Variety (February 1914)

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SPECIAL LITHO. LETTERHEADS IVIEl-VI 10,000 for $ 15.00-Total Cost. B. RAYIVIOIMD(Iiic.), I-I W« 4» «• typ« prifitlns. Will hav* •fhar flMturM lalMr Your portrait if desired. Bond Paper. Cash with order. Only 100 orders will be taken at this price. Do it now. rvnoratti aai th« attraetloas bronchi «» la data. Italian ofBeer ValUal, bow a tmatad ma^baf of Lieut Savard's flying dataotlva aqaad, haa rocelTod an offer from Bamuma to eomo baak In hi* trapose act which he playad with thMk tome time ago. "Nothing doing" now. Val- Unl Is married, and has boen a gum shoa for seren years. Ada Lum. "the only Chlneea girl la boi- lesque." had to put up a $300 bond for bar trip Into Canada, and at Orst had some dlfl- cultr in getting through. She Is with Oos Pay s Oayety CHrls. It Is said that Jos. Thomas, owner of the Maple Leaf movie house, has obtained a tan fears' lease on the. site, which la where the alace (movie) now stands. His managar states a house to seat 1,3U0 will be ballt NEWARK. N. J. Ry JOB U'RNTAN. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr.; agant, U. B O.: rebearsal Hon. 9).—"CaTalTerla Rustlcana,'* likable; Imboff-Conn A Coraaaa; Belle Oorl; Jimmy Lucaa. funny; Saundera 4 VoD Kunts. Edwin George. Miller A Lfles, Gormley A Caffrey, amused. KEB.VEY'S (John McNally, mgr.; agant, Sbea).—Edwlna Barry t Co., amusing; "Jamie" Kelly, creditable; Coakley, McBrlda A Mllo. bit; Marlus A Clements, excellent; "Billle" Seaton, a go; Wilson A Wasblagtoa. entertslnlng: Minetto A Sldello, aero good; D9 Cano A Cora, novel. WASHI.NOTO.V (O. R. Ncn. mgr.; agant. Fox).—Frank Rea A Co, Brady A Mahoney. bit; Stewart's Mllltanr Maids, novelty; ■«• 8poe Trio. Viola Duval, cbarmlng; Stewart A ^old, nicely. MINER'S (Tom Miner, mgr.).—"Baaaty Show." NEWARK (George Bobbins, mgr.).—"The New Henrietta." 8HUBERT (Leo Ottelengln. mgr.).—"At Bay." MAJESTIC (Harry Hyama. mgr.).-"Little Lout Sinter." ORPHEUM (Louis Fosse, mgr.).—Stock. The "Hippodrome." formerly the Jsrdia De Paris. bsR been reopened with afternoon teas and evening daosants under entire new man- agement. Fsmlly Theatre (Columbia) has ehanged hands again. Mrs. Birdie Jscobo trsding It to Louis M Finger, a local real estate dealer. Mr. Finger gave a large apartment hoasa hbro and received a second mortgage on same for I2.TOO0. Chief of Police Long will prebsblj grant a speclsl dlspennRtlon to give Sunday pcrfona- anres bere shortly as benefits to the clty'a an- employed. spokaneTwash. Rv JAMIW R. ROrrR. Sybil Ssmmle McDermld. former soprano with the Minneapolis symphony orrbeatra. will be brnuvht here for a concert Feb. 2<l under the auspices of the Musical Art Society. The RIre A Dore eitmlval company baa an- nounced It will spend a week here In April. Attempts to bring about an alliance between the churches and the muHlclMns and stage- bandn' unlon<« to secure Sunday closing of Spokane theatres have been started. A large seat sale Is promised for the pro- gram to be riven nt the Auditorium Feb. 14 by Katharine RIdveway. Lyceum reader. Mm. RIdgeway was formerly Kate Hogan. a Spokane girl. Augusta Gentsch, a local plan- lat, will assist Donald McDonald, a professional, who staged the Unlversliy Club's extrsvagan^a last year, has been secured to produce this year's en- tertainment, which will be at the Andltarlnm. April 17-18. Thn Mafeatin, Unique and other ptetnre bonnes hsve won a court ault, aaklng far an Inlunrtlon against picketing by nnlon oparators who are on atrlke. Mrs. Marie Srammell-Smltb, local singer, who haa been preparing for profeoalonal work. HIPPODROME Opens Sat. May 16 PLAYING BIG FEATURE CIRCUS ACTS S SENSATIONAL OUT-DOOR