Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY 27 A N D A Fast and Furious Avalanche of Excitement This Week (Sept. 22) ORPHEUM THEATRE Jersey City Swell Dressers on and off. Neither sniffs nor drinks. Both double brass (cymbals). Straight can cook and comedy under- stand women. Can get photos. Must send ticket. I mlnuteB. a trifle too lony for the patrons of the Empress. Amonf the players in the act are Matt Wheeler, Katherlne Schuyler, Mer- cedes Alwin and John Downer. Preceding the blf act. Harry Darcy and Andy Williams sang ragtime songs and got over very neatly and nicely. Oood routine of songs, and pleas- ing personalities. Lew Wells, he of the baggy coat and the spats followed. He kept the big house roaring. "Wlllisch," billed as the Jest- ing Juggler, was vi.ry noisy, and very spry, and his comments In the Qerman language as he proceeded with his work seemed to tickle the audience vastly. His comedy is neat at times, and his work novel and refresh- ing. An extra added feature was the ap- pearance-of Kate Sandwlna and her company of gymnasts. This woman is wonderfully well built and seems to possess superhuman strength. She won big applause. The act is big and showy, and has numerous elements that make it popular. The show was evenly balanced, and the comedy nicely distributed. The foui> shows Sunday were crowded to the doors. The big crowds in this house are handled unusually well, and the audience of 1.800 was let out and another one of the same size let In without any confusion or bother. REED. OT. NORTHERN HIP. (Fred Eberts, mgr.; agent. E. J. Cox).—Singing and dancing had all the better of the bill this week, and dancing predominated over everything else. When three dancing acts are strung together it would seem that the booking agent had been hard pushed for variety. The day shift show, as witnessed Monday morning, was greeted by a full house, and was rather warm- ly received. The Romero Family came on to applause and won much more before they re- tired. Archer & Ingersoll, which preceded, also had dancing, although they sang a few songs, to vary the monotony. Burk, King and Walsh, follswlng, did a lot more dancing and made a good impression. The Casting Dunbars had closing place. They have some excellent stunts and the clown of the group was really funny. Asakl. a Jap skating Jug- Kler, opened the bill. His act is neat and l<rctty and his work is clean cut and enter- taining. Keagan A. Healy on next, were fair. Kennedy & Mack performed several feats of falling that had elements of daring and some were funny. REED. OARRICK (John J. Qarrlty. mgr.).—Wil- liam Hodge in "The Road to Happiness. At- tendance gaining. May remain for a long run. HOWARD'S (Frank O. Peers, mgr.).—Dark for rehearsals of "A Broadway Honeymoon," which opens Oct. 5. ILLINOIS (Will J. Davis, mgr.).—"The Lady of the Slipper' doing fairly well at 12.60 prices. LA SALLE (Harry Askin, mgr.)—"A Trip to Washington," picking up rapidly. Adele Rowland in cast has given business big im- petus. OLTM^PICT (George C. Warren, mgr.).— Margaret Illlngton nearlng the end of en- gagement in "Within the Law." ^ POWER'S (Harry J. Powers, mgr.).—"The Governor's Lady," with good box ofDce tak- ings. STUDEBAKER (Sam Lederer, mgr.).—"The Winning of Barbara Worth" opened Monday night. IMPERIAL (Kllmt A Gazzolo, mgrs.).— "The Man From Home" at popular prices. NATIONAL (John Barrett, mgr.).—Albert Phillips and Leila Shaw In "One Woman's Life." VICTORIA (Alfred Spink, mgr.).—"A But- terfly on the Wheel." BISMARCK GARDENS.—Dog show. ORCHESTRA HALL.—"Les Mlserables," In pictures. WHITE CITY.—Mardl Gras carnival. DEXTER PAVILION.—International Ice and Refrigeration show. The new Grand, Washington, Ind., seating 1,000, will soon be ready to open. The Empire, formerly a burlesque house playing the Western Wheel, Is now offering pictures at 10 cents. of Lillian Watson, who Is much sought after by western managers for their houses. Halton Powell has in preparation a new tabloid called "The Girl From Turkey," whhh will be produced November 9. The new Windsor, at North Clark near Di- vision streets, will probably be booked by "the Association." The Columbia In the neighborhood Is now booked by J., L. A S. Michel Mowschlne. the Parlsiun violinist and director, has established himself at the Bis- marck Gardens for the winter. Walter Marshall Is In the role formerly played by William Hodge In "The Man From Home." The piece has been doing the one- night stands. It arrived at the Imperial this week. Harry Sudekum, manager of the Princess. Nashville, Tenn.. arrived In Chicago early in the week to consult Charles Crowl. "Little Miss Brown" will open In Minne- apolis next week. The show closed at the Princess and laid off for two weeks. Sidney Macy, stage manager for "Little Miss Brown," which closed at the Princess recently, produced a new act at the Grand Sept. 18, called "Not Guilty," booked by Sadie Kusel. The Union City theatre Is nearlng comple- tion at Union City, Ind., and It Is prohablo that "A Modern Eve" will open the house. Louis Rommel, last season auditor for the Allardts. is now manager of the Orpheum and De Luxe theatres In Hammond, Ind. A. E. Meyers, formerly with the W. M. V. A., has purchased the Glamour, at 69th and Halsted streets. John Plerson will manage the house, which will play pictures and vaudeville. Mile. !.,« Clair, the extra added feature at the Halsted Empress, was replaced by a Juggling act Monday of last week and the Livingston Trio moved from opening to the closing spot on the bill. The Hayward Bisters have formed a new musical act with six people, and will open shortly. Walter Meakin will manage it. E. D. Hopson will manage the Apollo for Alfred Hamburger. The house opens Sept. 29. Richard B. Swope Is In the box ofTlce at the Garrlck. taking the place of Herman Fuchs. A. A. Powers, formerly well known as a manager on the road, la now looking after the Playhouse, Oak Park and the Park, Aus- tin for the United Play Co. "The Whip" Is doing a land otTlce business at the Auditorium and Indications are that huslnrBs will ker<p up for the remainder of the enK.igcmrnt. The serond wprk's receipts were over 12.000 better than the best week "The 0;ir(I<ri of Allah" hjid there last season. Edna Hlbbard has succeeded Vivian Mar- tin in the cast of "Stop Thief at Cohan's Grand. The Cosmopolitan, at 79th and Halsted streets, opened last Saturday night with pic- tures and vaudeville. It Is booked by Alfred Hamburger and seats 1,000. Sol LItt hai leased the Swartz thtatrr. Waukegan, III., and will Install vaudeville there. Lewis H. Van Ness, of Evanston, has been granted a divorca from Mrs. Edna a Van Ness. The husband alleged stage amiiltlons of his wife wrecked their home David Haul Klafter, an architect. Is being tried before the state l)ourd of exiimlners of architects. He wiis the arc liltirt of the Home the.Ttre. Mllwaiikee avenue. Die roof of which collapsed shortly hi-fore the bulldlnfc was completed. ('')HirK''s w«'re liroiight agalnnt him by tli< *'h\rnK> Art lilt'•<(.■<' KiiHlnenn An Hodatlon. AUDITORIUM (Bernard Ulrlch, mgr.).— "The Whip, " breaking all recorda for the house. BLACK8TONE (Augustus Pltou. Jr.. mgr.). —Rose Stahl in "Maggie Pepper." playing to moderate receipts. Second time here. f^ORT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.).—"The Dou- ble Cross," a crook play, doing light business. COHAN'S G. O. H. (Harry Ridings, mgr.) —"Stop Thief." doing business in spurts and starts. COLUMBIA (B. A. Wood. mgr).—Stone snd PlUard In "The Social Maids." Box office tnklngn Mg all season. Joe Howard will try his new piece. "A Broadway Honeymoon." on the dog at (lar.v. Ind.. Oct. 1. James B. McKowen has made a dl^rovery In the shape of a sInKing comedian by the name "The Cilrls From Starland " a liiirl(H<| in- show on the Kustern Wheel pliyed the Folly this week. This show w:i.m formerly ".MI.h.'! .N'ohody From Ktarlnnd." and was orlglnilU produced by Mort H. Singer. Otto Koern<T. Joe Nelmeyer and Pharlea Hammers, now In B. F. Cox, formerly a single In vaudeville. has left the staRe and Is now .an opth Ian In Jollet, III. Irene Warfleld, In privote life Mrs ,Iohtiii> .•?lmon, la now a member of the Ks^tn ly rnm pany In Chicago. "Oh, Oh, DMlphln*/' 1m uchflu'i.d to follow "The Lady of the Slipper" at the Illinois. .No date has been set. PROFESSIONALS NOTICE MCNTHINE OINTMENT is pr.iiserl hv t)ir jra-liiiff slap;r r\r\'\ 'ifKT.i star-, t"- lu ,r properties of clearing the throat .md nf all ii)iic-f)ii«;, ttius in' rrasint; tin- r'!,. \rv.' ■ f i' s wiiidf-r'" 1 ■'If ^1c Vni f Menthine Ointment is put up in collap iMe tuhrs provided wi'h an (•I'in>/i'rd tip ' > fa'i'i'itr introduction into the nasal civity. PHICR />(> CKNI.S. Obtainable at all Drud Stores or the Casmlne Co., A90 8lh Ave., N%m York