Variety (January 1914)

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VARIETY 29 Charles Horwitz DMb mtii -'A» II , ._- (rata beginning to end, and aa It s tands wlt»- tot chance, la read/ far nay aart af raada- riuo. where It will b« • big esoaii t y ■■ ■b a r .* HORWITZ wrata It ud haadreda af fSTTCH HITS. CHABLB8 HOBWTTZ, 1401 Brood wny ( B eans S15). New York. pfcone IMS Greeley. Telephone MM Bryant. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER Baggag* Called far and Cheeked te Railroad* and Steamboats. Stand. 8. K. Car. 4td St. and tth Ave. Storage—76* lltb Are., bet. Md A §4th St. Office-t76 W. 4Sd St. NEW YORK. I. MILLER 1554 Broadway. "$?£ TeL aaoa-1 Chelaaa Manufactarer o f Theatrical Boots and Shoes. CLOQ. Ballet and Acrobatic Bhoee a spec- ialty. All work made at ehert notice. rite far Catalan; 4. LEST YOU FOHGBT Wl SAY IT YBT LETER HEADS Ceatrerte, Tickets, Envelopes, Free temples, STAGE MONEY, 10c. Book of Herald Cats. Me. rBfiGCi'KiNTiNo company mirArn LBU33.M11 g. DEARBORN ST. tlDltlAUU HOfiT VAMP HOES Our popular style 171 % In and black Illustrated and Described m Oar FREE STYLE BOOK Many other exclusive models, CA high and low cute, button or lace, **J ' , any heel, all elseo w Uf> Full line of Tango Slippers. Fair prices. Hundreds of other Styles In all leathere sad colore. Dainty Satla SUppere I Sf>.M la any shade. French Heel J *■ Ballet SUppere, one Strep, all 1 t 1 .81 shades j * J. QLASSBERG a Convenient S t ores 811 8th Ave., nanr Hot St. 88 Sd Ave.. N. Y. I 888 Went 4Sd St. Hear l*tk St. | Want of BTwny. ILLUSTRATED 8TYLB BOOK "C" FREE WA IM Donegan - Dunedln Troupe Two smart girl trick cyclists Ref eren ces, age. height, weight and salary. Write or wire. DUNEDIN TROUPE, Empress Theatre ■ Kansas City WANTED Tenor Guitar Player, also Trap Drummer Address Vardon, Perry A Wllber, Variety, New York AN ADVERTISING MAN located In Chicago, has WRITTEN A DRAMATIC VAUDEVILLE PLAYLET. Four mnle characters, with strong part for character actor. Would like to sell rights to *ome good producer or Home worthy actor. Address 8. 8. N., care Variety, Chicago. REDUCING Scientific Hplne Treatment. Face and Neck Massage, Scalp Treatment. Physician's Refer- ence. MIHS A. HAUSMANN. 241 Went 42nd St., New York. Tel. 7157 Bryant EDWARD S. NAPOLIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ARECO BUILDING 149th Street and Third Avenue New York Telephone 6520-6521 Melrose Specialist In theatrical litigation A TEN MINUTE SPECIALTY FOR $1.00 si F arodlao on TBO O* MY HBABT." "WHBM I LOST YOU." THB LONB80ME FOfB." nine a sore-Are poena, entitled "THE PASSING SONGS OF 1912-13" DevevaUtng TS ttUae of eon* bits tnte a aterr. To got nil tale, sand F. O. er Order for | to JUNIE McCREE, Columbia ThoBtro Bid*., N.Y.C.Suite 709-10 Dr. JULIAN SI EOELOficblDeatist to lb« WHITE RATS mtmUmTOmNOrlSMi ciry THEATRE TO LEASE Rent, $5,000 Yearly First-class theatre in CI Suitable for vaudeville, stock or pictures Address Theatre, care VARIETY, New York thuslasts from all over the greater city to see this selection of reels. BUFFALO By K. P. THAYER. TBCK (John R. Olahel. mgr.; Bhuberte).— "Pleasure Seekers" opened to large audience. 