Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY 13 ALL FOR THE LADIES About Women—Mostly By PLAIN MARY (Vesta PoweU) The Screen Club held its second an- nual ball Saturday (Jan. 31) at the Grand Central Pal- ace. Many well- known picture di- rectors, actors and actresses attended, also a large lay public, out of curiosity to sec how "movie" stars look off the screen, and perhaps in the trust of danc- ing with a favorite player. The niajar- ity of the "outside people" were coarse and brutal in appearance, and several laughs were to be had through the evening clothes worn by them. Some of the men evidently Had hired their suits for the night only, many fitting only where they touched, while the women were riots in home-made mod- els of the weirdest color and designs. The grand march started at 12:30, led by King Baggot and Mary Fuller, with John Bunny and an attractive girl sec- end. The parade was quite pretty, made so by colored lights thrown on the marchers, although there were tiumberless "awful sights" in it. There seemed to be much disappointment around among the outside people, as several of the movie queens who ap- pear beautiful on the screen are very ordinary looking in their natural persons. Of course, there were exceptions. Leah Baird, of the Imp, was among the latter. Miss Baird "showed up" some of the other girls and made them appear faded in com- parison. The orchestra was another disappointment, playing seldom. Dur- ing the long intervals the bar did a rushing business. Apart from the pic- tufe people few of the public seemed to prefer anything other than small time beverages, giving the hall a cheap and nasty atmosphere. The dancing floor was large enough to hold several hundred, but even so it was difficult to dance with ease. Each time a nice couple would prepare for a graceful glide or dip a "kitchen mechanic" and her ice-man partner would dash up with a stra iglehold and knock them flying. The crowd started to thin out about three, and then dancing was more comfortable. Plenty of hand- some gowns were worn by the picture women. Mrs. Maurice Costello was lovely in a light blue brocade velvet gown and hat. Pearl White wore a black satin gown with a minaret of chiffon and rhinestones and a small jet cap. Florence La Badie was at- tractive in an old rose velvet gown. Jane Fearnley had a dress of white and silver. Miss Fuller made a pretty pic- ture in a long-trained gown of white lace with a wreath of gold leaves on the hair. (In the march she carried a huge bouquet of Easter lilies.) Jean Acker wore a white taffeta gown with yellow girdle and small white lace cap. Mrs. Arthur Johnson was in gray and silver. Miss Baird wore a becominf< gown of pink charmeuse with corsj»ge and minaret of shadow lace. Mr/dyii^er- bert Brenon was charming in ;*^ , jlle Mat) r..odel of blue satin with corsage and overskirt of white chiffon, embroidered in gold. A small gold lace cap perfectly set off her blonde loveliness. Mrs. John Bunny was neat in blue and gold. Claire Whitney looked pretty in a blue and pink flowered taffeta frock of many puffs and frills. Fannie Burke's gown was of blue brocade silk (Miss Burke is now with Thanhouser). It was a very orderly assemblage for such a large one. Nothing occurred during the night out of the usual, excepting that hundreds of little printed cards bearing the single line, "Tuesday, Eleven O'clock," were strewn all over the floor. These related in some way to Mr. and Mrs. Brenon and seemed to be a big joke of some sort, only under- stood by the Universal crowd. and overskirt of old rose chiffon, over which is silver lace. This is also cheap- e-ied in appearance by a shabby, untidy black and white hat. Miss Baldwin is much prettier without headdress. Harriet Lee (Ryan and Lee) is a clever little girl and appears to advantage in a becoming suit of "Tango Red" cloth, afterwards changing to an evening gcwn of white satin and cream lace. White slippers might be worn with this costume. The black ones now used are not in good taste. Some of the gowns on the "Red-Heads" need attention, and incidentally a visit to the clean- ers. The turn cannot afford to *be lax in this respect as it is set in a cloak and suit emporium. The girls stand on a pedestal, individually, to display gowns for buyers. The audience get a good chance through that to locate the de- fects, and there are always many women to criticise clothes. (All these acts at the Palace this week.) Seeing several shows each week it is easily observed what a remarkable number of women in show business n.ake mistakes when selecting clothes I have seen short, stout women in "Minaret" gowns and stiff taffetas made with frills and huge puffs around the hips and small flat bonnets on the head, while tall slender women have worn soft clinging gowns made on straight lines and high head-dresses a contrast almost grotesque. Often it must be the fault of the dressmaker who as- sures her customer she knows what is right and turns out only the latest "Parisian" styles. The women must believe her, and accordingly become perfect frights just to be "in style." Hundreds of women who have beauti- ful hair, and should be proud to show it, wear ugly little caps or turbans pulled down over the ears regard- less whether it is becoming to the face or not. Again it is the style that gets them. On the other hand there are some women who powder their hair because it's done in Paris and appear like old ladies, or else the hair is oiled and dragged tightly back, leaving noth- ing around the face but one awfully stiff looking ring of hair that is glued to remain in place. If some of these misinformed women could but see themselves as they appear