Variety (February 1914)

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12 VARIETY WITH THE PRESS AGENTS U'llliam Muller Is back from bin tlrst trip on l)i« loau uhead o( a biK city uttrajtlon. He waK Situ out abeail of the New YorK company jl JJL k Lull 9 'Help Wanted" Richard Lam- bi-it say8 MulItT ucqultttd Uliuself with credit. Julian JobnHtoii. whoH tloliig the presu work lui- Hit' iTiiueKu. ts also handllDg the New \oik publicity for the KUly MacKuy" ahow. M. K. Luce la roundlnt; out bis lUtb year as ai.vaiice Diaii for the K <:ile & Martin "Uncle 1 jiu s t'ablti." His brother. CTrant Luce is .».jtad ol one of the ' Offlcor 000 " abowa. WuIUlc Cutter, sponsor of the old Cutter* UMIiuiim Ktock company, is managing Wil- liam V. Mong and Co. in 'The Clay Baker," whrh may shortly be booked as a feature ovv-r th. Loew Circuit. Cli^s. -Kid" Koster, circus and minstrel agcuc. baa signed to go in advance of tbe Lp^jii & licrnstctn 'FollleB of Pleaaure," a i'ruSM'Ksive Wheel attraction. Koster will be in auvatue of the white tops again the coming hjmmer. Vivian WCBsell, who played the leading te- m:)lf role in 'Little Doy Blue." has been en- Ka,oa (or 'Along Came Ruth." A new one-act play, written by Charles Uradley. entitled "Miml," has been accepted for production In London this month, by Annie tlushes, the English actress. Joan Sawyer and Jack Jarrott will dance at the Palace. New York. Feb. 10 week. Walter Duggan made a quick getaway from Mrutdway Frldov to take charge of a mana- gerial Job In Chicago. John Coutta is expected to reach New York Roui). us he has written friends that he In- tr^ndH leaving in«> hills of Arkansas. Clarence Durdick, reported as taking the iirinugement of a Scranton. Pa., movie, is in Chlca^s. where he is rumored exploiting a carnival proposition. Renee Bouclcnult. daughter of the late * Mb-»*t HrtUfloault. has be*n enKsred bv H»»nT W. Sayago for a rolo on "Along Cam* Rith." Rupert Hughes has written a one-art farce rnlled "Celluloid Sara," to be produced at the Palnce, New Y^ork, next Monday. "Father and Son." a comedy with Incidental m«t«»1c bv cr«"t«y Bauer ann Wenri rrani«- with Julius 8t«g«r In the loading roU. vlll hnve Its firPt performance In Chicago March 23, at one of the Shubert houses. Francis BVme has been added to "The Rule of Three, which follows "Adele" at the Harris theatre, Feb. 18. Frank Cooper, the general agent of the Vnung Buffalo wild west, who will be with tho show again next summer. Is ahead of the Bts Tanguay show. William Alexander has been clren chargo of a newly organized "Excursion Departrafnt** for the New York Hippodrome. It Is to bo onducted syHtematically by Mr. Alexsnder. He will try to entire the natives in groups from the Kiihurbn within a radius of 40 miiek from the big Sixth avtmue playhouse. Trans- portation to and fro will be arranged for b^ the excurnlon afrent. who has so far made m play for the Suffragette trade of the outlying bnmlets. There la a suffragette parade In tht Hip show. Jan. 26-27 the Buffs from New York will make "Hip Dav" a special evenlt and Jan. 28. Mr. Alexander has the Jeraey w^mcn doing the same thing. nill Brill, formerly well known as a press neent along the Cblcarn Rialto. Is now arting nn publicity promoter for the city of St. Paul. Burt Jacnbl is out in advance of "The Oar- den of Allah." Dan WriKht la In advance of "The Natural l4iw." a' nlay that was produced recently In Minneapolis. Wnllle Decker. In advance of "The Bird of Paradlne." has recovered from a serious Uneas that kept him laid up In Denver for some time. Butler, Pa., la to have a new theatre. The prrsent Lyric will be torn down and rebuilt nt a cnat of |SO,0(iO. No policy has been an- rounccd. ftlonmore Davis. In addition to acting as rcnf-rfll mansfrer for the William Hnrrls en- t»'-t)risps. and handling the puhllclty for "Tho MiHlendlng Lartv." la writing a aeries of circus stories, finishing up a marazlne con- t-n-t and Is writing a book. (This "hook ••tiinl" hns Stuffy'a ^oat. but he's