Variety (February 1914)

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30 VARIETY It Memi coincident with tha fact that alBM th« manafemeot b«s cbangad tb« polloy at the Spoooer and taav* «dopie4 plara lUw 'Tb* LIU1« Shop Window," "On« NIghU" "UoUM of Bondaga." ate. It hat baen doing poor boat' naaa. Mr. Foasaa. wbo wai with Blaaaj alooa bla opening at tba Matropolla. baa baaa Ui out and tha new manager baa bad a bard vp- blU flgbt to abow raaulta at tha box ofllca. Mr. Munford of tba Waat Bad doaa not baTa to worry about bla aftamoon taa daaoaa, the place !■ already too amall to aronmiiMWlaU hit regular patroaa. Jean Murdock ta Uktng tha laada at tha Metropolis: aba la aaalaiai by Victor Brows. Philip Lalgb la also one of Kaaoay'a aaw play- era now appearing la the Matropolio StooB. Tba maaagament of the Proepaet aaaoaaoaa "The Bruta." Fab. 2S. and "Oar WlTOa,- March 2. Among thoae preaant with Rowdaa Hall art Laarett Browa, Margaret Laa. AUaaa Oaraaak Mr. C. Ballalie. Chaa. W. Quthrla, Oarral Wl»- ton. Jaa. J. Malry. R. Paekar. U la alae m- mored that OTary player In thla oonpaay la a atockholder. BUFFALO. By a. r. TatAiMk TECK (John R. Olsbal, mgr.).—"Tk% Chocolate Soldier," aung ao maatariy. won tha faTor of the large audience. Next weak, flrot half. Oaby Dealya; laat half. Allca Uoyd. SHBAtt (Henry J. Carr, a^r.; U. B. O.; rahaaraal Mon. 10).—Chaa. DTwabar. aoeayt able; Ellda Morrla. fair; Klrkanlth Slalara, maay anooraa; Marquard A Saalay. drawing carda: Joaaph Jalferaoa. hllartoua; Oalaty Marie, daring: Bronaon « Baldwla. ap-to-data; DirklB'a Doga 4 Moaka^a. waU traiaad. STAR (P. C. Cornall, mgr.).—"Savaa Kaya to Baldpata^" plaaaa larga aadlaa a a Maxt weak, ttrot halt. "Tha Plant"; laat half. **Madama Moaalla." _ GAYBTY (John M. Wari. Bgr.).—"Tba Bowery Burlaaquara." flllad avary m^ LYRIC (Uanry Marcua. mgr.; Loaw: ra- baaraal Moa. 10).—Laa A BoalU, aovaltyi OaelU 4 DUon. aoorad: Harry Sulllvaa 4 Oa^ azdUng: King 4 Oea. won favor; Maalcal Klnga. aatlafactory: Graoa Laoaard, plaaaa d ; Juuga 4 Galla, aglla. ^ .. ^ MAJESTIC (Joba LangbllB. agr.; 8. 4 H.>. —"A Pool There Waa" atlrrad aasoUoa of ap- praclatlva audlenca. GARDEN (W. F. Oraham, angr.).—"Tba Mliiury Malda" prored aplaadM ofTariag. ACADEMY (M. B. bcblaalagar. mgr.; Loaw; rahaaraal Mon. 10).—Dick Fargaooa. aooaatria; Chaa. Lodar 4 0>., humoraua; Kitty Flyaa. dalaty; O. C. Falla 4 Co.. wall raoalTad; Fox 4 Erana. clarer; Four Mualcal Mlaaaa. ra> flaad Victor, axoeptlonal; Daera 4 B a a aa lt , faany. Oroand baa bean brokaa for a aaw thaatra at Albloa. N. Y. Uoyd Harrla baa takaa a loag laaaa and will book road abowa at papa- lar prioaa. Joym J. Pbllllpa Jolnad "Tba CbaealaU Soldier" bara and aang tha Initial pait Moaiay night for tha flrat tlma la two yaara. Eddie Frttigarald. a Baffalo boy. wbo aa** porta Truly Sbattock at tba <lkyaty thla waak. won a great oratloa bara Moaday. ^CU^aANDj^ MILES (Frank Raymaa. iMr.).