Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY 29 Charles Horwitz Dmmh Mja: "'Aa It Max !!•' MDvht iMffhs from b«sliuilB|^ to end, and aa It atanda with- out chance, la readj for aajr aort of vaado- vllle, where It will bo a bis eomody nomber." HORWITZ wrote It and hnndreda of SKETCH HITS. CHARLES HORWITZ. 1408 Broadway (Room S15), Mew York. Phone 251» Oreelef. Telephone 1696 Brxaat. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER Baccafe Called for and Cheeked to All RaUroada and Steamboata. Stand. 8. E. Cor. 48d St. and 8th Ave. Storace—764 11th Ave., bet, 6Sd * 64th St. Ottlce—276 W. 43d St. NEW YORK. I. MILLER. 1554 Bmiway. "tri&r ToL 6606-T Cholaoa N. T. Manofaetaror e f Theatrteal Boots and Shoes. QLOQ, Ballot and Aorobatlo thoea a 9o«- Ult7. All work made at ahart notloo. Write for CaUlo« 4. LEST YOU FORGET WB SAY IT YET LETER HEADS Contracta, Tlcketa, Envelopeo, Free Saaiploa, STAGE MONEY. 16e. Book of Herald Cats, S6c. PKINTING COMPANY .'CRIp Ann 501 8. DEARBORN ST. *^***^-*'*^v CROSS HORT VAMP HOES »4 'J SB Oor popular atjrle S72V^ In tan and black illustrated and Deacrlbed In Our FREE STYLE BOOK. Many other exclusive models, high and low cuts, button or lace, any heel, all sizes Full line of Tanso Sllppera. Fair prices. Hundreds of oth«>r Stylea In all leathers and colors. Dainty Satin Sllppera I •^n^H In any shade. French Heel ) h' Ballet Slippers, one Strap, all 1 1 .M shades J A ' J. GLAS8BERQ S Convenient Stores • 11 tlh AvOniMar Slat St. •• ad Ava~ N. Y. I 21(1 Waal 4td tl. Near i««b M. | Wea* o2 Vwar- ILLUSTRATED STYLE BOOK "C" FREE TYPEWRITTEN FORM LETTERS OHgiaal Letter Heada aad Engraving tor Artlata Lawrence F. Deutzman 124 WEST 4Sth STREET NEW YORK (Phone. 4067 Bryant) ALBOLENE RERHOVES MAKE-UP EASILY and quickly becatise it is FREE from water and all sticky material. It cuts the grease paint instantly and prolonged apptication is not neces- sary. SAMPLE FREE ON REQUEST MtKtriMi« Rflkin. II FsH6i SU, Nnr Ytrfc Dr. JULIAN SIEGELOfioalDenlisttoliieWIIITERATS tmnr, nm vo«k city tmiU UTU TO TNI PMFIttlON WBtT Dudley and company, good; Henry A Francla. fooUah bit HARRIS (C. R. Buchhelt. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Sam Curtla. big laugb; Keogb A Francis, good; Laven Trio, aenaatlonal; Ouy Bartlett Trio, good; O'Neil A Dixon, fair; Cburcb Bistera. good. SHERIDAN SQUARE (Frank H. Tooker. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Torelli'a Spanlab Circuit, bit for cbildren; Oxford Quartet, aplendld; Bert Wilcox A Co, good; McAl- eavey'a Manrela. good; Etalka A Irene, fine; Hagan A Searlea, funny; Stroud Trio A Baay Violet, anotber bit witb cbildren. EMPIRE (A. A. McTigho, mgr.; agent. L. C. McLaugblln).—Vaudeville. ROWLAND (P. E. Jones, mgr.; agent. Bun) —Vaudeville. ALVIN (J. P. ReyDoIds, mgr.).—"Cbange," probably tbe best advertised play tbia year, drew good bouse, tbougb not crowded. 23. "Tbe Pleaaure Seekera." NIXON (Tbos. Kirk, mgr.).—Ethel Barry- more in "Tante" drew big boule but play proved tireaome. 23, David Warfleld. DUQUESNB (Harry Davia, mgr.; Stock). —Edmund Breese in "Tbe Lion and tbe Mouse" drew record-breaking crowd. 23. "Cbeckera." PITT (W. McVickor. mgr.; atock).— "Herod," with coatuming and scenery of Faverabam production, drew big bouae. 23, "la Matrimony a Failure T" LYCEUM (C. R. Wilaon. mgr.) .—"Trail of tbe Loneaome Pine" drew good bouaa. 23, "What Happened to Mary." QAYBTY (Henry Kurtzman. mgr.).—"Lib- erty Olrla," good bouae. VICTORIA (Geo. Scbaffer, mgr.).