12, "The Lure." SHEA'S (Henry J. Carr. mgr.; U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Hanlon, Dean A Hanlon, creditable; Swan, Dale A Hal, unique; Ed. F. Reynard, elaborate; Murray Sisters, won ap- proval ; Frank 8herldan A Co., tense; Van A Schenck, hit; Clark A Bergman In "The Trained Nurses." warm reception. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.; K. A E.).—Geo. M. Cohan In "Broadway Jones," enthusiastic crowd. ALLENDALE (Michaels A Newman, mgrs.; McMahon A Dee; rehearsals Mon. 6).—Baby Humphrey, hit; Lucius Falrchlld, appreci- ated. LAFAYETTE (C. M. Baggs, mgr.; Colum- bia).—"Social Maids." MAJESTIC (John Laugh 1 In. mgr.; S. A H.). —"Freckles," satisfactory business. 12, "One Day." FILLMORE (Geo. Roclng, mgr.; McMahon A Dee; rehearsal Mon. 6).—John Grieves Mu- sical Comedy. GARDEN (W. F. Graham, mgr.; Progres- sive).—"Honey Girls." CLEVELAND By WALTBB D. HOLCOMB. MILES (Frank Raymaa, mgr.).—The Ma- rina Band, novel act; Max Welly A Mlllssa TenEyck. won favor; Chester's Dogs. ▼•ry good; Blllv Chase, hit: Went A Van Blden. musical skit; Corre Thomas Trio, comedy triple bar act PRISCILLA (Proctor B. Seas, mgr.).—"The Tourists," featuring Miss Lillian, headline; Pongo A Loo. good; Hilda Fotorson. violinist, pleased; Hoyt, Leealg A Co., "On the Stroke of Twelve," well received; Taylor A Arnold, hit; Brown A Barrowo, wan favor; Four Vic- tors, sensational leaping acrobats. EMPIRE (Geo. A. Chenet, mgr.).—Blanche Balrd Co. STAR (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.).—Barney Gerard's "Follies of the Day." COLONIAL (R. H. McLaughlin, mgr.).— Walker Whiteside In "The Typhoon." OPERA HOUSE (Goo. A. Gardner, bus. mgr.).—Oeorge Arliss In "Disraeli." PROSPECT (J. W. Lyons, mgr.).—"Rebecca of Snnnybrook Farm." >-M _ DUCHESS.—Percy Haswell Stock Co., "The Leper." CLEVELAND (Harry Zlrker, mgr.).— Holden Stock Co., "The Belle of Richmond." The Miles has changed policy. Pictures 10.15 a. m. to 2 p. m. Vaudeville to 3.30. Pictures 3.80 to 6. First evening show 7, second show, 8.30. Harry Lauder will appear at the Hippo- drome Jan. 21 and 22, four shows. DENVER By BD. M. JACKSON. BROADWAY (Peter McCourt, mgr.). "Within the Law" pleased large audiences. TABOR GRAND (Peter McCourt, mgr.).—"A Chocolate Soldier," good production and at- tendance. DENHAM (Woodward A Homan, mgrs). Eva Lang Stock Co. in "A Woman's Way." Good returns. EMPRESS (Geo. Boryer. mgr.).—Du Bols juecled cleverly In opening place; Smith, Voelk A Cronln, fair; Gardner A Lowrle. clever; "Nature's Nobleman." dramatic sketch, artistic; Anthony A Ross, applauded; "Court by Court." best suffragette act seen here. PANT AGES (Nat Darling, mgr.).—Ameri- can Trumpeters, fine; Dorothy Vaughn, dainty ; Five Bragdons, laughs; Carter A Waters, cab- aret act, got by ; Bobby Bobbins, good ; Piccolo Midgets, closed show, funny. AUDITORIUM.—Satrlano's Royal Italian Rand with Ralph Snyder, baritone singer, as soloist. BAKER (Mrs. Harry Ward, mgr.).—Nettie Ward Musical Comedy Co. to good returns. HOFERAU CABARET (Harry Radetsky. mgr.).—Maud Barclay, soprano; Lalph Sny- der and Little Symphony Orchestra. SELLS-FLOTO ZOO (Tammen A Bonfils, mgrs.).