N. J. PROCTOR'S State Fair Girls John WcBt A Wolfe Vcronl Verdi A Bro Chief Tendehoa Chas Terrin Co 2d half The HarrlHRtons Hallen A Hurt Kramer A Ross Baker Lynn Co Perry Minstrel Girls Portlaad* Or«. ORPHEUM Lulu Glaser Swor ft Mack The Langdons Klutlng's Animals Oeogette Sutton Mclntyra ft fl Sidney ft Townley EMPRESS (SO) Dingle ft Corcoran Florence ft Lovett George Hall Brlerre ft King Tbe Nagfys Ahoam Troupa PANTAQBS (m) "Greene's Reception" 4 Marx Bros Eddie Howard (Treve ft Green Harris Broa Pra^ftaaca, R. I. KEITH'S (ubo) Jack Norworth Paulhan Troupe Eugene Troupe Kay ft Hllllard Armstrong ft Ford Wilson ft Wilson Edwin George Matilda ft Elvira EMPRESS (SO) (2t)-0ct 1) Whipple Houston Co Mitchell ft Lelgbtner Buth Stone Co Matt Keefe Harry Antrim Losano Troupe a, Caa. ORPHEUM Joe Welch S Miller Kent Co Warren ft Conley Ralph Smalley Mile Tina Arco Bros 3 Collegians Rlckaaoad. LYRIC (ubo) Beaale Wyan Wilfred Clark Co Avon Comedy 4 Vlollnsky Gordon ft Richards (Two to fill) TEMPLE (ubo) Cressy ft Dayne Herbert ft Goldsmith Laddie Cliff Ellda Morris Morris ft Allen Dare Broa 4 Hanreys Gillette's Animals III. ORPHEUM (wva) Fleshe ft La Bick Leonard ft Dempsey Percy Waram (}o 3 Lorettaa Granto ft Maude 2d half TeKay ft Bonnie Fred Swift Leonard ft Whitney Dow ft Dow Wbitesldes ft Picks ORPHEUM 1st half Jack Kennedy Co Handera ft MilUas Juggling Millers Ethel McDonough Olympic Girls Buckley's Animals EMPRESS (SC) Dorothy Rogers Co Melnotte Twins Merry Youngsters Baron Llchter Malvern Troupe Wataon's Farmyard Saleaa, Mi SALEM (loew) Gray ft Graham Ronair ft Ward "Girl in Moon" 2d half The Clevelands John R Gordon Co Walter Brower Salt ORPHEUM Ed Blondell Co Wm Thompson Co Alma Youlln Rube Dickinson Lm Yost Flels Trio The Rameses EMPRESS (sc) (Open Wed Mat) Chas Bowser Co Bernard ft Scartb Luciano Lucca Lew Palmore Henry Frey La Somnambule PANTAGES (m) (Open Tues Mat) Howard A McCane Velde Trio Jack Taylor Lopes ft Lopas Dixie Southern Courtney ft Jeanette ■aa IHaso EMPRESS (BC) (Open Sun Mat) Mae Francis Tbe Leiands Walker ft 111 Ryan ft Lee Evans ft VIdocq Girls ft Jockey SAVOY (m) Wm Schilling Co "Sorority Days" Marshall ft fribble Tbos H Dalton Nifty Girls Carman ft Clifton •aa Fraaclaeo. ORPHEUM Saharet Wm J Dooley Co Milton DaLong Sis Jaannetta Franzeeka McLellan ft Carson Froslni Wm Burress Co EMPRESS (SC) (Open Sun Mat) La France Bros Hurst WatU ft Hurst John P Wade Co Society Girls Chas Gibbs Seven Bracks PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) 'Moore's Girls" James Brockman King Thornton Co Devon Bisters Musart Trio Aerial Bartletts SaTaaaakt Ga. BIJOU (ubo) Big City 4 Glrard ft Gardner PersonI ft Hosier Wm Dick St. Jokaa. N. B. IMPERIAL Rae Eleanor Ball Signer Manetta LYRIC Gllmore ft Allen Welch American 3 St.