Variety (January 1914)

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26 VARIETY »t BEPPO a SUSETTE (Max Coster, Trainer) THE CURIOUS COMICAL CHIMPANZEES MYERS, Sole Manager KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS By O. M. SAMUELS. CRESCENT (T. C. Cam, hell, mgr.).—Evans' Minstrels. FRENCH O. H. (M. Affre, mgr.).—French Opera Co. in repertoire. DAUPHINE (John V. MeStea. mgr. ) .—Louis Dean Players in "Cameo Klrby." HIPPODROME (Lew Rose, mgr.).—Five Miramapbone Players, Teddy Osborne, Mono- ban and Monohan, Burton and Burton, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Jim Walsb. LAFAYETTE (H. C. Fourton, mgr.).—Cur- tis, and Hebard. Musical Stipps, Tojettle Hogue and Hardy, Harris Twins. ALAMO (Wm. Guer^nger, mgr.).—Vaude- ville. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr.).—Highly satisfactory program Kartllle, with Improvised apparatus, started things handsomely. Laura Buckly, consummate artist; Bell Family, epito- mize word showmanship; Crouch and Welch, vigorous; Theodore Roberta, masterful pre- sentment ; Kennedy Nobody and Piatt, fa- miliar ; WInslow and Duffy, fair. TULANE (T. C. Campbell, mgr.).—"Blue Bird." beautiful production, opened well. Ben Oreet Players are booked for the Tu- lane stadium April 29-30. Jackson,' Miss., Is to have a new theatre. 'Twill seat 1.800 and cost $40,000. Authorities were notified by an obscure ma- gician his wife has been obscured, the trick fellow telling his story at length, and, ma- glclan-llke, concealing nothing. They had been caravanlng about the byways but nobody bought. The wife, growing hungry one meal- less day, killed and ate the magician's duck. Things became strained after this. A mealy- mouthed barber appeared and the wife disap- peared. Barber's a whites' shaver. Cecil Yapp, who originated the role of Tylette In "The Blue Bird," Joined the road production In New Orleane. Phil Rellly supersedes Maurice F. Barr as flctlonlst of the Dsupbine. Barr Is doing the booming for the Hippodrome and Fabacher's. John V. MrStea Is the new manager of the Dauphlne. MrStea managed the Lyric under its Spoonerlzed Blaney regime, augmented and argumented by Mrs. Spooner's speeches, off and on. Gray matter—what they say to Variety Reps. So you're with Variety? Thej gave me great notices In I've been thinking of doing a little ad- vertising. Have you caught me? I'd like you to mention me If it won't be too irui'h trouble. I'd like to advertise but you know we can't. Slme's a great friend of mine. Where do you get your information? st.Touis By O. R. CAR&ON aad W. 4. DILI* OLYMPIC (Walter Ford, mgr.).—"Mile- stones." Business good. 10. "Pleasure Seeker*." SHITBERT (Melville StoltR. mgr.).—Evelyn Nesblt Thaw Co. Capacity bouses. 19, "Peg O' My Heart." AMERICAN (H. R. Wallace, mgr).—"The Round Up." Big business. STANDARD (Leo Relchenbach. mar.).— nilly Watson's "Beef Trust." Well filled nous?*. G"AYETY (('has. Walters, mgr.).—'Progres- sive Girls." Large audiences. COLUMBIA (H. D. Buckley, mgr.).—Saharet. headlined ; Chas. E. Evans & Co.. excellent; Minnie Allen, scored; The Great Lester, fine; Carl MeCullough. hit; Lorraine A Purkes, clever; Chris Baker, fair; Redford A Winches- ter. EMPRESS (C. B. Helb. mgr.).—Dorothy Rogers A Co.. headlined ; Barnes A Robinson, very good; Violet MacMlllan, winning; "Girl Abroad," pleased; Ireland A Catto. well re- ceived. PRINCESS (W. J. Flynn, mar.).—Eddie Marshall, delighted; Maye A Addis, heartily encored ; Wadelle. excellent; Canfleld A Carl- ton, very xood ; Frank Mullane, hit; Pekinese Troupe, pood. HIPPODROME (Frank Tnlhot. mgr.).— "Waltz Dream." headlined ; Belle A Jones, funny; Harry Fisher & Co.. applause; Rellly ft Stone, pleased ; Lerov ft White. ln«i«hter; Rnmza ft Armo. did well; Bostwlck ft Howard, good ; Kono. Welch ft Melrose: Hilton A Hughe*, lauehter; Congress Trio, entertained. GRAND (Harry R. Wallace, mar.).