—Kate Luckey Wire Trio, Maynard A Bayfield, and Zora's Elephants. Paderewskl was heavily billed at the Broad- way for Jan. 1 but cancelled all of his Colo- rado time account of "sudden" illness and Jumped to San Francisco. DETROIT By JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. G. WIUlamB, mgr.; U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Charles Kellogg, re- markable; Heath A MUlership, went well; Sherman. Van A Hyman, hit; Grace Wilson, well liked; Claud Gllllngwater, entertaining sketch; Jed and EBther Dooley, good ; Sey- mour's Dogs, good ; Leo Zarrell Trio, pleaaed. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr.; T. B. C ; re- hearsal Mon. 10).—Mile. Santameri, classic dancer, won approval ; Miller, Packer A Zeis, encored; Princess Bonlta, good ; Mack A Law- rence, good ; Connelly A Naulty, pleased ; Bud Snyder A company, fair. FAMILY (C. H. Preston, mgr.; II. B. O.). —Owen Wright, good; Meyers A Hall, excel- lent; Faust & Williams, very good; Maxlnoff Troupe, very good ; Grace Fisher, did nicely; Leroy A Howard, good; Arthur Borella, pleased; Treats Seals, enjoyed. DETROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).-Robert Hllllard, "The Argyle Case." GARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— "The Lure" opened to the biggest house in the history of the theatre. LYCEUM (A. R. Warner, ragr.). -Eugenie Blair in "Madame X." CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.).—"Crusoe Girls." GAYETY (William Roche, mgr.).—"Oayety Girls." AVENUE (Frank Drew. mgr.).—Stock company In Lena Rivers. WASHINGTON (Frank Wltbeck. mgr.).— Washington Players In "The Concert." Next week, for the first time on any stage, "The Bargain." COLUMBIA (Eddie Murphv, mgr.; agent, Sun).—Frank Perry, good; Will O'Clalr and Five Shamrock Girls, splendid ; Bond A Morse, excellent; Reckless Recklaw Trio, fine; Lulu Carter, pleased ; Fred Hagen A Co., curtain calls; George & Steila Donahue, very good; Frank Carmen, clever. The Casino romnany of Detroit have pur- chased the Powers theatre In Grand Rapids and will use It for feature films. The police department has started a "war" on fake dramatic schools which have been operating In Detroit for many months. Pavlowa January 4 to a packed house at the Garrlek. mgr.).- Stork. -Muslral stock. S. & C). -Top INDIANAPOLIS By C. J. CALLAHAN. SHUPERT MURAT (W. E. Mick, mgr.).- Peg O' My Heart." excellent business. ENGLISH'S (A. F. Miller, mgr.; K. & E.).-- ■ Milestones." LYCEUM (Phil. Brown, mgr.l .V7. "Mappy Hooligan," good business; K-lo. "McFaddcn's Flats." OAYETY (Geo. II. Miller, Drawing big. FAMILY (C. Harmon, mgr.) LYRIC (H. K. Burton, mgr., _. » ..... ..... O" the World Dancers, feature ; Moffat A Clare Trio, fine; Sam Harrington, hit; James Sul llvan Co., well received ; Ollvoto Troubndors scored ; Hume & Helen, excellent. COLONIAL. Opens Jan. 11, change of pol Icy. COLUMBIA fC.eo. H. Miller, mgr.). "Crack er Jacks." Business fair. MAJESTIC (J. E. Sullivan, mgr.; Progres slve). "Progressive Girls" to crowded houses KANSAS CITY By It. M. CROIJSK. SHI/BERT (Earl Steward, mgr.) Trentlnl, delightful. Drawing well. FRANK HAYDEN INC. COSIUMERS 149 W. 36th ST . NEW YIRK Tel. 1M1 Greeley. Send for Catalogue. Stage and Evening Gowns on Hand JAMES MADISON VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR, 14tt BROADWAY, NEW YORK (Room 417). SCENERY' Boot Traumk Seoperj mm the MsurkoC Froelerlekn, Ml W. 4M It, B. T. <L Exclusive Songs I have written as nanny "hit" na any Uvlng writer. Straight, double, production, popular, tepleol, «•». Principal songs each season for Elag- feld, Laeky, One. Edward*, ail shows, etc., and , for vaadevUle, i and plenty. I will write YOU a "GET OYBB SONG" WILL D. COBB, Songenaith. Suite 16, Harvard Bids.. It* Sixth Ave, .), Nei (Cor. ltd Tel. SB18 Bryant. »w Yorh. OnVe Hoars, it to S. WANTED—YOUNG LADY 5 ft. 4. 