Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY I SPECIAL FEATURE MECHANICS' FAIR, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., SEPT. 26 to OCT. 5 MUSETT THE DANCING VIOLINIST DIRECTION. EDGAR ALLEN-M. S. EPSTIN, Inc. Suite 432-4, PUTNAM BUILDING, 1495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK IM I I Th» Liberty theatre has again suspended business. Mr. Zabln, one of the lessees having left; destination unlinown. REX. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (('has. H. Gouldlng, mgr.; airents. U. n. O. and K. A E.; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 9).—17. "The Spring Maid." pleased very big buslnt'ss; 18-20. Rube Wtlch A Co.. headlined. 8 people, scored; Baker, Lynn A Co.. laughs; Brown & Williams, good dancers; Brevett & Merrill, conventional; Burlie, Barton & Wilson, good; Kinemacolor features; capacity business. 22-24. "The Leading Oirl," headlined. 9 people, fair; John- son & Wells, entortainrd; Inez Clough. a hit; Lonzo Cox. clever: Monroe & Pussey, passed; Kinemacolor. feuturta. Oct. 9, Fiske O'Hara :n "Old Dublin." VAN CURLER (Chas. H. McDonald, mgr.; Shuberts and Progressive Wheel).—17. Soth- ern A Marlowe. In "The Taming of the Shrew." an artistic triumph, capacity busi- ness; 18. "The Follies of Pleasure." with Din Coleman, best yet. capacity business; 19. Blllle Burke in "The Amazons." pleased to 8. R. O. business; 20. "Stop Thief." with a capable cast. hit. good business; 22. "Tho Red Ros**." with Mabel Day. fine production, fair busi- ness; 23. "Damaged Goods"; 24. Emma Tren- tlni. In "Tho Firefly": 26-27. May Howard A Her Girls of All Nations, with Frankie Bil- ley; 29. Antonio Llnl-Corsl & Co.: 30. Lillian RuiweJI Vaudeville Festival; 1. "Officer 666": 2. Mclntyre & Heath In "The Ham Tree"; 3-4. "Within the Law." "HOWY." 8T. JOHN. N. B. IMPERIAL (W. H. Goldlng. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Opening 20 with Slgnor Manetta, Ropber & Tunlson, Gertrude Ashe. OPERA HOUSE (Kleran Kelty. msr.). —18- 20. BoBton Opera Company Stars, good busi- nrns. 2L'-24, "Otilcer CC6." NICKEL (W. H. Goldlng. mgr; agent, U. B. O.).—16-18. Roeber & Tunlson, hit; Ger- trude Ashe. House closed 19. LYRIC (Steve Hurley, mgr.).—15-17. Ral- ton A LaTour. fair 18-20, Mullane A Ed- Non. good. !« BATTLE. ORPHEUM (Carl Rleter. m^r.; agmt. di- rect).—Week 16. Bellclaire A Herman, clever; Lorraine A Burke, score<l; "Robbie Gordone, applause; Ed. Wynn A Co.. popular; Char- lotte Parry, appreciated; Lambert A Ball. pleased; Jungmann Family, good; business big. EMPRESS (E. C. Donncllan, mgr.; agent. S-C).—Gypsy Countea.s,; "The Con- cealed Bed." hit; Gerard, scored well; Nor- ton A Earl, good; Hlllv Sheer, PANTAGES (Ed. MHIne. mgr; agent, di- rect). — Allison A Trucco, applause; Ameen Abou Hamid Troupe, hit: .Joseph Mnleno A Co.. pleased; Moore. Davy A FIfl, applause; Anderson A Golnes. good; De Vole Trio, scored. METROPOLITAN (McKenzle, mgr.)—Dark MOORE (Ben Ketchum, mgr).—Pictures. SEATTLE (Frank Rich, mgr.)