—Halatoab 4 Musical Malda. Tory good; "Coaoaalad Bad." hit: Maria Fitsglbbon. ratertalalBC; Laag Wa Dale, clerar; Rex 4 Calvart. Hkad t LotUa Mayer, featured. PRISCIUJl (Proctor E. Baaa, ngr.).—Mlla. BiWarado. fair; Bert Howard, fair: Holaaa 4 Holllaton, good: Weber 4 Hlckay, waa favar; Hibbitt 4 Crouch, hit; TaUawarl Ja| Troupe, featured: "Tha Roaa of tha headlined. COLONIAL (R. H. McLaagblln, oigr.).—•• 11, Alloa Uoyd Co. 1S-14. Gaby Daalya Oa. OPERA HOUSE (Geo. Oardnar. b«ab-«sr.). —"Folllea lOlS." PfU)BPECT (J. W. Ljona. mgr.).-'7«awty- wada and Baby.". EMPIRE (Geo. A. Cbaaot. aigr.).—" Girls." STAR (Drew 4 Campbell, agra.).—" Poaey GIrta." DUCHESS.—Stock. CLEVELAND (Harry Zltkar. aigr.). DENVER. BROADWAY (Peter McCoart, Bgr.).— CsTallo Symphony Orcbeotra. S. Good ra> tuma. PaTlowa (return), 6. Big attendanea. TABOR GRAND (Peter MeConrt mgr.).— "Common Law." well acted ; good bnalnaaa. NEW DENHAM (Woodward 4 Homan. mgra.).—Era Laas Stock (3o. In "Tba Oboroa Lady." Btr busineas and aplendldly caat. EMPRESS (Geo Booyer, mgr.).—Waak t. Llrlngatoo Trio open bill, laughs; Brook 4 Harris, srtlntlc: Bruce, Duffet 4 0>., faaay: Mayo A Allman, Kood : "Happloeaa," fine. PANTACTES (Nat Darling, mgr.).-Weak 2, White Duo, opened well; Blanche Gordon, RtartWI fair and finished strong: Hona, Northern A Co.. good; Joaeph Keknav. great: AllRky'H Hawsllsnt (return), clerer. BOB FINUY Aarfalad by NELLIE aad BETTT TA' DlraoMaa. SIDNKT BCMALLMAW Praak Crayaa la "Too Many Cooka." Did not apaa aaUl Taaaday acoount of railroad ailx> COSTUMES for PRODUCTIONS and ACTS <>>> From your own or our design at short node* PricM—Modwstt GOULD AND CO. Formerly MAISON JAGQUBS NOKMAN W. GOULD JOB SULLIVAN 1493 BROADWAY PUTNAlf BLDO., 43rd and 44th STa Adjohaing Shankya Frank Smithson StntPradNtiiii nATIM LL BAKm (Mra. Harry Ward, mgr.).—Nattla Dudley Ward Mualcal Comedy Co. la "Tha Blopara,'* good, and bualaaaa llkawlaa. HOrilUU CABARET (Harry Radataky, mgr.).—Laat waak'a bill bald oTor. DETROIT. TEMPLE (C. G. WllUama. mgr.; U. B. O.: Rahaaraal Monday 10).—Meroadaa, wonderful; MoConaall A Blmpaon, well done: Valentino PV»x, novel; Max and Mabel Ford, expert daaeara: MacEaa A Clagg, opened: Barry A Wolford, applaaaa; Raymond 4 Cararly. many langba: JaagBaaa Family, good. MILBl (C. W. Partar. mar.; T. B. C.: Ra- baaraal Monday 10).—Plalda A T^wis, went big: Carl Dammaaa Troupe, (^n'-lng; Green A Parkar, pl^aaad: Laakya eomlcal; Mattla DaLong, antaruiaiag. FAMILY (J. H. McCarroo, mgr.; U. B. O). —Callabaa A Gala, plaaaad :Tbereeo Millar, Impravlag: DIeklaaoa A Daagon. daaay: Three BatbarlaaM. good; Holden A Harron, laagh- Ing bit; Tbraa Arabia, went big: Bartlatta Tria, Btroag; Kaough A Francla, popular aa arar. COLUMBIA (Bddla Morpby. mgr.; Baa. agent).