—"Sunnv Side of Broadway." headlined ; Welllna-Lever- Ina, funnv ; Irene ft,Bobby Smith, scored : New- port ft Sllrk. good comedv ; Belleclalre f- Her- man, sensational; Tom Kerr, warm applause: Becker ft Adams, encored. CINCINNATI By nAnRY V. MARTIV r.RWD (.T H. Havlln. mpr. : Theo Aylwurrl, tiijrr. ; K ft K) -Henrietta Cro«»*ninn In "The Tongue* of Men." 10. "Poor Little Rl'h Girl " LYRIC (M. T. Mlddleton. mgr ; Shubert).— Romance." 10, 'A Modern Girl." WALNUT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.).—"The Newlyweds and Their Baby." 10, "The Old Homestead." GERMAN (Otto E. Schmid, mgr.).—German stock, "Das Gluck im Winkel," beneht for Amanda h'lum, leading woman. OKfHEUM (J. Herman Ttauman, mgr.).— Stock. STANDARD (A. L. Rleaenberger. mgr.; stock).—Burlesque. GAYETY (Arthur Nelms, mgr.; Columbia.). — "Golden Crooks." OLYMPIC (McMaban A Jackson, mgrs.; Progressive).—Blanche Baird Co. EMPRESS (Oeorge F. Fish, mgr.; 8-C.).— Dorsch A Russell opened; Campbell A Mc- Donald, light; The Usher Trio, good; Harry Rose, good ; Cecile, Eldred A Carr, nice; "In Old New York," excellent. HEUCK'S (James Day, mgr.; agent, R. J. Gomes).—Turno A Turno, Gilbert A Graham, Frank Nash and Sahera. Manager Fish Is to remodel the Empress, in- creasing the seating capacity. Property ad- jacent In the rear will be purchased. Harry Kreamer, confidential agent of Klaw A Erlanger, Is in this city, and is reported to be investigating the box office end of various houses. Kreamer said his report would be sent to New York. He and Manager Aylward, of the Grand, had several long conferences. Otto E. Schmid, manager of the German stock company, has been chosen National Di- rector of the Western Division of the German National Theatre of America, with headquar- ters at Denver. PITTSBURGH By OEOROB H. SBLDR8. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; agent. U B. O.).—Eddie Foy and Seven Foys scored Williams A Wolfus, close second; O'BrJen, Havel A Co.. fine; University of Pittsburgh Glee and Mandolin Clubs, good; Morton A Glass, good; The Rosalres. thrilled: Grace DeMar. good;' Chas. Mack A Co. did well; Three DuFor Boys scored. HARRIS (C. R. Buckhelt, mgr.; agent. V. B. O.).—"A Day in Court," scream; Keene & Miles, scored ; Leg Jundts, did well; Mi- rambo Duo. fair; Frank A Williams, original; Juggling Wilbur, good ; Gladstone A Talmage, scored. SHERIDAN SQUARE (J. F. Tooker. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Menlo Moore'a "Mother Goose Girls'* scored heavily; lea bell MUler A Co., a hit; Hermany'a Cats A Dogs, good; Crawford ft Broderlck, good; Carlisle A Ho- mer, fine; Maurice Bercy, puzzled; Thereaa Miller, fair. EMPIRE (A. A. McTighe, mgr.: agent. L. C. McLaughlin).—Terry and Blancbard Musi- cal revue, great hit; Short A Short, good; LaMar, fair; Bingham A Thornton, fine; Matiera, good. ROWLAND (P. B. Jones, mgr.; agent, Sun). —Mark Lee's Musical Review opened to full house and runs all week. It takes the place of the usual five acts with two changes. ALVIN (J. P. Reynolds, mgr.).—Ger- trude Hoffmann's Revue with Chlng Ling Foo opened to a good house but no enthusiasm, the show falling flat. 10, "Romance." NIXON (Thos. Kirk, mgr.; K. A E.).— Julia Sanderson in "The Sunshine Girl" opened to an enthusiastic house Jammed to the roof. 19. "The Lady of the Slipper." DUQUESNE (Harry Davis, mar.; Stock).— "The Gamblers" opened to good house. 19, "The Girl Question." PITT (W. McVfcker, mgr.; 8tock).—"First Lady of the Land" opened to good house. 19. "The Blindness of Virtue." LYCEUM LC. R. Wilson, mgr.; S. A H.).— "The Spendthrift" opened to fair sized audit ence. This house first to feel effect of "Billy" Sunday revival. 19, "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. OAYETY (Henry Kurtzman. mgr.; East- ern).—"The Beauty Parade" got fine reception from big audience. VICTORIA (Geo. Schaeffer. mgr.; Progres- sive).—"Girls from Joyland" opened to good house. 