Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY 33 0 TO T WSKKB Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Booklnc Affeoert urplieom Theatre Bid v.. MONTBEAX, P. Q. tlT. ratMUB BU«.. M. T. N. T. Bep. Howard Athrnaciim. •nwd •pom BooM^ > AAlla«o4 wIMi 17. B. •. ClreaU Now THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHIOAflO. Baftte <• AfllUted with KDWABD J o: 106 North La pre, H, IF TOU HATB A COOD ACT Rosenberg Oaletr ThMtre Bid*. New York City BOOKINe ALX OTBl WHAT AL. LAWRENCE THINKS OF THB "SUN TIME" Pittsburgh. Pa. Mr. Gu8 Sun. Sprlngneld, Ohio. My Dear Mr. Sun:—Just to state that so far on my present tour over your enterprises I certainly am greatly pleased to a deprree, In- asmuch 1 can state every attache from the front to back walls are the best I have wanted to meet with In my many years In theatricals and I trust I may at some future time have the pleasure of completing your circuit. I have forwarded photos and billing matter accurately and If Intelligence counts for any- thing I can say In conclusion you are offering the best talent to an audience every perform- ance that seems to be eager for more. You grlve their money's worth, and I only want to a.s.slst you In obtaining same. Dest wishes. Faithfully. AL. LAWRENCE. Follies of Day 0 Columbia iDdianapolis 16 Star & Garter Chicago. Follies of Pleasure 9-11 Eanplre Plttsfleld 12-14 Empire Holyoke 16 Howard Boston. Gay Now Yoriters 0 Orpheum Paterson 18 Km- Gay White Way 9-11 L O :2-14 Park Bridge- port 16 Westminster Providence. Ginger Girls 9 Music Hall New York 16 Em- pire Hoboken. Girls from Maxim's 9 Trocadero Philadelphia 16 Broad St Trenton. Girls of Follies 9 Willis Wood Kansas City 16 L O 23 Knglewood Chicago. Girls from Happyland 0 Folly Chhago 16 Gayety Detroit. Girls from Joyland 9 Gayoty St Louis 1(5 Wil- lis Wood Kansas City. Girls from Starland 9-11 Gllmore SprliiKiieUl 12-14 Empire Albany 16 Miner's Mroiix Now York. Golden Trook 9 Standard St Louis 10 Gayety Kansas City. Happy Maids 9 Victoria Plttsl>ur,i,'li 16 Em- pire Cleveland. Hapi)y Widow's 9 Gayety Kansas City 16 Gay- ety Omaha. HastlnRs Hie Show 9 Empire H; 'lokcn 1<> Ca- sino Philadelphia. HlE;h Life Girls 9 Olympic- Cim iiinati W, Ma- jestic Indianapolis. Honev Girls 9 Gotham Now York 16 Olympir Now York. Honevmoon Girls 9 Corintliian Itorhester 16- IH Bastable Syracuse 19--J1 Luniherg Utica. Howe's Ixjvemakers 9 Murmv Hill New York 16-lS L O 19-21 Park HrUlgeport. .lark Reld's ProgreRsive Girls 9 Haymarket Chicago 16 Cadillac Detroit. Jolly Girls 9-11 Armory ninghamton 12-14 Van Culler O H Schenortadv 16-1S Empire Plttsflold 19-21 Empire Holyoko. Liberty Girls 9 Gayety Washington U\ Gay- ety Pittsburgh. Marlon's Dreamlands 9 Grand St Paul 16 Gay- etv Milwaukee. Marlon's Own Show 9 Columbia Clilcago 16 Gayety Cincinnati. Militant Maids 9 Garden TUiffalo KMft Armory Binghamton 19-21 Van Culler () H Schenec- tady. Miner's Big Frolic 9 Ca.