ATTRACTIONS NO ACT TOO BIG FOR PARTICULARS, WRITE, WIRE tS»^J& FRANK Q. DOYLE, General Manager JoneSf Linick & Schaefer's Vaudeville Agency UO-112 South State St. CHI BABE LA TOUR Tha girl that made lightning gat awt aff tha way With "THE BON TONS" •'TNOSK tAILOR BOVt" BIJOU COMEDY TRIO OKO. L LEW Q. NISLIN HAimV I. WALTJCN Have jolnad WUliama fli Sullivan'a "GIRLS FROM JOYLAND'* (MAKING GOOD IN BVBRY PORT) woa her ault for diTorce, although her hua- hand oharged that ahe neglected her home for her alnglng. Testimony that Mrs. Smith had danoai tha tango In the nude waa not allowed to go lata tha raoord. Aboat Febraary 15, the Puipi ees thaatre, whloh waa tha home of lulllTan ft Conaldlne Taudarllle, will go lata picturaa. The 8. ft C. ahows hare moTOd to tbe Orpheum and are ftlaylng to Increaaad business. B. W. Cope* anft and C. D. Robinson, owners of the Rex. hare leaaed the Bmpreoa and are remodeling It. Copeland will manage tbe houae. which lata out George Blakealee. former Bhnpreaa manager. No senrloe baa been contracted for. but Klnemacolor la being considered. TORONTO. By MAMTLBY. ROYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Bolmao. ogr.).— Julia Dean. "Her Own Money." l6. Nat 0. Goodwin In "Nerer Say Die." SHBA'S IJ. Shea, mgr.: agent, U. B. O.).— Neptune'a dardaa of UTlng Statuaa, novelty: Wllllama ft Wolflra, azcellent: Frawlay ft Hunt, aanaatlonal; Bd. Morton, entertaining: Chas. ft Fanny Van. acream; Dorothy Da Shalle ft Co., pleased; Cartmell ft Harrla, oloTor. PRINCB8S (O. B. Sbeppard. mgr.).—"Fine Feathera." 18. "FolUea 1»13." YONOB 8TRBBT (Charlea B. Bewarda, mgr.; agent. Loew).—"Maid of Nloobar.'' pleasing; George Drury Hart; Onaip. noTolty : Brier ft King, good; Merlin, clever; Gaits Bros., hit: Two Georges, pleased; Waltar B rower, good. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.).—"WhlU SlaTO." 16. ^'Wbat Happened to Mary." GAYBTY (T. R. Henry, mgr.; Columbia).— Columbia Burleaquers. MAJESTIC (Peter F. Grlffln, mgr.: agent. Grlffln).—Leatar ft Leater. Mualcal Bella. Uy- land. Ohant ft Hyland. Amanda ft Sldona. Jas. Corrlgan. BEAVER (W. L. Joy, mgr.; agent, Orlffla). —Haggerty ft Hobbo, Jonea Childran, Art Comua, The Irwlaa, Oao. Grant, Van Uopanaftt ft Co. CRYSTAL (C. M. Robaon. mar.; agant, Qrit- fln).—Barrett ft Swinburne. Zeda ft Hoot, Jadk Wolfe, Frank Taylor. LA PLAZA (M. Wellsman, mgr. • agent. Chrlffln).—Grace Sisters, Musical Simpaona. Mike Dowd. Chief Laxawana. PEOPLES (8. Aboud, mgr.; agant. Orlffla). —Nora Fuller. Goo. Whitney. CHILD8 (G. M. Maxwell, mgr.; agant, Qrif- Bn).—Jack Roblnaon, Harry Webb. Loaw'a Wintar Garden opena 10. WINNIPEG. By W. F. PAYNB. WALKER (C. P. Walker, mgr.).—All weak Quintan Opera Co. WINNIPEG (W. B. Lawrence, mgr.; atook). —"The Confeaaion." ORPHEUM (E. J. BulllTan, mgr.; agant. Orpheum).—Clayton White ft Co., Herman Tlmberg. Moober, Imyj- \. Moaher. Burna. Kilmer ft Grady. Julia Naah ft Co.. Parllla ft Frablto, The Blessings. PANTAGES (W B. Lawrence, mgr.).— Opening bill of new house. Vauderllle. Adgla ft Llpns, Phil La Tosca, Howard Brotbors. Arthur Rlcby. Milton A Dolly NnMP'' EMPRESS (J. R. Bronson. ngr.; agant. B> C.).—Hoag Fong, Moffat-Clare. "Top o' tha World." Jaroea Francla SoIIlran ft Merry- makers, OllTottl Troubadors, Sam Barring- ton. ^CKOF THE NAME /T STANDS --^ ^BKrfRBJikp^IlT DE WOLF HOPPER SAYSt It la • pleasure to travel with » "TAYLOR" Wardrobe Tmnk. in my opinion It eomblnes the two essential things that Is necessary In m tmnk— CONVBNIBNCB and tTRBNOTH. Send for 1914 Catalogue. CJl. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGOi 35 E. Randolph St. NEW YORK: 131 W 38th St. IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN DONT ADVERTISE AT ALL