Variety (September 1913)

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VARIETY 37 JONES, LINICK & SCHAEFFER VAUDEVILLE AGENCY iMSflNiM MM NSvilffV WIMWilto Playing high FRANK Q. DOYLE, ORPHEUM THEATRE BUILDING UO SO. STATE ST., CHieAGO, ILL. S TO 1 Wiito M Win J. H. ALOZ OrpkeoM Thcatr* Bids., MONTrnXAL. P. Q. Girls from Ilappyland 29 Emplrt- Nt-wark C Caalno Philadelphia Olrls from Starland 29 Gay«ty Dtlrolt C Gayety Toronto Golden Crook 29-1 1. O 2-4 BrldKtport 0 Wettmlnater Providence Happy Widows 29 WestmlnHttr I'rovldtnco C Cailno Boaton Hastings Big Sliow 29 Gaytty Omahu 6 I. O 13 Gayety Minneapolis High Life GIriB 29 Gayity St I.ouls 6 Willis -Wood Kansas City Honeymoon Girls 29 Gaytty rittsburgh C Star Cleveland Honey Girls 29 Olympic N<w York C Troca- dero Philadelphia Howe's Lovemukers 2'J Gayity Minntapolls 6 Grand 8t Paul Jack Reida Progressive Clrls 2'.t ('adlllac De- troit 6 Star Toronto Liberty Girls 29 (■ay.ty Hoslon 6 Columbia New York Marlon's Dreamlands 29 Casino IJrooklyn C Orpheum Paterson Marlon's Own Show 29 PtopUs NVw York t". L O (owing non-ioniplttltMi 125 St Musir Hall New York) May Howard's Girls of All Nations 29-1 Km- plre PIttBfleld 2-4 Kmplri- Holyoke 6 How- ard Boston Miner's Big Frolic 29 Lafayttte Buffalo <i Corinthian Rochester Mirth Makers 29-1 Uend»r Utka 2 4 Van Curler O H Schenetcady f.-S Empire I'ltts- fleld 9-11 Empire Holyoke Mischief Makers 29 Garden Buffalo »>-» Ben- der Utlca 9-11 Van Curler O H Sclieneclady Mollle WllllKms Show 29 Kmpire Brooklyn 6 People's New York Monte Carlo Girls 29 Haymarket Chicago r, Cadillac Detroit Parisian Beauties 29 Trocadero Philadelphia 6 Star Scranton Queens of Paris 29 Columbia Indianapolis 6 Star ft Garter Chicago Rector Girls 29 Pcnn Circuit 6 Empire Cleve- land Reeve's Big Beauty Show 29 Columbia New York 6 Star Brooklyn Roble's Beauty Show 29-1 Bastable Syracuse 2-4 Lumberg Utlca 6 Gayety Montreal Roseland Girls 29 Murray Hill New York C-** L O 9-11 Bridgeport Rose Sydell's 29 Star Cleveland 6 Empire To- ledo Runaway Girls 29 Star Brooklyn fi Empire Brooklyn Social Maids 29 Standard ciniinnail i'< Buck- ingham Louisville Star & Garter 29 Folly CIiIcrbo fi Gayety l)e troit Stars of Burlesque 2'.* Olympic Cliicliuiatl f. Majestic Indianapolis Sunshine Girls 29 GothaTn New York •'> Olym pic New Tork Tanpo Girls 29 Majeslle 1 iidiimapolis i; Gai- ety St Louis Taxi Girls 29 Columbia CbiiiKo •; Simidiid Cincinnati Trocaderos 29 Ciuyety Montreal I'.-S I'.inpiie Albany 9-11 Worcester Worn ster Vanity Fair L'9 '"aslrio Boston C.