Variety (January 1914)

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12 VARIETY FILM FLASHES Frank Reall Is still In town. Alfred Saunders Isn't. This week, the haymarket film drama is on for an airing in Qeneral Sessions. Hopp Hartley In going to get him a fine teal o'coat. Arthur Leslie has on. ; ditto a Canuck lid. Ches. Bcccroft says It's colder in Chi. Jesse Lasky is still trying to understand the difference between a bad focus and a bum pho- tographer. Awful rold In the Bronx al fresco compound these days. If It doesn't snow soon In Coytesvllle. they never will film these winter semen along the Saskatchewan. Arthur Sawyer never goes uptown as far as 48th street "no moh !" He's at 16 B. 25; 'phone 4277 Mad. On day last week there wasn't a single fight In the Exchange B'ld'g over money. 'Twas Sunday, and everyone was doing the fighting home. Joe Brandt has lost 2H, lbs. avordupols since he returned from Untcr Der Linden. Joe hates work like some of his bosses hate the ma- zuma. Young Clark Is putting over some service- able Ideas In the U's weekly bulletin. Sidney Golden denies he was ever threat- ened with hydrophobia. Mark Dlntenfass In hopeful, but suspicious. J. J. Rnvmond denies he owns stock In the X. Y., N. H. A H. The Gordon Bros., of Boston and Rochester, will be here Jan. 23 to push over their "Lea Mlserables" feature film at the Carnegie Ly- ceum, opening on the 26. The VI is filming pleasant bits of Atlantic off Coney to stick In a series, "Frolics of the Oceans." "In the Stretch." the Ramo that the Cobb person Is unloading avidly In the Columbia B'ld'g Is some race track picture. No one hears whether Richard Wagner is liv- ing or dead since his film reincarnation at the Xew Amsterdam. The "3 Musketeers" of the Henkle-McDonald combination now ready for the shove-off In six reels, Is expurgated. The Lady De Wlnter- D'Artagnan robe de nult scene is omitted : likewise other salacious bits of the original Dumas' fiction. Frank McKee of the Park, has gone abroad. "The Inside of the White Slave" raids were a terrible stroln. He never knew whether he wns open or shut. Trying to keep books tired him out. The facade of the Republic is congealing with frost these days; ditto Weber's; likewise the Rl.lou. "Raps are royal raiment when worn for virtue's sake." Hattle Delaro was Riven a supper by her scores of friends In the Mutual last Wednes- day. Hattle wrote the film business. The Por- ter person now the hlg noise for the Famous Players In davs agone used to turn the crank for a vaudeville act that Hattle wrote Intro- ducing the country's first movies. She saw the Idea first In Paris. In n cellar, at a franc a peep. More trouble for Aimers Mrs. Charles Israels heads an Investigating brigade to nose out im- moral films and r-lnvs and warn girls and the general public about 'em. Everybody Is asking when "Ben Hur" Is to be staged. The TCInemacolor hn* Aimed Christie McDon- nl»l ; likewise tho nnlv A. Baldwin Slnano and Grace Field In their latest torrid society clinch- es. A Ghetto movie manager 1ms hired n bouncer to eenflv lead outs-Mo nil patrons who "have "'■I'll the Aim before" and want to tell every- body about It. Famous Players' projection room l< to have hot nnrt eold water and nil the latest modern Improvements, Including steamer chairs ele- vator service, nnrt "win-s. liquors and c|gar«" fir the press fall guys. •\houf '_»<W> people were emidoved for the Menkol-McHonalrt ".". M'isl,-etee"-s." Honk makes 'em look like Ponev Mardl Or.-'s erowd. Frank Wood« K re-'dlne ? <nnrlo< now hv proxv He has four of 'em. with Mwm Kelso to help out If he tits hard prised N'iw that the Mutual Is advertlsini: <"!