roing to finish It If it takes a leg and two typewriters.) Franklin P. Adama, for nine years the fun- o^raphcr on the Evening Mall, ban attached Mm<«elf to the New York Tribune. His new V. P. A. contrlhijtions bear the bending "The Pennine: To'ver." The former ".Mwavs in •''t'^od Humor" column will bereaffr be looked pft'T bv Willard Huntington Wrieht. Adams in his Mall writings often made wittv refer- ences to stage folks and occasionally poked fun nt some of the vaudeville theatre nds. Wright Is the former editor of the Smart Set. E. L. Sheldon, who lately did the pross work for the Henry B. Harris estate suc- ceeding Lee^ugel when ho went to the New Era Producing Co., is now exploiting photo- plays, having gone to the Puritan Co. John Trump, the former New York Times man. la now attached to the publicity forces of the Winter Garden. C. P. Oreneker. at the Garden for a long time, Is handling the Qaby Di'slys show on tne Pacific Coast PRESS OPINIONS. LAUGHING HUSBAND. But the sparkle is there more than often and It Is not the duty of the listeners to be other than thankful for his skill.—Sun. "The Laughing Husband" does not begin to laugh until the third act. That is the trouble with him or it.—Herald. As it stsnds. however. "The Laughing Hus- band" is badly In need of amending and pull- ing together.—Times. • The audience, which was one of the best of the season, manifested real pleasure in the new piece, even when the latter was In Its most sedate mood.—World. WHEN CLAUDIA SMILES. What was really produced was Blanche Ring. The play was the least part of what happened.—Sun. "When CIsudia Smiles" was beat when Claudia had the audience singing "Why Is the Ocean So Near the Shore?"—Herald. BARTON'S 'O'ANGO GIRL" . "The Tango Girl" will be the title of a new show which George E. Barton will have out next season. "FOLLIES" DOING IT. St. "Louis, Feb. 4. It is reported Ziegfeld's "Follies" played to $20,519 at the Olympic last week. Detroit, Feb. 4. Ziegfeld's "Follies" opened here Monday night to a turnaway business, with a strong advance sale for the en- tire week. Martin Brown is out of the "Fol* lies." Harry Gribbon left New York Tuesday night for Detroit to join the show. ''P. ft P." ENGLISH RIGHTS. Edward Laurillard has purchased the dtamatic rights for Great Britain and the colonies for "Potash & Perlmutter," which had been negotiated for by a number of English producers, among them Cyril Maude. George W. Lederer will be associated with Mr. Laurillard in the foreign production. The piece will be played by an en- t'rely American company, opening seme time around Easter. No mem- bers of the original organization will be engaged for England. MORE COIN FOR CHAUNCEY. Chauncey Olcott will be given more oportunities to pad out the little mil- ion he is slowly putting together by his road tours as a local picture con- cern plans to offer him a fat contract to work in a series of Irish plays be- fore the camera at the expiration of hi? present season. It's also reported that the Webb talkers are angling for Olcott's serv- ices before the camera and phonograph. Meanwhile Olcott is turning them away at the Grand. The advance has practically been sold out for the first tv/o weeks with demands coming "in by mail and telephone for the re- mainder of his New York engagement. "HELP WANTED" CHANGES. Buffalo, Feb. 4. Changes in the cast of "Help Wanted" (New York company) were made shortly after its initial showing at Springfield, Mass., last week. Des- mond Kelly replaced Grace Elliston, and Charles Reynolds was brought on from the Chicago show, exchanging places with William Raymond. The piece is at the Teck this week, opening in New York Feb. 9 at the Elliott. P. W. L'S LITERARY DAY. The Professional Woman's League held its monthly Literary Day on Mon- day in the League's rooms. VICTOR IN "ROMANCE." Pittsburgh, Feb. 4. W. F. Connor will cast Josephine Victor as Madame Cavallini in the "No. 2" company of "Romance." FISKE O'HARA'S NEW LEAD. Fiske O'Hara has a new leading