-K Gilin<»ri Springfield 0-11 Empire Albany Watson Sister's Sbow 29 Casino IMiiladel plua fi Gayety Baltimore CIRCUS ROUTES BAItNUM-BAlLEY: 26 KnoxvlUe. Tenn.. 27 AshcvlUe, N. C. 29 Wliistun-Salem, 30 l>an- ^iM.. Va.. 1 Durham. N C., 2 Goldsboro, 3 Koek> Miiunt, 4 Newbern, 6 Norfolk. Va.. 7 I'oi isinouth. S Henderson. N. C., 9 Halelgli. 10 Greensboro. 11 High Point. HACJENBECK-WALLACE: 26 Orange, Tex. 27 L.ike Cliarh s. La.. 2!» Crowley, 30 (Jpeloii- >^:i>^. I New Ibel'ia. 2 MiUKau <'ily. 4-r) New ••'le.ins, 6 Baton Hoiige. 7 McComb, ^tiss, X Hiookhavon, 9 Natchez. l(i Port Gibson. 11 V'i< ksbnrg. 101 BANCH: 26 Jojilln, Mo.. 27 Independ- < nre, Kan., 29 Ponca City. Okla., 30 Enid, 1 El Iteno, 2 Chlckasha, 3 Lawton. 4 Waurlka, fi Dallas, Tex., 7 Fort Worth. S Hlllsboro, 9 1>< nfon. 10 Dcnlson. 11 McKlnnry. OKLAHOMA BANCH: 26 Mangum, Okla.. 27 llolljs. 29 Frederick. 30 Wichita Falls, Tex., 1 Sivmour, 2 Stamford, 3 Cisco, 4 Dublin, 6 <'ir;\nl ury, 7 Comanche. RHamllton, 9 Gates- vilb, 10 Hubbard, 11 Athens. I11Nc;LING: 26 Austin. 27 San Antonio, 29 Galveston. 30 Houston, 1 Beaumont 2 Lake Charles, Lm.., 3 Alexandria, 4 Slireveport. 6 Texarkana, Ark.. 7 Tyler, Tex.. 8 Corslcana. 9 Waxaharhle, 10 Hlllsboro, 11 Temple. SELLS-FLOTO: 26 <^hllllcot he. Q. 27 W.-isbliiKton. 29 Louisville. Ky.. 30 Owensboro, I Evansvlllf. Ind., 8 Princeton, Ky,. 3 Padu- eab, 4 Jackson, Tenn . 6 Memphis. 7 Helena, Ark., 8 Dermott. 9 Pine Bluff. 10 Little Rock. II f'onway Spiinfa. Billy Atweli II«prMMtottT« of ■t«Bi«ii Acts. H«l4lalbM« BiaidlBS. Pk( 42d SC ABd Bnwdwsx. N«w T< NEW THEATRE BALTIMORE, MD. OBOBOB SOHNBIDBB. AcU daalrtBc to BBBAK THBIR JUMPS OOMINa BABT OB GOING WBIT Send In yovr Open Time. Ifantlon Lowest Salary. Include Profram. Now Toik Oaoo: MS Put GOMES VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE Solto lis Odd Fellowa CINCINNATI, Ohio NOTICE: Imrw and nuUI fottlnro a«to ol ability, alao roeogBlaod doablo and olaclo •«•«. If yoa want to break yo«r Ji np wo c an flv o yon from two to alz woeka. WBTTB, WuU OR PHONE. NOTICE TO MANAGERS deaUn* with on* reliable ayenta, will And that wo have the acta that vet the bnalneaa. L«t as cooTinoo LETTERS Where C follows name, letter is In Chi- cago. Advertising or circular letters of any description will not be listed when known. P following name indicates postal, ad- vertised once only. Z Alex 3 AlbrlKht Mrs Little Ambrose Mary Angeles Millet Ardell Lillian Ardlng & Ardlng (C) Arnold Rene Azard Bros B Hucbem Sam Malscr Alice H Bankoff Izan « Barbeau Family Barnes & Asher Barnes Howard Itarnold Mrs Bartman Kliz & M Bell .lesle (C) Mennett Lillian Bernard lister Block Harry BogKs Mrs Billy