Variety (February 1914)

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26 VARIETY Our MUTUAL Girl" Ltual^ Movies MakeTtane Ltual^ Movies Mike Time The Great New Mutual Film Is Making a Sensation All Over the Country It is as fascinating as a visit to New York City to see this charming Country Girl meeting the famous notables of the great metropolis and visiting the places that everybody wants to see. She meets and talks with Andrew Carnegie, Mayor Mitchel, District Attorney Whitman and the charming Billie Burke. She goes horseback riding in Central Park, visits a great Fur store and tries on sumptuous gar- ments. The Fashion Displays are a delight to all women, and the scenes in bril- liant hotels are glorious. The Greatest Business Getter Ever Offered in a Regular Service to Moving Picture Houses. Special Posters—special lantern slides—special heralds. AND THIS OTHER GREAT MUTUAL MOVIES SENSATION More Thrilling Movies of THE MEXICAN WAR Made Under EXCLUSIVE Contract With GENERAL VILLA The latest reels are NOW ON THE WAY from El Paso, l^hey pic- ture many exciting scenes in connection with the movements of the Rebel Troops in Chihuahua on their way to Torreon. i'he mere showing of the Posters of the Mexican War CROWDS lliE THEATRES TO THE DOORS. Here is REAL WAR and no make-believe. Write to the nearest MUTUAL Branch Office for terms and reserva- tions. Heralds and great one-sheet, three-sheet and six-sheet paper now ready. Branches in 49 Cities MUTUAL FILM CORPORATION NEW YORK Wlilk' n Pto.k conipany was pliiyliiR "With- in the I^iw" at the Kiujirp^s. ouver, r - (Tiitly, the followini? advcrtis. m^'iit appeared in th«? Vantouvcr World : N'otI-o The v«*r- sion of the cnincdy-drania "Within the I^w" now b«'inK produci'd In Vancouver, is wilhout anttior or owners. The soon he presented by an with Mar^'aret IllliiKton (SiKiii(l) Krnst *:• Cane. City. authorization of the regular version will authorized «oinpanv, ill the leadlnK i)art. attorneys, .\ew York The remarkable biisln«-ss now beiim' <lone r.t the Wli;wain is due t» the Monte Carter fablcijd inusii al eom«(!v coniitanv idaylni? there in eonjunetlon witli It( rt Levery vaude- vilhv After a record breaking en>:ai; nient in Honolulu, Carter entered the Winwani witli the aKreeinrnt to make w(W(\ or camel. T a-^t week Manav r ftauer and Carter siirned n new contra<;t which si)erll1es Carter Is n r«'- main Indelinltely. Incldeiitilly^ tlil'^ Is Cart- er's llrst chance to show tlui^natlvrs of his homo city what he Is ( apable of. It was a curious, show-nic, skeptical audi- ence that ^;athered to sei- Marie Dressier and the "Merry (ranibol" make their San Fran- (|scj bow at the (lalety, but a satisfied, well pleased crowd that wended Its way out at ll.L'it. The iiro^rain read. "Hock by Addison Iturkhardt. Kivise.i and rewritten by Miss Dressier. Production under supervision of .Miss Dressier. StiRe dlrc(tor and produer, Kerris Ilartman. Music by Russell M. Tarbox. Lvrics by .\rthur A. Penn. Unllet mistress. Fl iru N'orrls. Orchestra under Frank Pallma." The sta^e was deluded by stunninn show girls lavishly cost'imeo beautiful s enrry, unusual el cirlc elTects and n;)od siUKinn. Miss Dress- ier won lh«' audlen.e completely with her openliiK sonn. "A Great PlR (Ilrl Like Mo," and riKtit thrnuKh had the liou-e with her. Her taiiKo burlesjue with Charles Judcl was a bli? hit. and her travesty sonR and dance num- ber stopped the show. Chailes .lu lei. as an Italian, was 4'X( client ; he should have more opportunities. At timia his work was on the legitimate plane (lene Diincska dressed stun- ningly. Charles .Mason and his Clerman sin^- irii? male ch )rus was a bin lilt. The Mar- velou-i .Milbrs had to do thre.' din'cs Some of til" choru-; numb"rs were excci)tionally well slai;e(l Alf Couldini;. Ida Tino, Frank Hayes, .