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VARIETY 31 Charles Horwitz Auth*v vf Iks kMl rivl*te Mid Ikvlikap in Vs«d«Ylll«. Mia rM*f« tpMka for MmU. Hundrcda of — ■ Dost ■l antl — i irlih oChon. Oot • Uorwtti ikotoh. OttU. wiito or tolephono. CHABLB0 HOBWrrZ. 1402 BroMlwaj (Bmm» tU), Now York. fhone 8M9 Groolor. ToloplioBe MM Biyaat. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER Bonsco Callod tor Md Ckookod to aU RAllroodo wid a tw iM l i—to. 8tiuid. 8. B. Cor. 4Sd St. aad Mk Aro. 8tonic«—164 11th Avo.. bot. fSd A Mlh 84o. Offloo—tie W. 4aid St. NBWTOBK. I. MILLER. 1554 Broadway. *^7*iSf Tol UOeTChoboo ^^^ Monatoctoror ^^^ o C Tkootrtool ^^^^^^^^^^« *• * '" and ^■flWC^^HSi^H CLOO. Ballot N .Yw^MSSIV »»<! AcrokaUc Sbooo a apoo~ laltjr. All work mado at abort notloo. Writ* for Catalog 4. LBtT TOD rOBOBT WB SAT IT VBT CROSS LETTER HEADS Contrarto, Tlokoto. Bav«lopoo. fVoo gaariplea, 8TAOB MONBY. ISe. Book of HorAld Cala, tSo. CROSS i;?T{iSai£SS5*«: cHiMea Oriental CoU Cream Pound can 40c; K lb. 2Sc The Best Thing Going For Removing Make-ap Also dirt and grease from automobile and train travel A Perfect Cleansing Cream Trial tube 10c Fr«* delivery by parcel post. Send your order direct to 246 Woat 4eik Stroot Now York Ray Mfg. Co. FRED J. BEAIMAN Write* aketohoo that Ure. Hero are a few of tbe oMiny who hare pla/ed hla acta: Mr. and Mra. Gene Ha«he*, DUrb/ Bell, Devlin and BIwood. Hallen and Fnller. Kelley and Went- wortb. Harry M. MorM. Lewis McCord. Halffbt and Deane, Dick Crollos. 1 do not write sonica or monoloco. bnt do write ■ketcheo thnt LIVB and PLBABB. Boom 4M. Senate Ofllce Bnlldlns, Wnahl ngtoo. D. C. FREDERICK SCENIC STUDIO •41 W. 4td St.. N. Y. Vandrvllle Prodaetlona and Dyo. BmI Trnnk fk><>nery oa the Msrfcei. FOR SALE—A North Tonawnndn Ornn nnd SOO pain of Rlrhardaon oknteo, nil la sood condition. Rmmd for ■clllns. Rink aold. Ad- drcHs W. O. Hartohom, 9t««bOBvtllo, O. Sound and White Teeth arc surely a rich enoufh return for uslnt Calos twice a day. The Oxy- ttfu which Caioz liberates puts an end to that decompooltlon of food particles upon which bannful bac- teria thrive, and also to the bacte- ria tbemoelvea. Moreover, the guma are invigorated, the teeth whitened and the breath purlSed In the pleao- antest and moat gratifying way. All Dnifff lata, 25 cenU Sample and Boolilet free on request. McKesson a robiins NEW YORK Ask for the Calos Tooth Brush IB centa. WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR MADE TO OBDEI PBOy SS.OO TO 9100.00 Uro apociallso !■ Mock Wldo THE WI6GERY »«® \°AKt*'^^^" CBICAGO I FOR SALE—A SKETCH FOR THREE PEOPLE. Wholly original and entirely away from anything yet produced in vaudeville. Features "jag." Recognized artists only. Address Author, care VARIETY, New York. many encores; Hilda Orth, very entertaining; Pr*deriuk Loidelle, marvelous; Mcllyur & Uamlliun, clever; business good. UMPKEBtt (C. B. Uelb, mgr.).