Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY 29 Charles Norwitz It ** 'Aa It Ifar B** t»mgk\ tnum lieglMliia to Md. aad m It alMdi oat wh—>, la reaiy for »By aort of TlUo, vboM It will Jbo • bis eomedy ai HOBWITZ wrofo It and hondrada of CmAXLBB HOBWITZ, 140fl B roadway (Booaa S15). New York. tMt Otaoifly. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER Bacgaco CaUad far «Bd Choeked to All BaOroada aad Hiaitiata Id. •. B. Oar. «M fc and Mh Avo. to r aga 7f4 llth Ava., bot. U4 B aAili St. Oflleo—176 W. «td M. If¥W TOik. I. MILLER. 1554 Brndway. *•• - - ToL MM-1 Chalaea WpSTdtt. N. V. 47 Manufaotvror o f Thaatrloal Boota aad Bbeaa. CLOa, BaJlat and Acrobatle Bhoaa a ajao- ialty. All work made at abort notloe. Wrlta (or Catalos 4. LB§T TOO FOBOBT WB BAT IT TBr LETER HEADS T l akf f i BBTolopoB, BTAOBllONETriae - of Boaali r^nnCQ^BlNTINO COMPANY ttnUaSAOl S. DBABBOBN BT. HORT VAMP HOES Our popular atyla 171H m S4 tan and black lUaatratod and Doaoaibod la Oar FIEE STYLE BOOK Many otbar •xcloalTa modela, Cil cn blffb and low cuta. button or laoa. ^j '*'j ajiy be«l. all alaoa ^^ UP Full Una of Tanco BUppora. Fair prlcaa. Baadreda of other Strloa In all leathara aad oolora. Dainty BaMa Bllppora i t^.M la aay a^ade. French Heel ) ^ BaBat BHirpora, one Btrap. all ) S 1 61 flhadM ) A J. QLAS6BERQ t OoaTaaleot Btaroo 811 Bth Avot naar S1 at St. 6S Sd Ava. N. Y. I Z9B Waat 42d St. NaM 1Mb ft. I WMt a( Vw. ILLVBTRATA) style book "C" VllBB Jugglers Wanted Ladies and Gcntlenic.i, object, club and hoops, for well-known troupe. Send photos and full particulars or write for ai)point- ment. JUGGLER, GERARD HOTEL, 44th St., Now York City ALBOLENE The best preparation For Removing all kinds of theatrical Make-up Easily applied and easily removed Supplied In half and one pound decora- ted screw cap cans by all firet-clasa dru^lsts and dealers in make-up. SAMPLE FREE ON REQUEST MiKtMH I Rtbbiu, II FsH«s St., Ntw Y*rk Dr. JULIAN SIEGELOffioaiDeDtisttotheWHITERATS 2B« WEST dM STRKKT, NEW VeilK ITY tPiOlU lATO TO THE PMFEttlOII I SPENT TWO YEARS LOOKING FOR A HOME Near Times Square, with all the advantages of the city and country combined I FOUND ONE—I CAN FIND YOU ONE at a price that will increase in value 20 per cent, a year on payments as low as 1250, balance same as rent. I am an OKport an tho valua 9li Suburban Hamoa Call, phano ar wrlta A. G, PELAIWATER, 249 W. 42d St., New York ORPHBUM (Frank Cook, mgr.; agent. T. B. C.).—Enoch, the Human Flab, good in top- ping; Hunter & Rosa, hit; Chartreaux A Da- rotz, excellent; Beatrice Sweeney, acore; Shaw & Swan, fair. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.; agent. Ind.).—"The Pleafiure Seekers" opened to capacity and promise to do exceptionally well all week. William Hodge and "The Man from Home" follows. SHUBEK •" (Charlea C. Newton, mgr.).— Sbubert Theatre stock company in "The Man Who Owna Broadway." Good buaineaa. "The Country Boy" next. PABST (Ludwlg Krelss, mgr.).—Pabst Ger- man Stock Co., In "Qespenter." with "81m- plicus" to follow. Excellent bouaea. GAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.).