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30 VARIETY uproar. Evt-n Gene Myers forgot about being arriBted and laughed, too. This I'liullnt- fellow is a great showman. It makes no illffi-rence what the people think ^hlle looking at him workInK or after he has finished, the act makes them laugh and when it Is ovi r tht-re la still doubt about hl.M hypnotic power being faketJ. Faullne i>u/.zle». Interests and amuses all at once and that's some lltle feat to per- form. The single change In the bill brought the Altos Hrothers. club Jugglers. Into the op< nhiK posltlcm and tho boys started things iiliely Scott and Wilson got some laughs with their comedy acrobatic turn. The open- Ink' Is wearing off and nteds trimming up a bit. Jt-nkins and (""overt have a rapid-fire lln« of talk Introduced In a sketch called "Just Married." and It got pl.nty of laugh" It's a j.atter skt'tch fr<)m start to Jlnish. with a lot of good cross Ore talk and a brtezy style about It that hits the mark. Its a llrst rate skit for thf "pop" hou.ses. Viola Duval tells all about what she Is Koing to do and then sings. Viola can sing and might Just as well go right after It from the start without telling about It. Her voice will carry her along the big small time route all right, but the verse stuff won't help any. She sings classy and "rag" stuff equally well. Joseph K. Watson Jumpe.l In here while the "Happy Widows" are laying off an<l put over n monolog which brought good results. He might have brought Willie Cohen along to show him the big theatre and Willie would have got some laughs, too. Watson had some good talk and some parodies which got over In good shape. The Three Amblers had a showy gymnastic act for the finish, rounding out a smoothly running, well balance show with comedy as Its strongest feature. "Pop" audiences like com- «'dy shows, and this one hit a high mark of favor. BOSTON By J. GOOLTZ. S" Summer Street. I.OEW'S OKTHKUM (V. J. Morris, res. mgr. ; agent, lA>ew).—Vaudeville. Fourth an- niversary; capacity. LOEW'S ST. JAMES (H. Frank, res. mgr.: agent. Loew).—Vaudeville, Split bill with the Orpheum. Capacity. NATIONAL (George Haley. res. mgr.; agent, U. B O.)—Vaudeville. Fair business. HOLMS (Charles J. Rich. res. mgr).—"The Sunshine (Mrl." PJxcellent business. COLONIAL (Charles J. Rich. res. mgr.).— Macklyn Arbuckle In "The Merry Martyr." Fair business. PARK (Charles J. Rich. res. mgr.).—"The Conspiracy." Cood business. TRKMONT (John H. Schoefel. res. mgr.).— "Her Little Highness." Good business. PLYMOUTH (Fred Wright, res. mgr. ).— "A Widow by Proxy " Poor business. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, res. mgr.). —Stock, "Ninety and Nine." La Estrellita Sails for South Africa Sept. 27, to fulfill a return engagement of ten weeks with the Empires Circuit. SHUIIERT (E. D. Smith, res. mgr.).—"The Purple Road." Fair business. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, res. mgr.).— 'The Ham Tree." Good business. BOSTON (Al Levering, res. mgr).—"The Couftln'." Poor business. HOlWARD (George E. I^othrop. res. mgr.). —"Robinson Crusoe Girls." GRAND OPERA (George E. mgr.).—"The Sunshine Girls." CASINO (Charles Waldron, Manchester's "Crackerjacks." GAIETY (George T. Batchcller, res. mgr.). — AI Reeves' Company. Boston acts are in great dcmatyl for Sun- day work In New York. A number of acts have been taken from this city to New York for Sunday shows only and have been paid enough to make the Jump there and back. It Is claimed that a dozen acts a week do this thing. LAFAYETTE (H. C. Fourton, mgr.).—Jo- seph Bernard & Co.; Five Melody Boys; V. p. Woodward; Bradleys; Mennen & Bughs. MAJESTIC (J. C. Kalem, mgr).—Vaudeville. ALAMO (Wm. Guerlnger, mgr.).—Vaude- ville. Lothrop, res. res. mgr.).— The Sunshine C.lrls at the Grand Opera are picking up a little unexpected business this Week through the similarity In name to "The Sunshine Girl" at the Hollls. One of tho biggest theatrical realty deals ever started Is now said to be on the go. .Mitchell Mark, tho New York man, of the M. H. Mark Realty Corporat1«n. Is scouting through New England looking for houses that Iw can buy or lease. It Is said that he has 110,000,000 at his command and Is willing to Invest it If he can see any profit In the outlay. Fifty theatrical managers were given a scathing lecture by Mayor Fitzgerald last week. In which an ultimatum was laid down barring any suggestive acts, whether In the $2 houses or In the movies. He said that there would be no question of modification In such productions as "The Lure" and "The Fight." and In any kind of loose dancing. He also laid down the law on the fire hazard questions, forbidding the standing of frames containing photos and posters in the lobbies where tho public might trip over them in case of a rush for the exits. They are to be fastened to the walls. Ten theatres without fire alarm boxes on the stage were ordered to have them Installed. Conferences are to be held every month with the managers In which the morals of contemplated attractions will be discussed and either approved or barred. The New Washington opened this week after an outlay of about $10,000 In alterations. It Is at Washington and Kneeland streets. • Moe" Mark, a brother of Mitchell Mark, Is 111 at Poland Springs. He Is said to be suffer- ing from a severe throat trouble. