Variety (January 1914)

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VARIETY BE 9 OB JHETY Published WMklr by VARIETY PUBLISHING CO. Tim** Square. New York. S1MB BILVttMAN Proprietor CHICAGO Majestlo Theatre Bids;. JOHN J. O'CONNOR SAN FRANCISCO Pantages Theatre Bids*. HARRY RONNBLL LONDON 18 Charing Croas Road JRSSB FRRKMAN PARIS 66 ble. Rue Saint Dldler EDWARD O. KRNDREW BRRUN 6t Stromatraaae R. A. LRVY ADVERTISEMENTS Advertising copy for current Issue must reach New York office by Wednesday evening. Advertisements by mall should be accom- panied by remittance. Annual Foreign SUBSCRIPTION Single copies, 10 cents 14 Sntered as second-class matter at New York. Vol XXXIII. January 9, 1914. No. 6 * ■-■ ■ Fred. V. Bowers has been signed for Ziegfeld's "Follies of 1914." Shirley Gilmore and Harry Bessford have formed a "two act." Fritxi Scheff and her manager, George Anderson, were recently mar- ried. The Hippodrome, Columbia, Md., (J. H. Hatton, manager), has gone into the pop vaudeville policy. AL £. Gaylord has joined "The Happy Widows" (Eastern Wheel) as musical director. Charles F. Edwards is handling the People's, Philadelphia, the new stand of the Progressive Wheel. Mrs. Frank Hanlon (wife of the acrobat, gave birth to a boy in Sacra- mento, Dec. 29. Stanley Syman and Martin Howard are preparing a dancing act, with three girls. A. B. Shannon is writing a comedy in which Boyd B. Trousdale will ap- pear next season. "Her Wedding Day" is being groomed for a road tour in the west by C. H. Wheaton. Hans Bartsch sailed Tuesday on the Kronprinz Wilhelm from Bremen, due back in New York next week. Brady Greer, treasurer at Hammer- stein's, has been home ill for a week at his home in Harrington Park, N. J. The "Down In Dixie Minstrels" have retaken to the road under W. A. Thomas' management. Dates are being booked by £duard Waldmann for his company which is to offer two shows, "The Devil" and "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde." Waldmann is a St. Louis theatrical man. Mrs. Meyer Cohen sailed Thursday for Europe in search of health. She expects to remain abroad several months. Eugene Meyers is now in charge of Loew's Orpheum, New York, with Jules Bernstein manager of the same circuit's new Toronto theatre. After a several weeks' layoff the Bos- ton Opera Co. is arranging a return to the stage. The company plans to produce "Martha" in English on its eastern travels. Frank Campeau has severed his con- nection with the Dickey-Stoddardt show, "The Ghost Breaker" and his role will be assumed by Harry Sedley. Former Treasurer Kallet of the Grand opera house, Syracuse, N. Y., has been appointed to succeed the Keith manager, Anderson, in that thea- tre, Mr. Anderson having been trans- ferred to Norfolk. Mrs, Walter N. Jones, wife of Walter Jones, the comedian, is in the Method- ist Episcopal hospital, Brooklyn, while her newly born baby is being kept in an incubator. The girl weighed less than two pounds at its birth. The mother underwent, the Caesarian operation. ^BSBSBBBSsSBh The theatrical men sworn in as "spe- cial deputies" during Sheriff Julius Harburger's regime and who sported gold badges have had their power re- voked upon the induction into office of the new sheriff. He has recalled the 1,500 or more special deputy ap- pointments of Harburger. Some of the professional folk used their badges when cautioned about auto speeding. Martin Herman was to have sailed on Tuesday of this week for home, but his trip has been postponed another week. William Tisdaie, part owner and manager of "Officer 666," has recovered from a week's illness in Denver and has resumed his journey towards the Coast with his show. Arthur Pryor has completed his musical version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which, under the title of "Uncle Tom," will be sent on tour early in the spring under Nelson Roberts' di- rection. The lyrics were written by John Frederick. "The Turning Point" has been leased to U. S. Scoville, a western manager, by Darcy & Wolford. He will produce the piece in territory west of Chicago, opening Feb. 1. Scoville's western "Maid and the Minister" company will appear in "The Turning Point." Annie Russell and Company, after a layoff in New York, have again taken to the road, playing Washington last week. New eastern dates are being booked up for the star. Miss Russell recently closed in the south, where business was unsatisfactory. Hill and Whittaker returned from Australia Tuesday. "The