—"Dandy Olrla," apeedieat abow bere on tbe circuit, drew full bouae. Tbe value of picture for recording blatorl- cal eventa for future generations waa illus- trated when moviea of tbe consecration of St. Paul's Cathedral taken almost ten years ago, were exblbited to tbe Cathedral Quarda. an organization of boys, and tbeir parents, this week. Aileen Crater, wife of Fred Stone, who waa in Municipal hospital suffering from scarlet fever for three weeks, baa recovered and rejoined tbe cast of "The Lady and tbe Slip- per." Mrs. Alice Kauser, tbe play broker, assist- ed in putting on "Herod" for the Pitt theatre. She is a sister of Benjamin Kauser, who re- cently Joined the stock company. Suit entered by Managers Thomas F. Kirk. Jr., John B. Harrla. Harry Davia, repreaent- ing the theatrical loterests, and Barney Drey- fuss, of tbe Pittsburgh Pirates, to prevent the enforcement of a law requiring $50 license fee a month, was lost. Recently tbe plalntlffa were flned $25 each by a magistrate for fail- ure to pay and enter suit. It is likely another appeal will be taken. Clinton E. Lloyd baa returned from tbe Irl- quols Indian reservation and has announced be baa engaged 70 Indian players to present "Hiawatha" In tbe open air theatre on Squaw Run this summer. MILWAUKEE. By P. G. MORGAN. MAJESTIC (James A. HIgler, mgr.; agent, Orpheum).—Failure one act to appear, and eleventh hour appearance of beadllner did things to bill opening matinee. Bert Clark and Mabel Hamilton, delayed by wreck. Far- ber Olrla did not show, place filled by Dorothy Davidson and Carl Helsen, who are dancing at one of the hotels. Joe Welch, did very big; Henrlette De Serrls, big; Mor- ton A Criasa, finely; Austin Webb A Co., nicely: Keller A Weir, opened well. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr. ; agent, T. B. C.).—Six Hoboes, featured; Royal Toklo Japs, excellent; "Somebody's Coming to Otjr House," good; Rex & Calvert, entertaining; Lillian LeonI, entertaining. EMPRESS (William Raynor. niBr. ; agent. S.-C.).—"The Mermaid and the Man," hit: Bob Hall, popular; "The Punch," fair; LouIh Granot, excellent; The Zoreldaa. good. ORPHEUM (Frank Cook, mKr. ; agpnt. T B. C.).—"Oh. I»ok Who's Here." DAVIDSON (Sherman Hrown, mgr.; agent, Ind.).—Ifl-l.S, Fiske O'Hnra In 'In Old Dub- lin." business gaod ; lO-'Jl. "The Traffic." SHUBERT (Chnrles .\. Newton, mgr.).- Stock. excellent business. PABST (Ludwig Kreiss. mgr). German stock ; good businena. GAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.) -Dream- lend Burlesquers. ATLANTA. llT R. H. MrTAW. FORSYTH (HuKh Cardoza. mgr.; aK.ent. IT. B O.).—DlBK he WftlBh, Bplendld. hearty re- ception ; Mcn^^s, clever; Stepp, Goodrich £ King, hit; Laura Ruckley. applause: VtrCor- raack A Wallace, go well ; Donavan & Arnold, good ; Osborne's Pets, please. ATLANTA (Homer George, mgr.; K. & E). —George Evans' Minstrels, good business. LYRIC (Jake Wells. mgr.).—Norman Hackett, stock. niJOU (Jake Wells, mgr.) .-Eddie niack. stock. BRONX. NEW YORK. By r. BLDOT MRflALRR. HRONX 0PF:RA norSK (Hidi.ird Mnd.l.n. mpr.). —James K. Hackett In "Griiin of Dust." next, "Damaged Ooods." ROYAL (Frank Oeraten. mgr.).—"Within the Law." MINER'S.-"Olrla from Starland." BRONX (Harry Bailey, mgr.).—Rube Mar- quard and Bloasom Seeley, Mermine Sbone A Co., "Arcadia," Heath and Mlllerablp. Ar- thura Deacon, Gardiner Trio. Cbaa Thomp- son, otbera. CECIL SPOONER'S (M. Cohn. mgr.).- "Soul of Woman. " Next, "Uttle Terror." Stock. PROSPECT (Paul C. Orenning Amuaement Co., leeaees).—"Oreen Stockings." Next, "Tbe Brute." Otock. METROPOLIS (M. Packard, mgr.).