Variety (January 1914)

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VARIETY 33 JONES, LINICK & SCHAEFFER VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Playing high elm headline and feature vaudeville acts PRANK Q. DOYLE, —»• ~~.~ ORPHEUM THEATRE BUILDING 110 SO. STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ■ to i rani Wilt, or Wlr. J. H. ALOZ Orphram Theatre Bldg. MONTBIAL. P. Q. WANTED—STANDARD ACTS IL_ HUNT For ■••torn Bookings Slf, Putnam Bld«., N. V. N. V. Rep. Howard Athenaeum, Rowdeln Be. Theatre. I "•"• n ' Grand Opera Hoim, I rnr" and Circuit New England Theatres. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAGO. Suite t» 106 North La Balle St. JENNY WEH8TRR. Prop. ABlllatod with EDWARD J. FISHER, INC., Seattle, BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT, San Franeleee GEORGE H. WEBSTER, General Manager. Vaudeville Acts Wishing to break their jumps, going any direction— Write, Wire or Phone NO ACT TOO BIG FULL WEEK STANDS TWO SHOWS DAILY OTHER HOUSES PLAYING THREE SHOWS DAILY. GET IN COMMUNICATION QUICKLY. GOMES VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE, &A.*8KU SUITE 112, ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE BLDG. CINCINNATI, OHIO LonglDlstance Phone: Canal 5448 LETTERS Where C follows name, letter la In Chicago. Where 8 F follows name, letter Is In San Francisco. Advertising or circular letters of any description will not be listed when known. P following name Indicates postal, ad- vertised once only. Abbott AJ (C) Adair 4 Hlckey Admont Ml tile (P) Aldwell Ernie (C) All Mrs Harry (P) Allen Al (C) Allen Violet (C) Alsup Cora (C) Ambrose Mary Archer A Carr Annond Grace (P) Ashley Lillian Astsire Mrs Anna (P) Austin Ralph B Barnes Gertrude Barnes A Crawford(C) Barnes A Robinson Batle Franklyn Beaumont A (C) Bell Jessie Bell Jessie (C) Belmont Edna (C) Bentleys Musical Berger Mr A Mrs (C) Bernard Mike Benac Mrs (C) Billings James Bimbo Chas Beth Black Rose (P) ., Blende Ethel w Blue Cloud Bonnell Grace (P) Boyden Mae (P) Brockman James Brockway Harry Brown Chas Brown Del mar A B Bowser Chas W Budd & Claire (C) Burnett. Lottie (SF) Basse Julia Cady Fred M Cagwln Jack (C) Calder Charles Lee Cameron Grace (C) Cammen A Roberts(C) Campbell A Connors Carmen Clyde (C) Carson Evelyn M Castrlllon Rafael Catlln Margie Cebalos Mr A Mrs L Challss Duo Charlott 8arah Chevalier Louis Church Sisters Clair Edna Clegg W F Clifford Elsa Coleman Raymond Copnlnger Ed Copplns Lloyd M (C) Corbett Evelyn Coyle Walter Crollus Louise (P) Croweh Rosa Curey Leo Curran Teddy Daly A O'Brien (C) Dare George V Darrell Emily (P) Davenport P E (SF) Davis Warren (C) Dawson Lanlgan A Co- vert (SF) Be Banian Vera (C) De Fellca Carlotta De Lacy Leigh De Lacey Mabel De Long Madle De Milt Gertrude De Trlckey Coy Dickinson Louise Dixon Sidney Dolan A Boyne Dooley A Evelyn (P) Doolev Miss Ray Dorsch Al Du Bols Fred Duffleld Effle (C) Duggan W F (C) Dupres Fred Dunne Thos P Duranda Musical Du Tell Mr A Mrs F Dyer Bernlce El I nore Kate EIRey Miss Zoo Emelle Sisters Eugene Chas Evans Bessie (P) Fawn Bertha Fay Eva Fenton Fred Fernanl Mrs A Florence Miss N (C) Fields Al (P) Follette A Wicks Ford Amay (C) Ford Edwin (P) Ford Vivian Forrester A Lloyd Foster Lamont A F(C) Fowler Kate (C) Fowler Ijem Franclg Emma Franklin Edith (SF) Franklin Irene (C) Freeman Lew Frey Twins Gal Madame L Gallagher Desmond Gardner Helen Gardner Rose Gardiner Lottie Oasrh Sis A D Gassman Josephine Gath Mr A Mrs C (P) Oehrue Mayme (P) Oenaro A Bailey (P) Oormaine Flo (C) Gibbons Edytbe (P) Olbney Mr A Mrs C Gibson Clara