^liio Brooklyn 16 Or- pheum Paterson. Mischief Makers 9 Star Toronto 16 Garden Buffalo. Mollie Williams Co 9 Empire Tole<lo 16 Colum- bia Chicago. Monte Carlo Girls 9 Knglowfiod Chicago 16 Havraark«'t Cliloago. Parisian H.nuties 9 Olynipl'' Now York 16 Trooadoro Philadelphia Quoons of 1'iris 9 Star Ilrooklyn 16 Empire Brooklyn. Quern?, of th « Cabar»*t u <,ir Detroit 16 Star Toronto Hector Girls 9 Broad Sf '1'ronton I'l Poopl..'s Philadelphia. Koove's IVip Beauty Show :i (Inyoty Pittsburgh 16 Star Cl(>vo!-iid. Itohlo's Bonutv Show 9 i:;iipit" N'cwark 1<'. Rm- (ilre Phlladi'lplila. Rosrland Girls «t Star .'- (;.ir(ir CliiraRo H', Standard St liOuls Uf)'^o Sv'l.'H's 9-11 Ba<:t;iM'- Svraru'^o I'JII I,Mii/h'^r(T ril<a V'< C,;i\.t, \i.Mi*roal. Ito'^rv Posey C.irls !> Star ("h vrl;in'l P". Empire Tnlodn. Social Mai<l ■• (lavrfv \U< tn]< W* ('(liuintna Xiw York .-'lar X- C, iTli '' (u! ■' r.iitiMi H'l is f'.ihuor' Sprini'tlcl.l .'I 'I I'nr ir<' M'' n^'. Tan^o Cirls '.' I. -l.-I-.r'! K', njympir Clnclnnaii. AUtTRALIAN VARIETY The onlj Aootrallaa pmnuj woohlj dovotod entlrelr to yaadoTllIe aad the theatroa sob- erally. All eommaaleatloiio to Bfartla C. Breaaaa, too Castlereagh St., Sydnej. Taxi Girls 9-11 Empire Albany 12-14 Worcee- tcr Worcester Gayety Boston. The Flirting Widows 9 L O 16 Englewood Chi- cago. Trocaderos 9 Empire Philadelphia 16 Oayety Baltimore. Vanity Fair 9 Gayety Omaha 16 L O 23 Oayety Minneapolis. Watson Sisters Show 0 Gayety Detroit 16 Oay- ety Toronto. LETTERS Where C follows name, letter Is in Chicago. Where S F follows name, letter Is In San FranclBCO. Advertising or circular letters of any description will not be listed when known. P following name Indicates postal, advertised once only. Almen Nootte Allberg Harry Allen Jack Allman & McFarland Ambrose Mary Ardagh Susan R Ardell A Leslie Armstrong Ed H Armstrong &■ Manley Australian Duo Axtell Charles B Ball Ray Eleanor Bardon Frank Barker Anna Barnard Florence Barwald Mrs W H Bayllss Agnes Beers I..eo Bennett Sam Bernlcp Minnie C Bioknell Marlon G BIrknell O W Bishop Blanche T Blume Norman A Foyer Ethel Brady Thomas .T Brltton Chas Brockrann .Tames Brown Oil Camhell Mls<* T. Cantwell Mrs John Carmen Plnous (c) Cate B J Chappele Ethel (C) Cilklns Trwln Connor Frank Cook Lewis Copes John Corbett James Courtney Mire Cowdrev SnrtT B (C) Covle Wnltrr Cressy Will M Ctimmlnes B M r^irran Thoina<5 D