lady. Her name is Ethel Von Wald^on, who for two seasons played with Maclyn Arbuckle in "The Round Up." GRACE DREW MARRIED. Denver, Feb. 4. Jas. H. Brown, a prominent attorney and son of the builder of the famous Brown Palace Hotel, was married in Wichita, Kan., Jan. 25, to Grace Drew, formerly prima donna with "A Choco- late Soldier." Miss Drew will retire from the stage and make Denver her future residence where her husband has large real estate holdings, and a successful law practice. TAKEN OFF ONE-NIGHTERS. William A. Brady's production of Frank Craven's comedy, "Too Many Crooks", which appears to have caught on from the start, has cancelled a num- ber of its one-night stand dates and goes into Detroit next week, playing New Haven two nights en route. "BILLY BLACK" REHEARSING. H. H. Frazee will put the new H. B. Warner company in "Billy Black" in rehearsal next week. SHUBERTS SIGN STEGER. Immediately after leaving Charles Frohman's "Laughing Husband," which happened before that piece opened at the Knickerbocker Monday night, Julius Steger entered into a con- tract with the Shuberts. Under the agreement Mr. Steger will open March 23 at Chicago, in "Father and Son," a comedy drama with inci- dental music, by Gustave Bauer and Henri Cramer. If you don't adveHlne In VAKIETV, don't advertise al ail. "SPECKLED BAND" DELAYED. Chicago, Feb. 4. "The Speckled Band," which was to open at the Studebaker Monday night, was put in dress rehearsal Sunday ni^ht. The management was of the opinion that it did not run quite smoothly enough, so the opening was postponed until Tuesday night. Mon- day the company was put through nu; merous rehearsals. Much interest has been manifested in the pjece. GOING BACK FOR OVERFLOW. Chicago, Feb. 4. Plans are being made by Harry Pow- ers to bring David Warfield back to Chicago for a spring engagement. Mr. Powers avers his theatre capacity has compelled him to turn away at least 10,000 people who wished tickets for the present engagement of the Belasco star. "THE TRAFFIC" "NO. 3." Chicago, Feb. 4. A "No. 3" company of "The Traffic," now at Howard's, will be shortly or- ganized and sent on the road to sup- ply the demand for this white slave play. ALEEN CRATER HAS GRIPPE. Pittsburgh, Feb. 4. Aleen Crater (Mrs. Fred. Stone) was seriously ill with grippe here and her place as the fortune teller in "The Lady of the Slipper" is being taken by an understudy. Arthur Houghton, manager of the company, had an attack of bronchitis, but kept on his feet. PRIMA DONNA TURNS ORCHESTRA Kansas City, Feb. 4. Wheij "Madam Sherry" played Hut- chinson, Kan., last week it ran into a musicians' strike. The prima donna, Anita Loc, had to play the music for the show while her understudy went on in her place. DAUPHINE REOPENING. New Orleans, Feb. 4. The Dauphine reopens Sunday with LaPetite Viola in "Just Plain Roxcy," under the management of L. Sells, for an indefinite engagement, the duration of which will be gauged by the box office returns. OLGA ROLLER IN TITLE ROLE. Olga Roller, formerly leading lady of the western "Merry Widow" com- pany, has been engaged for the title role of Chase & Everall's production, "Madam Moselle." INJUNCTION FOR GABY. Chicago, Feb. 4. The management of Gaby Deslys, playing at the Auditorium, took umbrage at the impersonations of the French vaudeville star given by Ger- trude Hoffmann at the Majestic and Wednesday secured a temporary in- junction to enjoin her from offering the imitation. Herman Frank, one of the best known attorneys of the city, saw the performance at the Majestic Monday night. Miss Hoffmann gives a broad and very funny imitation of Gaby. The scene is set in a beauty parlor. One of the travesty characters seen is called Harry Pilsner and the young dancer (Piker) is caricatured to a greater or less extent. The bit is one of the best things in the Hoffmann Revue. $12,890 ON 3D RETURN. Cincinati, Feb. 4. "Peg O' My Heart' 'with Elsa Ryan, on its third return engagement in this city, played to $12,890 last week.