(eamtfe Lansfonl an<l Cliarle<< Purcell were all s(en to >:ood ac'vantafie In bits. The or hestra, UTi'er Mr. I'allm is direction, mauc the music feature The stane settlns, IlghtlnK eiTe-ts and Kood shiKiiiK chorus, along with the prln •lpa^. headed by Miss Dressier, make ui) a mighty good entertainment. LOS ANGELES. ii> «;.\iti».M:i( inc \iiKoiii>. OKPIIErM.—Nance ONelll. Bert Fltzelbhon. Albert Von Tilzer. Martin Johnson. McCird & Shaw. Sharp & Tur.k, Horace Goldln, Hunter S: Wilson. p:M1'HFSS (S-C). Ar-hle Goodall. Mr. & .Mrs. Perkins Fischer. Dave Ferguson, Three .Musketeers, 1 rice & Prl."e. PA.\TAGF:s. Fiji Girls. Hiding Costellos, N'l wsboys Sextette, Lyons & CuUom. Allegro, Roland, Carter & Co. (Western States).- I nnders & Abbott. Babe Lewis. Bright & Grey. Light Opera Four, Morosco).—"Within the & HIPPODUOMT": .\. Cooper, H imlin Hrothe'H. Dowell .liilia (J-^nzalza. .M\.JKSTIC (Oliver Law" ( Illlni{ton ). M\S'i.\ (Will Wyatt).- "Kismet." MOROSCO (tr. .M. Anderson).—Dlckel Uatsen in "The Girl at tho Gate." ItrRHA.VK. 'Pretty Mrs. Smith" (Kitty (lonlon 1. I ITTF K .T)hn Ulackwood. -"Anotele." ORIMIRl'M (Clarene Drown).—Week 2, Harry Giranl and Apnes Cain Brown In a 1)1 iiid new sketch "The Luck of a Totem." I,. I 'n,! sir -^(s-!. The features a'-e nn all male chorus and novel electric effects. Horace Ciobiln's a't, mystlfvlngly entertaining. Mul- ler and StanU-y, refreshing rendition of snappy «ong8 and jests. Lillian Herleln wins with Uttiiug cobtuuitiH anu uui uoutiual voice. Wil- Sun ttua I'arauud, suug aod uttDce; five BuUya, Mr. AUii ikiiu. i'rod AilcD una Low HawKina rjuuuea oui a guuu bin. i^.t^MAUn.S tcail Wttlker).—We«k 2. Eight Berlin Maucaps, beaullnu honors, with agile uuQ>.L'b: caariio O Keiliy scores heavily with ''itie belle ol bbaunon '; La France and Mc- Nao, entertaining uiulog; Aipha Sextet, pleases but uoesnt excite, wiin grand opera; Kena Arnolu und tne Lafayettes completed bill. E.vlh'KESS (Ueune w'orley).—vVeek 2, Ueorg« Hermann and Murion Snltley have capital act In " 1 be Mysitnuus Mastiuerauer." urviUe Keeder, inaiviuuul suprtmacy witn piano act; Jaiues \i:iciJouald, cuurucier sungs, ueclded Kucv^ess; 'ibrej ^oscarys, work too hard to please fastiuious; Wuyte Peizer and Whyte win witn uurimque ot popular songs; Six Diving Nympni), big draw, but similar acts too eoiuuion on Coast. Hit'VODHoMU (Lester Fountain).—Landers Stevens and Cieorgle Cooper, two week's'head- liner, with Jack i^lts "Lead KlnUly Light." It UuH a real pun.b. Murphy surprises with Juggling; Lone Star Trio, good dance act; Uiyden-O'Rourke Players, hit In "A Precari- ous Situation" : Hose Lee Ivy, comealenne auove uvera^u ; Apolio Tria, capital gymnasts; Light Opera Four, shares popularity with head- liner. HUPL'ULIC (Bob Cunningham).