Variety (January 1914)

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VARIETY 17 Milton I*rd Robsrts Porter ft Sullivan Oklldi' Hawllans Loa A»««le». ORPHBUM MeFarland ft Mme—? Taylor Granyllle Co Oauld ft Ashlyn Lyons ft Toaoo Marshall Montgomery Muriel ft Francis Kennedy ft Rooney jack Hasaard EMPRESS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Livingston 3 Brooks ft Harris Bruce Duffett Co Mayo ft AUman "Happiness" PANTAOBS (m) Howe Northlane Co Plckard's Seala Blanche Gordon Leslie ft Berns White Duo Loolavllle. KEITH'S (ubo) Herbert Qennalne 3 Hal ft Francis Joe ft Lew Cooper Williams A Wolfus (Others to nil) Memphis. ORPHBUM Tbeo Roberta Co Wlnslow ft Stryker Kenny No ft Piatt Laura Buckley Crouch ft Welch Bell Family (Others to fill) Milwaukee MAJESTIC (orpta) Frttil Schefl Milton Pollock Co The Hartleys Rosa ft Marcello Daniels ft Conrad Btlce ft Oonne Jimmy Lucas The Gee Jays EMPRESS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Stalne's Circus Mack ft Atkinson "ET'body's Doing If Edith Clifford Kara CRYSTAL (tbc) The Tawmsens R H Hodge Co Vlctorlne ft Zolar 4 Banta Bros Fair Co-eda ORPHBUM (tbc) "Colonial MlnstrelB" Mlwweapolla. ORPHBUM Henry Woodruff Co The Langdons McLallen ft Carson J as Thornton Milton ft Del Long Sis McMahon Diamond ft C (One to nil) UNIQUE (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Dennis Bros Ward ft Clark Thaw Dancers "Stick Up Man" Murray Bennett Rossow Midgets MILES (tbc) Ramona Ortls Bob Harmon Co Ward Baker Devlin ft Bllwood Farlardeau ft Brown 3 Bannans Montreal. ORPHBUM "Beauty Skin Deep" Imhoff Conn ft Cor Schooler ft Dickinson Prelle's Dogs Brltt Wood Nevlns ft Brwood Cleo Gaacolgne McRae ft Clegg FRANCAIS (loew) Ruth Belmar Whlttier'a Boy Canarls ft Cleo Marvello Al Lawrence Altken W Roland Co Mt. Vernon, N. Y. PROCTORS Gertrude McGPlll Co Great Harrah Co Emma Carus Co 3 Boyds John W Ransome Harrison Went 3 2d half "Dls Attorneys Wlf»" Al Anderson Betts ft Betta Mr A Mrs Voclker Eva Prout Ixtzano Troupe Newark, N. J. PROCTORS Creasy ft Dayne Dave Waltera Co Hunting ft Francis Ward ft Weber Pope A Uno De Lesso Troupe ('nnfleld ft Ashley (Others to nil) LYRIC (pr) Pitching Co Edith Ward Nelson ft MUlage "8tage Door Johns" Curry A Reilly Kelly ft Frln Ferguson Ollpan Co 2d half Harrison West 8 "Mischief Makers" Garon 8 Knapp ft Knapp Mundlne Phillips Margaret Maaon Co Welton A Marshall Newaarsjaw M. Y. COHEN O H (loew) Green McHen A Deane Archer A Bel ford Kenny A Hollls (Two to fill) 2d half "Thro' the Skylight' Herbert A Dennis Roy A Arthur (Two to fill) New Havea, Cobb. POLI'8 (ubo). "House Warmers" Leona Stephens Cantwell A Walker lamed Armstrong A Manley Le Roy A Harvey Asahl Troupe (Others to fill) New Orleaa*. ORPHBUM Blanche Walsh Co The Vanlaa Gordon Bros Henry A Francis William Thompson Co Helen Ruggles Les Montforta New Roehelle, N. Y. LOEW 4 Soils Bros (Two to fill) 2d half Frank Morrell (Two to fill) Norfolk* Vs. COLONIAL (ubo) John A Emma Ray Emll Hoch Co. Watson A Santos