Booth Hope Itrown Geo N UrucH Chas (C) Hums Billy K r.urns Mr Hush Albert Cahn L Fred Caine & Odom (C) (\impbpll Dan Campbell Flossie Carl & Riel Carr Ernest (C) carr Mary E c^itliiu Margie ClorendoM Trlxle Clark Bert Claudius & Scarlet CleiTiens Le Roy (Miff Sadie Close Sidney Coleman Blanche Coll Owen Coverdale Minerva CraiK Hi CuiiniiiKhaiM (C) ('ran'> Dixie ('rape Harry Cross Alex D Dayton Harry Delmore Mrs .lohn Deserve Bush Trio Dingle Tom Dixon T)orothy Dorney .Inseph R Doyle Verna B Duncan & Molt Dunne Thoa P (C) Dupont Miss F Dyse Dyson Hal P (F) Evens Harry Felller Leo (C) Ferguson Dare Ferris Evelyn Fields Joe Finley Bob Floodas June (C) Foster Grace Francis Milton Francklns Mrs Rob Frank J H Franse Billy F Friendly Dan G Gagnoux Mrs Belle (.'aloway Gil (C) George Edwin (Jermalne Flo (C) Ciermnlne Miss Gilbert Billy Gllllngham W J (C) Gllckof Dan (C) Glissando Millie Gordon Jennie Cordon Mr (;orham & Phillips Grahams Marvelous Gravityo Great Griffith Lewis & O H Hagan & Walsh Halsey Dorothy (C) Hancock Raymond Harcourt Daisy (C) Hardy Adele IlaynftH Capt (C) Held Jules Ilendrick Rthel Menry Jean H Henry Kitty Herman Victor (C) Hill Mrs Athur (C) millard Chas L Hoffman Thos Ho'.t Dan (Ci Hoops .Arfliur Hr)warit .'Ulsters Hul'hiiis KIchrnoMd (C) .Johnson .lessle I .lonc.H George N' .Joyce Florence .lullan MIhh fP) (C) E ElllB ^rr & Mrs Bspbey Nina K Kennedy John Kennwly & Rooney Kent Mr A Mrs B (C i Imhall Effle L KInzo KIrk Ralph Kiima Tom L La CroIx Miss 1 K I^a Mar IveoDa THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT TMB HMSB-AWAT BM IIMB M^BTBBAI. • whllo 41 ISl OIB017IT. MO ■• hofoM playing IMo tagmoiy. ilhiHna M. BaM. ^lAB. L. VTbVbi •I. ODNBT •. OBATA, Loa BUCm TOBONTO, CANADA. to INI, r. HARRY RICKARBS TIVILI THEATERS Lti. HUaH D, MtlNTOSH QOVUNMNQ DimCTMl Th« Bast Circuit in Australia. Open datas (or good acts. JULES SIMPSON CALIPOmilA MVRCSBITATIVK Colonial Annex, Stockton St., San Prandsoo. OiJI Tho VAUDEVILLE iTo Woak fov NoToHr Fontoro Aota. m^TEM BLDB. , lAM VBANODOO. Df TAUDBTDLUL SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT OENBBAL BI7BINB88 OFFICBt SoillTan and Conaldlne Bids., Third and Madlaon Btreeta. 8BATTUE, WASH. FRED LINCOLN Gon. Mar. OBNBBAL BOOKINO OFFICBt 14S5 BBOADWAT^HBIDBLBBBO BLDG. NVW TOBK OTTT OHBIS. O. BBOWN. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICBSt PAUL OOUDRON, f North Clark Bt.. cor. Madlaon, Chi caffo. 111.; MAURICE J. BURNS. 