—Enigma, "mechanical doll," really extraordinary; tiiUy and Gayoelle Everett, laugbs as rubes; Musl- ca Tolans, up to standaru ; Lalle Brooke, real fashion novelty ; Goruon Berry, pleasing bari- tone ; Berg and La France, capital song and dance; Lowe and De Marie wind up bill on tight wire. Jay Barnes, general press representative of Oliver Morosco, has gone east on a limited vacation. Harry Glnard's new act, tried out on Or- pheum, and given a week here. Is to get full time. It runs eighteen minutes, tells a pretty Alaskan story and as a novelty has a totem pole uance with electrical effects that Is quite unusual. Both Glrard and Agnes Calo, Brown have superb voices. The advent of the act marks the return to the stage of one of the most successful interpreters of Gilbert and Sullivan roles. Frank Baum and Louis Gottscbalk, authors of "The Tick Tok Man of Or." have written some one-act musical comedies for vaudeville which will shortly be tried out In San Fran- cisco. "Pretty -Mrs. Smith." written by Oliver Morosco and Elmer Harris, with music by Harry James, and which is to be the starring vehl.le for Kitty Gordon In the east, will play first In Lostnn Instead of New York, open- ing at the Cort theatre there. The addition of a sandplle and a see saw to other attractions In the lobby of the Hippo- drome, have made that playhouse the most unique in Los .\ngeles. Biyden and O'Rourk" lay off here this week and reopen at the Hippodrome next Monday. Lillian Lawrence has been added to the Lit- tle Theatre conipany. "Rita's Romance." In which Oliver Morosco plans sending Selma Paley east for the first time, went Into r<hrarsal Monday. It Is a musical comofly requiring a cast about the size of "Mme. Sherry." Through Marquis Kills of this cltv Winters and Field, formerly of "The Merry Countess," which closed here, hive secured Orpheum time. Mrs Cnrl Walker, wife of the local Pant- apes manager, has returned from a visit of four months In Washington. PHTLADFf PHIA. K'^'TM'S f'Tnrrv T. .Tordnn mer. ; acent, C. P. o V with no ble RflrT^tlnn on the h'll the hr>ii««» was ll^ht M'^nday nl"ht. The nndl'^n-e cf-rfr' e->ld but be^arno more mrrtlTl n« the entrrtnln'iicnt n'-oceeded and toward tbe c1o«e «s >mo "f the "ol<' ^Tvorlte." who made nn a ]r>rpn n^rt of the hill. w(<re given their ii>-n"' r^ceptl ns. Tliere was much monotony of «'Ti"'n" nnd dan'^'n'r nnd the ^'n'•non Castle ,ion \r\^ i<i''»ure<» while thr'v recolvr-d much ''t- tont'cn. f"d n"t brenk the mon^tonv. Will R'^"'oro 9U"nli»>d r-n" rofrech'nf spot. H's drv. co-^l wit drew c-^n^fTnt liuehter. .\monc: the ni"nv p^n^strr"? Pmiio Fisher wt? the best, do- cr>'tp cVip w^s hf'Miored somewhat by a cold. T''" Two T"«ni P'^vc hoiin ed about In the onen'nn' Tf h'lt pnt little attention. Georeetto <-ti-f(-d b'^i' s'-n's to a house whl"h showed I'M'e pnnreelntl-n b"t soon won them over pnl w's en"<^r'^d. Pe-Mpnonte nnd .Arnold pnfio thotr rr«t app'^ann-'e In this house. THov have 's'^rne new ea^s, some old ones, good sln^ln-^ -^nd hotter dnri'lnp. In fact, the danc- ing of ^'Iss P'-aiimont" 's the hesf asset of the p-^t. Tho \'nrTi'>n CisMe pictures were next. fr^'lon•od bv vni Rr^fers nnd then came Edwin c:»r^vrnq and T|m ATarchal' In Oielr skit. "The Tr"n»>'"s of R. ind J." Mr. Stevens was es- pocItIIv well liked as the Irrasrlhle. gouty fi'tbrr who onr>o«f^s his dnught'>r's love nTalr. and >Ti«c Mar^'iTii was also well nopredated \t|«<5 F'sher lind the nevt spot nnd was fol- l'iw<-d bv R-^on^-v nnd Rent, whose time-hon- ored ckit "At the N'ews Stand." was cordlal'v wd'omed. Van and S'dienk plea<:ed 'A'tli t'loir m"lndie«j wltti Van at the nlau". Thr- I'enr Bards held Interest In the clo<« nuni her WiLT.T.xM P''\'N' nvMllnni W. Miller, mer. : nfcnt r. P. O^ Willord Siiiims In "FPn- (1(.^•^ Pnrpls'i'fi Flats" brines out more Inuch- t'>r tli-'n an''Oiln" «<'.'n nf this house for a lopf time The faice, however was only one of the brjcht ■=;■"'!' "^n the ex-^eptlonnlly pood bill Cole nnd Denahv, society dancers, were