—Bailey * Mitchell Stock Co., "The TratHc." big busi nega. GRAND (.lay Haas, mgr.).—Vaudevlll and Pictures HERBERT L STAY. SCOTTDALE. PA. OPERA HOUSE (E. M. Given, mg' ; agent, L C. MrLaughlin) —Chas. Silver A Co.; Marr A Evans: Walter Brown; May Larden SOUTH BEND. INI>. ORPHEUM (C. J. Allardt. mgr.; agent. W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Sun. and Thurs. 12.30).— 21-24. "I Should Worry," fair; Ethel White- side A Picks, hit; 26-27, Ross Sherman; Ros- dell Singers; Great Howard; Lydell Conley A Lydeii. MAJESTIC (Pnt. Clifford, mgr.: agent. W. V. M. A.).—22-28, Angels Musical Comedy Co., fair; Rose Becrlrh, hit. AUDITORIUM (S. W. Pickering, mgr.) — Stock, 21-27. "The Blue Mouse." good pro- Auction. Poor business. OLIVER (8. W, Pickering, mgr.).—26. "Common Law"; 27, "Officer 6fi6." W. H, STEIN SrOKANK. WASH. AMERICAN (agent, N. W. T. A., bookings for Auditorium, Charle.s York, mgr.). — Week 8. "Everywoman." nine performances to pay- ing business. 14, "The Shepherd of the Hills," amsll bualne.«8. 15-lf.. Kilty Gordon. "The Enchantress." fair houses. ORPHEUM (Joseph Muller. mgr.; agent, direct). —Wick 14, Lulu G'ascr. attracted. ■ketch weak; The Langdons. got spontaneous tribute; Swor A Mack, capital funmakers; Georgette's Song.**, went nicely; The "Town- leys, good; Sutton. Mclntyre A Sutton, wo- man best; Klutlng's Entertainers, average animal act EMPRESS (George Blake.<4lee, mgr; agent. 8-C).—Week 18. "The Mission Garden." en- thusiastically received; Drew, Clayton A Allen, truly funny; O'Brien A Lear, successful; Clar- ence Oliver, small effect; Gruet A Oruet. hard- working comedy. PANTAGES (E. Clarke W^nlker. mgr.; agent, direct).—"A Dny at Ellis Island." no lonil slffnlflcance. but applaudi'd; Boris Redskin, Russians, whirlwind dancing: Tom Kelly, ef- fective single: Connors A Edna, clever team; Aldo Brothers, voted funny. Thomas .T. Newlln and E. R. Condon of Chicago have arrived to take over the Ameri- can theatre. They declined on their arrival to Identify the interests which have loased th« playhouse. Declaring he was deceived when ho pur- chased the Lyric picture theatre from W. R. Windsor for IS,600—11.000 down and 1600 a year—O. F. Bcheurman has filed suit in the superior court here to recover his fl.OOO and to cancel his notes. He says he came from Saginaw. Mich., on Windsor's representation thnt the house was clearing 116 a day and found that it was not breaking evrn. Annabelle Moore, a Spokane society girl, has been given a Sullivan A Considlne con- tract and has left for Seattle to open She is a dnncer. .1. E. ROTCE. 8T. PAITL, MINN. ORF'HEUM—Hnrry Fox nnd YanoHi Dolly, ipcclve much apiilnuso; .Stu;irt Barnes, mono- ioRlHt. pleasrs; G<o Roll.ind A Co., are pood; .Tnne Connelly A <^'o., very good; Vlrninln Rankin, pleasing; La Valera A Strikes, well liked; Carson Bros, are good. EMPRESS (Cns S. Groonlnfr. mgr). — Edna Aug, is very well liked: "Rehlnd the Fool- lights," a good comedy Hketch; HoiiKt^n. Mor- ris A Houghton, clever cyclists: Leo Bi-ers, well received again: Adeline Howe Ar (^o. please: World Events pictures. METROPOLITAN.