Variety (February 1914)

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6 VARIETY PROMINENT CHICAGO PEOPLE IN FIRST INST ITUTIO N OF ITS KIND New American Hospital, Made Possible by Dr. Max Thorex, to be Dedicated to the Theatrical Profession. Charles E. Kohl Elected President. Musicians' and Billposters' Unions Represented on Directorate. Chicago, Feb. 4. Prominent Chicagoans of the the- atrical profession were elected to the directory list of the New American Hospital that has been made possible through the energy displayed by Dr. Max. Thorex, the eminent surgeon and physician who has devoted so much of his time during the past years to the players. At a meeting held last night in the Grey Room of the Hotel Sherman, Charles E. Kohl was elected president, Adolph Marks, first vice-president; Aaron Jones, second vice; Rev. Dr. Frances Martin, third vice; E. J. Boree, fourth vice; F. J. Warren, fifth vice; Charles Andrcss, secretary, and Judge McGoorty, treasurer. Mr. Boree rep- resents the Musicians' Union; Mr. Warren, the billposters'. Several speakers urged that work be rushed and it is expected within 30 days a bond issue will be floated to finance it. Wrticles of incorporation have been forwarded to Springfield that will make possible the first insti- tution of its kind in the world, a hos- pital for actors. Dr. Thorex suggested the idea some months ago. His experience with the profession in a medical capacity brought to his attention the need of a resting place for the ill, where they would he in the atmosphere most con- genial to them. Dr. Thorex has suc- cessfully performed operations in this city that have been pronounced as al- most miraculous, he often taking hold of a case after it had practically been given up as hopeless. Due to the cen- tral location of Chicago on the map, Dr. Thorex decided this town was ideal to place his pet project in. He will he chief surgeon, and select the staflF under him. YOUNG PEOPLE MARRY. Providence, R. I., Feb. 4. Patrolman John W. Ward, one of the city's old reliable Dogberrys, got a real surprise Sunday in the shape cf a tel- egram from Syracuse announcin«r the marriage of his son, William J. Ward, to Sarah M. Ferguson, of Hartford. Young Ward is the singing comedian with one of Gus Edwards* vaudeville companies. Mrs. Ward is a non-pro- fossional. BAD BUSINESS DID IT. Spokane, Feb. 4. The real reason for the shift of the Orpheum Circuit vaudeville from this city to Vancouver is said to have been the bad business the big time Orpheum vaudeville bills drew to the local Or- pheum theatre. Another cause given for the removal is said to be the diflficultirs with rail- roads over the jump into this city. Joseph Muller remains as manager of the Orpheum, for the SulHvan-Consi- dine road shows which will hereafter appear at that theatre. J. W. Hager, the former treasurer of the house, has gone to Vancouver as superintendent of the new Pantages theatre there. He is succeeded by Beverly NeflF, his late assistant. George Blakeslee will likely remain manager of the Empress, to play pictures upon the S.-C. bills going to the Orpheum, 130,000 is said to be the loss of the Orpheum with high grade vaudeville the past two seasons. FOYER DANCING STOPPED. The Fifth Avenue theatre had to forego its "Foyer Dancing" Monday evening through orders from fire de- partment officials present. The firemen decreed insufficient exits rendered a possibly congested condition in the 2ftth street foyer unsafe, nor would the d(partment men agree that the au- dience could dance on the stage during intermission. Gus McCune, manager of the thea- tre, had advertised "Foyer Dancing" and secured a large volume of public- ity for it. Two capacity houses Mon- day attested to the strength of this special feature. At the Monday mat- inee the audience danced, or those who could crowd into the foyer. At the night show it was announced official in- terference would prevent it being re- peated until the following day (Tues- day). The Fifth Avenue is the first Broad- way theatre to use dancing as an extra attraction and this may have drawn es- pecial attention to it. BISPHAM ON ORPHEUM. David Bispham has been booked over the Orpheum circuit, opening in St. Paul, Feb. 6. CIRCUS OPENINGS. The Barnum-Bailey Circus will have its annual New York engagement at Madison Square Garden March 19. Chicago, Feb. 4. Rehearsals for the run of the Ring- ling Bros, circus at the Coliseum here have been ordered to start April 6. MANAGER'S SON LEAVING. George Bannel, son of- the manager of the Folies Bergere, Paris, left New York Wednesday on the La France, af- tei a six months' course in the local H. B. Marinelli agency, securing a line cr. American theatricals. STAGE TROUBLE ADJUSTED. San Francisco, Feb. 4. The stage • trouble at Pantages' has been satisfactorily adjusted and no further controversy is expected for the present. If you ilon't advrrtlrie In VARIKTY flnn't adrertlM at all. PANTAGES IN CHICAGO. Chicago, Feb. 4. Alex Pantages, accompanied by Mrs. Pantages, arrived in Chicago last week, coming from Winnipeg where they at- tended the formal opening of the new Pantages theatre. The Coast mag- nate will remain here until the end of the current week and then leave for Calgary to tour his circuit. Shortly after Pantages reached