—James Ful- ton 4k Co.. featured; Krgottt's i^Uliputlana, very good; Gooarlch A Klulus, pleased; Vera Oe BaMSlnl, scored; I'atrlcola & Meyers, enter- taining. Ql^VMPIC (.Walter Banford. mgr.). —Anne Bradley in "What Happened to Mary," scored; uverfluwlng audience. BUUBIbKT ^Melville Stolz. mgr.). —"The Tlk Tox Man of Oz," with Angelina Novaslo. a St. Louis girl, in the leading rule, drew a crowded bouse. AMERICAN (H. R. Wallace, mgr.). —"The Cost of Living," Initial appearance to a welN tilled house. FKlNCKtfS (Dan Flshell, mgr.).—The Jolly Musketeers, the Initial oderlng of Alexander Zlnn, the new director of the Princess shows received a hearty reception from a crowded house. 8TANI&ARD (Leo ReichenLach, mgr.).— 'Ginger Ulrls," with Ed Wrothe. Well filled house. UAYETY (Chas. Walters, mgr.). —Fay Fos- ter's Burlesqueis in "Yankees In Japan," drew a large opening house. Billy Mclntyre and Lew Reynolds head the cast. MARGUERITE CLARK (C. M. Ulgby, mgr.). —"Seven Weeks," a three-act farce, received a rousing reception at the opening performance; the cast Is good. CINCINNATI By UABBY UBSS. KEITH'S (J. F. Royal, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Sun. V).—Selblnl & Orovlnl. opened; Morton A Elliott, small time act; Lancton, Lucler A Co., hit; Francis McGinn A Co., line; Three Hlckey Bros., scored; Lean, Maytleld A BUUngs, excellent; Ball A West, novelty; Three Melvlns. closed strong. EMPRESS (G. F. Fish, mgr.; S-C.; rehear- sal Sunday 9).—Les Trio Morandlnl. opened; Golden A Hughes, fine; Arthur Geary, bit; "A Night at tbe Bath." featured; Mary Dorr, une; Prince Floro, well trained. HEUCK'S tC. Hubert Heuck, mgr.; agent. J.. L. A 8.).— First half: Bell Warner Trio, Clever; Jeunette Tate, fine; Swabell A Hous- ton, poor; Llndrier's Animals, \ery good; Raymond A Temple, hit. Second half: Mu- sical Campbells; Edith Gibbons; Wall A Kidd; Canlon Sisters; S Bannons. LYCEUM (H. Hart, mgr.; agent, Gus Sun). ->-Cllff's Dogs; Daffy Jones; liobuscb A Chil- dress; Holland A Dockrlll. Second half: No- lan A Nolan; Knight A Moore; Upton A In- graham; Harry Clinton Sawyer; Holland A Dockrlll. STANDARD (George Toby, mgr.; ColumbU Ami-Ci nient Co.).—"The Broadway (Jlrls." Clean and amusing. OLYMPIC (McMahon A Jackson, mgis. ; Progressive).—"Tango Girls." Comedy weuk. Mttttrlol us>;d will not attract lady audlitncHS. GRAND O. H. (T. Aylward. mgr.).—"Sins of tht Father." Good business. LYRIC (C. Hubert Ueuck. mgr.). —"Way Down East." big business as usual. WALNUT (Willis F. Jackson, mgr.; S. A II.).— -In Life's Shop Window." Buslnes.s very good. Plans for a new theatre, corner 16th and Central avenue, were submitted to the build- ing Inspector by the Ohio Theatre Co. Th*» plot Is 166x100. will be constructed with con- crete and brick and seating capacity of over LOOO. PITTSBURGH By F. LANG. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; agent, U. H O.).— Lasky's "The Rid Heads." fine; "Thr Girl," very good; "Little Cleo." Glascolgne. re- peatedly encored; The Wheelers A Co.. well received; McKay A Ardlne, pleased; Raymond A Caverly, did well; The Wirth Family, clever; Frank Mullane, good; LoLattle, clever. HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt, mgr.; agent, U. B O.).