to others, they might drop the Parisian effects and dress like human beings. The sooner that is done the more quickly will there be more stage beauties in this country. Blanch Walsh in a dramatic ("The Countess Nadine") is playing a role un- suited to her. The Countess Nadine is supposed to be a beautiful young, temperamental Russian woman. Miss Walsh takes the character calmly, with very little emotion. The setting is at- tractive and Miss Walsh wears a hand- some gown of green and gold. Win- nie B?''awin (Bronson and Baldwin) '•.a two pretty dresses. Both are spoiled by unbecoming headgear. The first is blue velvet with a red silk rib- bon tied tightly around the head that is unattractive and should be discarded. The other is white satin with » corsage Ben Welch, with his own company, has one of the best burlesque shows seen this season. Mr. Welch does more in it than anyone else. He plays an old Hebrew clothes dealer, also a vio- linist and does his vaudeville specialty. He has several clever principals, among them a diminutive chap remindful of Master Gabriel both in voice and ap- pearance (but a trifle stouter than Ga- briel). This midget is a kid detective and appears once as a baby in a car- riage. It is a funny piece of business and well worked. There are two lead- ing women; both are tall and slender, and (thank goodness) they do not look burlesquy. Emma O'Neil is one. She is clever and does a specialty in the first part, besides leading several numbers. The other is Florence Roth- er, who also leads numbers and plays a widow. There is a soubret (Mabel Howard) and Helen Delaney who first is a male impersonator and after chan- ges to women's clothes. The show has several lively musical numbers and many pretty young girls. Miss O'Neil wears some nice clothes; one gown is blue satin, another white, still another gold cloth and black silk, all for even- ing werr. Miss Rother appears to good advantage in the first act in a striking gown of lavender satin em- broidered with pearls. Her second dress is not so becoming. It is of light blue and silver, too short and the style is not up to date. Miss Delaney is attractive in a Spanish costume of red and yellow over which is draped a white shawl. Miss Howard wears sev- eral soubret dresses. The most attrac- tive is a red velvet; the others could be improved upon. Grace Field at Hammerstein's is stylish in black satin and chiffon. Birdee Beaumont (Beaumont and Ar- nold) wears a becoming dancing frock of blue chiffon and gold lace. Flor- ence Bain (Raymond and Bain) has a white satin gown that looks as though it been roughly handled in travel- ing. It was well she wore a long silk evening wrap to partly hide it. Bud Fisher is wearing a nifty blue suit and '.,'recn tie that make him appear a regu- lar "Beau Brummel." If /ow ilnn't advert iMe In VAKIKTY. don't ndvertlM M nU. CABARET NEWS. The Cafe de Paris (formerly Mar- tin's) at Broadway and 42d street, closed its doors Saturday.. At one time not so far back it had the best dancing cabaret play of the town, but competition dented the business. The main floor was employed for dancing in the evening, while the old dancing rooms upstairs were used for the "afternoons," and the Cafe de Paris "matinees" drew a rough crowd ot women that did the place no good in reputation, although the night crowd was as a rule high grade, with many transients always presen:. Harry Cort, son of John Cort. ha left the Jardin de Paris, Newark (Hip podrome), and will open a dancing cab aret in the center of the same city He has engaged Sheridan Du Pont and Margaret Mudge as professional danc- ers. Healy's put over a new one Wednes- day night of this week, when its weekly event was labeled "Abrasco Carnival," with a trot contest for amateurs. The Folies Marigny on the 44th Street theatre is going to extend its dancing floor to the stage, giving an additional length of four or five feet. This will run the dancing floor over the present orchestra pit. The musi- cians will thereafter play on the stage. The Folies has shown steady increase of business since opening, drawing an unusually well-dressed crowd nightly Preparations are going forward for the Arabian Nights Ball, Feb. 19. Chicago, Feb. 4. Jake Stemad, for the past few years cabaret manager of Rector's and the North American, turned in his resig- nation last week to accept a position with the Edelweiss Cafe on Madison street. Jake will install an eight-act cabaret show at the Edelweiss, com- mencing next week. Professional nights will be featured, the attractions coming from the W. V. M. A. cabaret department. A stage is being erected in the center of the restaurant and Thiese's Orchestra will be augmented to fit the occasion. Mr. Stemad is un- doubtedly the pioneer cabaret promoter of Chicago and can be credited with the present success of the North Amer- ican from the amusement angle. His { initial cabaret venture was at the Sara- toga, where he built up a wonderful following which eventually dwindled with his departure. At present the Saratoga is a dead issue as far as the restaurant is concerned, although the hotel is still a professional rendezvous The Edelweiss is a popular resort for mid-day diners and up to date has prac- tically catered exclusively to commer- cial Chicago. A queer travesty on Chicago's ca- baret field is to he found at the so- called midnight cabaret at Weegman's Cadiotning the Grant Hotel). Weeg- man'.s is a one-arm eatery running on the perpetual motion plan. At mid- nicht the place is made the hcadquar- t<'rs of profcssiotials, song boosters, etc. Between iriilps many a song is landed, altlioucb as a rule the conversa- tion runs more t / joy than business.