— "The Chocolate opened for a week's engagement to good house. 20, Margaret Illlngton In the Law." 8HUBERT.—The Huntlnjcton "Mother." GRAND—The American Beauties the week's engagement to one of the Sunday houses since tho Grand chanK«yl tr. burlesque, and scored a success. Next week "Girls of the Gay White Way." BENHAM SYRACrSE. N. Y. GRAND (Chns, Phimmer. mgr.; Ch:\H G Andrews, mgr. for Keith; agent. V R O).— Landry Bros., clever: Hal A ^'rancen. fair; McCormlck A Wallace, liked; Pepplno. pleas- Soldlir" a f.iirly •Within PlayeiM, npi ned biggeHl Ing; Harry Tighe A Co., well received; Crls lUchards. scored; Rafayetle's Animals, good. HASTABLE (Stephen Bastable. mgr).—29- 1, "Beauty Show"; 2-4. "Tho Rosary." EMPIRE (Frederic Gage, mgr.).—Pictures. 29, "Dream Maiden." WEITING (Francis Martin, mgr.).—29. Within the Law"; 30, Opera Co.; 2-4. "Two Days." TERRE HAUTE. INI). VARIETIES (Ross Carver, mgr.; agent. U. U. O ; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs. 10).—Wool- folk's tabloid "Rock-a-Bye Baby." fair; Chas. Ledegar. good; Alman A Nevlns, good; Gold- rk'h, Moore A Klaiss. good: Burke King A Walsh. goo<l; ErgottI A Lilliputians, hit; busi- ness good. GRA.ND (8. W. Carrnthers, mgr.: airent. .1., L. A 8; rehearsal Thurs. 10).—Kubiick, hit; Justus Rom:«ln A Co.. hit; Gray A Peters, good; Hursely Trotipe. good; Merle's Cocka- toos, good. 30. "Modern Eve." Vaudt-vllle i)ill. 26-2K. H V. Fitzgerald; Four SulllvnoH; Miikitrenko Players: Dorlu Opera Trio; Three Atella BroH McCURLEY TORONTO, ONT. ROYAL ALEXA.NDRA (L. Solman. mKr). —"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," a biff fHncy HIM ctacje 29, "O. I Say." PRINCESS <0 n Sheppard, mgr.).—"The Quaker Girl." 29, "The (larden of Allah." GRAND (A. J. Small. mur ). — Fiske O'Hara In 'Old Dublin." 29. "Tho Old Home- stead." SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr).—Goldln. well re- ceived: Bert Levy, a prime favorite; Gould A Ashlyn, clever; Mnbel Berra. pleased; Belts A Chldlaw, good; Tierney A Sabbath, a hit: Rolandow Bros., novel. OAYETY (T. R Henry, mgr.). —Miner's Big Frolic. 29, Behman Show. STAR (Dan F. Pierce, mgr ». — 'MlHchlef Makers" 29. "Dolly Dimple Girls.' MAJESTIC (Peter F. Grlffln. m^r ) -iWag- ner A Rhodes; THI'm M.i rionei tes; Dalwy Brown; Murphy A Murphy; Mile. Tuttle; Jas. GnIliiKlu-r. PARK (S. M. Buck, mgr.). —Cnpeland A Wells; Wheeler A Hay, fltut Lust. Two Gib- sons: Francelll A Lewis. HARTLEY TRENTON, N. .1. STATE ST. (Herman Wahn. mni , HKenl. ; rehearKul .Mon and Thurn. 1 1 » -- 22-27. Hnzej Bess Liingenour. great hit. 21;- 21. Hohnn A Kelly, good: Prof Karl A His Dogs, (Ine; The Four Hums Sinters, applaun. Irving .Tones ploRsid; 2r»-27, Ivy A Ivy; Al mond A LuSnlle: Selllnifer A (WllHon: Milt Arnsman; The Hal Reid picture. "Harry Thaw's KlRht for Freedom," was a feature 22-'J'. Business capacity. nnOAD ST. (W. M. McLrtine mjcr ; ik>-im^, S K- H.) —22-24, the grent hit \s;ih picriire Victory." fair h\iMlntHH; 2r,-;: Th. Silver King." with Wllli;uii f",,r».ett A. <"• \v VANDKRCJRIFT, PA. CASINO ((\ F. Fox nigr ; aKefit. 