«n Pown-wlth-TTuert • VI'H in the Al'um-- Wlll'e Hamnierstf'n will prohahlv en a'ler hltn t< play an op<n week at the Corner What's become of the much touted, "Damaged Goods" Aim? Sounds as if it wa mounted on gum tires. Roy McArdle has sold 1340 scenarios since he hired out as an all around utility film au- thor and producer at the old Bio shop In the days before Roy got signed up at so much . cr by tbe World, Charley Greene of the Imp has asked for town assignments during the present weather. He's heard the ice Is frosen down as far as Nyack already and fears being marooned on the heights of Coytesvllle, The North American Is handling the Film D'Art's "3 Musketeers," with Dave Miles do- ing the barking. Jack Noble thinks that Edith Klngdon Bailor leads for the Ramo "Films"—Jack's own spell- ing—Is "the Prettiest girl on the screen" and writes In to VARIETY to say so. R. B. Fosdlck. Mayor Gaynor's special movie Investigator, says N. Y. wouldn't tolerate an official censor. Mascagni has fallen for the screen. He's writing a score to a film life of Oarahaldl in preparation in Milan. Mons. Ch. Jour Jon Pres, of the Paris Eclair, Is In town. Bert Ennls says he's very talkative. The Famous Players have engaged Madame Kallch. Dan'l Frohman Is going to Cuba for the F. P. Jan. 22. Al Llchtman has lit out for a whirlwind cross country hike in the sales Interests of the F. P. Samuel Goldfish reports a good demand for the maiden Jesse Lasky feature film. "The Squaw Man," tho be released Feb. 15. It's In Ave reels. Charles Urban of Klnemacolor Is due in Xew York from London this week. Dr. Doyen, noted French surgeon, who has the largest collection of surgical films in the world, proposes that medical *'udents be re- quired to witness operations as hown on the screen before they are admltte' to the actual operating room view. Dr. Doyen would estab- lish a surgical museum made up of films Illus- trating operations. The police of Long Branch (N. J.) Sunday evening stopped a moving picture show at the Broadway theatre, the first attempt at a Sab- bath performance in that town. The show was given for the benefit of the sufferers at Sea Bright (a neighboring town) by the recent storm. The movies are being used In salesmanship by the Montana . ower and Light Co., which Is floating $8,000,000 bonds. The concern's sales- men were assembled In Sherrv's, New York, Sunday evening and shown a film of the prop- erty In operation In order to give them a thor- ough knowledge of the property they were to deal with. A lecture accompanied the films. Matthew McHugh died In the Flushlnsr Hos- pital. Flushing. Long Island, after suffering an apoplectic stroke In a local moving picture theatre while laughing at a comic film. The International Bible Students' Associa- tion gave the first showing Sundav of "The Creation." a religious subject at the Temple. 63d street near Broadway. This Is the house begun by Butler Davenport as a stock estab- lishment and turned over to the religious so- cletv after becoming Involved In financial diffi- culties. The Aim exhibition Is given free after- noon and night In connection with the Asso- ciation's work. H. O. Wells, the English novelist, has sold the world's rights to his works for cinema- tographic purposes, to an International moving picture concern. It Is estimated that his royalties will amount to $25,000 a year. The Eastman Kodak Co. recently purchased 25 acres of lard on th«» outskirts of Toronto. Canada, paying $125000 for the parcel. Tt Is said this Is to be the site of a new factorv. Tt Is on the line of the Canadian Pacific rail- way. Tt has been rumored that the Eastman concern will use the new plant for the manu- facture of Its products for forelen markets In the event that It Is attacked under the Sher- man law In the United States. The United Kingdom Film Co., renresented hv .Tames MeEnnerv. Is offering n 1,000-foot Aim of Harrv Lauder snd Nell Kenvon en- gaged In a eame of golf In Scotland. Both artists nre now plavlng in the United States. Lauder on Independent tour and Kenyon book- ed over the hlg vnudevlle time. The Vlt aeranh continues to --end out an- "niinccmcnt« of it« policy nt the Criterion t»ip intent I-- that the photodramas present*"' there will h<- of Ave or more njirts. Among the flr=t will he "The Christian." "Mr Rurn^ of Vew York" |s another an<l a third Is "\ Million Dollar Bid." adapted from George Cameron's "Agnes." CYCLE OF ADVERSITY Daniel Frohman should feel tickled to death over the fine physical presentment of himself the Universal Films oner as one of the charac- ters In "The Cycle of Adversity.