—Neillson's Luminous Butterflies, very good; Foy A Clark, "Back to Idaho," fino. Four Haley Girls, pleased; Mason. Wilbur & Jordan, "A Soldier's Dream," good; McCauley A Conwell, clever; The Mcnards, did well; Emily Ebamour. very good; Jack Lorlng. well received; Perry & Gilck, fine; Florlan, pleased VICTORIA (Goo. Schafer, mgr.; agent. Sun). —The Seven Belfords, very clever: Mat & Maxfleld, hit: Edney Bros. & Co., "Slumming In Chinatown.' very good; Zrno A Coak. laugli- able; Vera Bettlna, plf-nned: Lewis, Hennlng A LewlB, fine; Lrslle Hownrd & Lillian, en- tertained. LIBERTY (J. H. Mc'^arron, inRr.). —PoliUKl Travers A Co., v«>ry good; The Crratcr City Four, Bcr<am; The M(>rrl»»B. ttne. I..ew WjIhIi A Co.. "Levlnsky'8 0\(\ Shntn." vory g.jnd; McDonald Bros.. cl<-v<r; Prlrr * VUcp. pUasrd; Rorkwoil & Woodf^, good; Jack F> monds, pl*aH< d. NIXO.V (Thos. Kirk, lUKr ; K A F. >.—'Th" Ghost nrenker." 2f*, Th.- .Mmhi.t Mlr.'l " AI.Vl.N' (J. P. UcyiioldH. m^;i.; Sh'il.irtHp Blanche King. "When cimiH. SmM. ■■ ' 2r« 'Th^ Typhoon GATETY (Henry Kurtzman, mgr; East- ern).—"London Belles." 29, "Honeymoon Girls." LYCEUM (C. R. Wilson, mgr.; 8. A H.).— "In Old Kentucky." 29, "The Divorce Ques- tion." DUQUESNE (Harry Davlb, mgr.).—Stock. "The Master of the House." 29, "Our Wives. ' PITT (G. A. Whltback. mgr.).—Stock, "Sal- vation Nell." 29. "Nol.ody's Widow." AMERICAN (J. Imintrman, mgr.). —Stock. "East Lynne." EXPOSITION.—Russian Symphony Orches- tra. EMPIRE (A. A. M^Tlghe. mgr; agent. L. C. McLaughlin).-^^4, Dolly Dimples Musical Comedy Co.. w^ni received; Four Musical Kings, very good; Jonathan, pleased; Duer A Good. fine. 25-27, Three Humdingers; Chase A Carma; Sheppard & Edwards; Pearle Stev- ens; Harry Bardell. PARK (J. P. McConnell. mgr; agent, Roy- er).— 22-24. 'On the Boulevard," Musical Comedy Co. 26-27. "Life at Matteawan Com- edy Co.; DeVoas A Mack: Jacklln A Lang. K. A K. O. H. (A. W. Krell, mgr; agent. Royer).-^22-24, Newport A Bert; Ernest Toll; Frank Collier. 26-27, "On the Boulevard Musical Comedy Co." SMITH'S (J. E. Smith, mgr; agent. Royer). —22-24, Peerless Minstrels A Comedy Co. GARRICK (H. C. Kramer mgr; agent. Royer).—22-24. Peerless Minstrel A Comedy Co. The New Uptown theatre and an addition to the already many enterprises of the Har- ris Amusement Co. Is nearlng completion and will open Oct. 20. The name adopted for the house Is Sheridan Square, and the policy, three a day vaudeville. MILWAUKEE By MOBOAN. MAJESTIC (James A. Higler. mgr; agent, Orph.).—Much heralded Mile. Dazle in "I'an- taloon," topping the week's new bill In her J. M. Barrle pantomime new to Milwaukee, landed no more heavily with the opening matinee audience than a vaudeville act of average worth, possibly due to the fact that a widely known dancer does comparatively little dancing. "Pantaloon" appears to merely please, and stops right there. Paul Nevins, blackface, in "The Coal Man and the Maid." was considerably more satisfying as an en- tertainer, being. In fact, about the best thing on the bill as far as popular tastes are con- cerned. The song of the Job offered by the physician who wanted a corpse dug up