8d and Madlaon Sta.. Seattle. Waah.; W. P. REESE, 966 Market St., San Franclaco, Cal.; B. OBERMATBR, Broadmead House, >1 Panton St., London, S. W., Kng. MARIE JAMES BoproooataMTo of Btaadard Aeta ■alto 4«e-4ei (MortlMor Bids.) ISS Wool Waolilaaton Bt. fhi*mm Franklin SSSl CHICAGO B -Fulltr Vaudtvlllt CircMit (AUtniALiA ANB NBMr TO BBOOCNIKBD Atm. BBN i. FVLLBB. SS TO Se WBBKS AMBBIOAN BBPBBIBNTATITB, Sll FANTABBt THBA< IISFOBTATION PAID. BLDG., BAN FBANCIBCO. 95% of all performera going to Europe make their ateamahlp arrangementa through ua. The following have: JOB COOK. CHEYBNNB DATB. CLARK BI8TRRB A STERLING. JANE COCJRTHOPE A CO., BAM CURTIS A CO.. THBO. CARLYS, CONROY A LE- MAIRE, CIJiRK A HAMILTON, GARDNER CRANE A CO., CARROLL, HANVEY A DUN- LEVY, HENRY CLIVE. THREE COLLEGIANS. CORRIOAN * VIVIAN, CLEMENS A DEANE, MUSICAL CATEB. PAUL TAUBIG A BON, IM E. 14th BL, Now York City. GMman BaTinco Bank Bid*. Tolaphoao Btoyveoant ISSO FOOTLIGHTS The only Aaatrallan penny weekly devoted entirely to ▼andeTllle and the theatre* gen- erally. A iiolley of legitimate newa had eritlelama, Irreopoetlve of •entlment or bnal- noaa. Guaranteed circulation throaghont Aoatral- aala, S,6M coplea week. All communlcatloae to Martin C. Brennan, 200 Caatlereagh St.. Sydney. Phone Randolph ttSS Sadis Kussll Artists' Reprtssntatlve Suite 401 14S No. Cbtrk Bt. CHICAGO WANTED—STANDARD AOTB HIU MLJNT For Eaatem Booklnge Room SIT, Putnam BIdg.. N. Y. N. Y. Rep. Howard Athenaeum, Bowdoln Bq. Theatre, } Grand Opera Houae, ' and Circuit New England Theatree Boaton, BAaa*. JOHN QUIOLEY New Bnffland Tandevlllo Circuit American ropreoentatlve for W. SCOTT ADACKBB, of London, and the N«w EnglaiMI Vaudavllto Circuit booking tho beat act* at all tlmea In the beat theatree of New Bngland, Canada, and New York. Main OfBeea, SS Boylaton St., Boatoo, Maaa.; Gayety Theatre Building, New York City. RECOGNIZED ACTS Send me your open time LONG ROUTES TO REAL ACTS No Act too Big for me to Handle Write, wire or Call FRED LINICK Artist Representatl?e 68 W. Washington Street, Chicago Sultca 45 and 46. HOBBS BLiX;.. Ran Mio I.ambfrt Otln L«'<l<'K(ir Mr & Mrs (' Lee Dick U'on ii A(l«>lln»' Sis (D l>on Irene \ATny Delia R I>e-lle ReKinu Lpvalo .lulia Lewie Griffltb & L Uytell W II Lindsay Walter (Cf I.lnney Morare I^i viriKkitnn Madeline I>)n'loi! I.fnils Lorraine FrrN<| Liivij fv Zariria Liiras WatiM ((') Luckle K Yoast Lux f)^wal(l M MaRre Ki Ktii'He .Malllard^ Frank (f') .Manning' LeonarM (' Marks Mrs lyou Mai I ill I'M 11 a .Martin Keluo A Mason DuTle; McConnell n Uxkhart McCrill Oertrude .M(Iiitosh lluKh .M(Kay Iiorofhy NUUaye Waiter Mrcliari Violet K Mcrh's f'ockatoos M<s.s Mr il MiiMI. .Iil-li Kdward Mill.r Maud.- M III' rva Hilly r Mlt'.hi!! Otis .Montrose Hflla ((')