Variety (January 1914)

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VARIETY 25 Charles Horwitz D»»fa mji: "'As It May Be* oougbt laughs from beginning to end. and ua It stands with- out chance, is read/ for an/ sort of vaude- ville, where It will bo a big comedy uamber." IIOKYYITZ wrote It and hundred* of SKETCH HITS. CHAKLK8 HORWITZ, 1401 Broad way (Room 815). New York, phone *e4» tireeley. Telephone £SSS Bryant. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER Baggage Called for and Checked to All Railroad* and steamboats. Stand. 8. K. Cor. 4*d St. and 8th Ave. Storage—764 11th Ave., bet. 53d * 54th St. Office— X7« W. 48d St. NEW YOKK. I. MILLER, 1554 Broadway. »*4y»r i Tel. 5506-7 Chelsea ^— Manufacturer 202 ^^aBjILsV ot Theatrical W, 23rd St. ^ft*^ L « ° ° ■ a n d CLOO, Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a spec- ialty. All work made at short notice. Write for Catalog- 4. LEST YOU KOHtiKT _♦■■■% •£■*) _•■■»* 4f-^ «^ WB SAY IT YET Ws*» sT^L Vs**«*9 ^9 LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelope*. Free Samples. STAGE MONEY. 15c. Book of Herald Cuts. 25c. pnnCCI'KlNTING COMPANY miCkilfi tiI\U3Jioi 8. DEARBOHN ST. tiDIUAUU HORT VAMP HOES Our popular style 171 Vs In and black Illustrated and D—eras ed In Our FREE STYLE BOOK Many other *zcluslv« models. f>ft en high and low cuts, button or lace, *A'.. any heel, all slaea V UF Full line of Tango Slippers. Fair prices Hundreds of other Styles In all leathers and colors. Dainty Satin Slippers l SCg.M In any shads. French Heel j *™ Ballet Slippers, one Strap, all 1 t 1 51 shades J * J. QLASSBERG S Convenient Stores • 1 1 6th Ave., near Slat St. 68 3d Ave . N. Y. 225 Went 42d St. Near 10th SU West at B*wavy. ILLUSTRATED STY LB BOOK "C" FREE EDWMD S. HAPOLIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ARECO BU1LDINO 140th Street nnd Third Avenue New York Telephone 65t0-65tl Melrose Hneelalls* la theatrical litigation Don't Forget that Calox is the only Oxygen Tooth Pow-» der—that it's the oxygen that renders it so wonderfully efficient—that oxygen is the only substance that will whiten the teeth without injury—that it's the oxygen that destroys the germs and so stops decay, anc" finally—that the big men in Dentistry and Medicine both use and prescribe CALOX. All Druggists, 25 cents Sample and Booklet free on request McKesson a Robbins NEW YORK Ask for the Calox Tooth Brush, 35 cents. . in A'llirO X 11 llii*.. w .3*1- T± A TEN MINUTE SPECIALTY FOR $1.00 Three Original Farodies ou "1'EO O' Mi llr.AKl,'' "WHEN 1 LObl \OV." aod "THK I It All Of THE LONESOME FINE," also a sure-Hre poem, entitled "THE PASSING SONGS OF 1912-13" DuveLelUng 76 titles of song hit* Into a story. To get all this, sand F. O. *»• fcipres* Order for $1.00 to JUNIE McCREE, Columbia Theatre Bldg., N.Y.C.Suite 709-10 Dr. JULIAN SI EG EL O^cial DenUst to the WHITE RATS 204 WIST 4ted STIIECT. NSW Vo** CI ■ V tPEOlAi RATES TO THE PROf ESS0N QUEENIE SOULSBY (DUNEDIN) With the aVUitedin Iroupe for 14 yoars. Leaves the act Jan. 17. Desires offers. Address, VARIETY, New York. SINGS, DANCES, RIDES, SKATES AND TUMBLES. Mr. Mac key the speakers were State Senator John O. Sheatz, ol Uiib city, Clay M. Ur t eue. the playwright, Eben I'lympton, tne aaor, and David M. Lowrey. uhTcers elected lor the year were: President, Mayhn J. Pickering ; vlce-prebidtnt, Qllbert Ely; treasurer, p. Au- gustus Anaerson; secretary, J. 11. Taylor; trustees, Maylln J. Pickering, P. Augustus An- derson and J. H. Taylor. Mr. Pickering has been prealdent 25 yeans. In bis speech Mr. Mackey asserted that the "movies" cannot hurt tbe legitimate drama. Mclntyre and Heath, in an elaborate revival of the "Ham Tree," is one of tbe important early Spring bookings for tbe Lyric. 