Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY 33 ■ TO 1 WXl Writ* t Wli* J. H. ALOZ urpteuai Thastr* Bids. MONTREAL. P. Q. WANTBD^-STANDARD ACTS Ml MUN-r Room S17, Patiuim BIdff.. N. Y. N. Y. Rep. Howard Athenaem. | Bo«ton, Bowdoln Bq. Theatre, t ]||aM. ' Grand Opera Hoom. and Circuit of New Kngland Theatres. THE WEBSTER VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT CHICAjOO. Suite M IM North La Salle St. JBNNT WBBSTBB. Prop. Afflllated with BDWARD J. FT8HBR, INC.. Seattle. BERT LBVBT CIBCCIT, fiM naaelMO GEORGE H. WEBSTER, General Maaacer. IF TOU HATB A GOOD ACT Rosenberg Gaiety Theatra BMg. New York Ctty BOOKING ALL OVBB Mroadway Girls l*i Star Brooklyn 2.i Empire Brooklyn. Colk'ge Girls 10 Columbia ludlanapolls 2'A Star & Garter (;hiL-aKO. ('olunibia lilirlesqueru Hi Gayety Uuffalo 23 rorlnthlan RocheHter. ('ra( kerjacks 1<> Gayety MInneapoliu 'S\ Grand St Paul. Crusoe Girls Ki Grand () 11 BoHlon 'j:i Gotham New York. Dandy Girls 1<; Vli-toria IMttsburgb !■'•{ Empire Cleveland. Follies of Day 1(* Star H (iarter ChlraKO 23 Standard St L3Uis. Follies of Pleasure 10 Howard Uuston 'Ji\ Grand O H Boston. Gay New Yorkers Hi Kniplre Newark lili Em- pire Pbiladelphia. Gay White Way 1<» Westminster Providence 2."> Casino Bustou. GinRer Girls Bi Empire lloboken S.\ Casino Phlladelphiu. Girls from Maxim's It; Broad St Trenton l':> People's Phlladelplila. Girls of Follies 16 L O '2:\ Englewood Chleago. Girls from Happyland V> Gayety Detroit 2.{ Gayety Toronto. (Tirls from Joyland Hi Willis Wood Kansas City 2;i L O 12 Englewood Chicago. Girls from Stafland B'» Miners Bronx New York 2.3 Casino Brooklyn. (iolden Crook HI (Jayety Kansas City 2^ Gay- ety Omaha. Happy Maids !<> Kmplri Cleveland 2:{ UlymplL- Cincinnati. Hapiiy Widow's B"> Gayety Omaha 2.''> L O 12 Gayety Minneapolis. Hastings Big Show Bi Casino Philadelphia 2:i Murray Hill New York. High Life Girls 111 Majestic Indianapolis 2:'. Gayety St lx)uls. Honey Girls Vi Olymi)U New York 2:! Troca- dero Philadelphia. Honeymoon Girls BJ-ls Bastable Syraeuse 11»- 21 Lumberg It lea 2.'{ Gayety Montreal. Howe's Loveniak«rs Ki-l.S L O 19-21 Park Bridgeport 23 Westminster Providence. .lark Reld s Progressive Girls 10 Cadillac Dc- trolt 2:; Star Toronto. .Tolly Girls 10-lS Empire Plttslleld 19-21 Em- pire Holyoke 23 Howard Boston. Liberty Girls IS Gayety Pittsburgh 23 Star Cleveland. Marlon's Dreamlands 10 (fayety Milwaukee 23 Folly Chlrago. Marlon's Own Show U! Gayety Cincinnati 23 Buckingham Louisville. Militant Maids 10-1« Armory Bingbamton 1!>- 21 Van Culler O H Schenectady 23-25 Em- pire Plttflfleld 20-2S Empire Holyoke. Miner's Big Frollr 10 Orpheum Patenon 2;{ Empire Newark. Mischief Makers 10 Garden Buffalo 23-2.". Armory 20-28 Van Culler O H Schenectady. .MoUlo Williams Co 10 Columbia Chicago 23 Gayety Cincinnati. Monte Carlo Girls 10 Haymarkct Chicago 23 Cadillac Detroit. I'ariRlan Beauties 10 Trocadero Philadelphia 23 Broad St Trenton. Queens of Paris 10 Empire Brooklyn 2'. Peo- ple's New York. Queens of the Cabaret 10 Star Toronto 2:'. Garden Buffalo. Rector Girls 10 People's Philadelphia 2.". vic- toria Pittsburgh. Reeve's Big Beauty Show H» Star Cleveland 23 Empire Toledo. Rohle's Beautv Show 10 Empire Philadelphia 23 Gayety