town, Lc^iiis Pincus, his eastern representa- tive, arrived, and with J. C. Matthews, went into a booking conference. Noth- ing beyond the routine of some future bills occurred, however. While in Chicago, Pantages will set- tle his views on the North Side prop- osition as a prospective link to his coast chain. As previously reported in' Variety, J. C. Matthews holds an op- tion on the southwest corner of Evan- ston and Lawrence avenues, two blocks north of the Wilson avenue theatre. The parcel is owned by Tom Chamale and there is a possibility Pantages, Matthews and Chamale will organize a company to promote the erection of a hippodrome there, to play the Pan- tages road shows. Nothing will be definitely decided on this venture until the close of the week. Mr. Pantages announced plans for three new theatres in Seattle, Los An- gc'es and Calgary. The Seattle site is on Third and Union streets and will scat 2,000 when completed. It is ex- pected to be ready in about six months. In Los Angeles, Pantages plans to erect a house seating 3,000. He will also build a new theatre in Calgary, but wculd not divulge the location of either of the latter two. ADLER LEAVING "QUEENS.'' Felix Adler is leaving the "Queen of the Movies" Saturday night. He will return to vaudeville. Just when everything looked as though Felix would step down and out pressure was brought to bear to keep him in for awhile longer anyway. Offers were out for Clark and Berg- man or Tom Barnes (Barnes and Cniwford), but they were not at lib- erty to sign. 12 YEAR OLD GIRL IN LOVE. Pittsburgh, Feb. 4. Rodericka Rodriqucs, who played the Harris recently, is just now seeking hail to get out of the county jail where he is held on a serious charge. Rodriqucs was arrested by city detectives in Steubenville, O., with Rosanna Harper, 12 years old, daughter of a washwoman here. The girl says Rodriqucs prom- ised to make a sin^^er of her and she went with him. The Federal authorities are investigating to see if they can find ground for charging violation of the Mann white slave act. When Rodriqucs sang in the Harris the girl heard hini when she brought some laundry over, and says she is in U)vc with him. The police say Ro- ('riques had intended taking her back with him to Spain nftcr completing his booking. TANGUAY REPORT DENIED. Chicago, Feb. 4. Neil Kenyon, the Scotch characterist recently imported by Martin Beck for a tour of the Orpheum Circuit, arrived in Chicago this week in time to plaji Tuesday's matinee with the Tanguay Road Show at the American Music Hall. According to report, Kenyon jumped the Orpheum contract because' of that circuit's inability to provide him with immediate time following his engagement at the Palace, New York, last week. He was scheduled to open on the Orpheum Circuit Feb 16, but decided to accept a two weeks' contract from Miss Tanguay, after which he will return to England. Kenyon is being equally featured in the billing with the cyclonic star, as against Harry Lauder at the Garrick Miss Tanguay spread half page copy around the various daily papers, men- tioning herself and Kenyon exclusively. John Ford retired from the Tanguay show this week because of illness. He is under the care of Dr. Pitt at the Hotel Sherman and will join the show again next week. A report that Ford and Miss Tanguay had become estranged gained ground but was vig- orously denied by both as a malicious falsehood. Ford left the show last week to jump east, where he read a manuscript for a musical farce which will be produced by Miss Tanguay next season with herself featured. Eva re- fused to divulge any particulars as to its author or title, but announced that she had definitely decided to stray from vaudeville for the higher-priced brand of amusement. MISTAKE AT BIJOU DREAM. Boston, Feb. 4. B. F. Keith seems to have made a mistake in his Bijou Dream house, located next door to his pet house on Washington street. Following the peremptory discharge of Josephine Clements who had made a success of the theatre with an envia- ble patronage among the better class who really liked good music and reels, James Craig was mstalled as manager. He was previously superintendent of the B. F. Keith house. The singers were all dismissed and a "split week" policy of»a dozen small time acts sub- stituted. Expenses were shaved down to the minimum and foj- a short time the figures looked good, low expenses and no big falling oflf in patronage. But during this time there was a meta- morphosis of the class of patronage, the better class disappearing and the other class now find the bills not up to what they can get for the same money in the bigger houses. In the meantime Mrs. Clements is negotiating secretly for an option of the Park theatre where she wishes to start under the same policy she so suc- cessfully followed at the Bijou Dream. FRANK LALOR HAS ACT. Frank Lalor, who closed recently with "lole," returns to vaiuloville in a one act comedy, supported by a com- l)any of four. GEO. MOORE AND STELLA TRACEY. George F. Moore and Stella Tracey commenced rehearsing a two-act for vaudeville last week. Max Hart will book it. Gertrude \'anderl)ilt. with whom Mr. Moore formerly appeared, is preparing to try vaudeville once more, this time as a "single act." She will l)e hooked l)y Joe Pincus.