* I found the one reeler at the North Star theatre in Harlem Monday. A 3-sheet poster outside Informed me that all first run programs of the U cu-nple+e were to be found on view within dally. The bottom sheet of the same poster advertised an added attraction In "Country Store Night" every Tuesday, and " Department 8tore Night" every Thursday. But the poster was a libel on the U, for in- side were some tlmewora commercials of the Bio, tbe Kalem, the Standard, the Chrystal and other producers, but not a first run from either. However, the pleasure of seeing the erudite Impressarlo of legitimate theatricals, and himself now a fllraer. even though but counterfeited In one of 2 U films Included, was worth anyone's nickel and time. The par- ticular medium Introducing Mr. Frohman to nickel audiences doesn't matter much. Tt was about as true and about as Interesting as most hack work scenario stuff can be. but In the gleams It gave of the Frohman presence It was worth while. The cycle is the trouble orbit of a struggling young playwright. It's all very pathetic. He Is a nice looking young man with a Jack London face, and he works as a llnotyper and sleeps In a small attic room, where he conceives his dramatic In- spirations during off hours. The llnotyper*s union scale of wages means a weekly wage for the struggling dramatist equal If not sur- passing the sum MY. Frohman pays his own house manager, but there could not be any eye. if fact got In tbe way of fiction In this scenario. And he Just had to abide In an attic room. Anyway, the llnotvper-playwrlght Is doubling both Jobs, as Indicated, and do- ing the delmonlco stunt at a beanery. where the lunch counter girl between sinkers snd stews encourages the surging fires of the plav- maker's genius. His play completed, he tucks It under his arm and walks right Into Mr. Frohman'* office. Just like that, and hands the dignified Daniel the plav. Daniel waves the new Eugene Walters off. at first, but a moment later, discovering that he Is at that verv precise moment, all out of nice, good plavs. of sires to suit the Lyceum stage, the manager bids tbe struggling young playwright to return and leave his script. To properly annreclate the significance of the eve. In the title, you must go back to the morning after the author finished the last page of his plsv. That morning at tbe nrlntlng office he aot fired. The lunch girl who had aided him with svmpathy and counsel, she lost her yob. too. And. oh. yes. the day the dramatist got the vellow envelope, a beef-and guest at the bean- erv got fresh with the lunch counter girl, and the youne d. slammed him. and then there was a fight, and when evervbodv came and nicked up tbe young d.. and the surgeon came, they found he had a fractured noodle, or may- be Just concussion of the brain, and then he was taken to the hospital, and he lav there eight weeks, and meanwhile Mr. Frohman— It's Daniel Frohmanson In the printed cast- has put the play on, and It's been running to packed houses for four weeks (what do scenario writers care for time or money?) and no one can find the owner of the royal- ties, 'cause no one but the lunch girl knows where he Is, and then Mr. Frohman puts an ad. In the paper asking the young d. to come and collect his royalties, and then the lunch counter girl sees the ad., and she hunts up D. F., and then the author comes and gets his check, and then the author and D. F. and a fat actress sit In a box and watch the per- formance and the poor lunch g. ain't got no money to sit In the swell part of the theatre, but has to dig down deep Into her reticule for the gallerv coin, and then when she's up there a little while the author now In evening clothes down In the box spies her and goes right up and takes her right back to the swell box and D. F. sitting In front of the box never knows what's going on, as the 1-reeler ends. Mr. Frohman's women friends will be all clamor- ing, probably, for admission to the Frohman nlav reading office. When tbe young author bursts Into the sanctum for the first time be Interrupts two actorlnes who are helping D. F. select a play by occasionally slapping him on the back or on the chest or evincing other In- timate evidences of Intellectual and dramatic camaraderie. Corb. VAUDEVILLE OFF MAY 1. The Manhattan, Bronx and Queens* borough license bureau report 75 vaude- ville licenses due to expire May 1 next. Under the new Folks' ordinance, these