19, "Belles from Broadway." The craze for new dances continues un- abatfd. No sooner do one aet of New York artists leave than another arrives. Donna Bain and Donald Crane made a hit In Intro- ducing the Maxixe Bresillen, the Paris sen- sation at the Saturday "the dansante" In Hotel Schenley. COSTUMES FOR PRODUCTIONS AND ACTS FROM YOUR OWN OR OUR DESIGN AT SHORT NOTICE PRICES—MODERATE NORMAN W. GOULD JOE SULLIVAN 1493 BROADWAY PUTNAM BLDG., 43rd and 44th Sts. Adjoining Shanleys The University of Pittsburgh in conducting a $a,OUO,000 campaign is leaving no means for making money unused. At the Grand this week one of the numbers is the college glee and mandolin club and in the Sheridan Square the Crack Comedy Trio, composed of students, will be seen later. One of the disappearance mysterlea that has been causing a sensation waa cleared when Lavlnla Schleaa wrote from New York tell- ing her father infatuation for movlea had led her to seek work as a picture actress, In which she was successful. Johnny Black, a reporter, is advance mau for "The Leper" company which plays Battle Creek Jan. 13 and goes west. Three com- panies for this play by George Seibel have been organized by William Moore Patch or the Pitt theatre. The firemen of Vandergrift, near here, opened a nlckrlodeom and the proflta will be used In outfitting the volunteers and provid- ing new apparatus. The Colonial theatre and apartment house In Ambndge, near here, were deatroyed by fire Jan. 10; loss, $25,000. The theatre was owned by Frank J. Kreyley and partly covered by Insurance. An ignited film la blamed for the blaze, which chased a Bcore of families through a skylight and across neighboring buildings. At the Victoria "Girls from Joyland" called for persons In the audience to come up and be kissed, and the answer was almost a riot "The Sunshine Girl" opening waa a benefit for the Juvenile Court Association and all the boxes were purchased by Mrs. A. J. Laugh 1 in, Jr., who entertained 100 persons. MILWAUKEE By P. O. MORGAN. MAJESTIC (James A. Hlgler, mgr.; agent, Orph.)—Well balanced bill. Valeska Suratt in "Black Crepe and Diamonds," registering nicely; Hoey A Lee, scored; Frosinl, great; Jack Kennedy A Co., went big; Wright A Dietrich, excellent; Carl Rosini, fine; Jose de Mllo's posing turn, good. EMPRESS (William Raynor, mgr.; agent. S-C.).—"I've Got It," great; Bessie Browning, scored; "A Golden Wedding," pleases; Edward A John Smith, appreciated; Fred St. Onge A Co.. good. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr.; agent, T. B. C.) —"The Candy Shop," hit; Ward Baker, excellent; Romana Ortiz, good; Rockwell A Wood, entertaining; Dietrich A Ellwood. fine. ORPHEUM (Frank Cook, mgr.; agent, T. B. C.).—Shaw's Circus, scores; Otis Mltcheas, hit; The Yendys, good; Nat Lefflngwell A Co., fine; O'Neill Sisters, please. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.; agent. Ind).—George Arliss in "Disraeli." Good business- 19, "Bought slid Paid For." SHUBERT (Charles C Newton, mgr.; Stock).-Excellent houses. PABST (Ludwlg Kreiss, mgr.).—German Stock. Capacity. OAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.).—"Bow- ery Burlesquers." Business good. Gaby Deslys show plays Auditorium mati- nee and night, Jan. 28. First appearance In this city. Melba and Kubelik appear In a Joint con- cert, in the south half of Auditorium, Jan. 21. Ysayer plays in the Pabst on Jan. 25. ATLANTA By B. B. MeCAW. FORSYTH (Hugh Cardoza. mgr.; agent. U. B. 0.).—Sophie Tucker, best; Francis McGinn A Co., do well; Hopkins & Axtcll, please; Richards A Kyle, good ; James Cullen, ap- plause ; DeWltt, Burns & Torrence, novelty ; Van Cleve, Denton A Pete, fair. ATLANTA (Homer George, mgr.; K. & E.) —12-14, "Broadway Jones"; 15-17, "Within the Law"; 10. "Peg O' My Heart." LYRIC (Jake Wells, mgr.).—Norman Hack- ett Stock. BIJOU (Jake Wells, mgr.).—Eddie Black Stock. COLUMBIA (Frank Hammond, mgr.).- Bur- lesque. Leila J. Williams, once in minor roles in "Floradora" and In later Broadway musical productions, Is dead at Macon from Injuries received five years ago In a railway accident Jackson, Miss, is to have a new theatre seat- ing 1,800. Houston Bowers is behind the pro- ject. The Columbia Is mixing boxing with burlesque once a week, staging six-round bouts each Saturday night. BRONX, NEW YORK By C. RLDOT 1HKMSLER. BRONX OPERA HOUSE (Richard Madden, mgr.).—Walker Whiteside In "The Typhoon;" next. "The Man Inside"