—Lama A Rlebmoad, good; Coaataaaa Windom A Co., langba: Amarlcaa Haraoay Four, big: Clotilda A Moatroaa. good; Oar- tmda Dadley A Co.. good; Parlalaa Roaaa, excellent; Bert Lauraaia, good; Tha Barlowa. good* NATION/tL (C. R. Hagedora. aigr.; Dcjla^ ageat).—Jerome A Barry, yary good; Doa Camay, good; Bra WaatooCt A Oa-, axoalleat: Belmont'a Manlklna, plaaaad; Llcatlag Waa- ton. picaaed: Kumry Boaach A Robiaaoa. bit: Whiu A Taagaar. Tern good; Nattia Carroll Troupe, ycry good. Thla thaatra la bavlag auccaaa with faatura Alma la aoaaaetloa with Tauderilla. WASHINGTON (Fmak Wbltback. mgr.).— Waablagtoa Playara ia "Tba Girl of tba Gold- en Weat," with Marlon Baraay. tba now lead- ing lady, who an cc aeda Julia Heme. Maa- ager wbltback anaoanceo Mlteball Harrla leaTaa and of waak and will ba aa cc aa d a i by Tharatoa Hall, who baa baaa laadlag mtm at tha Dnqaaaae, Pittabarg, for tha paat alz moa tba. LYCEUM (A. R. Wamar, mgr.).—Tboaaaa B. Bbea la rapertolra. OARRICK (Richard H. Lawraaca. mgr.).— If its in your business to smoke a cigarette, ,makc it a good one—a Fatima. "Out in front" they \A^on't know the difference, but you will. That distinctive Fatima flavor gets "a hand from all smokers — on and off the stage. For 25 Fatima Coupom you can secure a handsome felt College Pennant {12x32)—150 to select from. "Distinctively^ Individual'* loy^Vfi OVTROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).—Oarld Warfldld in "The Auctioneer," big bualneaa. GAYBTY (William Roche, mgr.).—Wataon Blatera Own Company. Drawing big. Glrla wall liked bara. CADILLAC (Sam LaToy, mgr.).—Quaana of tha Cabaret. AVEMUE (Frank Draw, mgr.).—"Human Haarta." INDIANAPOUS. u> c. 4. c;a1iLa«i.%.%. BHUBBRT MURAT (W. B. Mick, mgr.).—0, Oaby Daalya. half flllad bouaa. 10-l£ "Bird of Paradlaa." %BN0L1»U'8 (A. F. Millar, mgr.; K. A B.).— Joba C. Waber Band, ld-14. John Draw la ba Will" aad "lyraaay of feara." FAMILY (C. Harmon, mgr.).-Mualcal atock. LYCEUM^ (Phil Brown, ftigr.).—"Madame Z. Good bualneaa. LYRIC (H. K. burton, mgr.: agent, 8. A C). —7 Ploehlannl Troupe, excellent; Berry A Berry; Whltiler'a Ifarafoot Boy, well Uked; Morrlaaay A UaefcaU; Warner A Whlta^ hit; "BalvaUoa Sue," well racelred. COLUMBIA (C. M. Southwell, mgr.).— "Folllea of Day." fair bouaa. MAJESTIC (J. K. Sullivan, mgr.; Prograa- aiya Wheel).—"Broadway Bellaa." axcaUant bualni— KANSAS CITY. Mt ai. m. CMucom. €AM 8. SUUBERT (Earl Steward, mgr.).— "Honeymoon Bxpreaa" with Ai. Jolson. Big bouaaa. ORPUEUM (MarUn Lehman, mgr.).—Lean * Mayfleid. lacka punch; Aahlyn A Gould. great; George Holland A Co., good; John E. UauanL bright; Wright A Deltrich. fair; Tiili Abbot: The Urada. cloaod. SMPRESS (Dan McCory. mgr.).