Dale Mrs Svdnov Daneherty I'o'ji^v Dnvenport TTnnrhc Dnano Phvllis m Deane Ruhr Do Armo TMIIv Proms T .eniii ((' \ Doerlft Hel. n (Pi Dfiro Guldo Ponham Ollvo De Sorel Floryane Devere Frisco Dixon A Falls (C) Dodge Billy Drew Clayton (C) Du Barry St Leigh Duggan W F (C) Duncan Lillian Dupree Janette Dwyer Jas A Earlp Burt Edlnger Ix)ye11a Edwards Ralph Ehrendall Joe (C) Empress Marie Enhleman Mr O S Evsns A Wagner (C) Everett Flo (C) Eveson Isabelle (C) Fnrrinrton Nerada Farrlngton Paula Ferris Wm H Fisher Alice Fisher Pesrl (C) Fleming Alma Florence Daisy Florence Henry (C) Florence Mable Florence Naomi (C) Ford Mr E Frsnklln Lillian Fredo A Prlrarooe Frevoll Fred Galloway L111 (C) Gardiner Babe Germain Flo (C) Germalne Florrle Gilbert A Orahsra (C\ Gllroy Chas (C) Gllrk Leu Gleason A Carl fC) Glf.cVor Chnn A Anna noldlnn-^. Knnt'nir <r) r. ■ rv,n will R '••■■w'nnn T^ew • •^rdnn Ada rrorf^on Blsnche <C.) Giver TyMcv Grace S|«ters C)iv«< Thf^ Gu7man Ed F Gyr'n Otri IT Hamilton .Tenn Hammon F:thel 'Ci Hnnlow Alice K THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT THE HI9C-AWAY BIG TIMC CIRCUIT MmmUl. Omra, 41 m. C alliii<aa WL Boat, CBAi. L. WrmwmiB, lioaal !■■ mVWWAVO l»rrirB. Itl Ww^kmm ai. m J. WLAMAV. Vmmt Haaigir. »IT OrWUm, 4t OiMjia llalMliig ALBERT DONAGHT, Local Freeman Bernstein Mr of VaadavUla Aato , PUTNAM BVILOINC, NSW T«KK DAT AND NIOHT Cable, "Freobora/* New Tork 4 Mli OUI VAUDCVIULE iHto Work for Navoltr rmtorm ;batbb bldo., ban imANCuco Df TAVDVmXB SULUVAI aid CONSIDINE CIRCUIT OENBBAL BUSINESS OFFICE: SalllTaa aad Coneldlne BIdff., Third and Madison Btreeta. SEATTLE, WASH. FBED LINCOLN Gen. Mvr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE t 1465 BROADWAY—HEIDELBUM BLDG. NEW TORK CITT. CHRIS O. BROWN. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES: PAUL GOUDRON, « North Clark St.. cor. Madison, Chl- oaco. 111.: R. J. GILFILLAN, td and Madison Bts.. Seattle, Wajh.; W. P. RBB8B, •«! Market St., Ban Francisco, Cal.; B. OBBRMAYmt, Broadmead House, II Panton St., London, B. W., ■nclaa4. Brennan-Fnller Vaudeville Clreelt RTAVMN PAID. MAG., BAN FBAKCUCO ^^•WM^W_ ^^ *^" performars going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through ^^B ^^T VS^ us. The fnPowlnr hsv«: ^V^^ 7vr KARNO PANTOMIME CO.. THE KEATONS. BRUNO KRAMER TRIO. ^^ ^^ KITABANZA TROUPR. RICHARD * JOSEPHINE KARSY. KLEIN A CLIFTON. KENNEDY A ROONRY. KAROI.Y BROS., RRROL KONORAH, KREMKA BROS.. KITTS A WINDRUM. IIATTIE KING. KELLY A ASHBY, KARTRLLI, KARA. PAUL TACSIG A SON, 1«4 B. 14th St.. New York Oltj Gorman Savings Bank BIdg. Telepkono Stnyveaant 1860 I THEATRICAL EXCHANGE IJkYIGNB A LANGNER. Prepo. and Mgre. 106 NO. LA