'The Pleasure Seekers" may also appear at tbe Lyric later in tbe current season. Edward McCabe, wbo claims to be an ac- tor, was held up by highwaymen Saturday night and stabbed in tne heart. A very deiicatc operation, during which three stitches were taken in bis heart, was performed at the Roosevelt Hospital and be will probably recover. Moving picture theatres throughout tbe city have received a warning against overcrowd- ing from John Price Jackson, State Commis- sioner of Labor and industry. Commissioner Jackson threatens to arrest and prosecute managers who ignore the State laws against overcrowding. State Fire Marshal Joseph L. Baldwin has called upon the producers of moving picture Alms and the exhibitors to refuse to make or display Alms which contain views of firebugs at work. He says the idea Is bad. Mrs. Mary W. Barber, whose husband was tbe proprietor of the old Eleventh Street opera house, for many years the home of Du- monts Minstrels, died Sunday. Cold weather with sbarp-blilng winds had little effect on Monday night's openings. Most houses held good audiences. BOSTOM By J. QOOLTZ. LOEWS ORPIIEUM (V. J. Morris, uigr. ; agent, Loew.). -Vaudeville. LOEWS ST. JAMES (li. Frank, ingr. ; agent. Loew).—Vaudeville. NATIONAL (George Haley, mgr. ; agent, V U. O.).—Vaudeville. HOLLIS (Charles J. Rich, res. ingr.j. Donald Brian in The Marriage Market. Huslness not as heavy on the final week as anticipated. COLONIAL (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—"Oh! Oh! Delphlne." Second week of a tun that will last until February. Doing big business. PARK (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—May Rob- son in "The Clever Woman." Last week. Business poor. TREMONT (John II. Schofil. res, mgr.J.- Ethel B'arrymore in Tantc." Second and last week. A disappointment. PLYMOl'TH (Fred Wright, res mgr.).— "Under Cover." Melodrama tli:• r found Itself In this city and which Is going great. Should get a good run In New York, a it is using a great last act punch and is 11-an. SHUBERT (E. 1). Smith, mgr.). Lew Fields In "All Aboard." Had no competition on his opening Monday night and will clean up In limited engagement of two weeks. MAJESTIC (E. I). Smith, res. mgr). "Lit- tle Women." Doing big. Four matinees are being played to handle the women. BOSTON (A. L. Levering, ns. mgr.). "The Whip." Business falling oiT, but expliatlon of syndicate lease at the end of this month has made It Impracticable to put in another at- traction for such a short engagement. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, res. mgr.).— Stock. "The Mlnd-Tbe Paint Cirl." This was held up by Craig until th, return of his wife (Mary Young), wha desired it. and the house Is sold out for the week. HOWARD (George E. Lothrop. res. „igr. ).-- "The Girls from Missouri." House bill headed by Carl Eugene's Troupe. Capacity. GRAND OPERA (George 10. Lothrop, mgr.). —"The Rector Girls." Good husiness. CASINO (Charles Waldron, res. mgr.).— ■Holies of li'eauty Row." C.aod. (7AIRTY (George T. Batcheller. res. mgr.). "The Cay New Yorkers." Excellent. "The Trnfflr In Souls" reels which opened a week ago at the Globe without anv supporting attractions to replace the usual 11 -ad hill | s playing capnelty five shows a week and the police have been railed to handle the crowd nights. The censors have approved of the reels. i lie collapse ol Mercedes, tue lelcpulaisi, I'Huay uigut wuiie on tu« oitu^a'a uoor ui ivcitu s wad tbougut at urst to Hjvl ulmi a pi'uaa a&cut slum, as be nau been cKvcilj icaturcu atl wet a. investigation rev«.alco, how- ever, luat came into in^ Ui-usc wan a pujbi^iau ana was given pci minion <..> b.iuh.