Nina Payne Boganny Troupe (Others to nil) Oaklaad. ORPHBUM Van A Beaumont Sis Sophie Bernard Corell A Gillette Muller A Stanley Nonette (Others to fill) PANT AGIOS (m) (Open Sun Mat) Power'a Elephants Otto Bros Link A Robinson Benson ft Belle Dumltreacu Troupe Una ORPHBUM Charlotte Parry Co Swor ft Mack "Dance Reveries" Frosinl Pealaon A Goldle (Others to nil) Ottawa. DOMINION (ubo). Linton A Lawrence The Hennlngs Helen De Nuulre Kltamura Japs (Others to nil) Pateraoa* N. J. EMPIRE (loew> Oddone Wilson A Washington Welling-Leverlng Tr Grace Leonard Co 'The Pardon" "Ward 22" Irwin A Hersog 3 Martlnettles 1'erta Asnboy, N. J. PROCTORS Foy A Clark Davenport Renard Co Jack ft Mabel Price Power Bros Jack Bornholdt 2d half Conroy Le Maire PI Curry A Reilly Pitching Co Stewart ft Hall Nat Aldlne Philadelphia KEITH'S (ubo) Uert Williams Harry TIghe Co Marie Lo Co Hlnes A Fox Vanderbllt ft Moore De Leon ft Davis Bartboldi's Birds (Others to nil) IMttahurgh. GRAND (ubo) Robt L Dailey Co Chris Baker Ethel Mae Barker Bankoff ft Girlie Wentworth Vesta ft T i) White Hussars (Others to nil) l'lalnneld, N. J. PROCTORS Conroy LeMalre PI Mr ft Mrs Allison Anna ft Billy Stewart O'Brien ft Brooke Nat Aldlne 2d half Girls In Blue Imperial Comedy 4 Nelson ft MUlage Hattle Tlmberg Odlaa Portcheater, N. Y. PROCTOR'S Hope Gage Co Parry ft Rlcardo Loaano Troupe Georgte Mack 2d half 8 Boyds Mr ft Mrs Bobbins Oberlta ft Girls Bryant ft Rlchman Nelson ft Welsh Portland, Ore. ORPHBUM Frank Keenan Co Fred Lindsay Von Tllser ft Nord Margaret Isle Co Edna Showalter Sharp ft Turek Asakl EMPRESS (sc) Herman ft Shirley .Fas McDonald Whyte Pelaer ft W Orville Reeder 3 Yoscarys Diving Nymphs PANTAOBS (m) S Berlin Madcaps Alpha 6 Itena Arnold La France ft McNabb Aerial Lafayettes Providence, R. I. KEITH'S (ubo). The Ueseema Diamond ft Brennan Uda McMillan Co Homer Ml lea Co Girl from Milwaukee Howard ft Lawrence Helen Hessler Harry B Lester Rafayette's Doga Rochester, N. Y. TEMPLE (ubo) rhos P Jackson Co 'Red Heads- Big City 4 Toe Cook 2 Tom Boys (Others to nil) FAMILY (loew) Ed Estua Raymonds 5 Violin Beautlea Anderson ft Golnea (Two to nil) Sacra aaeato EMPRES8 (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Wllllsch Mond ft Salle D'Arcy A Williams "Night In Baths- Lew Wella Katie Sandwlne Co Saaiaaw, Mich. JBFFERS (ubo) Eugene 3 Becker A Adam* Joe Bannister Co Tom Kerr Walker's Girls 2d half Bright Eyes" Salens, Mann. EMPIRE (loew) Housely A Nichols Simpson A Deane O C Falls 2d half Belle Dixon Arion Four McCauley A Con well Salt Lake EMPRESS (sc) (Open Wed Mat) Adeline Lowe Co Leo Beers Houghton Morris ft H Edna Aug "Louis' Xmas" Dancing Mars Saa AatoBlo. MAJESTIC (inter) (Open Sun Mat) Lockhart A Leddy Melnotte Twins "When Women Rule' Parisian 3 Lloyd A Whltehouse Rooney A Bent Five Martells San Dleajo. EMPRESS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Martini A Maximilllan Ballo Bros 3 Emersons Louise Mayo Sam Harris "Bower of Melody" SAVOY (m) "Redemption" Juggling Normans