SALLE ST.. CHICAGO. WANTED—All kinds of good arts for Immediate and fatore time. Write, wire, phono or aall la and see a*. Managers looking for competent hooking ahonid eommnnleato with na InunedbUoly. NOW OPEN I OR BUSINESS NOW Robinson Amusement Corporation CONSUMERS BUILDING, CHICAGO Suite 818—STATE AND QUINCY 8TS. ETHEL ROBINSON, General Manager FELIX REICH, / Associates SAMUEL L. TUCK, f Formerly with the Western Vaudr'ille Managers^ Association To^Hoar ^Fijm MIgh-Crado Acts tultablo for FAiRt, PARKS, EXPOtlTIONS, Etc. Harding Richard Harland Miss A Harner Ben Harris Arthur Harrison 0 B 81s Hayoo Hayaa Bront Sayea k Wynne Inrhcllffe Mrs Al Hlnes Palmer Hoey Chas Holland Montgomory Hnlton George Hope Dorothy Hum Dingers Huston * Whipple Hyde A Macey Trwln Charles (P) Tnmed .Tewell Joe a Jefferson Joseph Johnnon * Dean .loJiiis'tn Fro(l Jolly Eflw loyro Florrnco K Kammerer A Tlowland Knufman Troup*- Keofp Zena Kellv A I.ifferty Kelly ThomB«» Konnodv P Hryre Kltn * Ixivell Klsre J \jeo Co Klein Otto Knowlen Beaaio Kola k Snow Kniger Paul Labakaa Carl Lamb Irene Lang Edward (C) La Mont Bart La Rue Era Lee Elsie Lee Tong Too (C) Legere .1 (C) I^eonsrd Orsce (P) T^lthold Mrs R V C Le Psge Collls {O LeRoy Tslmo k IT (C) Ijewls Caprire T^eon Anna I^vltt Joe Little Kstherini' TJffleJohns The Lloyd nillv IJovd TTerhert r.Inyd Unrh Ix>h»«e Rslph T>onr TJIv T.ornlne Osrsr T/irrsIne f- Csmeron liorrnlne Fred Lvf>n'- Foe .M Mnrk Ann* Mulov M»iifle ( l'» Malvern Trirlf. (T) \T 1 n l'i\»> \ una f T" ) M.ifflir'ws a- Rlmvrif Martyn <f Floren'-e Mnud A Maud Mffrca M;i»' Mcronnell H T (C» MoT^ean Marie Meek A C Mellovllle Nellie Melvern (Irace Merles Corkatoos (C) Messier Pharles E Motzotte Tx>ulo 3 Mllnrd Olorln fC) Minors .1 JunKlIng Mills nob (C) MlTT'frol Four (C.) Ml/foh Mndnme Mnnrof L R MontroHo O Mmre Hilly Morn TexH MorrlB Fllda Morso F O Morton MudRe ?. N Nelson Ornre V''J«f)n St MIIIodKi- VMiols N'f'lllf rC) VoMf.^t, Mrs M N'Mrnl Uoht ((') N'n"nnn Kl'-le V'lwnlr- .Tns r (' ( O n'r'fwiM'T N'fllli* O'rtriy Mirliwol f)riil:ir,)ri l,n RIno ,'{ n'Vrll F'H .J 'inrj ArliU' ff) ')rtw«ri Mr:< Mils" ')r!fft,i K Tiyl.-ir Os-Ko-mon Chief Owen Mrs A M (Oxford Qunrtet Park llert ParrlHh & De Luo Paiilhnm Lloyd Penrson Ruth Pelnveirt Ralph P< nnlntiton Ethel Pooltola Elena P«*tora Honry fC) PhlMlpB rjoff (C) PIcrrf rii.TrleH Potter r fj Q'11',1 .! Q Dan R Hnrn: oy SIstepH Ftnymond A Co (P) Rnvnor Dnn Reddlrk Frnnk rP) (;eed PhrtrloH R Rrrv'M HIIIv (Pi Hf^nwlinw Mr K- Mrs H HlcbnrdH Prent Rl'linrd' VIr IMrhto AfVIo ni'^ley Kleno'ir Hlnir Hl.nricbn Pint' '■" ^ R.'i' 'r rrr.nk ^ Ff'x be F i;in r:.>.»irn \\'\\\ ^worni'r) tlin Orest n< wl'-y Eddie (P)