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr).—Inferior show this week. Steel & Mack, skate well; Ci-clle Beresford, not Impressive; Nina Mor- ris sketch suggests "Typhoon," sufrerlng through comparison; Thos. A. Wise (New Acts); Ota Gygl, hit; Qulnn & Mitchell, did little; General Plsano. good. PANTAGES (Sol Myer mgr.).—Inaugural Bill, fairly entertaining; Miller & Miller, open noiselessly; Fagg St White, ordinary; John Ellis. Interesting; Hlllebrand & DeLong, con- ventional; Van & Vadette, fair; Hows & North- lane, excellent. Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows here Oct. 4-5. ATLANTIC CITY By I. B. PULASKI. SAVOY (Jake B. Isaac, mgr; agent, U. B. O.).—Master Gabriel ft Co., cordially received; Uoc Nell, good; Morton & Glass, scored; The Voungers, acrobatic class; Conly & Webb, blK: Clara Inge, liked; Olympic Trio, clever. NIXON (Harry Brown, mgr; agent. N-N).— 1st half: Naynon's Birds, interesting; Mer- rett & Stanton, liked; Edmund Stanley & Co.. opera; Gllmore Trio, good; Newkirk ft Evans Sisters, good; Milt Arnsman, scored; pictures. 2d half: Naynon's Birds; Barney Gllmore; Weston & Keith; Marion Reeves & Co.: Ham- mond ft Forrester; Reddlngton ft Brand. APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr.; K. ft E.).— "Fair Play." premiere (all week). MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young, mgr.; Wlster Grookett. bus. mgr).—Pictures. Melba Palmer supersedes Amelia Buckman as heavy woman at the Lyric. Owing to the disbanding of "Qulncy Adams Sawyer." the "(^uo Vadls" pictures will be reeled off at the Crescent next week. The Emma Bunting Stock (^o. proved very sufcesaful during its first week at the Dau- phlne. John Sloan is managing the company. Flchtenberg's Plaza opens Nov. 15. His new theatre In Pensacola will be on Palafox ave- nue, opposite the San Carlos Hotel. Non-union stage hands are employed at the Hippodrome, due to the refusal of Manager Lew Rose to increase his stage crew. Tlie Gliding O'Mearas. who the United Booking Ofllces tried to put across a month («go as a feature attraction at B. F. Keith's big time house with a heavy advertising campaign, are now playing at the National, a low-priced house, and Is burled In the bill In small type. Murphy's Minstrels concluded their engage- ment at the Steel Pier last week. Tho Greenwall will In future be known as Pantages Varieties. ST. LOUIS "The Bluebird" is the attraction at the Apollo the first three days of next week. "At Bay" is scheduled for the last half, but is not certain. Ernest L. Waltt. a newspaper man broke Into Boston with his new dramatic sketch. "A False Start," this week at Keith's BlJou. having sold It to Ralph Santos, who Is play- ing It. Joseph DlPese. press agent of the Plymouth, is handling a boom for It. John Craig In stock Is going to feature "Madame Sherry" at the Castle Square In a few weeks as his annual musical production. Walter Donovan, treasurer of B. F. Kelth'.M house, who was reported as bilng In a dyinp condition from a paralytic shock, shows signs of recovery, although he will probably never return to the houae. NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. SAMUEL. TI'LANE (T. C. Campbell mgr; K. ft E.).— •North of 53." CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr; K. ft E.).—"That Printer of Udell's." nUUPHINE (Henry Greenwall. mgr).— Emma Bunting Stock Co. In "The Cutest Girl In Town." LYRIC (Bert Gagnon. mgr).—Gagnon-Pol- lock Stock Co. In "The Confessions of a Wife." HIPPODROME (Lew Rose, mgr).—Bird ft Co.; Jack Neville; Galloway; L. A. Temple & Co.; Kuetzer; Earls; Mortimer Sisters. By JOHN S. ERNEST. COLUMBIA (H. D. Buckley, mgr).—Zclda Zears & Co.. In "The Wardrobe Woman," suc- cess as headllner; Gus Erdman ft Frances Ru- bens, delightful; Kathleen Clifford, went big; Martin E. Johnson, very Interesting; Edna Showalter, excellent; Matthews ft Shayne, very good; Hanlon ft Hanlon. exceptionally clever; Valveus & Lamore, well received. HIPPODROME (Frank Talbot. mgr).— Slayton All's Twelve Wild Moors, thrilling headllner; Island ft Cotto, opened well; The Four Prevosts, very funny; Lauder, Sherry A (^o., encores; Bucher Bros., hearty applause; Kay ft Ray, very pleasing; O'RlIla Barbee A Co., extellent; Blanche Gordon, good; Four Banta Bro.^.. well received; Musical Stippi, hit. NEW GRAND (Harry R. Wallace, mgr).- "Rock-a-Hye Baby." headlined to advantage; Laveen-Cross & Co.. very Interesting: Vera Berliner, hearty applause; McNlsh ft McNlsh. Grigolati's Aerial Ballet own.r, Mrs. H. SCHULTZE FEATURING ON Permanent Address, 51 Elmhurst Avenue, Elmhurst, Long Island. L \A/ CIRCUI Direction, Jl-I