Romero Family Vincent A Raymond Katheryn Mlley La Tell Bros San Francisco. ORPHBUM Catherine Countlss Co Horace Ooldln Muller A Stanley Mr A Mrs Fred Allen Uoudlnl Bros Schrlner A Rloharda Tryon'a Doga One to flU) EMPRESS (sc) Morandlnl 8 Arthur Geary Prince Floro Mary Dorr Night in Station" Wilson ft Rich PANTAOBS (ni) (Open Sun Mat) Both Brown Revue Musical Splllers Weston ft Young Cole Russell ft D The La Belles St. Ltoula. COLUMBIA (ubo) "Little Parlslenne" El8a Ruegger 4 Sylphldtns Flanagan ft Edwards McDevltt Kelly & L Lane ft O Donnell Charlotte Ravenscroft 8HBNANDOAH (craw) Electrical Venus. West ft Van Sicklen Patsy Doyle ARCO (crawj Billy Badeer Richards ft Richards Moscow Duo BUI Barchus Atlas Players MONTGOMERY (craw) Bill Barchus 3 Stewarta Dorothy Earle Clark's Minstrel BREMEN (craw) Cheater De Kalb Co Smith ft Harvey Dorothy Earle Fred Wayne Co Palatlka Duo La Velea Duncan ft Holt UNION (craw) Clark's Minstrels Bell Barchus Atlaa Players KINGS (craw) Le Clair ft Simpson Charles ft Madelin Klaas ft Berate Tetsuwarl Japs MIKADO i craw) Atlas Players Casino Co Freeze Bros 3 Stewarts Smith ft Harvey .Johnny Adams GRAVOIS (craw) 3 Stewarts Dickson ft Falls Glllman AVENUE (craw) Sing Lon Toy West ft Boyd Alf Ryson The Harts WASHINGTON (craw) Joe Magee Nettle Carroll Tr Eddie Badger Fr*»eze Bros St. Pawl EMPRESS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Patrick Franc A W Klernan Walters ft K Warren ft HI anchard Herke ft Korae Maxwell's Girls Schenectady, N. V. PROCTOR'S Klmbell ft Kenneth Vedder Co Rogers A O'Donnell Keeley Bros Gollege Student Girls 2d half Finn ft Finn Will Kenney Edith Raymond Co Jery M'cAullffe Co ("nrraen Minstrels Scraatoa, Pa. POLI'S (ubo) "has Mack Co Ethel Green Sarnpsel ft Rollly Ballet Classlque Douglas ft Douglas (Others to All) Seattle. ORPHBUM I^awrence ft Cameron Paul Conchas 4 Peres Double Roes Smith Cook A B Cummlngs ft (iladln^s loleen Sisters EMPRESS (nr) Sylvester Harton ft Lover a Katherlne Klan- Richard Mllloy Co Joe Whitehead Ranjopblends PANTAGES (m) "Golden Dreams" Julia Redmond Co Dob Albright Dunbar ft Turner Reed's Dogs Sloan City ORPHBUM Lambert ft Ball Nina Morris Co Whltefleld ft Ireland Warren ft Connelly Jungman Family Klutlng'a Animals (Others to nil) Spokane. ORPHBUM (Open Sun Mat) Leonard ft Russell Wllla Holt Wakefield Dr Carl Herman 2 Ushera McCormick ft Irwin Coleman'a Novelty Nelson ft Nelson EMPRESS (sc) (Open Sun Mat) Ladella Comlques Nestor ft Delberg John R Gordon Co American Comedy 4 "Day at Circus" PANTAOBS (m) Hip ft Napolean Leroy ft Lytton Rice ft Franklyn The Bylphonos 3 Jahns •arlnvaeld. Maaa. POLI'8 (ubo) Chadwlck 8 Wm Oakland Co Mr ft Mrs J Barry Kennedy A Kramer Wood A Wyde 3 Alex (Others to nil) ayraeoae, N. Y. GRAND (ubo) Fatlma Julius Tannen Harvey De Vora 3 3 Keatona Alber'i Bears (Others to fill) Tacoaaa EMPRESS (sc) Price A Price 3 Musketeers Mr A Mrs Fisher Dave Ferguson Archie Goodall Terra Haate, lad. VARIETIES (ubo) Paul Klelst Wm Cahill "Girl Aboard" Barnes