Variety (November 1913)

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Vol. XXXII. No. 10. NEW YORK CITY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS. INCOME TAX ON ACTORS' PAY MUST BE HELD B Y MANAGERS One Per Cent to be Deducted When Over $3,000 or $4,000 Has Been Paid Out to Players. Devplves Upon Managers to Place Amount Aside and Report to Qovernment. Law in Effect Last Saturday. Personal Liability involved. No longer will the actor parade up and down Broadway making rash statements concerning his enormous salary, because if he does he will find the tax collector close upon his heels. The new income tax is going into effect. If an actor is getting a salary ap- proximating more than $3,000 a year for a single man or $4,000 for a mar- ried man, his manager must deduct one per cent of that money and lay it aside, and at the end of the fiscal year turn it over to the United States government. The manager is held per- sonally responsible for this, under heavy penalty. The law went into effect last Satur- day, but a ruling has been made that the manager does not have to hold out the one per cent until $3,000 or $4,000, as above enumerated, has been paid to the artist. The managers are required to furnish the government with a list of all artists in their employ, together with the salaries they are receiving. All managers are required to open a special income tax account in some reputable deposit bank, deducting regu- larly from the artists* salaries for de- posit and remitting to the government at the end of the year. All rebates and readjustments must be made by appli- cation to the government. It is figured out that the larger man- agers controlling several companies v;ill require the services of an addi- tional book-keeper to keep track of the income tax regulations. SHUBERT 8HOW I\ COHAN HOUSE Chicago, Nov. 5. The first Shuhert attraction to play h "Syndicate" house here will be "The Passing Show of 1913," listed to take the boards at the Cohan's Grand Opera House after Raymond Hitch- cock in "The Beauty Shop" leaves there. A Shubert piece, "Miss Phoenix," piayed a "Syndicate" theatre in New \ ork, the Harris, opening there Mon- day. REHEARSALS BEFORE DAYBREAK Up at Proctor's 125th Street, where they play pop vaudeville all day long and call rehearsals twice weekly (very early in the morning), a small time act was notified it had been late for the Monday morning exercise before the orchestra and the bare chairs. "You will have to excuse me," said the actor; "I would have been here, but I couldn't find my lantern." lilXCOLX CARTER'S $2 SHOW. Chicago, Nov. 5. Lincoln J. Carter is planning to get into the $2 theatres of the country with a play called "The Stampede." "THE TRAFFIC" AT THE CORT. Chicago, Nov. 5. 'The Traffic," on the white slave order that was produced last summer on the Pacific Coast and raised all sorts ol discussion, is headed for the Cort after "When Love Is Young" has be- come old. The play is by Rachel Marshall, who formerly lived in Chicago and who has set the scenes of the piece in this city. The offering has the commendation of Gertrude Howe Britton, of Hull House and Major Funkhouscr, of the Chicago police department. THE HELDS ARE OUT. The Helds are out, moth^ (Anna) and daughter. Liane Carerra, as Anna's daughter is know on the stage, came over here with her mother, when the latter arrived to head the road show John Cort had prepared for her. Liane remained in New York. Something estranged the couple, the daughter re- cently finding herself without funds to liquidate accumulated board bills. Almost in distress, she commenced visiting the agencies to secure an en- gagement. Eventuarfiy (after Anna Held had repudiated_a-4»i>^hrdy*l' ac- count for $65, and Liar^e^as desperate) she met some people interested in vau- deville, who advanced her sufficient money for immediate needs, and pro- posed that she lead an act of six young women. The girl consented, and will open at Hammerstein's Dec. 1. Her first week's salary in New York will be $750. Frank Stammers is staging the turn. It will be billed as "Liane Carerra, Daughter of Anna Held." Liane is about 19. She resembles her mother. ORPHEUM NEEDS BOOSTING. What was thought to be the best and only money maker on the E. F. Albee—B. F. Keith string of former Percy G. Williams houses, the Or- plieum, Brooklyn, is calling for help at the box office. With no more cause than to an- nounce a "Fall Festival." the Orphcum is putting on 12 vaudeville acts this week. The usual number there is eight or nine. If the Orpheum is flopping like the rest of the Keith New York theatres undo*- the Albee management, it was timely that B. F. should write to P. G. CRAWFORD'S LAST WEEK. For his last week in this country before leaving for abroad, Cilfton Crawford has agreed to appear at the Grand, Albany, N. Y., receiving $1,500 for the week commencing Monday next. Edgar Allen, of the Allen-Epstein agency, which books the Albany house, captured Mr. Crawford, despite the efforts of the United Booking Offices to prevent it. BERT WILLIAMS* SHOW OFF? The "Robinson Crusoe" production, which was to have been staged by Klaw & Erlanger for Bert Williams, the colored comedian, as the star in the role of Friday, has been declared off, according to report, but whether permanently or temporarily is not stated. The book was being written by Glen MacDonough, who has thrown up the job, it is said. The piece may be com- pleted for a spring presentation. Meanwhile K. & E. and Flo Ziegfeld, Jr., who have Williams under a play- or-pay-25-weeks-a-season contract at $1,000 weekly are thinking where to place the comedian, to take up the guarantee which must soon start for the current season. Vaudeville, it is said, is offering Wil- liams $2,000 weekly, but his contract, according to report, neither mentions vaudeville nor permits his managers indiscriminately handling him. Mr. Williams is opposed to a vaudeville tour under the legitimate managerial direc- tion, according to the story, which leaves the matter of his contract some- what vague. In case vaudeville secures him at $2,- 000, the division of the .salary will be $1,200 to Williams and $800 to his man- agers, it is said. HAJOS ACT LAID AWAY. The Mizzi Hajos vaudeville act at the Palace lasted its week out, ending Sunday, much to the surprise of the members of the troupe who had ex- pected the $2,500 turn would be closed after the Monday night performance. It is reported Henry W. Savage has made Werba & Lueschcr an offer to place Miss Hajos, who is without any- thing definite in sight at present. KEITH'S COLONIAL REPORT. The report B. F. Keith's Colonial theatre is on the market to lease again made its appearance this week. The rumor says the house will be rented by the Keith interest for any policy but vaudeville. It has been a consistent loser with that entertain- ment since E. F. Albee has had the g' neral direction of it. ir rnu don't advcrtlae In VARIETY, dof)'!