- t'ii uio act luu miUlUcb baaU^u ui u iev<-i. i'dtious were showu to tueir beato uuim^ bto u^t, buuntuing iuul Meiccucb uibapprutea tuis may nuvs uad somctuin^ io no w.ta U. out be realty fainted, i be i>ostau papers u.u not mention tne lUciueut. lie was a~ic to ap- pear baiuruay matinee. '1 be Plaza theatre, &ukm, ou.' or the best playnouses in t^sscx county, has b«.uu leaseu oy tiio 1'iaza Amusuiueut Co. irom Johu iv,. biantuu, tue owner, to luplace the v\ iUb tliu- alie wutcn whs oumeu bcveral months a&o. atre month Donald Brian s latest streuuous dance, the Maxtxe, wbicn be lutrouueeu in bid Boston en- gagement to supplement the Futurist Twlil, Is going big. Manager A. L. Levering of the Boston the- re, wnich passed back at the enu ol this u<ontb into Keith's hands at tbe expiration of tne Syndicate lease, is said to be goiu.-; back to Loudon to represent Charles Froiimaii. There Is an inside story as to why Manager Fred Wright of the Plymouth Is not tj assume the manager's chair In the new Curt theatre which opens next Monday with Joseph 8antley in ' When Dreams Come True." A montu ago big press notices were published that Wrigbi was to handle tbe Cort In conjunction witu the Plymouth, which is a Let bier bouse, where be has only partially finished a contract which is said to include an investment of his own. His agreement with Jobn Cort was a vernal one, the story now goes, and called for $4,500 a year. Then Wright found that Cort s sou was to be installed as manager and that be was to be retained in an advisory capacity to "break in" young Cort In tbe line points of tbe managerial game in Boston. Following this discovery his friends contend that he wrote to Cort concerning several important points In connection with tbe new house only to llnd that Cort would not deal personally with him and that young Cort was to be consulted. So be sever* d connections with tbo Cort interests, although no enmity resulted. Immediately Cott sent over a couple of publicity men who have been bombarding tbe papers, and although tbey have not mentioned tbe Wright affair, it is rumored that there are two sides to It and that Cort was antagonized by the nature oi the first press notices which featured Wright as manager ot the new bouse rather than the tact that Jobn Cort bad built an "intimate" tbeatie in lioston. Much comment was arouBcd along Boston's Broadway whin it was found that the Bartlulomae musical <xinedy was chosen to open the house and that tn< op ning would come Monday night oi next wee* when three other houses will have new attractions. ATLANTIC CITY By I. B. I'ULAsKI. SAVOY (Jake B. Isaa •, nigr ). •■•"ho Inside of the White Slave Trairtw," four <ij/> dally, one week. APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr.). "V-ars of Discretion' (12-11); "The Ydlo*- Ti.Utt,' piemiere, with John Mason (1.VI7). The decision made by Louis \\<>l. >• Lite Friday night last to show "The In ,.!•■ ol the White Slave I ramc" at the Savoy this Week, Instead of vaudeville, and ainioiiu • •! in the local papers Saturday morning, mad.- a big stir here. On all sides there were ixpns lon- of surprise that these would be no vaudeville, and as a mailer of fa< t it is the first time In ten years a vailciy show was not -flired. it i, almost certain, h wi-vei, vaudeville will be icsumed next week. Tin- news that tin white slave movie woul I 1m slnwn eaii-el a tivity ill official circles, because of the : i-n .ition made by the lilin i:i New York."and S iturday morning the jin-eitor of Public >a'e.y <alled up and rerrn.■.-led that a private showing of the films be g:v. ii. This was efl« cte.l on Sunday afternoon and at hast ."»•» person - eonii'-cted with affair- were on hand. Mayor Riddle, ('ennui' sioiii rs Beyer, Thoin,^ ui and Pa.'hiach were present, togither with the polb i- ciiief. Maholm Woodrufl. I be coni- n;l- if ie i decided to permit the showing oi the liluVie. <;• -rg. Monroe Is visiting his hioth'r .John. Cmge is testing and says he will lontiiiu.' f ir ( in-' t:ni.