in the night makes the crowd get up and yell for more. His eccentric dancing also lands with enviable ease, and the work of his partner. Ruby Erwood. is not far behind. Outside of these two acts the bill Is lacking In strength. George P. Moore and Florence Elliott, in their comedy billed "A Baby Grand," are offensive with a raw sketch that should not be tolerated In burlesque, much less a leading vaudeville house. Taken for what it's worth, the act of Svengall, whose woman partner on the stage plays or sings anything requested to him while down with the audience, at least gets across nicely. Fred A Rena Santos missed connections with their baggage and sang and danced In their street clothes, going fairly well, although one song Is a bit too sugges- tive. Hlnes and Fox. aided and abetted by silk hats and evening clothes, sing some light- weight numbers. I'ope and Uno. the latter a (log. open, while the Le Grohs. with a Eu- ropean novelty gym stunt, have the closing spot. CRYSTAL (Wllllanti (Jray, mgr.; agent. T. n. C; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Fielding A Carlos, skating, headline, excellent; La C'osta, ordin- ary; Harry Holman & Co., laughable, but sketch lacks punch; Jack Morrlsy, good; James Gaylord, fair EMPRESS VWilliam Raynor mgr.: S-C.) — 'Bower of Melody," excelU-nt; Livingston Trio, fair; Brooke A Harris, fine; Bruce. Duffet A Co., Stored: Mayo A Allman, good hit; DAVIDSO.N (Slurinaa Brown, mgr; agent, Ind.).—Louis Mann In "Children of Today." Uoso Stahl In "Maggie Pepper" next. Busi- ness good. SHUHERT (C. C Newton. mgr).—Shubert Theatre Stock Co. In The Mind the Paint Ctrl." Business fair. (JAYKTY (J. W. Whiteside, mgr).—"Star anil (Ijirt«T" ('o. Excellent huslnesa. A Ml AM BRA (George Fischer, mgr).—Pic- tures. HA.VR (J. J. WIlllamH. mgr). — Klnemacolor I'AUST (Lvidwlg KrelHH, mgr.)—Dark BATTLi: C'RKKK, Midi. MIJOU (Harry Lorch. mgr.). —21-25. H'li Inlinson In "Oh. Look Who's Here," capacity; 2.^-28, 'The District Leader." I'(JST (K. H. .Smith, mgr.) —21. ' Tho Cons- Minn Law." good. HEIMAN. nrUMNGTON. lA. GRA.VD (). H (llalph IIf.lmen. mgr.).— .Veil O'Hrlen .MInHtrtln. l.S. r>live<! to <xeell<'nt I'liMlness; ".Mf)ulin Houge dlrlH," 2r> Hiley A- I>oodH Burh B<nirrH, ()(t. 2: "Ilk 'lox .Miin <>f <)/.." h. "I^^veiywoman," 17-m FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL COSTUMER 149 W. 36th ST.. HEW YORK TeL IMl Ureclry. Bend for I'ataiogar. Stage and BvoBlng Gowns on Hand. Mme. MENZELI Former Premiere Danseuae and Maliress© d» Ballet HIGH SCHOOL of Dancing and I>aniomlnk< Clasaic Ballet and AM Styles of Dancing Acts created and staged. Pupils, Mile. Dalzle, Hoffman, Mile. Mar- sello, Grecian classic dancer from Metropoli- tan Opera House; Spring Bong; Vampire: Sa- lome, etc.; Marlowe and other prominent stars. 