- Paal. ORPHEUM McFarland ft Mue ? (3onroy ft Models Edgar Berger Brent Hayes Lydla McMillan Co Ida O'Day Hyman Meyer EMPRESS (SC) (Open Sun Mat) "Louis Xmas" Louise Mayo Martini ft Maxlmll 8 Emersons Ballo Broa Sckeaectadr. N. Y. PROCTORS St Julians Webb ft Bums Darly Bird Lee "Don" Night on WhlU Way 2d half O K Sato Hanscom ft Vernon Melody Monarchs Helen Stevens Hickman Bros Co itoa. Pa. ORPHEUM (ubo) Valeska Suratt Co Shrlner ft Richards Will ft Kemp The Hennings Eva Shirley Seattle. ORPHEUM "Dance Dream" Nellie Nichols Mack ft Orth Rosalind Coghlan 4 Athletes Brown ft Newman Heuman 3 EMPRESS (BC) "Spirit Paintings' Wm CahlU Belmont ft Harl "In lUUD" "Cupid's Syndicate" (One to fill) PANTAGES (m) Bothwell Browne Co Santucd Ed Armstrong Co Gene ft Arthur Two Lowes Slonz City ORPHEUM "Trained Nurses" Rooney ft Bent Mr ft Mrs Fred Allen Bogart ft Nelson Swain Ostman 3 Robins Soo, Caaada ORPHEUM (wva) Great Weston Co Jack Polk College Days (One to fill) Sooa, Bllck. STAR (wva) Tbe Wynnlngs Bob Sperry Greater City 4 Mabel Schearer Sootk Bead, Ind. ORPHEUM (wva) Kelso Bros Patsy Doyle Weston A Leon Chas Ledegar Devlin A Elwood "The Heartbrakors " Spokane. ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Chip ft Marble Scott ft Keane Conlin Steele ft C Pealson ft Goldle Andrew F Kalley Ankar Broa La Vler EMPRESS (SO) Smith Voelk ft C W J DuBoia Lowrle ft Gardner Darkln's Dogs Nature's Nobleman PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) "Winning Mlas" Klelt ft Demont Collette Trio Provol (Tordon ft Day Spriaclleld, 111. MAJESTIC (wva) Stevens ft Howard Lordell Conely ft Ly "I Died" FInlay ft Chealelgh Sis Grlngrass Co 2d half Vernon 'Danny Simmons Davett ft Duvall Crelghton Sis Ishakawa Japs Stocktoa ORPHEUM 2d half (Same bill aa at Sac- ramento this issue) Jtyraeaae. GRAND (ubo) "Purple Lady" Bryan ft Sumner Jimmy Lucas Howard ft Lawrence Blssett ft Scott Lawton Leiuel ft Jeanette Taeoi EMPRESS (SC) ,Nlna Payne "Who Was He? " Kelly ft Galvtn "Village Choir" Shreck ft Percival Gerard PANTAGES (m) Abou Hamld Troupe Jose Meleno Co Allison ft Trusco Moore ft Davey Anderson ft Golnes De Vole Trio Tarra Haatap lad. VARIETIES (Ubo) Colonial Minstrels Plsano ft Bingham 2d half Two Zolas O'Rouke ft Atkinson Hendrix Belllsle Co Jones ft Sylvester Laveen Crosa Co Tolado KEITH'S (ubo) Julia Nash Co Chris Richards Delmore ft Lee Empire Comedy 4 Lewis A Dody El Rey Sisters Taroato SHEA'S (ubo) Van A Beaumont Sis Wllla Holt Wakefield Hale A Patterson James H Cullen Herbert A Claribel Farjeon Kajyma Musical Johnsons Montagersors Birds Troy, N. Y. PR()CTOR'S O K Sato Hanacom A Vernon Ed De Corsla Co Monroe A Pusey "Leading Lady'^ 2d half Fisher ft Saul Seyon