Gilbert Elsie (C) Gilbert Henrietta (P) GUloway, Mrs J A (C) Atwell Representative of Standard Acta. SalUvan-Cenaldlne Offices. Heidelberg Balldlng . Phone »56 Bryant 42d St. and Broadway, New York. FOOTLIGHTS The only Australian penny weekly devoted entirely to vaudeville and the theairea orally. A policy of legitimate news erttlalSBsa, Irrespoetlve of sentiment or and Gilmore Mildred (P) Goettler Alphonse (C) Gordon A Gordon Oolding & Keating (C) Gordon Harry Gottlob Amy Graham Eyra Orannon Ha Grant Sidney (P) Granville Taylor (P) Or ay am Clara (C) Green Irving Green Jas F Grey Three Guaiano Raphael Gygl Ota Haffner Frltsl Hahn Arthur Hall Ethel Halllday A Charts (C) Hamilton Jean Hamilton A Deane (C) Hancock Ray Hanev A Blllsbury(C) Harding Edith Harris Twins (P) Harrison Sisters Hartwell Frank Hassan Allle E (C) Hasslng Hazel Havllan Miss F A (C) Hayes Brent Havwood Edward Hedge William Held Mrs Jules Hendricks Klara (P) Henry Carl Herbert Bert Herbert Jos Jr Herman Dorothy Hewitt Harry (P) HlbbcrtA Kennedy(C) Hlggins John Hofv Johnny Hoffman H G (P) Holland John J Hopkins Slaters Howard A White Hunter A Davenport Hymans A Mclntyre (P) Irving Grace J Jackson Blossom O Jerome Victor (P) Jossop Wilfred Jewell Llllle (C) .Tones Frank E .Tordon Dolly (P) .Tordon Jules Kayne Agnes (C) Keese Mae (P) Kelley Mae (P) Kelly Maud Kelly Walter C Kempton J E (C) Kennedy Fred W King Mr A Mrs F King A Lowell Kingsbury A Munson (P) Konerz Jnrk Koons Louis A Kruger Paul Kummeson Edward La Croix Paul Lamb Irene LaBelle MrAMrs(SF) La Mont Carrie (C) Langdon Miss Hardle Lanlgan Joe Laurl Roma Lavender Geo (C) Lehman Helen (C) Leonard George Leonard R (C) LeRoy A Cahlll Leslie Irene Leslie Rosabelle (P) I^wls Orlffen A 2 (C) Llnd Homer (C) Llnd Mr ft Mrs .T (C) Llnd Mr A Mrs F (C) Long Ada (C) Lobse Ralph Long Ada (SF) lioraine Oscar Lriralne A Cameron I»ralne Mr (SF) Loyd Dorothy Lyon Grace P Lyn Three (C) M Macart Mrs Wm H Mac Dowel 1 Richard MacKaye Dorothy Mack A Orth Magee A Reece Maler Hazel (P) Maltland Madge (P) Mandevllle Marjorle (S F) Marsh Helen (P) Martinez A Jefferson (P) Maurice Rcasley (C) May Evelyn Maynard Sellna McCafferty Pat McCullough Carl Mclntyre Mr A Mrs J McKay Jock McKay Raymond THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT THE HIDE-AWAY BIG TIME CIRCUIT Direct booking agent, PRTER F. GRIFFIN, Griffin Theatre Bldg., Toronto, Canada. MONTREAL OFFICE. 41 8t. Catherine St. East. GEO. W. MALONE, Local Manager. BUFFALO OFFICE, 121 Franklin 8t. E. J. HAMAN, Local Manager. DETROIT OFFICE. 42 Campaa Building. CHA8. P. EDWARDS. Local Manager. FREEMAN BERNSTEIN r, Promoter and Producer of Vaudeville Ada. Sib Floor. PUTNAM BUILDING, NBW FORK. OFBN OAT AND NIGHT. Cable, "Freeborn," New York. 4A14 E V CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE The Boat Banal 1 Time In the Far West. Steady Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Aeta, EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO. PLATING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE. SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE I Sullivan and Ooasldlne Bldg., Third and SEATTLE. WASH. FBBD LINCOLN GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE: 1465 BROADWAY—HHIDBLBBRG BLDG. NEW YORK CITY CHRIS O. BROWN ■RANCH BOOKING OFFICES: PAUL, GOUDRON. 