>. He also says be can't "-ee Lon- don, nohow, no time. FRANK HAYDEN NEW TOIK INC. C0S1UMERS 149 W. 36th ST , Tel. 1681 Greeley. Bend for Catalogue. State and Evening Gowns on Hand JAMES MADISON VAUDEVILLE ACTBOB. 14*1 BROADWAY. NEW YOKK (Room 417). Exclusive Son|S I have written as many "hit" saa as any living writer. Straight, oaaaedy. double, produetloa, popular, topleal, etc. I*rlaelpal ooage aaeh eoaaoa far felag- feld, Lasky, Gus, Edwarda, aaaelcal •hows, ete., and for Taudevllle, annoh and plenty. 1 will write YOU a "GET OVEB BONG" WILL D. COBB, Suite 16, Harvard Bldg., Tit Sixth Are. (Car. 4Bd St.), Maw York. Tsl. WIS Bryant Otuee Hoars, 11 to 1 Hebrew Comedian WANTED ONE WHO CAN SING Address, EDGAR BIXLEY, 235 W. 109th St., New York City Mme. MENZELI Maltrem do Iiallet of Grand Opera. All utylcn of Dances and Classic Dancing Acts originated and »tuge«l. Instructor of world famous urtlats. Dally classes. Knyage- mtnts when competent. Teacher of Ameri- ca's t!ist premiere dansuuse, Ethel Oil more, tn grand opera, under Max Hablnoff, Mun- ugt r of Pavlova. '22 E. 16th St., bet. B'way and 6th Ave.. N. Y. QIML WANTED FOR WELL KNOWN ACT One who can hang by her teeth and alno do cart wheels; 0 feet 2 Inches, Weight \2!> pounds. V. C. W. (Apt. 10), 330 West 43d St.. New York. "The Yellow Ticket," the opening of which at tbe Kltluge theatre last week was delayed, opened here Thursday (\o) at the Apollo with John Mason in tbe cast. A. II. Woods present- :nls play of Michael Norton's. Quite a stir at the Apollo last Friday night, the second performance of "Damaged (Joods. There was a disturbance In the galleiy, or Itichard lt'enmtt thought there was. At the end of the llrst act be exclaimed: "if you un couth, hysterical beings up there do not be- have, I will ring down the curtain." At tic end of tbe second act be began his u-ual curtain speech with, "I tbank you, ladles and gentlemen, for your attention and you up there In the gallery, too." "Where do you think you are, home?" cani<> a voice from above. "I have gone through bell to produ.e this play." said Mr. Dennett, "and it Is to keep people like you from going to the Insane asylums, and I don't propose to have my work spoiled by rowdyism." There were expressions of amaze- ment from people on tbe orchestra Hour, for none bad heard any noise coining from the gallery. It is claimed by some that it was th • harking of a dog outside that llrst disturbed Mr. lieiineit, and that he was mM;iken thai anyone tiled to ridicule him. The Inst three days of next week at tin Apollo will see the premiere of a new Ameri- can comedy entitled "Marrying Money," pro- duced under the direction of Gilbert Miller The play was written by \V:i hington I'ezet. son of the 1'cruviati Minister at Washington, and liertram Marburgh. An eileetlve catch- line Is used in the billing which asks : "Would You for Twenty Millions'.' - ' The story Is about a young couple who el »pe. both believing that the other Is immensi ly wealthy, when neither has ii cent. However, in tin wooing they have really fallen in love and deride that a cotligc i-; Im tter than a iiian-lon. The enst has Win. Knselle. Will I'eining. Nun Cainp- Ik II, Juliette I).iv, .lames Urailbury. (Jen. (las ton. Krne>t Cos-art. Alfrnd de Hall. Isabel ii'M.idlgan. Frank II >111nx. Mary Harper and S Wheati roft. A sign paint' r ha- thi ; hum ii.iI I<■ l- . n'I In hi- window on St .lame: |>I:i< .•■ "Have Mown f i «jiii this In rg (', ui'' i'i S n,' Sing Will re turn in the spring. " Hi iinglit !>■• mi i hi- b-vel nt that. Tin' theatre tnent <nt)i il in \* :i t i ■ t y villi' wieks ago that Alfri-I l!inl<" planned t'i build on Virgiira avetiii' arel \\ 11! - ■ 11 i to hav a !!o.irilwalk entian ■ •■',■] • '■ the St ■• I \'i> i was glvii publii at;, in tin- lo- a! ;.;.p.|. a f e .•. days ago.