ft Julian Derly Bird Lee Fox A Fox Palace Girls ITtlea SHUBERT (ubo) "Clown Land" Henry Lewis Daniels A Conrad 4 Regal s (Others to fill) VaacoaTer, D. C. ORPHEUM (SC) "Mission Garden" O'Brien ft Lear Snyder ft Hall Gruet A Gruet Clarence Oliver Clayton Drew Co PANTAGES (m) Maurice Samuels (jo Tom Kelly Boris Frldkln Troupe Connors A Edna Aldo Btos Victoria* B. C. EMPRESS (scf Norton A Earl "Concealed Bed" Hastings A Wilson Billy Sheer Gypsy Countess yBVmmhtmKton KEITH'S (ubo) "Pinafore Kiddles" Owen McGlveney Frank Fogarty Brlea ft (}onna Seldom's Venus Roser't Dogs Waterloa, la. MAJESTIC (wva) Banvard Sisters Billy Chase Lloyd ft Whitehouse Rica ft Cady Cbllds Hawalians 2d half "I Should Worry " Wcat Uobokea, N. J. NEW AMSTERDAM (loaw) Undine Andrews Ward ft Parry "Call From Street" Harry Cutler Gagnoux 2d half Rita Redmond Morton ft Well Owyn ft Gossett Ben Lawin WUkins ft Wilklns Wlaalpes. Uaa. ORPHEUM Fox ft Dolly "Fixing Furnace" Genaro ft Bailey Blank Family Armstrong ft Clarke Virginia Rankin Kltaro 4 EMPRESS (SC) Adeline Lowe Co ■ Behind FootllghU" Edna Aug Leo Beera Houghton, Morris ft H Parla. MARIGNY (Sept) Robledlllo Grace Hodgklns Irene Hammond White ft Perry 5 American Belles ALCAZAR (Sept) Phillip Sis Klrksmlth Sis Hosas de Andaloucla Bresina Sydney Terry Bonelll Victoria Troupe Footlt's Sons Les Mltchels Blon-Dhln Gallas Mile Arlatlne FOLIES BERGERE (Sept) The Rose-Buds Aslr GuB Fowler 4 Hockneys Perezoff Troupe Boucot Humpstl-Bumpstl Rallla-Wilaon Trio Ballet with Delmares, Clairrllle Quinault. Darling, Monor, Pape, Terka ALHAMBRA 'Sept 16 to 30) Craggs Christy ft Willis Jean Clermont Max Llnder Les Yost 4 Amaranths Bell Hattons Carbrcy Boys Ferry Corwey Maxim A Bobby OLYMPIA Little Sousa Solbrigs Les Alvarettas O'Kabe Troupe "Quaker Girl" Alice O'Brien Lawler Delysla Paquerette Slmone May Paulette Duval Morton Henri Leoni A. Franck Mauvllle Ferrleres Pre flls HaasharK HANSA (Sept) Mile de Serrles Tommy Dancers Adelman Family Kaar Mlllo Mourlllo Oeza Varady Troupe Tortola Valencia Brlff Braff A Eroff Clown Zerto Ivonnek Chanteur DeBretagne 4 Holloways Herman King Vlaaaa APOLLO (Sept) Arnold Korlff Co Willie Panzer Co Paul Berk'^rs Barnes A King Llna Llano Edward I^ Vine Mllda Brelten Toulouse Albert The Grazers RONACHBRB (Sept) Fernanda Dlamant "00 Miles in 00 Mia" Santey Broa Gamblna Co Bunt ft Rutt Uaavary Girls imperial Girls Gustl Elder Allison Troupe Barlla. WINTBRGARTEN (Sept) Maxwell ft Jarrot Brasllian Dancers riylBf MarUna Opium Flanda TravllU Broa ft Seal Roaa 4 Ellia Muriel Hudson Narakargr. APOLLO (Sapt) Aubln Lionel Minnie Marlow Carl Menrhardt Aaana Students Taglio 8 Robert ft Robert 8 Nightons SHOWS NEXT WEEK. "ADELE"—Longacre (6th week). "BELIEVE MB XANTIPPE"—30th