Variety (January 1914)

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V RIB BEST PLACES TO STOP AT LEONARD HICKS and HOTEL GRANT. nam The Keystone off Hotel Hospitality COB. MADISON AND DBABBOBN STS. GEO. ROBERTS, Asst. Mgr. Professi ely Heated Hatha and every oonvenK fee KILDA ■J hoy Acknowledged a* the beet place to stop at la New York City. One block from " Offices and Vi Now at 67 W. 44th Street PAULINE COOKE, Sole Proprietress ST. LOUIS. MO. REGENT HOTEL, id© N. 14TH NEW URGENT HOTEL, 101 N. 14TH METROPOLE HOTEL, 600 N. 1STH ST. E. E. CAMPBELL, Prep, and Mgr. Theatrical Headquarters. Tea Minutes' Walk U Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA -A Theatrical Hotel ef the Better Cleee" Walnnt Street, above EInhth Bi.Hnilnlniiin Opposite Casino Theatre rUMBUWpntE Cafe Cabaret every night COOKE'S HOTtt HOME OF THE WHITE BATS DIXON EUROPEAN HOTEL Hot and cold running water la reeeme Bath, ae extra FARGO, N. D. SARATOGA LUNCH. fittsmiri E. FISHEL Lyceum, AUvta aad Oayety Opea Day aad Night. Heeae far White KANSAS CITY, MO. HOTEL CONVENTION Oer. ltth aad Possible an NEW YORK til W. 88d St. Tel. 8700 Greehj Florida House Flereattae Prefeeeloaal Dinner 40c Deelaiise Mea'e Lunch, SOe. Special Beard for Artiste. COOK'S PLACE HO W. StTH ST. Phono Greeley MSt MA LYNCH NEW YORK CITY SI per day aad ap. LINCOLN HOTEL Kmo M. W. WASHMaTON Bates to Theatrical Pre* amusing water la rooms, bath la doable ltth HOTEL PERRIN Hal ton A Brans, Proprietors 161-168-166 WASHINGTON ST. PROVIDENCE, R. I. American aad Eoroi IPECI AL BATES TO THE PROFESSION " SPOKANE, Wash. WHITE BATS' HBADQUABTKBS THE FAIRMONT <E "8SS? AN ROOMSi •4 Single, SB Double Without Bath, Per Week. 07 Single, St Double With Bath, Per Week. STRICTLY MODERN AND UP TO DATE • Minutes' Walk from All Theatres W. A. CHILCOTE, Manager TeL Bryant 40S1 The Monfort Furnished Booms, With or Without Board let Wert 40th St.. N*W YORK Hotel Plymouth 38th Street (Bttwees Broidway a*. 8th avt-.). I. T. City New Fireproof Bathilag. A Stone's Threw from Single room $1.!!? $1.?5 or $1.52 with private bath Double room $1.5! $1.15 or $2.1!! with private bath Special lew weekly rates to the prefc hot aad cold running water, electric light and Every room Phoae If SO Oreelcy lUBOFEAN FLAN T. I INNOTT, Manager. HOTEL RALEIGH 04S DBABBOBN AVE., CO OHI Opeaed March let—AD Outride B o erne with Hot Water—Telephone aad S p a d oac Clothes Closet Planned far the Comfort at the Prof to os.oo per to 8000 per Cold RATES:{S" Ph North 6060. Fire Mlnutoe to Phone 1044 Bryant GEO. P. SCHNEIDER, Prop. THE BERTHA FURNISHED APARTMENTS Complete for Housekeeping. Strictly Theatrical. 328 WEST 4SD STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Hot Water, Bath, 8-4 Rooms. NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER HOUSE. COMMERCIAL HOTEL »-».« ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Has Changed Hondo Under Entirely New Management RATES $3—10 WEEKLY ***** a.,*] | Q ^ oAsT 1 ** STEAM HEAT ■ W.ew 686*1888 IT 900 ROOMS BNTIRRLY RrVoDKLED ELEVATOR EUROPEAN PLAN SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION IMENAy YORK 22 W. 60th STREET (Near Columbus Circle), NEW YORK Single room, cosy aad warm, SUM per week up; double room, 66 per weoh upi roe private bath, 87 per week up; parlor bedro om and bath, 610JO per week up; ran aad cold water; rood bode; telepheae la every room; aleo electric light; excellent reetaaraat attached; home coohlng; prioce reaeoaable; tranelente. Catering to the profeeelon. New Maaagemeat. with I I UNDER MANAGEMENT OP THE OWNER ARTHUR 252-254 West 38th St., off 7th Avenue, NEW YORK $2.50 to $5.00 Weekly 100 rooms, scrupulously clean, baths en every floor, steam heat, electric light and can Telephone 4156 Greeley. AN ITALIAN DINNER YOU WON'T FORGET •raiv C|ni ITil — ™ Lunch 40c. BE ■ II ■_ I I II "eon «* Suo».««. With Wine ^ ■ W BsB ■ ■ W Wjtn Wine Catering to vaudeville's blue Bat SCHILLING HOUSE 107-100 Went 46th Street, NEW YORK • American Plaa. MEAL SERVICE AT ALL HOURS. Private Bathe. Marie Phoae Seymore Hotel Everything Now 46-60 South Ave. R O Ch tttwT. N.Ys JOHN A. DICKS, Prop. WELLINGTON HOTEL Wabash Ave. aad Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO Rates To The Prafeeeton J. A. BILBY, HOTEL ECHO A feariaa. la the heart of the 61-66 Alhtoa Street BOSTON. Mots*. like hotel far the Bate* VBBY 6 SaintPaul Hotel OOTH ST. AND COLUMBUS AVE. NEW YORK CITY One Meek aad 6th Ave. L Stations. Same Century, Colonial, Circle aad Park Th« 100 Boo m s , ana ef bath. Si per day. 160 Room a private bath, 81.60 per day. Suites, Parlor, Be d r o om A Bath, 88 aad ap. By the week, 86-80 aad 814 aad ap. SPECIAL BATES TO THE PROFESSION. Telepheae 1000 Columbae MANDEL FE D YOU WELL AT TMB BBSTAUBAMT WHY CANT I DO LIKEWISE AT MANDEL'S INTER-OCEAN HOTEL ? RATE, 68.60 AND UP. STATE AND YAN BUBEN STS. CHICAGO