22 East I6th Street, bet. B'wav and 6th Ave. JAMES MADISON VAVDEVILLK AUTHOB. writes for Al. Jol- son, Joe Welch, Jack Norworth, Ben Welch, Byron and Laiigdon, Howard and Howard, Kooney and Bent. Marshall P. Wilder, Jack Wilson. Nat C'arr. Hunting and Frmaeea, Hohrodes and Chapi>ellr, etc. Knough said. 14911 BROADWAV NEW ^OftK i Konm 417). HORT pp, VAMP jMA HOES Af^ CibaiaFmcliHtcIt dHF# Dsl %wi ptiMt lMtk«, limia mN, f || Cfl U|h bvltM Mi iMt, Oil«rtfi §t4 ^A'^ Pwipi. All liiM up Hundreds of other Stylea in all leathora and colors. DAINTY SATIN 8LIPPBBS In any shade. J. GLASSBERG 8 Convenient Btorea 5U Slith Ave., nmr tlst St. IIMAv«.,N.Y. I mWtil4USL Near 10th St. | West of B'way. ILLUSTRATED STYLE BOOK "V" FREE GARRICK (J. Henri Fischer, mgr; 8-C.).— 21-28, Sevtn Parisian Violets; Neary A Mil- ler; Bell A DeBell; Rachetta A Wilson. 24- 26. National Dancing Four; Kenny A Wil- liams; Omedio; DeFur A Bates. BUFFALO. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.; K. A B.). - "Joseph and His Brethren. " an impressive stage spectacle attracted a large audience. 29, John Mason in "Indian Summer." SHEA'S (Henry J. Carr mgr; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. lu).— Montague's Cockatoos, worth watching; Musical Johns- tons, failed to appear; Hervery A Clarlbel Farjeon, "Disillusioned." well acted; Wllla Holt Wakefield, magnetic; Billy B. Van, the Beaumont Sisters A Co., bright; Frank Hale A SIgna Patterson, expert; James H. Cullen. popular; Kajlyama, phenomenal. TECK (John R. Oishel, mgr; Shuberts). "Within the Law," playing a return engage- ment, fair attendance of best people. 23. "Little Women." LYRIC (A. R. Sherry, mgr; agent, Loew. rehearsal Mon. 10).—Salla Bros., sensational; Rose Berry, neat; Anderson A Evans, "On thu Rocks,' humorous: Katie Rooney, versa tlie; Cowans, posing dogs, well trained; Dave Ferguson, went big; Six Water Nymphs, dlv Ing act. commands attention. MAJESTIC (John Laughlln. mgr; S. A H.). — "The Qld Homestead " This sterling old favorite crowded the theatre. 29, Sarah Pad den In "Kindling." ACADEMY (Henry Marcus, mgr.; agent, Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Musical Busklrks. novwity; Rose Miller, pleased; Archi-r A Bel- ford, "The New Janitor,"' hit; Dan Harring- ton, appreciated; Klpp A Klppy. funny; Tay- lor Twin Slaters, graceful; Dora Itonca, at- tractive; Mr A Mrs. Perkins Fisher, feature Arthur Litton, well received; Alvln A Kenney. many laughs. (;aRDK.\ (W. F. Graham, mgr. Progres- sive).— 'The Mirth Milkers." pleased Its pat- rons Immensely In the "Yellow Slipper." FILLMORE (Geo. Rosing, mgr.; agents McVIahon A Dee; rehearsal Mon. nnd Thurs. 6). —22-21. Christy A Hngan. scored; Ford A Miller, excellent; The Two Lorelliea. goo<l; Coming: Miller * St. Clare; Myer A Hyde; Harry & Edna Stone. HuHlness good LAFAYETTE (c. M. Uagg, mgr.; Colum- bia). -Jack (Jojdenherg's Gay New Yorkers, created a roar of mirth. Cy\siNO (Huuderlsch MroH., mgrs . agents. Mc.Mahon * Dee; rehe.irsai r,). — .N'a ()ma, well received; Happy Hlni|>son, clever; F»at Kennan, fair PLAZA (Hlotkin. Hosing Sc .Mlcha. Ih. mgrs,. rehearsal Mf)n. 1).—Chas. Welch, pleased. Mr. A Mm J.ick .Siiniiionds, W( nt well; The Great Turlne. showed great dexterity; n«ach A '"arr, good. A.MHKUST (Sol HwerdlofT. mgr , ngentM. M< M.ihon A !>< e; r.hinrnal .Mon f,) It. H .JoMln. pleaneil ; Edith Hunt, good .Ir).- ('rotfy Ncream.