34 bust. One who ««■ ■•«■, and talk. Would prefer high klekea, front bender, or solo dancer. Want for a vaude- ville act. Wire lowest. OAN SHEBMAN New Theatre Baltimore ORPHEUM (Martin Lehman, mgr.).—Strong bill, but too many full stage acts. Sam Chip A Mary Marble, bright; Clara Morton, well re- ceived ; Scott A Keene, entertaining; Conlln, Steele A Car, did well ; Elsie A Willie Bless- ing, good; Virginia Rankin, not up to the standard; Kitaro Troupe, excellent. EMPRESS (Dan McCoy, mgr.).—"Nature's Gentleman,'' too slow to be enjoyed; "Court by Girls," weak ; W. J. DuBols, good; Smith, Voelk A Cronln, amusing; Gardner A Low- rle, fair; Anthony A Ross, poor. HIPPODROME (J. A. Gerspacher, mgr.; Talbot's).—Cora Youngblood Corson's Play- ers and Singers, strong; PhelpB, Cullenblne A Cobb, very good; Harrows, Lancaster A Co.. ordinary ; Kumry, Busch A Robinson .tuneful and amusing; Ella Belmont, fair; The Wald- rons, good aerial act; Ramza A Arno, eccen- tric ; Mile. Royal, good horse act. GLOBE (Cyrus Jacobs, mgr.; W. M. A.).— 4-7, Four LaValles, combine a musical and acrobatic act; Flrsh, Howard A Toolln. clever entertainers; Duke O'Brien, needs new ma- terial r LaMont A LaMont; Musical Freder- icks, good; Kalrol. clever Illusionist; Klne- macolor. 8-10, Menlo Moore's "The Bachelor's Dream," The Halkins, Leonard A Haley, Diana La Tour, Ed. Gray, Sherburne A Mont- gomery, Klnemacolor. GRAND (A. Jusah, mgr.).—Thurston. Do- ing good business. AUDITORIUM (Meta Miller, mgr.).-Meta Miller Stock Co. in "Hawthorne of the U. 8. A." GAYETY (Burt McPhall, mgr.).—Pat White and Big Jubilee Co. Good business. WILLIS WOOD (Roy Crawford, mgr). Mischief Makers. Good business. Emma MINNEAPOLIS By C. W. MILES. METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr.).—4-7 "lavender and Old Lace." Fair houses. 8-10, Bessie Abott In "Robin Hood." 12, "The Bird of Paradise." SHUBERT (A. O. Balnbrldge, Jr., mgr.).- Stock, good business. ORPHEUM (0. A. Raymond, mgr.).- Henry Woodruff Co., fine; Milton and De Long Sis- ters, hit; Elene Gardner, good; Hockncy com- pany, fair; Langdons, hit; McLallen and Carson, Individual ; James Thornton. UNIQUE (Jack Elliott, mgr.; S-C.).- Robhow Midgets, hit: Murray Bennett, excel- lent; Clark and Ward, fair; Evelyn Nesblt Thaw Tango Dancers, good ; Dennis Brothers, good opening; Robert O'Connor and Co., good MILES (W. F. Gallagher, mgr.; T.-B. C). —Ramona Ortlea, startling; Bannons, excel- lent ; Delvln and Elwood. pleased ; Ward Baker, excellent; Farladeau and Brown, fair; Rockwell and WoodH. fair. NEW GRAND (Charles Dempsey. mgr.). Las Bellas do Savllla. excellent; Browning and Dean, good ; Dorians, good ; Fred Griffith, fair. BIJOU (Plnlslng and Hitchcock, mgrs.; Pantages).— Runh Ling Toys, hit; Spanish ftbllnos. Weston and Leon, Irving Roth, Nat. I^'fTlngwell and Co. PORTLAND, ORE. Ily F. II. RICHARDSON. IIEIL1C. (W. T Piinyl.'. milt.). All<e Lloyd Road Show. '_'!■ .''.I Exrellriit show to big business. BAKER (Geo I. BaV'T. mgr.). Maker Stock Co. Business holding up.