—Billy Watson and Girls from Happyland Co. Busi- ness good. It la now being couTerted into an up-to-date American saloon with a new Htaff of imported gin-flzi mixers. Edmund Covell is IsHsee and M. Natban, manager. Ted Prevot, who man- aged the hotel for ten years, will probably commence business in the near vicinity. Tango Te.iB arc being introduced at the Tiyoll two days a week. Several Tauderllle Itema are Bandwlched in between dlapiuys of the lateat fashions and tbe regular daacaa. The affair baa proved very aucceeaful to data. AUSTRALIA. By MAKTIN C. BJUBlNNAN. Sydney, Jan. 9. HER MAJESTY'S.—The Revue, Come Over Here," fine from a spectacular standpoint, but not likely to create any great noise. THEATRE ROYAL.—Elisabeths Prlaoner U billed for an intlal opening this evening. PALACE.—The Ameriv;an Burlesque Co. do- ing tbe buBlneas of the town with "A Day at tbe Races. ' Paul Stanhope now plays tba "Dutch" character formerly Interpreted by Frank Vock. CRITERION.—Fred Niblo a big hit In "Of- ficer 060. Josephine Cohan, much Improved In health, also in caaL ADELPHl.—Aladdin pantomime with an al- most entirely Australian company. TIVOLI.—Primrose Four (Just finished) ; Josephine Davla. winner; Williams it Rankin (ttnlshcd); B. Frederic Hawley, In "The Blan- dlt," line sketch; Ferry Corvey, Pasquali Bros., Alberto & Co., Marie Qulntell and Bonnie Leonard. PRINCESS.—CTood program of Australian acts. Business nice. CLAY S BRIDGE THE.\TRE.—Vaudeville to capacity. Quite a number of acts leave by the Ven- tura today. These include the Primrose Four. Mrs. Tom Lesso, Dlumond and Beatrice and Bonnie Leonard. Going to South Afrka todny are Williams and Rankin, Americans ; Vardaman, female impersonator, and Max Duffeck, musical con- tortionist. The Brennan-Fuller p<opl ■ arc getting real busy. They have Installevl H. H. Marcus, a hustling American, as handler oi publicity. Me l3 being allowed carte blanche and Is en- tirely revolutlonlzlDg In both the newspaper work and the appearance or the Sydney bouse. Should this state of things continue, the B. F. people will loom up a deal more than ever before. General regret will be expresse 1 at the deatli of Mrs. Jack Keams, which occurrc<l at her residence two weeks a^'^- H'T husband, Jack (Porky) Kcarns is a most ixpulai artist, and his wife was, up to a ft w years ago. a per- former of repartee. Tho Auf-trnllan Vaudeville Association has raised a controveray In tli dallies regarding the elimination of local ;i. ;s iroiii the leadinK vaudeville houses. It is i):utii ulaily notice- able that there Is a paucity of Australl;ni peo- ple working the prln. Ipal vaud viile theatres, but. then, a majority ot the acts here li.ivi> been seen again and again, an i there is a de- mand for fresh faces. \t tlic same time. many of the Imported turn.. Inve not come ui) to tho standard expected. "White City" did tremf-ndous business dur- ing the holiday week, when It was estimated 1.'