Street (7th week). GRAND OPERA—Century (3d week). "HER OWN MONEY "—Comedy (6th week). HIPPODROME—America (6th week). "LIEBER AUGUSTIN"—Caalno (5th week). "MADAM PRESIDENT"' (Fanny Ward) — Garrlck (3d week). "NEARLY MARRIED"—Gaiety (4th week). "PEG O' MY HEART"—Cort (42d week). "POTASH AND PERLMUTTBR"—Cohan (8tb week). REPERTOIRE OF SKETCHES—Princess. REPERTOIRE (Sothern ft Marlowe)—Man- hatUn (2d week). "ROB ROY" (Resale Abbott) (revival)—Ub- erty (3d week). "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE "<-Astor (2d week). "SHADOWED""—Fulton (2d week). "SWEETHEARTS' (Christie MacDonald) — New Amsterdam (4th week). "THE AUCTIONEER* (David Warfleld vlval)—Belasco (Ist week). "THE DOLL GIRL"'—Olobe (6th week). "THE ESCAPE"—Lyric (2d week). "THE FAMILY CUPBOARD"—Playhouse week). "THE FIGHT"—Hudson (6th week). "THE LURE"—Elliott "THE MARRIAGE MARKET" (Donald an)—Knickerbocker (2d week). "THE PASSING SHOW OF 1013"—Winter Garden (11th week). "THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL"—Grand O. H. "THE SMOLDERING FLAME"—48th Street (2d week). "THE TE.MPERAMENTAL JOURNEY""—Re- public (6th week). "THE WILL" (John Drew)—Empire (Sept. 20). "THE YOUNGER GENERATION" (Grace George)—Lorceum (2d week). "WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE" (Joseph Santley)—44th Street (7th week). "WITHIN THE LAW"—ElUnge (56th week). "WHO'S WHO?" (William Collier)-Criterion — (4th week). (re- (7th Bri- Pklladclpkla. "THE MERRY MARTYR"—Forrest "FI.NE FEATHERS"—Oarrlck. "HONEYMOON EXPRESS"—Lyric. "THE COMMON LAW"—Walnut "THE WOMAN"—Chestnut St Stock. "THE GIRL FROM RECTORS"—American. Stock. Ckleaso. "THE WHIP"—Auditorium (Bth week). "THE DOUBLE CROSS"—Cort (4th week). "STOP THIEF"-Cohan's (6th week). "THE ROAD TO HAPPINESS"—Oarrick (6tb week). "A TRIP TO WASHINGTON"—La Salle (6th week). "WITHIN THE LAW"—Olympic (8th and last week). "THE GOVERNOR'S LADY "—Power's (3d "THE LADY OF THE SLIPPER"—Illinois (6th week). "ROMANCE""-Princess (Ist week). "ALL ABOARD""—American Music Hall (1st week). "DAMAGED GOODS"' — Blackstone (1st week). "WINNING OF BARBARA WORTH"—Stude- baker (2d week). SHOWS liEAVmO TOWN. Unfavorable criticism and an unwill- ingness on the part of the public to patronize the show will very likely result in Paul Armstrong's "The Escape," which opened at the Lyric last Saturday night, going on the road with Catherine Calvert in the princi- pal role. "Kiss Me Quick" left Broadway Sat- urday and moved over to Brooklyn. The show tried a new advertising scheme of "money back if not satis- fied." This helped materially, but wasn't up to expectations. "The Smouldering Flame" (formerly "Deborah"), which came to new life in Philadelphia last week, opened at the 48th Street Tuesday night.