Variety (January 1914)

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V IETY VAUDEVILLE PRODUCER Author and Producer of the Following Successes "The Passenger Wreck" "Salvation Sue" "The Mermaid and the Man" * "The Devil and Tom Walker" "Tom Walker on Mars" "At Jimtown Junction" "The Macy Models" "Mammy Lou" "Tony and the Stork" (Produced by MAURICE FREEMAN) IN PREPARATION: VlVlSCCtlOn (A playlet based on this much discussed subject) "The Coral Cameo" "The Squaw" (By chas. w. place) "Sick-A-Bed" To hear from writers who have acts with original themes. Will give anything I select an elaborate production. Nothing too big for me, but will only consider acts that are original in theme and up-to-the-minute in construction. All manuscripts given careful consideration. Enclose postage to cover return of manuscripts. JOHN 1402 BROADWAY HYMER NEW YORK CITY