A Robinson Young A April 2d half Fields A Brown Cervo "Passenger Wreck" O'Rourke A Atkinson Elsie Gilbert Girls Toledo KEITH'S (ubo) Orford's Elephants Geo B Reno Co Bronaon A Baldwin Merrill A Otto Allan Shaw Mme Tina Dolan A Lenharr Toronto SHEA'S (ubo) "Scene from Opera" Viollnsky Rex Circus Hess Sisters Chris Richards Clayton White Co Burley A Burley Weiss Troupe YOUNGB ST (loew) Ryan Broo Calts Bros Estelle Rose Martha Washington 6 The Clevelands Mine Liebchen" Jonea A Brown Hurllng's Seals Troy, N. Y. PROCTOR'S Helen Richards "Dls Attorney's Wife" Musical Cates Will Kenny "Rah Rah Boys" 2d half Vedder Co Vera Sablnl Co Peggy Hudson Mr ft Mrs Clark College Student Girls Utloa, N. Y. SHUBBRT'S (ubo) Belle Story Prevoat A Brown 5 Melody Boys The ROsalrea Ryan A Lee Walter James (Others to nil) Vaacoaver, B. C. ORPHBUM (sc) Lulgl Dell Or© Burke A Harrison Walsh Lynch Co Leonard A Louie Big Jim PANTAOBS (m) Riding Caatellana Walter Terry A Girls Newsboy 0 Allegro Lyons A Cullum Victoria, B. C. EMPRESS (sc) Williams A Warner Frostlck Hume ft T Maurice Freeman Co Chas Drew Oo WashlaKtva. KEITH'S (ubo) Viator Moore Co Ida Brooks Hunt Co Henry Lewis Kathleen Clifford Sam Barton julbonatl Kamedell 8 tone to fill) COSMOS Emmett Welch Co Fun in Turk Bath" Rose Royal (Others to nil) CASINO George Nagel Bell ft Clancy Twins Mae Dale (Others to nil) Wilmington, Del. GARRICK (ubo> "Persian Garden" Mile Martha Co Inea (Others to nil) Winnipeg Can. EMPRESS (sc> SplsBell ft Mack Gladys Wilbur Rose Tiffany Co McMahon a Chappelle Bounding Gordons Worcester, Mane. POLI'S (ubo) Chaa ft Fannie Van Ada Latham Co Nat Lelpaig Gordon a Murphy The Marshea (Others to nil) CONliftJBNT OLYMPIA Revue Dorvllle Liine clery Benda Osborne Jessie, Moore Lucy Peaet Ballet Yetta Rianza Uustav Ricaux Alice Delyala Herrmann ALHAMBRA (Jan 1-15) Vasoo Ruhart cliff Bersac Leick ft Keith Joe Jackson Singer's Midgets T Elder Hearn Hanlon ft Hanlon Hayes A Merrltt Norman French Llnga Singh EMPIRB (Etolle Palace) Romaln Noiset Ivan Tschernoff Chas Baron Tabarin Trio La Crlolla Flying Hartwella The Ardatbs Hombert & Renardo Marsa Moxow SHOWS NEXT WllflK. NEW TO "ADBLE"—Harris (20th week). AT BAY"—auth Street (13th week). WILLIAM COLLIER ("A Little Water on the Side")—Hudson (first week). "ELIZA COMES TO STAY" Garrlck (first week). "OBN. JOHN RBGAN" ■ Liberty (Kth week). ORAND OPERA—Century (Ulth week) 44TH STREET MUSIC HALL—"Girl on the Film" (2d week). HARRY LAUDER CaKlno (first wet-k) FORBES-ROBKRTSON Manhattan (1st weok after 14 weeks at Shuhcrtj. "HIGH JINKS" -Lyric (4th week). HIPPODROME America ( IHth weok) "IOLE"—Longac ru ('Jd we«-k). "KITTY M< KAY" Corn* dy (1st week). "LAND OF PROMISE"- Lyceum Burko) (.'Id week). CYRIL MAUDE (Repertoire) Walla, k wock) "NEW ' HENRIETTA" Knickerbocker <.'M week). "LEGEND OF LEN'ORA," Maude Adams Em- pire (1st week). "PEO O' MY HEART" Cort (&T»th weok). "POTASH AND PBKLM UTTER"—Cohan (21st week). "PRUNELLA"'—Booth (10th week). REPERTOIRE OF SKETCHES — Princess (13th week). "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATB"—Aator (15th week). "THINGS THAT COUNT"—Playhouse (4th week), (moved from Elliott). "THE LITTLE CAFB"—New Amsterdam (8th week). "THE MADCAP DUCHESS—Globe (7th week). THE MISLEADING LADY"—Fulton (6th week). "THE 8ECRET"—Belaaco (8d week). A THOUSAND YEARS AGO"—Shubert (1st week). THE STRANGE WOMAN"—Gaiety (8th week). "TRAFFIC IN SOULS" (Film)—Republic (3d week). •TO-DAY"—48th Street (18th week). "WITHIN THE LAW"—Biting* (80th week). "YOUNG WISDOM"—Mabel A Edith Talia- ferro—Criterion (let week). CHICAGO. • HELP WANTED"—Cort (Sd week). SEPTEMBER MORN"—La Salle (Id week). "A MODERN GIRL"—Olympic (1st week. THE AUCTIONEER"—Powers (1st week). "THE ROAD TO HAPPINESS"—Princess. "FANNY'S FIRST PLAY"—Blackstone (2d week). "THE TRAFFIC"—Howarda (7th week). FOLLIES"—Illinois (6th week). REPERTOIRE—Fine Arts (Ith week). WINTER CIRCUS—Globe (4th week). "THE BEAUTY SHOP"—Cohan's (llth week). "WHEN DREAM8 COMB TRUE"—American (td week). KILLED WIFE AND BABY. Cincinnati, Dec. 31. Fancying he saw "little devils" in the eyes of his wife and year old baby, Robert M. Maloney, aged 26, a magic- ian, known on the small time as "Wil- lard the Wizard," shot and killed both at the Hotel Walton early Monday morning. Maloney, a raving maniac, is under arrest. Coroner Foertmeyer believes Maloney is demented, prob- ably as the result of too much whisky and cigarettes. The murderer says he is the son of "Willard the Wizard," also a magician, who has retired to his farm near San Antonio. Maloney came to Cincinnati to get an engagement, but was unsuc- cessful and began to drink heavily. He admits shooting his wife four times and the baby once. Maloney said ghosts and devils he showed in stage illusions constantly haunted him. He was chased as far as the Suspension Bridge and was only caught after a battle. The wife whose maiden name was Othello Harriman, assisted Maloney by giving spiritualistic demonstrations. Her father, Francis Harriman, of Dish- ing, Okla., is expected to claim the bodies. The last place the couple ex- hibited was at Hancock, Md. That was nearly a month ago. Maloney gave his residence as Goldsboro, N. C. (mm,. s (!>th KEITH REPORTED VERY ILL. The Herald printed Wednesday the statement that B. F. Keith was reported ill at his winter home in Miami, Fla. The same paper said it had a dispatch from Miami to the effect that Mr. Keith was in good health and about to go on a fishing cruise aboard his yacht. A story saying A. Paul Keith, E. F. Alhce and Maurice Goodman left New York for Florida Tuesday cast sonic doubt upon the reports of Mr. Keith's illness. Messrs. Albec and Goodman left New York last Saturday for Cin- cinnati and were expected to be away ten days. They may have been called south from the west. No one in author- ity around the United Hooking Oflices appeared to he in possession of any in- formation regarding Mr. Keith's health. He was married about a month ago to Miss Chase of Washington.