Mikado," which opened New Year's Day at Keyport, N. J., under the direction of Jose Van den Berg, is reported as having closed. In the company were Miss Latham, prima donna; Claude Amsden, principal comedian, and Frank Rushworth, ten- or. Philip Robson was ahead of the show, while the man back with the company, Charles Holly. The Opera House, Flemington, N. J. (J. Greene, manager), has been practi- cally rebuilt and is to be opened this month with a traveling attraction. The new house at Franklin Furnace, N. J., has received its finishing touches and is to be opened the latter part of the month with a legitimate show. In a society composed of actors one of the members recently made a speech. He said democracy should rule the order and that the brothers should be democratic. One of his listeners leaped to the floor, interrupt- ing the talker by saying: "What's the idea now? Who wants you to drag politics into this club?" tc M P's. tt By DABL Mac BOYLE. I who have played on Broadway, and with myself a hit, Who In the realm of make-believe Imagined 1 was "It." Have lately. In my dignity, received an awful dent. My haughty spirit though unbroke Is very badly bent. I'm not at liberty, and bo the god of fates muit thank. I'm working, but my audience la governed by a crank. I'm busy as a monk that Is troubled with the fleas. The answer Is. "I need the cash. I'm working In 'M. P.'s.' " I've learned to make up black and white, Just like a bloomln' clown. I'm wise to walkln' slew In goln' up or comln' down. No longer do I "Pardon me." or look around at "Lines." I've curbed my fond desire to roar at "Stop! Back to the Mines!" When to the dearest girl of all, I offer heart and hand. I pull a lot of stuff that Cupid wouldn't understand. I toast my dear old college chum with, "Oh, you piece of cheese." "Things are not always v hat they seem," goes double In "M. P.'s." One day I save the darling child, the next I rob a bank. Today I'm of the gutter, tomorrow high my rank. Once as a dip, I pinched a purse and boat It rather fast Chased ty an earnest, vengeful dog that wasn't In the cast. He won, but wc wert out of range, and the director swore. Because they didn't get It. He wanted It once more. But Fldo, with my trouser's sect, declined much to my ease. Embarrassment would be my lot should that get In "M. P.'s." Burns little dreamed when first he wrote "The wisdom It wud gle us Would come to pass, for we now see ourselves as others see us. I oft part with a cherished dime and take a llng'rltiK Took And loudly laugh while others grimly murmur, 'Get the hook." Though my opinion of mvself has often bi < n disputed. To change It Is a hopeless task. 'Tin far too deeply rooted. With me as my own audience, I never full to please. There's something left to live for since I went in "M. P.'s." TOMMY'S TATTLES By THOMAS J. GRAY. Those white slave films should teach girls of this country one thing—that they can never believe a moving pic- ture. Fashion Notes (as Plain Mary wouldn't write them). Lew Madden, of Madden and Fitz- patrick (Hammerstein's), is wearing a pretty red flannel night gown made by the French modiste, Madame Fin- nigan of Waterbury, Conn. James Fitzpatrick is wearing a pair of Robin's egg blue pajamas made out of expen- sive burlap. The act is better this week than ever (Mr. Fitzpatrick is not singing). Harry Breen on the same bill is becomingly gowned in a new near tailored suit. Herman Timberg (same theatre) wore a Hebrew dialect that was very becoming to him. In Los Angeles the patrons of one of the theatres tango in the lobby be- tween the acts. If the show can't amuse them they must do something. What they say to the Stage Door- man. "Where is there a good place to eat around here?" "If I leave you this laundry, will it be back in time?" "Say, is the manager a nice feller to talk to?" "If anyone leaves a note here ad- dressed to me, don't let my wife see you give it to me." "Will there be another mail to- night?" "How did the act do that had our spot last week?" "What time do the saloons close in this town?" "It's funny with all the times I play- ed here that I can't remember your name." "Seems like old times to see you again". Knglish paper article says: "Is the American acior getting bigger?" Well, Master Gabriel and Jimmy Rosen are still the same size. Well known hcadlincrs: "All Star Show" "Anniversary Week." "Vaudeville Festival" "22 Acts". I his is about the time the present >"U gave your a^ent commences to tarnish.