— Man from Home." Stock. Magistrate Ten Eyck Friday announced that be was going to send all the rough necks brought before him by theatrical managers to Jail or fine them tbe penalty for disturbing any performance. Tbe remark was provoked by Harry Bailey., manager for the Bronx, when be had one of the Bronx gangsters ar- rested for creating a scene. Paul Decker, at one time a prominent Dronx buslneaa man, la tbe lead with May Robaon in "The Clever Woman," now at the Weat End. BUFFALO. By ■. r. TBATBR. STAR (P. c. Cornell, mgr.).—"The Plant," well attended. Next, "Trail of Loneaome Pine." SHEA'S (Henrv J. Carr, mgr.; U. B. O.; rebearaal Mon. 10).—Azard Brothers, bazard- oua; Cecilia Wright, dainty; Mr. A Mra. Jimmy Barry, popular; Robert T. Halnea A Co., strong; Warren A Conley, classy; Morris Cronin. pretentious; Raymond A Caverley, Joyous; "School Playgrounds," won favor. TECK (John R. Oiaher, mgr.).—Gaby Dea- lys la back, drew fair; Louise Meyers, bit of bill. Last half, Alice Lloyd. Next, "Tbe Whip." LYRIC (Henry J. Marcus, mgr.; Loew ; re- hearsal Mon. 10).—Kasblma, skilful; Scott A Wilson, funny; "Stage Struck Kids," bright; Walter Brower, amused; Sylvia, artistic ; Har- ris A Hart, appreciated; Flying Cornells, sen- sational. GARDEN (W. F. Graham, mgr; Progres- aive).—"The Miachlef Makera, " maintains Its high standard to well filled house. PLAZA (Slotkin, Rosing A Michaels, mgrs.; McMabon A Dee; rehearsal Mon., Thurs. 1).— 16-18. Moore-OUson Trio, Meyers Duo. Floretta Chase, Backe'a Animals; 10-21, Nettle Gor- don, Albertla A Wulfken, Mathews Trio, Smith A Jobnaon. MAJESTIC (John Laughlln. mgr.).—"The Shepard of tbe Hills." strong attraction, filled everv seat. Next. "The Warning." FILLMORE (Geo. Rosing, mgr.; McMahon A Dee; rehearsal, Mon., Thurs. 0).—10-18, Tbe Essela. Billy Finncgan, Cogan A Oilman, Tell A Zampa. 10-21 Backe's Animals, Cbas. Saunders. Meyera Duo, Floretta Chase. GAIETY (John M. Ward, mgr.).—Harry Cooper show welcomed by a packed house, captivated audience. CASINO (Ruderlscb Bros., mgrs.; McMahon A Dee).—The Sharps, The Oxavs. ACADEMY (M. B. Scbleslnger, mgr.; Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Decamo & well trained dog, Gertrude Lamont. pleased; God- frey & Henderson, neat; Poem-0-Graph, realis- tic ; Three Falcons, above average; Jack Men- deljohn, entertaining; Bill Bailey, enjoyable; Frank Stafford A Co., feature: Evelyn Cun- ningham, attractive; Harry T. Thriller, daring. AMHERST (Sol. Swerdloff, mgr.; agents, McMahon A Dee).— Billy Price, Italia Clark Brown, Ilopatcong Joe. Miss Ronnestelle and the Star Theatre Co. have offered a prize for the best one-act play written by local talent and which will be pre- sented here by the Bonnestelle Stock Co. during tlie summer. CLEVELAND. By WALTKN D. HOrXOim. MILES (Frank Rayman, mgr.).—Martlneaux Duo. novelty; Green A Parker, pleased; Madle Do I^ng. very good ; "Soul Kiss" in four scenes, headline ; Copeland A Payton, colored ; Carl Dnmmann Troupe, clever. PRISriLLA (Proctor E. Seas, mgr.).— Yerxa ; Lb Rue & Richmond, fair: Walter Mc- (^ullock &. Co., dramatic ; Ott & Ifryan. good ; ".VIpht on Broadway," headlined; King A Urowne, fair; Bounding Pattersons, featured. EMPIRE (Geo. A. Chenef. mgr.).-"The Happy Maids." with Billy Spencer. STAR (Drew A Campbell, msrs.) .--Reeve's ■ Beauty Show." Very good week. COLONIAL (R. H. Mcl-Aughlln. mgr.).— "Fanny's First Play." OPERA HOUSE (Geo. A. Gardner, business niRr.). -Elsie Ferguson In "The Strange Woman." PROSPECT (J. W. Lyons. iiiRr.). "The Conspiracy," well liked. PLEVELAND (Harry Zlrker. m^jr ) HolOon Stock, "Tlie Wrong Man" DTTMESS. -Percy HaKwdl Stock, 'Arahlnrj NlKhts" DENVER. RV RII. M. JACKflON. mgr.) — iri{0\D\VAY (Peter MrCourt. D;irl< It'^f w'M'k TABOR GRAND (Peter MCoiirt. mvT ). -- "Lavender and Old Lace" witti Sarali Pad- (l^^ii ;iri'l excellent To ; Kriofi li'm^es. DKMIAM (Woodwairl A, Hnmsin. mRrs). V.