<X),<K)() people paid admission. The Khi>w is a good one. Twelve new acts arrive'! lure 1a- the Ven- tura thia we<'k. N'lne will pinv tlie lirennan- Fuller time, whilst the rrnnlnder will open with the Rickards people. Includel are tho Romano Brothers, Five Merry Youngsters, Jean Miller, I^ee Chandler's Glnj;er Girls, Hayeshen and the Cnrpos Mros. Watlor Morris, nn Amerh ,in wlio has h.nd n large experience in the east, has opened an agency here for the exportation of Im al vau- deville .Tcts as well as pla Inc some of them In and around Sydney. It In possible MlMle Dnrln. the English low comedy romcflienne, will leave for America early this year. Shq has h<en a great suc- cess here with some decidedly original woik. Several big changes have been made at tbe Tlvoll since tbe return of Hogb D. Melntoah. New Caatlc. VICTORIA (Dix A Baker, leasaea).—Dn Callon, Frank Fox, Royal Quartet, Kllmo ft Kllfton. Seyffer Twins, Arthur Morley. Des- mond ft Janaen. Two Fontenoya, Ivan Mar- aball. Kitty Poole, Doris Royal, Joa Rox, Alf. Edwards, Charles Pope. Meiliourne. HER MAJESTY'S. — Pantomime, "Forty Tblevea." THEATRE ROTAL.—Lewis Waller & Madga TItberadge in "Monaieur Beaucalre." Jullua Knight and Irene Brown open Jan. 10 with "Diplomacy." PRINCESS.—George Willoughby Co. In "Uncle Tom's Cabin." KI.NG'S.-William Anderson's Co. In "The Land of Nod." OPERA HOUSB (Rickards, Ltd.; Fred. Aydon, mgr.).—Barton & Ashley, Selma Braats, Eric Stone. Almee Smith, The Schmei tans, Tbe Petleya, Tbe Clemendos, Roaa Roma, Alberto Marini, Reynolds At Doneran. GAIETY (Fuller-Brennan Co.; John Btaelen- hamer, mgr.).—Eameralda, Huxham'a 8are- nadera, Will Raynor, Coleman Sisters. Kimball Brothers, Vardman. Decars & Tomato, Bt George A Dayne, Bright Bisters, Sharatt A Lang. Bendlso. ROYAL PRINCESS.—Jefferson Tail's Dra- matic Co. Ballarat. HER MAJESTY'S.-Cole's Bohemian Dra- matic Co. In "Tbe Indian Hero." Adelaide. THEATRE ROYAL.—William Anderson's Co. in "Tbe Confeasion." TIVOLI.—Gene Greene, Richards Brothers, Lucille Savoy, Lily Eyton, Ibex. The Rexon, La Fra. KINO'S (Fuller-Brennan Co. : Harry P. Muller, mgr.).—Mantell's Marionettes. Wini- fred Stewart, McDonald A Oreneaux, Leslie A Leslie, Brigbt Sisters, Tilly Dunbar. Port Adelaide. EMPIRE (Fuller-Brennan Co.).—Hilary Long, The Lentons, "Pe« and the Limit,' Woodward A Page, The Tit-Bits. Droken Hill. CRYSTAL.—The Franklins. Vernon ti- Sin- clair, The Leopolds, Jessie Wilton, Gahrlelle Hope, Tenka Troupe, Albert A Rosella. Perth. TIVOLI (RIckard's Circuit; (I. D. Portua, mgr.).—Mack A Maree, Charles Zoll, Mary Andrews. Lily I^angtry, Cooke A Rotbert, Del- lora, Melrose A Menzies, Joe Fanton's Atb- MELROSE (Fuller-Brennan Co.; V. C. Alkcmade, mgr.).—Crimson Ramblers, Marcell A Bell, George Rowley, Jules Garrison and Maids. Fremantle. PRI.NCESS (Fuller-Brennan Co.).—Edith Mote, Jennings A Gerald, Loa FTau Malagas. Rrlabane. HIS MAJESTY'S).—Allen Doone & Co. In ".Molly Dawn." Season finishes Friday. TIIEATRK ROYAL. -King's Royal Dramatic Co. In "Between Two Women." KMPIRE (Ted Hollands Vaudeville Enter- tainers).-- .Iiino Salmo, I.jirgny K Snce, Gladys A; Alber, Percy Mackay, Great Guzmanl Trio, The Dentines. CRYSTAL GARDE.N'S (direetlon V. Post Mason).