houses must confine their programs thereafter to movies exclusively. RIGHT TO CHANGE NAME. Toledo, Jan. 14. The Bettis Amusement Co., of To- ledo, on Friday of last week, received the right at the incorporation offices in Columbus to change its name to the Exclusive Amusement Co. This com- pany controls a number of motion pic- ture theatres and the largest dance hall in the city. ™l7"^5o^To*Fr^o^e7tlse^Tn™"?XKIE¥5! don't advertise at all. RELEASED NEXT WEEK (Jan. 19 Is Jan. 26, ise.) MANUF\CTITBEB8 INDICATED BY ABBBFVIATTOVB. V1Z.I Vltagraph .. Blograph .. Kelem Lubin • Fathes ..... Bellg Edison ■ Essanay E-A Kletne HI Melles Mel Pthe EXCLUSIVE Oaumont • O.N.B.F O.N. Ramo B Solas Hoi Eclectic Bel r • K.A. ......■..* kr Lewis Pennants..L. P. Of Northern.. .O.N. Dragon D Ttala Tt O.N.X.X. ..O.N.X.X. UNTVKBEAL imp .,......••••• * Oem Oem Bison Bltl Chrystal © Nestor M Powers P Eclair Belr Rex Ex Frontier Fmt Victor Vic Blache Features..Bl MUTUAL American A Keystone Key Reliance Bel Malestlo MaJ Thanhouser T Kay-Bee KB. Broncho Br Domino Dent Mutual If NOTE—The subject is In one reel of about 1.000 feet unless otherwise noted. JAN. 19-MONDAY MUTUAL.—The Return of Helen Redmond. 2-reel dr., A: Too Many Birds, com.. Key: Our Mutual Girl, Rel. OENERAL F.—Reggie, the Daredevil, com., and Just Boys. com. spilt reel, B: The Jani- tor's Flirtation, com., and Ostrich Farming. South Africa. Ind., spilt reel. E: Trapped. o. ree ] fl r> K; The Eternal Duel. dr.. L; Pnthe Weeklv. No. B, Too Late, 2-reel dr., 9; Quantrell's Son, dr., V. UNIVERSAL.—The Man Who Lied. 2-reel dr., Vic.: Getting Rid of His Mother-in-Law, pom., I; Too Many Crooks, com., P. JAN. 20-TUE3DAY MUTUAL.—MaJ. and Thanhouser titles not announced. OENERAL F.—Who Was Oullty. 2-reel dr.. Pines: The Message of the Sun Dial, dr.. E; The Conquerer. dr.. 8-A : The Card of Mys- tery, com., and Match-Maklne Dads. com., spilt reel L: Insects That Mimic. Tnd., and Submarine Mvsterles, Tnd.. split reel. Pathe: Tils Guiding Spirit, dr., S; The Vavasour Ball. 2-reel com.-dr.. V. UNIVERSAL—The Unsigned Agreement. 2- reel dr.. Gold. Seal ; Jones's Burglar Trap. mm., and Midnight Soaring, com., split reel, c. JAN. 22-TMUKSDAY MUTUAL.—American, title not announced. The Tnformer. 2-reel dr., Dom.: Women In a Closet, com., Key. OENERAL F.—Tbe Sentimental Sister, dr.. B : A Night on the Road, dr., S-A ; The Man From the West. 2-reel dr.. L; Mel., title not announced. Pathe Weeklv No. 7, Pathe. and A Sword of Damocles. 2-reel dr.. Pathe: A Friend In Need, dr., S; Anne of the Golden Heart, dr.. V. UNIVERSAL—Absinthe. 4-reel dr.. I; A Mud Bath Elopement, com., Rel.; Slim and the Indian, com., Frnt. JAN. 23-FMDAY MUTUAL.—Kentucky Romance, dr.. K-B: Princess and Thanhouser titles not announced. OENERAL F.—The Necklace of Rameses. 3-reel dr.. E; Through tbe 8torm, 2-reel dr.. S-A : At Last They Eat. com., and Unveiling the Pilgrim Fathers' Monument Topical, split reel. K; The Moth, dr., L: Doc Yak. Moving Picture Artist, com.. S; The Perplexed Bridegroom, com., and Decoration Dav at Olrt Soldiers' Home, Topical, split reel, V. UNIVERSAL.—Robberv. dr., N; A Deuce and Two Pair, com . P; A Dangerous Ex- periment, 2-reel dr.. Vic. JAN. 21—WEDNESDAY MUTUAL.—-Conscience. 2-reel dr., Br. ; Mu- tual Weekly No. 50. Tricked by a Photo, dr.. Bel. CENTRAL F. The Uncanny Mr. Gumble. ' oni E: Looking for Trouble, com., S-A : The Piilefnce Brave. 2-reel dr.. K : Three T\-ilrs and a Cnf. com., and At Home with Heron. Tnd.. split reel Pafho: The Charmed Arrow, dr. R: Love's Old Orcnm. com.. V. UNIVERSAL. Counter Betty's Mine. dr.. N: Mike nnd Tnke ,n)n the Armv. com . .Inker; Coming Home. 2-reel-dr.. Eclr. ; Uni- versal Animated Week j No. 08. JAN* 24-SATURDAY MUTUAL. -At the Potter'B Wheel. Tnd.. A : Rehecra's Wedding Dav, com.. Kev; Mai., title not announced. The Hidden Clue. dr.. Rel. GENERAL F.—The Husband's Experiment, rlr.. B ; Edison, title not announced. Broncho Blllv nnd the Bad Man. dr., S-A: Explosive "D " dr.. K; The Blinded Heart, dr.. L; Cod's Warning, dr.. Pnthe ; Hearts of Women. "J-reel dr.. V. UNIVERSAL. Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl. com.. Joker; Abide With Me. dr., Frnt. ; For the Freedom of Cuba. 2*reel dr.. B101.