Variety (January 1914)

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VARIETY 35 THE SINGING VIOLINIST EN ROUTE FOR AUSTRALIA where he has been booked for 26 weeks by HUGH MclNTOSH Returning to England (the land of his former triumphs) in the fall. ORPHEUM' (Martin Lehman, mgr.) — Fox 4 Dolly, went over In great atyle; Joe Welch, big; Six Musical Cuttye, tuneful; Oenaro ft Bailey, excellent; BUI Pruitt, pleasing voice; KartelU, thriller; Four Athletes, fair. KMPRES8 (Dan McCoy, mgr.L—Edna Aug, headlined and did well; "Lours* Christmas?' entertaining; Dancing Mars, graceful; Haugh- ton, Morris ft Haughton, sensational; Adelyhe, Lowe ft Co., fair; Leo Beers, good. HIPPODROME (J. A. Oerspacher, mgr.).— Mlnnl Amato ft Co., good pantomime; Base- ball Four, good ball players probably; Four Cook Sisters, big; Hilton ft Hughes, roars; LeRoy White, fair; Three Juggling Bannona, ordinary; Nat Lefflngwell A Co.; Riley A Stone, entertaining; Four Rosters, fine. GLOBE (Cyrus Jacobs, mgr.).—Minstrel Four, big; Three Elliotts, musical treat; Peters ft Styler, very good ; Agnes Kayne, fair; Jane Elwyn, cartoon novelty; Talsle Japs, clever; Ktnemacolor. GRAND (A. Judah, mgr.).—"The Girl of My Dreams." Fair week. AUDITORIUM (Meta Miller, mgr.).—Meta Miller Stock Co. In "St. Elmo." Big house. GAYETY (Burt McPhall, mgr.).—Cracker- Jacks. Fine week). WILLIS WOOD (Roy Crawford, mgr.).— Monte Carlo Girls. Fair houses. MINNEAPOLIS By C. W. MILES. METROPOLITAN (L. N. Scott, mgr.).— George Arllss In "Disraeli" drew excellent bouses week Jan. IS. "The Traffic in Souls" opened Jan. 24 for a week. Severely con- demned by press. Week 1, "Mutt and Jeff In Panama." BHUBERT (A. G. Bainbrldge, Jr.. mgr.).— Florence Roberts in the second week of her four weeks' engagement did "Sham," which she played origlually before selling it to Henri- etta Crosman, to good business. "Sapho," week of Jan. 2."), with expectations of ca- pacity houses. This is the version done In moving pictures by Miss Roberts last sum- mer. "Mme. Sans Gene" follows. ORPHEUM (O. A. Raymond, mgr.).— Week 18, Chip & Marble, pleased Immensely ; 8 Miller Kent & Co., good; Armstrong A Clark, hit; Hartleys, good; Vlnle Daly, pleased; Lorna & Toots Pounds, good, need new material; Bryand Cheerbert's Marvelous Manchurlans, sensational hit. BIJOU (Hitchcock ft Blalslng, nigra.; Pant- ages).—Shaw's Comedy Circus, Lawrence Johnston, Davltt ft Duvall, West ft Boyd, Oregolre ft Elralna, Van Lear ft La Fleur. UNIQUE (Jack Elliott, mgr.; S-C).—Top O' the World Dancers, Moffat-Clare Trio, Hong Fong, Ollvottl Troubadours, James Francis Sullivan. MILES (W. F. Gallagher, mgr.; T. B. O — The Btemens, Charles Howe ft Co., Smllette Sisters, Connelly A Naulty, Green ft Parker. NEW GRAND (Chas. Dempsey, mgr.; W. V. A.).—Hendricks ft Belle Isle Co.. Tom Sldello ft Co., H. T. McConnell, Dallas Romans. GAYETY (Wm. Koenlg, mgr.).—Pat White and the Big Jubilee. Fritzl Scheff wll divide the week of Feb. 1 between the Minneapolis and St. Paul Or- pheums. She will play four nights In Minne- apolis and three in St. Paul. John and Emma Ray will headline the local bill the rest of the week. The National Grand Opera Company of Canada will give four performances at the Metropolitan March 9-11. SEATTLE, WASH. By HERBERT L. STAY ORPHEUM (Carl Relter, mgr.; agent, di- rect).—Week 10, Valmont A Reynen. opened, well received ; Conly A Webb, good ; Leo Car- rillo, pleased; Dcmarest A Chabot, scored; Wm. H. Murphy A Blanche Nichols, riot; Ger- trude Barnes, hit; Mazlne Bros A Bobby, ap- plause. This was one of the beat bills this season. EMPRESS (E. C. Donnelly, mgr.; agent, S-C).—Week 19, Earl Girdeller, opened, not up to Empress standard; Rich A Lenore, fair hand; Chas. B. Lawlor A Daughters, went well; Burke A McDonald, bit hit; Adas Fam- ily, big applause. PANTAOES (Ed. Mlllne, mgr.; agent, di- rect).