Variety (September 1913)

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38 VARIETY L Retornrd to I^ndon after nine werka In the rrovincea and found Kid Rom iitlll poliahing hlH finder nalla on the Ivoriea at the Coamo- poUtan Club. lle'a a recular fixture there now. Oh!!! yen, plenty Kavtlme cot. Theima aaya ithe has throwed awaj- her knife and If he doeiin't rome bark ahe'a ffolog over and brlnf him. rientr ohUI Off to Berlin for a month, ao %*X out xoor ilennan bookii for the Oerman staff. A revn- lar elty and a regular time for • whole month. Mlne'a a Htein. Uockderkelaerly Yoora. RAGTIME SIX NED M. FAT Becker: Adams Next Week (Sept. S9). Pantavea. Loa Ansciea Direction LEW OOLDBEIU}. WILTON SISTERS Singers, Dancers and Musicians Touring the W. V. M. A. GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES TOCRINO rhona 1881-M PawMile 1 Uavrthome Ave., Clifton. N. J. 4 MARX BROS. LUCILLE SAVOY The Slnstac Tenaa Aaalated by .1. w. iA%I.OR Tooring the Ter. Addreaa, 4A4 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chlcmgo. 111. Morrison Dnnlel Morrison Thomas V .Muri»hy Loyd F Murray .lolin (C) Murray \. Knapp N .\tlhon .loo Norrls Mrs c I .Norton Dixit' .Norwood Kdward NuRPnt Mob Nunn I'rissie ((') O Odiva Oeszewflkl Preorge (C) OverInK Win O Owpn Garry (F) V I'alnipr Frank Parkinson Mary (C i Parlee Emily I'arqut'tt' HJan. hf Pollock .Milton Pope J C Prior H^rnesf Kaskin Troupe Ilayniond m ('.ivtrlv Reel Kuby c Rice E E Rice Perclviil \ H Ridgway .Icniilc Riley Pnt Rivoll Caosar Robinson lllossoni i ( i Romainc .lulin Rooncy Julia Ronio .Fanic!- i: Rose Anna Rose I^w (r ) Ross .loe P Rouclcrc Harry Rowley Sam (C^ Royir Archie S Salnio .lune Sihoittley Mark Si tiultc f'lPne Sihu-tcr Fl()r«'nc»- (Ti Sti.irs Enid Scylrii il Dixie ( C i SliatTor (ICO Shaw & Swan Sheldrirk Rpf.mahi Sherman Mr> Ed Sherman Mrs Lee Shopshlre Clyile M Sldman Sam (i') ritartry Mr (C) Swor A Mack (F) T Terry & Schuliz ThayrrB The ((') Tinsnian L A Townsend Vera Trovato Irevor Ethel IVuda Harry Van Dyke Vlm-nf \arity Elsie Vivian Harry Vollz AuKusiu^ Vyiios .Mu-i«al W Wcitlcr Sieve Wesloii Nellie Wilken William \\'iiliain- Inonn Uil oil Kmm.i I! Wi -<on Fraiikie Wilson VirKiiilii \V mmI Ellwa 1 d WoD'l John R Wood Juliet Wool.sev H()hl)\ Y Vouii^ Eulalte Vule Arthur ALFREDO Ort. IS. Empire, Chatham. Eng. GEORGE HARADA World Famous Cyclist 17M Clybourn Avo., Chlcaio BOB ZAIDA The Barkers ••DEHTKOVKR8 OF GLOOM" Direction SIM WILLIAMS. "PARISIAN BKAITTIFS" JACK MILLER PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN Direction, SIM WILLIAMS, "PARISIAN BEAUTIES" Freil.F.OeSilva Direction, SIM WILLIAMS. "PARISIAN BEAUTIEh" Doing Hebrew Comedy Next Seoaon. 3 MUSKETEERS 3 A manager called ap Dnnhom and said: "Yoo muat-get-here (Moaketeer) at 18 o'clock." Then he ealled np Edwards and aald: "Yon moat-get-here at one." Then he ealled np Farrel and aald: '^Yoo mnst-get- here at two." One hoar later at his ollico he had the Three Masketeers. Louise Mayo A Girl A Voice A Piano S-C Tour HUICESC m 8 LITTLE QIRL FRIENDS in "JUST KIDS" WITH GUY RAWSON OHBII O. MU>Wlf. MAY WARD HEADLINING ON THB S-C TIMB This Week (Sept. ft). Empress flarramento. Next Week (Sept. t*), Baipresa Los Angeles. Direction, FREEMAN BERNSTEIN HARRY TATE'S & FISHING .""MOTORING NEW YORK ENGLAND AUSTRALIA AFRICA JU iVIOIVIEIMT I HOWARD aad RALPH ANDERSON a THE BOYS WITH THE CLASSY ACT" CLASSY NOVEL — omaiNAL 6e...HERMANN and SHIRLEY--ii.ri.. Present « Sttrprltlng Novelty ''The Mysterious Masquerader" Act Copyrighted 1912 Booked Solid Until Novombor, 1914 FIRST TIME CAST DE VEAUX and DIX Singing Vontrilnqulal Oddity Direction, M ^KI In •» Yotir Old Friend \A/Hi <«• Prodaccr of lO JLJBIL.KE Now Playing the Columbia Circuit '»» AA/I Present! JIIVIIVII ICEA In Dainty Eva Mull Show This Week (Sept. «S), Troradero, Fblladelphla Next Week (Sept. t9). Star. Serantnn IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN ^^mr DONT ADVERTISE AT ALL