6 North Clark St., cor. Madlaon, Chi- cago. III.; R. J. OILFILLAN, Id and Madiaon Sta.. Seattle, Wash.; W. P. REB8B. 161 Market St., San Franoiaco, Cal.; B. OBERMATBR, Broadmead Houae, SI Panton St., London, B. W.. Brennan-Fuller Vaudeville Circuit SO to SO WEEKS (AUSTRALIA NO NEW ZEALAND) TO BECOONIZED ACTS. ALL TRANSPORTATION PAID. BEN J. FULLER, Governing Director. AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVE. 611 FANTAOE8 THEATRE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO ^sk BBBBJ f%S of *U performers going to Europe make their steamship arrangements Dl ^ ^%^ through us. The following have: ^W^M SO HOWARD A HOWARD, IIANVAR A LEE. HAIXKN A HAYES, ^^^* w HA88ETTE A MAURIETTA. HAWTHORNE A BURT, FOUR HARVEY8, HOWELL A SCOTT. HOWARD * IIA It It IN. TDK HOLDEN8. IH'XTER BROS., HEELEY * .MEELEY. HOWARD COLLINSON TRIO, HALL A EARL, THE III ATT KH, LILLIAN HERLEIN FAI'L TAUSIO A SON, 1S4 B, 14ih St., New York City. German Savtngs Bank Bldg. Telephone Btuyvoaaat I860 DOUTRIOK THEATRICAL EXCHANGE LAV1GNE A LANONsTR. Props, and Mgra. 106 NO. Uk HALLE ST., CHICAGO. WANTED—All klnda of good acta for Immediate and future time. Write, wire, phone or call In and see us. Managers looking for competent booking should communicate with as Immediately. McKay Thomas McLarens Musical McLallen May A S (C) McNally Happy Melvln Grace Merlanl's Dogs (C) Merles Cockatoos (C) Merles Cockatoos Meyers Harry Miller Isabel (C) Mills A Moulton (C) Mltman A Doris Montlcalre Ruble Montrose Nellie Morgan Bruce (C) Morton Jas J (P) Morton Sam (P) Mowatt James Murphy Jack (P) Murray Miss Ellis N Namon Frances (C) Nash A Evans Nash Julia Nash Mabls N'iiylor Marlon Nelson Edward Newton Dan (C) Nicolas Ralph VIrisen Chas J Noble Billy (P) Notnle Robt (C) Norman Fred <C) Norwale Jas (C) Nugent Wm F (C) Nunn Pris lo (O O Odlva ONpIII Ray n (P) Ott.lano Raphaella Owens Carry Patterson Grace Pearl * T/)vell Port A DeLacey Pounds Mrs H Fratt Herbert A (C) Price Jack A Mabel Primrose Fred Prince A Deerle Prlngle Aubrey (C) R Rne Mrs Frank Rnnsley Mrs G Ratkke Gus (C) Raymond A Leigh ton Raymond Miss M (C) Raymond T,ostcr (SFi Rayner Dan Red Eagle Dan (P) Reddlck Frank (C) Reeves Paula Regals 4 (C) Remington Mayme Romy Jack (C) Reno Resale Reynold* Mrs t Mr S Rhorla Cerella Rice * Cohen (P) Rio Felix O nt hnrds Great Roberts Bobby (P) Roberts Norman Ftohlnson Eugene l{-.».Is'.n riean-ir fSFi Robsen Sisters Romalne Julia Ronalr A Ward Roode Charles Ross Rert < C) Rose Ethel B (P) Rowe Dick Rubens Frances Russell Marlon Ryan Margaret (P) S Sales Chick Samford J J Sanburg A Loo 8aunders Mrs A (SF) Schuster Florence (C) Sbepard Kath (C) Sherman Arrln (C) Sherman Sadie (C) Shldlon Roy Sldonla Mrs E Silver A DuVal Slmmondn Teddy Simons Ja«'k Sizemore Logan Sloan Rlancbe Smith Clay Smith Rruce (C) Snow Geo W Spencer Frederick flpenror A Williams Splssell Jeanettc Stacey Delia Stead Walter Stembler Salllo Stevens Al Stock Alma Stoehr Richmond Stonpe Mr A Mrs Stuart Frankle Sturm ft Sturm Sully William Swan Rert Syman Stanley T Tarry Arthur ft O Taylor Mr ft Mrs H Tiivl'.r .lark < SFi ToKRle ft Daniels ((".) Tempest Florence Tempest N'rinry (P) Tendnhon Chief TliompHon June Tllton Ijlejlle M'i Trovn'o IT I'sher Claude ft F V Vagge Mrs Varden Prank Veldman D (C) Vl( torlo A Georgette (C) W Warner Robt A Wakefield Wllla Holt Warren Fred Walsh May Walters Sellna (P) Walton Bert & Co (C) Waters Tom Watson Lillian (C) Watson Mr A Mrs H Webster Sammy (P) Welch Joe (P) West Harrison B Westcott Geo C Weston Cella (C) Wheeler Rert Whipple Ruynne (O Whipple Waldo (S F) White Goo F Whiteside Ethel Wild Al II (C» Willis May (P) Williams ft Held Williams Miss M Williamson R E Wills Walter 8 WIlHon Sophie Wood Nellie (C) Wright ft Rleh Y Yama Mnt <C) York ft Adams Young ft April Z 7. mi pa tb Zampa '/.<•• hv Count de /',. no. Thos Zi. r ft Webb (P> (CI