— lAoppl- aeaa,' airong; Mayo A AUman. riot; Bruca- Dulfat A Co., laughs; Uvlogaton Trio. Urlll- ara; Brooke A Harrla. good; Hilda Urih. ordinary. HIPPODROME (J. A. Oerapacher. mgr.).— VirglBla Grant, flne; Five Lunatics, fair; Bot- toiuley Troupe, pleaalng; Muvller liroihera. applauaa; Taa Roscllas. tuneful: Dob Har- mon A Co., axccUent; Imperial Dancing Duo, graceful; Capialn Lawrence, fair; Alpha Troupe, good; Luken a Aoimala, One. GLOBE (Cy. Jacobs, mgr.).—Angeiua Quar- tatte, big; Vera De Ba«alol. pleasing; Mills A Mouiton, fair; Albert Fench, poor; Larkla A Burns, good. GRAND (A. Judah, mgr.).—"The Red Roaa." Fair bualneaa. AUDITUHIUM (MeU Miller, mgr.).—Stock. Good bualneaa. GAYBTY (Burt McPhall, mgr.).—"Happy Widowa. • Big bouaaa. • "• ' *"*" WILLIS WOOO (Roy Crawford, mgr.).— "Girls from Folllea. ' Good bualneaa. CONVENTION HALL (Loula ShouM. mgr.). —0-W. Canadian Opera Company and Anna Pavlowa. Eaormoua bualneaa. MONTREAL. Uy DAN AuliU^^. ORPHEUM tFr.d Crowe, act. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Bert Wbe«ler A Co.. winner; Caa- tlea, dancing flima, quiet reception; Kawla A Von KauSman. hit; Urcat Howard, old friend warmly welcomed; Hinee A Fox, good; Josefa- aon'a Icelandic Troupe, thrills; Mr. A Mrs. Jimmy Barry, good; Dunbar's White UuaaariL certain. THEATRE FRANCAI3 (O. 8. Schlealnger. mgr.; ageat. Loew).—Kaahlma. Juggler. weU balanced turo; Colllna A Manning, good; Mile. Amoraa A Ban Muirey. picaaed; Tom Bate- man, auccaaa- Allice Hanaon A Co., yery good; Flying Cornells, batter than ever. HIS MAJESTY S (H. Quiotua Brooke, mgr.). —Lawrence Inring A Mabel Hackney in r«p. opened with the "Unwritten Law." Dig bouaa and great auccaaa. -Typhoon" aacond half of week. PRINCESS (Abble Wright, mgr.).—Walter Haats Waiah Playera In 'Change." well re- ceived by medium bouaa. Much of the local color not understood. -*°oT'?T.^.//'^ Crowe, mgr.).—"New Gay- ety Giria" did good busloeas. Jcrge A Hamil- ton and the International Mualcal Malda did well in the olio. Ada Lum. "the only Cbloeaa Girl in Durieaque." acored In "Oriental NlabL" a apecialty flxed by Joe Chandler, praaa agent Manager George F. Drlacoil. of the Orpbeum, baa left for a holiday, and ia now in E«7pt Hie place baa been uken by F. Crowe, man- agar of the Gayety, who will run the two houaea until Mr. Driscoli's return. A. E. Haddock rcmalna houae manager of tha Orpbeum, while T. E. Conway hoida tha aama poaiUon at tba Gayety. .. J^f.^ y^^J*' ^*'® "••* to ^ ^^^ Zlegfleld'i Folllea," baa for the time being changed bU bualneaa, and is a lire newspaper man on oaa of the afternoon daillea. « »e «« Gus Bchlaainger, manager of the Theatre rrancaia, wbo baa recently bit this town after a aucceaaful reign aa manager at the Buflfalo Academy, baa been bufly tba six weeks be bsi bean bare. The house has been thoroughly ELLWOOD and SNOW First tlaso In and areand Chlaago. BOOKED SOLID