—Monohan, opened, well liked; Lillian Watson, applause; Billy A Laura Dreyer, pleased ; "Twenty Minutes In Chinatown," big applause; Millard Kennedy A Christie, well received ; Uneno Japs, scored big hit. METROPOLITAN THEATRE (Oeo. Mac- Kenzle, mgr.).—Pictures. MOORE THEATRE (Ben Ketchum, mgr.).— Robert Mantell, good business. TIVOLI THEATRE.—Keating ft Flood Stock Co. Good business. GRAND.—Pictures and acts. SEATTLE.—Stock Co., fair business. ST. PAUL By C. J. BENHAM. ORPHEUM' (E. C. Burroughs, res. mgr.).— Dance Reveries, please; Herman Ttmberg, favorite; Sblrlle Rives ft Co., fair; Parlllo ft Frablto, liked; Kingston A Ebber, get by; Blessings, good ; Manlo, clever. EMPRESS (Qus S. Greening, mgr.).— "Opening Night." good; Gwynn A Gossett. scored; Bessie Browning, appreciated; Smith A Smith, applause; Fred St. Onge A Co., clover NEW PRINCESS (Bert Goldman, mgr.).— Lottie Williams A Co., headlines; Rud A Nellie Helm ; Fontaine ft Edna Davis. METROPOLITAN.—Mr. Geo. Arllss A Co. in "Disraeli." GRAND (Theo. L. Hayes, mgr.).—"Girls from Happy Land." GAIETY (Otto N. Raths, mgr.).—Guy Daly A Co., Clifford A Ross, Ruth Talford, Gulstad Duo. SHUBERT (Frank Priest, mgr.).—Stock. Making Character With cigarettes, as with men, it is easy to give the semblance of character—but to make a cigarette like Fatima—ah, there's the rub! Only the choicest to- bacco, artfully blended can give that "distinctive" Fatima flavor. For 60 Fatima Coupons \>ou can secure a White Satin Pillow Top, 24 inches square, decorated with hand- somely pointed flowers —24 designs to select from. "Distinctively Individual 1 ' lofr-vi* TORONTO By HARTLEY. ROYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Solman, mgr.).— The National Opera opened in "Gloconda" to capacity. Primrose A Dookstader's Minstrels. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr., agent, U. B. O.).— Dooin A McCool, well received ; "The Green Beetle," absorbing; Bernard Relnold A Co.. good; Bert Eenol, unique; Seymour's Happy Family, well trained ; Grace Wilson, pleased ; The Vivians, skillful ; Jed A Ethel Dooley, a hit. PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard, mgr.).—"The Doll Girl," with Richard Carle and Hattle Williams. "The Lady of the Slipper." LOEWS YONOK STREET (Charles E. Sew- ards, mgr.; agent. Loew).—Ellls-Nowlan Troupe, George Armstrong, Coakley, MoBrlde A Nllo. William Morrowand. Donna Harris, Jobn Nef and Carrie Starr, The Groat John- Bon. The Saheras. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.).—"A Fool There Was." 'Ready Money.' STAR (Dan F. Pierce, mgr.; Progressive).— "The Jolly Girls. Militant Maids." MAJESTIC (Peter F. Orlffin, mgr.; agent, Griffin).—Coyman A Gllmun, Atlantis A Flsk, Smith A Woods, Lc Noire A Woods, Robt. L. Montague. GAYETY (T. R. Henry, mur. ; Columbia). - The Honeymoon Girls, ltowery Burlesquers. BEAVSR (W. L. Joy. mgr.; agent. Griffin). —La Lorde A Yarlck, The EhbpIIh, Morgan A West, The Winnies, Vincent Vernon, Jack Oil- man. LA PLAZA (C. Wellsman, in^r. ; agent. Grif- fin). De Loss & Penrl. Kdmonds A I>nvalle, Eddy Fox, J. Koene. CHRYSTAL (F. Robson. mKr. : agent. Grif- fin). -The Campbells, II. Whitney, 1\ Sharon, EdmondB A Luvalle. I'EOI'LKS (S. Aboud, ii)(?r. ; agent. Orlffln) J. Keone, Chan. Sanders. miLDS (G. Maxwell, mgr.; agent, Griffin). -Frank Wennlcy. L. Manchester. 'Back of the NAME Jl^ stands -^ ^IKfTwaMlJlLX ROCK & FULTON SAY: "Just |»ur«-hiiN<Ml your new TAY- LOR WAKOROHK to replace my old style TAYLOR TRUNK. I ft ml the new Style the moM convenient made." C.A.TAYLOR TRUNK WOI.KS CHICAGO; 35 K Randolph St. NEW YORK: 131 W 38th St. L-MAIM In " By HAROLD SELMAN, Author of the following: "The 1040 West," "The Passing of Santo,*' "The Tables Turned,'' "His Last Banquet," "Time and The Man" I Weber a Beck -* Fr azer Eva Tanguay Show American Music Hall Next Week (Feb l), Chicsio