\-:\ Lariir Stock Co; \nrvv returns EMPRESS (Oeo Horyer. nn',r.\ apent, S-C). Week }», WllllBch : well opened ; excellent bill , Monde and Salle, good ; Darcy £ Will- FRANK HAYDEN INC. COSTUMES AND MILLINEBT S€ Wact 45th St.* N«w Y«rfc City Anfclf) and Hhort Dresses on Hand. SEND FOR CATALOGUK. Phone, Byrant 5275. "My buslneaa la to make the world laugh" JARMS MAOMON VAODBVILLV Al BROADWAY, KBW TOBB (Baam 41T). Mmt. MINZILI Maltreaa «e Ballet U OraM 0»aM. All atyleo of Daneeo aa4 Claailt OMialag Aa\a ortflaated aad ataged. IattnJ|pl af world faMaaa artlata. Daily alaaaaai ■mmo ■MBta whaa oompatent. Teaeher af AIMH- •a'a tist premiere danaauaa^ Bthel OUAMra. U grtkd opera, undar Max RabiaeO. Saa- af a/ el Farlaviu ti B. Kth St.. bet B'way and Hh Ave.. W. T. CLUB JUGGLERS Anuiteurs* boys 16 to 18 years old cah Mcore long engagement with opportunity to become ezperta. Give all partlctilars first letter. MORRIS CRONIN, Care Tsusig 104 East 14th Street New York Qty THEATRE FOR LEASE In COLUMBIA. 8. C, the C'aplUl of the State. City 75,000. Completely fumlahed and fully equipped vaudeville and picture theatre, the only houae ahowing in cltjr vaadevlllo and picturea. Capacity 1.000. Wonderful oppor- tunity. Present tenant offers to renew leaae. Expires March 81. 1014. Addreaa owner. 8. W. ROBINSON, 1833 Madlaon Ave.. Baltimore. Md. Rehearsal Stages All Slica—Piano and Playera. 156 W. 46th St. (775 Bryant. FOB SALK—A SWELL. BIRD. DOO. AND CAT ACT. Alao large lot of property tmnka, anlafml cagea and propertlea. conatltutlng the No. C Company of PAMAHABIKA'S PETS. Maj eon- alder partner for thia act. Thia ad. la Inaartod on account of the death of MK. OEOBtiB W. BARR, who formerly proaented It. Call or write tu owner, PROF. PAMAHASIKA, tSt7 No. Hlxth Street. Philadelphia. "I ^WANTED ACROBATIC DANCING GIRL Fur Vaudeville act. Booked aolld. Address ALICE THOMPSON. 314 tirler Ave.. Elisabeth. N. J. MISS ALICE HATHAWAY Wishes ponltlon to perform small animal act. MunkeyN preferred. 4V Florence Ave., Irvlngton, N. J. THEATRE FOR NAI.B. In City population of 60,000, no Vaadevllle, seating capacity ii.OOO; theatre In absolutely flrst-clasH contlltlon; must make reasonable cash depoalt; terms In purchasing theatre more reasonable than renting. Proposition must be doited before March 1; haven't time to bother with any one looking for information. If you have money and mean business write or wire, iluilding and ground cost 9260,000; built about six years. Will rlflce less than half for quick deal. RICHARD A. ROWLAND. 1101 Empire llldg., PrrTHBCROIfl, PA. Managers and Aventn I>un't Forget Us. WESTON'S MODEU Will be gfMMl HtiM'k III I rude when we return. Mailed for AiiMtrHlIu Feb. 10. Best wlMlieN to frifinlM. O. if. MILKS. .MKr. NAT WKHTON, Stage Director. Unexcelled and Commodloua Aeeoosmodatloaa for All AIMI IVI Ample Npace for Rehearaala Safe. Sanitary, Comfortable Qoartera Reaimnahle Terms Phone for Partlaolara THE llrd STREET VETERINARY HOSPITAL 508-610 Kant 23rd St., New York City Phone, fintmerry 17 If >oii don't iitlvcrtlMe In V.AItlKTY, iloii't Hilvt-rtlHe ut all. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR and Moles Permanently and i'HinleHniy Removed. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED No i'r<'|»urMtloii)« or i*rplliitorlra Uiied. < iiiittiillMtlon I'rre; i'ri vury ANMured. IDA WKIMIKROKR. Niilte &i%. 17 Weat S4th St.. N. T.