Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY The Broken Mirror SCHWARZ BROS. CO Sailed Wednesday (Feb. 18) Oceanic, to fulfill European engagements, after a successful American tour Will return to America in the near future Permanent Address, 78 Trinity Road, Wood Green, London, N., England BOB FINLAY VMLUM M« BBTTT TATl DIiwMm. IIDNKT •OHAIXMAN EQUILIIRISTIC NOVELTY OYCLISTS ON STAGE AND TELEQMPH WIRES THE DUNEDINS This Week, GT. NORTHERN HIPPODROME, Chicago JAS. E. DONEGAN, Mgr. CRYSTAL (C. Robnon. inRr. : agent, Orlf- fln). Woods 6 HyUnd, Ucodfellow & DetIb, Edna La Salle, Le Roy. PLAZA (Gfeo. Wellsman, iiikp ; aKcnt, Orlf- fln).-Oppnnd Dryon, Jonrs Children, Geo. Whltnoy, Geo. Grant. PEOPLE'S (8. Aboud, iiiRr. ; nKent. Grlffln). -Art Comerfl, Geo Grant. CHILD'S (O. M. Maxwell, niRr. ; agent, crrlffln). Frank O'Connor, .loo FcrgUBon. MA.IESTIC (Harry HyamB. mgr.). Day." "One SPOKANE. WASH. By JAMBS B. BOTCB. AUDITORIUM (Charles York, mgr.; agent. N. W. T. A.) 8-9, "The Dlindnesa of Virtue," bufllness not large; 11-12. May Irwin In 'Wid- ow by Proxy." nice patronage; 14, Katharine Hogan and Augusta GentBch, reader and pian- ist; 16. Joaef Hofmann. pianist. ORPHEUM (Joseph Mullcr, mgr ; agent, S- C) week 8. Dennis Brothers, hit Clark & Ward, nice reception; Robert E. O Connor & Co., pleased ; Murray Bennett, laughs; Ros- 80W mldgetB. headllner; I.K'nianc & Torralne, tango experts, added number. PANTAGES (E. Clarke Walker, ragr. : Agent, direct) week 8, Spanish Ooldlnls, novelty; Weston & Leon, fair; Keough & Nelson, liked ; E. J. Moore, got over neatly; "Priestess of Kama," pretentious dancing act, winner. SPOKANE (Sam W. R Cohn. mgr.; agen, Fisher) week 8. first half. Thornton, Friel ft Co., Thomas & Ward. Josephine Barda; sec- ond half. Eula Lee quartet; Lewis & Zoller. Josephine Barda. EMPRESS (B. W. Copcland. mgr.) week IB, reopening with pictures. AMERICAN (Hart A Russell, mgrs. : agent, AdvnncA Amnspment Co.), pictures. A tango contest, held at the Orpheum. proved n big attraction. Amateunt were en- tered. The bidding for tango dancers cre- ated a clash between the Pnnfnges 4p<l Or- pboum managements. Manager Walker of the Pantages thought he had Francis and Rose- mond. experts from the Davenport cabaret, signed up for an engagement. The next day Manager Muller of the Orpheum announce<l that ho had landed the pair. McCorquodale and Sweeney, local amateurs, were billed as rival attraction at the "Pan." The Empress, former home of Sullivan & Consldlne vaudeville, now under the control of Copeland & Robinson, with B. W. Copeland as manager, reopened as a picture house Feb. l.~>. First film shown was Dustln Farnum In "Soldiers of Fortune." (Tertrude Lossman and Emogene May, local girls, were engaged as soloists. GUAM) (Thro. L Mayes, mgr.).—Watson's lleef Trust" opened to capacity. .METROPOLITAN.- Peggy ONell In "Pep- 0' My Heart" : 23, Robt. Mantell ; 22. matlnw and night. "The Blindness of Virtue." SHUBERT.—"What Happened to Jones." by Huntington Players, hit. ^ACK OF THE NAME 'rut' Manager Joseph Muller and his ushers were forced to turn stagehands Wednesday night when the theatre's crew walked out. As- sistant Manager Don Bokwen took charge of the switchboard and no Intf^rference with the program resulted. When the Sullivan A Consldlne shows moved to the Orpheum, the Empress stage crew of three men was taken along and a fourth man was added. The un- ion demanded that the crew be Increased to live, the required number for an Orpheum house. The management contended that, al- though the Orpheum name was being used, S & C and not Orpheum bills were to be han- dled. Musicians and picture operators were not affected by the walkout Roycv TORONTO. ST. PAUL. By C. J. BRNHAM. LRPHEUM (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.) - Musical Cuttys, Harrv Oilfoil. Hen Deely A Co., Ruth Roye. Crouch A Wolcli. La Toy Brothers. Kartelll, pictures. EMPRESS (CTus S. C.rerning, mgr.) Dick Bernard & Co.. vory Cine : OrviUi' Ptiunrn, good ; F.our Quaint Q's. iib-aslnK ; Thornton A Corlew. please ; Will Morris, very i;ood ; pletures. PRINCE.'S (Bert Coldinan. mgr.) Hiiyama Royal Japanese pot big applause ; IMstle A Cushlng, ple.fise; Watson & Little are good; :{ Musical Bugs are real pleasing ; pletures close. Bf HABTLBT. PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard, mgr.).-Zleg- feld F'ollles. capacity; 2'A, Martin Harvey. SHEAS (J. Shea, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).— .Joseph Jefferson Co.. success ; Dainty M'arie, sensational ; Klrksmlth Sisters, pleasing; ITronson A Baldwin, good ; Dlrkln's Dogs and Monkeys, clever; Charles \Veber, novel; Ellda Morris, hit. ROYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Solman, mgr.). Nat C. Goodwin In "Never Say Die"; 'J.l, Alice Lloyd A Co. YONGE STREET (Charles E. Sowards. mgr.).—Winter Garden situated on top of his big house was formally opened Monday night. Polly Prim. Sam Ash, Castellane, Moffatt I^a Relne A Co.. (Jordon A Marx, Le Moscrop Sis- ters A Three Ernests. Mile. Amoros A Hon Mulvey, Savoy A Brcnnan, Maurice Samuels A Co. GRAND (A J. Small, mgr). "What Hap- pened to M.iry" : 'J.'^. Sheppcrd of the Hills. MA.IESTIC (Peter V. (JrifTIn, mgr, apent. C.rimii). -Evelyn & Co.. Zeda A Hott, Wray<« Mnnlkens. Uom.i Duo, Miss Dcnie STAR (Dan K Pierre, mgr.; Progressive) "Queens of the Car;)et. CAVETY (T H Henry. rn>;r ; Cojiiinl-iat Wnfson Sisters MEAVHH fW. L. .loy mgr.: apenl. f;iimni I^onrene d Mason. Ver X'slllan R- Co . De Rossi Dno. Kc-efer A Alberts. Musli al Han- klns. Jack Franklin. OLGA NETHERSOLE SAYS: I wiwh to express my delight and surprise in the many ronven- ienren afforded by the "TAYLOR" Wardrolte Trunli. My gowns are alwayN frenh, and no wrinliies to try one's temper. Nend for 1014 ('utalogue. C.A.TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO; 35 R. Rundolph St. NKW YORK: ff W 3Hih St George Stone ^^^^ Etta Pillard THIS WEEK FKB. 16 COLUMBIA, NEW YORK SOMETHING BIG for next season by JOE HURTIG