1, <". \rcLnn0hlln). — <'nmpl)cll A I'Hrker: s-ottv \- Mc^'oy; Billy R.iy: S»ill. rost< r VfRGIMA. .MINN. LYRIC (Henry Se>c;il mKr ; agent, \V V M, A,; rehearsal Mon. and Thurs 12) — ll-n, Bennington, clever; Giles, entertaining; Gu^ Sun's Conservatory of Music, funny. 18-21. Campbell & Yates, pleasing; Walter Brooks A Sunshine Girls, hit; .Nancy Neville, enter talning. ROVAL (R. A. McLean, mgr.; agent, H-C rehearsal Mon. and Thurs 12). — lB-17, Paul Fetching A Co., good; Ryiin A Smith, pleas- ing. 18-21, Harry Howell, 8Core<l; Mr. A Mrs. Everett Bennett, plciised. ran<;k " WATERLOO, lA. MAJESTK' (HIeman A Iliittertleld. ingrs.. agent. W. V. M. M. A.; rehearsal Sun. anil Thnrs. 11). — 21-24, Woodward's Doks. good, Leonard A Dempsey, pleasid; Princeton A Yale, good; Roxy La Rocca. hit; Islkawa Urolhers, hit of bill. 2d half: Prentice Trio, I'lsano A llinghuni; Francis Hnsh; Three Lo- reltas; Einnia I<'ranrlH A Arabs. WATERLOO (A. J. Busby, mgr.). D* Romme Stock <'o.. fair business. CRYSTAL. I'RLN'CKSS. LYRIC and «'ULUM BIA. — Pictures; good business. Howsrd Wvkoff, for years treasurer of the Butterfleld Iiouhi s at Port Huron, Mich , Is in the same ca|)iicity at Ma.jestic. JOE MASSLICK WAYNKMDUKO. TA. GARDE.N (J. .1. For«lyce. mgr.; agent, L f McLauKhlln). —,Iohns(>n Bros. A .lohnnon Marlon A Thompson; Lauru Howe. HIIKKH.HAKKK. 1>A. GRA.ND O. H. (D. M. Cauffman. mgr). 24 "The Trail of the Lonesome I'ltie"; 26. "Dam aged Goods"; 2<'>, Aborn (Iraml Oper;i •'o ; I'T John Drew; Oct. 2, Lillian Rufsell ; ;».ii. 'Hen Hur. " POLLS (L. J. Vanni, mgr.) The M.i. dlth Sisters, hit; Ed Herron A Co., good; .Mile Patow, went w«II; Lynch-Zeller, enti rtnined Musical Monarchs A Maid, pleased; Billy Da- vis. MAJi:STl<' t.I. Kallski. mgr). I'lv. (ilrl ViollnlslH, hit; Beit Wilcox A Co. went w.ll; Whitehall A Wbllehnll. ple»iHed; K'ohl,i. enter- tained; Marie Donia, good; Grace King, en- loy.-i) WOODLAWN, I'A, <;RA.\I> (.*<eth. Humes, mgr.; mkihi, Koy'T) -22-24. ILirriH A l'ro\. W Oiiy In I'urln" .Miih|(,iI I'uinedy Co YOlNCiSTOUN. O. I'A UK ( L. IJ. <'ool, in^'r ; iiK'oln. I'. 11m r \ Shea) -- Klorenie Horst ,\. Co.. p|i;iHlni<; Sand l)er|f A Lee, ,'iiniiHlnu. cIhin. I', .'^enion. lilt, Kdille Rordon A Inii' Shannnti. nnappv: (Jlive Hrl.ii-oe, arti.«tic; Tnni .-^tultli ,K/ K.ilpli AuMlin. hit. liRA.ND i.Iohn H Kili..n, mxi , nK'iil", S A H.).- Sarah I'a.l.j.-n In "K indl iiiK." 22 I'l. Lillian lll.^•-■ I! V.nidi \llle Co. iinleillned for Oct. 8. C. A. LEEDY. IM W. Itth StrMt. New York City. Mvyer'a Or««M Paint, la tubes 90.10 LInlns Coloni, In tubes 10 H-lb. Blending Powder... .M %-lb. Cold Cream M Clown whitc(never hard)lSc-.SA Black and White Wai tO N'oee Putty (never hard).. .tO • Spirit Gum. with brush... .lA Burnt Cork (never dry) .SOe.-.SO Dry Rouge (4 shadee) 20 Mnscaro, all colors tS Blue Rye Paint t5 Grenadine Lip Rouge tA jBiarm Powdar, Roog*. Cream, Etc.. ttOc. Above sent prepaid on receipt of price.