Baltimore. Hoselnnd Girls 10 Standard St Umls 23 Gay- ety Kansas City. Hose Sydells 10 Gayety Montreal 23-2.'5 Em- pire Albany 20-2S Worcester Worcester. Rosey Posey Girls 10 Empire Toledo 23 Colum- bia Chicago. Social Maids 10 Columbia New York 23 Star Brooklyn. Star &■ Garter 10-1S Gllmore Springfield 10-21 Empire Albany 23 Miner's Bronx New York- * Billy Atwell RepreaeatatiTe of Standard Acta. SalUvan-Consldlne Oflleae. B^delberc Bnlldlns . Phene M« BrTMift 4td St. and Broadway. New York. WE BOOK EVERYTHLNG Ue«na«4 Ineorporated BataJbliahed 1912 THOMAS a.HAMLrlM LNC. PHOENIX BUILDING MINNCAPQLIS.MINN AUSTRALIAN VARIETY The only AaatrallaB penny weekly daTaiad entirely U vaadaTlUa and Iha thaatiaa s«b- erally. All eammanlcatlona ta Martin C. too Caatlereafh St., flydaay. Lafayette Theatre ISlat to ISSnd 8ts. on 7th Ato.. New York Playinc Hl«h Clnaa TaadeviUe and The Only Colored Mn«leal Tomedy Stock Company In One Act Maeleal Plays. Management mt J. A. SHTPF * BAM COBKKB. JR. VIC HYDE THE WaL-KNOWN PMDUOER OF BUSSIAN tiNQiNa AND oANema acts Just arrived from Europe with a new Russian act (?lrls) Address 745 RIVERSIDE DRIVE. NEW YORK Carts E. BROKOFF. Tango Glrlg 10 Olympic Cincinnati 23 Majes- tic IndlflnapollB. Taxi Girls 10 Gayety Boston 23 Columbia New York. The Flirting WUIowh 10 Englewood Chicago 23 Haymarket Chleago. TroraderoH 10 O'ayety Baltimore '211 Gayety Washington. Vanity Fair 10 L O 23 Gayety Minneapolis. Watson SlsterH Show 10 Gayety Toronto 23 Gayety Buffalo. LETTERS Where C followe name, letter Is In Chicago. Where 8 F follows name, letter is In San Francisco. Advertising or circular letters of any description will not be listed when known. P following name indicates postal, advertised once only. .MmeH Noette Alberg Harry Alberto Bob (P) Allen Jack Ardell Franklyn Ardell & Leslie Armstrong Anna .Arthur Richards & AuHtrallan Duo Ball Ray Eleanor Bardon Frank Barker Anna Barlow Hattie Barnard Florence Barnes & Asher Barnes & Crawford (C) Barrett Mabel (!') Harrison Dolly Bates .Mrs Ix)uIh Bayllss Agnes Begar Beatrice Beers I.ieo Bell & KIchnrds Belmont Kitty Belmont Bella (C) Benett Grare (P) Berger Mrs E (D Bernard & Nenl (C) Bishop Blanehe T Black Vera Blume Norman A Bond Fred (C) Bonlen & Shannon Bradley Kate M (C) Brenner Jim Brlerre Maurice E Jr Britton Chas Brown Tom Broekman Jamea Blirke Walter Burt Vera Caine & Odom (C) Cami)bell MlBs B Canfleld Charles Carmen PIncus (C) Cate B J Cavanaugb & Shaw rhnppele Ethel (C) Cbappele Ethel Cllklns Irwln Clark Charles Clark Roda Cinrk Thomas Claudius * Scarlet Clinton Fred (C) ClU'-asH C Cnrrol (C) Clyde Ora (C) Cnnwav lyiu Took 1>'wls Cnrbett James ('oiv<oran .Taek f'nyle Walter f'ressy Will M THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT THE HIDE-AWAY BIG TIME CIRCUIT Direct booking asent. PETRR F. GRIFFIN. Grimn Theatre BIdg.. Torunto. Tanuda. MONTKKAL OFFlC'K. 41 Ht. f'atherlne Ht. Fant. BllFFAI.O OFnC'K. Ul Franklin Ht. DETROIT OFFICE. 42 Campau Bulldinff. Freeman Bernstein r. Prom and Prodocer of Yanda^llla Aata ttb Flaar, PUTNAM OUILDINO, NKW TOBK OPBN DAT AND NIGHT Cable. *'Finaban.*' Now Talk Bvyant tSU EVEY INDCPCNDCNT OIROLJI VAUDKVILLI Tka Beat SbmU Tlma la tke Tmt West. Steady ConeocatlTo Work f«r NaTolfty FMtnro ■XJECUTIVX OFFICES. ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDO.. SAN FRANCISCO PLAYING THE BEST IN VACUEVILLR SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENKRAL BVSINRSS OFFICBt BoUlTaa and Conaldlne Bids.. Third and Madlean Btreeto, SEATTLE, WASU. LINCOLN Gaa. Mgr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE t 1465 BROABWAT—IIEIDELBBBO BLDG. NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BBOWN. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES: PAUL GOUDRON. • North Clark St. eor. Madlaon, Chl- eago. III.: R. J. GiLPILLAN. td and Uadieon BU.. Seattle. Wash.; W. P. RBBSB. Mi Market St., San Fraaclaco, Cal.; B. OBERMAYER. Broadmead Uoueo, II Panton St.. Loadoa. •. W., Bncland. Brennan-Fuller Vaudeville Circuit 9S to M WEEKS (AUSTRALIA ND NEW ZEALAND) TO RECOGNIZED ACTS. ALL TRANSPORTATION PAID. BEN J. FULLER, Oovemlnc DIHcior. AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVE, til PANTAOBS THEATRE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO ^^ Mg ^W of all performers Rolng to Europe make their steamship arrangemente through ^^^E^ljflr| us. The followinsr have: ^^^M A/ TIIR KRLLIN08. LKK KOIILMAR. MINNIE KAUFMAN. KBELEY BROS.. ^^^^ KIK8TEN MARIETTA TROI FK. KKHHELKY. KKRNR A ADAMS. VIOLET KINC. NOR.\ KFLI.Y. THRRR KRLTONH. KKAOM TRIO, KAUFMAN THOUPR, KONYOT FAMILY, THE KKATONS. ANNKTTK KKLLEKMAN. PAUL TAI 8IG A HON, 104 R. 14th St., New York City (•erman Savings Bank BIdg. Telephone Htayvesant 1360 RICK'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE LAVIGNE * LANGNER, Prop*, and BIgre. 106 NO. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. WANTED—All klnda of good acta for Immediate and fatare time. Write, wire, phono ar call In and see us. Manager* looking for competent booking ehould oommoalcato with ■• immediately. NOW: OPEN rOR BUSINESS- NOW Robinson Amusement Corporation CONSUMERS BUILDING, CHICAGO Suite 818—STATE AND QUINCY STS. ETHEL ROBINSON, General Manager FELIX REICH. U -^ * SAMUEL L. TUCK, f A880rtate« Formerly with the Wtstttit Vaudeville Managers' Association T» Hear From High-Qrado Actt tulUMa far PARKS, EXPOSITIONS, Etc. PAIRt, Tom Jones Manager and Producer of Vaudeville Acts 5,^',2 PUTNAM BUILDING '^^^^Xl' Steady Consecutive Work for Standard ^nd Novelty Acts GET IN TOUCH WITH ME AT ONCE CuinniliiKs I< M CunnlnRliain Kvclyu ('iiinin Th;>mas I) Dale Mis Sytliicy Dninoixl Kimt'iu- ((" Havis \Vnlt< r (J Davenport Ulanciic 11 Arnio lUllv I ir I'roitc l-raiik 1 1<< Ml- Li'«»na (•' I D.mN- Hcl.n (P) I).' Koll(«' rarlotlH Kf Marin Amy liriro (Tuldo lniinTics A ((') I).' Wolfr Dnvid !»<• Sfirt'l F-'loryaiH i)<MlK.- Itllly ['orioii David Dnolcy Hilly Dow Hi Dow (I") Dra|i<T H it K- Il'v- Itii Hois Wilfred Diij^;,iii W !•' (C, Dun an Mllian iMjiKHtJlu Kati' ((' K i:.iil. Hurt l-:irl Lola I^«a Kdna K lit It I'MlMMir Iy<)v«dla I'M ward" AT Kliri iidall J ir ( (') Kl. V II. Ill) i;il.i>on Mis I'lank l';r'ipfcs ; Ntniii' l';inl.' K V.i\\\'- M'l INIi'Iman \D n S l';\ a ii*^ \ \V;i I'll' r ( '' I':\<.'I<.tt I-'lo <>') Kv«'Hoii iHiihvlla (C) V I'aiilnntoM Nevada l''arrl!i^iori Paula I'l riis Win If l''islicr All«;e I'i Iht l']|('atior I'll/ iiiinion'< Kobert I'll iiiint^ Alma I ' iii'iii !• I (alny liriiiiicc IlHiiry (C» l"ioriri"f Mabni