— Eleadn, Marshall Palmer, Mnrle Vine. Bel Steele, Alex IHack. Rose Mason, Kmelle Dalre, Joe Charles, Ada Jnrvlson. Cly- mer Eflgars, Rosa Bi nnet. niRCH A CARROLL d RCPIT. —Jesslo & rtnlllc Miller, Tc<l Bailey's Dogs. Fanny Rice, Lyrical Four, The Luxors. Auoklond. HIS MA.IESTY'S -The .New Comic Opera Co. In "Tho Arcadians," chi.nging Friday to "The Chocolate .Soldier." OPERA HOUSE (Fuller-Brennan Co.; D'Arcy W. Perry, mgr.). Ilnntress. Cremer A Arnold. Clayton & Croon, Franco Midgets. Mymnn ^- Alton. .Veil Cant, Weston Mill A .Mollv, Leo & Lionel. WeillnKon. HIS M.AJESTYS ( Fuller-Frrennan Co.; Will DouKlas, mifr ). - Ix'onard Wlllard, The Btrat- tonn. Two Storeys. Mounler & Frnnz I'rnfes- Hor Lewis k Phoebe, Maurice Chenoweth. H»»nrl Fr#»nch rhrlatPhnrrb. THEATRE ROYAL. —Muriel .Starr and Co. In "Within the Law." OPERA HOUSE (Fuller-Brennan Co.; Henry Cbadwiek. mgr.).—Francis M. Uubanik Opera Co., Aerial Benos. Henry A May Johnson A Conway, Davis, Allen A Davis, llie Croydoas. FRANK HAYDEN INC. Have Moved ta S6 West 45th St., New Yerk City COSTUMES AND BOIXINKBT Phone, Bryant a'i76 "My buaineaa la to make the world laugh" JAMES MADISON *Mm» VACDBVILLB AVmeS. 1411 BROADWAY. NEW YOKM (Rooaa 417). MfiM. MENZELI Maitreaa de Ballet of Orand Opera. All styles of Dances and Claaile Daaelag Aet« ortglnated and staged. laatruoMr af varld famens artists. Dally elasaea. ■■sade- menta whea eaaipetent. Teacher a( Aaarl- •ik'a 8f«t premiere daAseuao, Ethel Ollmare, la graad opera, under Max RablaaO, Man- •«er af Pavlava. il ■. llth St.. bet B'way aad Ith Ave., If. T. WANTED BONEilAN-DUNIDIN TROUPE Two Smart Olrds. Most have knawlads* of Cyellng, Singing, Dancing, etc Send Phata. reference, age, height, weight and aalary. Write nr wtm DUNRDTN TROUPE. TIetar Heu«e, cnr. Clnuid Ave. and Stata St.. N., CHICAGO. Wanted=Children for Vaudeville Good Hingers, Dancera, Pianists or Per- formers on any other mualcal Instruments. From 13 to 17 yeara. State all in first letter. "BILL" WOLF, Specialising In classy kid acts, 8502 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. ACTORS (2) AND ACTRESS for sure-winner in one-act farce. Good booking assured. Will sell on royalty basis. Box 154, VARIETY, New York. Unexcelled and Commodious Accommodations for All AN I IVI A L.S Ample Space for Rehearsals Safe, Sanitary, Comfortable Quarters Reasonable Terms Phone for Partlealars THE tird STREET VETERINARY NOSPITU^ 508-510 Kaat XSrd St., New York City Phone, Oramercy 17 28rd St. Croastown Car Passes the Door LADIES' KVENING DRESSES and Street iJowniH—lateat d«algni^~-slightly need. I cater eapeclally to theatrical trade. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. MRS. A. ISNER, tOft Weat t4th St., New York. If yon don't advertise In TABIETT, don't advertise at all. WANTED FOR RECOGNIZED ACT with long route EXPERIENCED ECCENTRIC DANCING COMEDIAN who can put over comedy llnra and good song Box 150. Varifty. New York If you don't adverllte in VARIETY, dor iiilvertUe lit «M. WANTED CHORUS GIRLS for the KOLB & DM CO. .Miinagemeiit UKUimV. MOOHER [Long 'Engagement at American Music Hall, Chicago Appl.V to .AKTIil It NFVIN AiiiHliTiliim Oprrii lloime """'.■{irruVHt'l orty-foiirtirHtreHT'^" At Noon