Variety (February 1914)

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VARIBTY MUSICAL FARCE AND COMEDY AMONG L ONDON 'S NEW PLAYS ''Joyride Lady" at New Theatre Scores, While ''A Pair of Silk Stockings" is Mildly Received at Criterion. Marie Tempest Revives ''The Marriage of Kitty." (Special Cable to Varibtt.) London, Feb. 25. At the New theatre "The Joyride Lady," a musical farce from the French and German, was very well received. "A Pair of Silk Stockings," at the Criterion, is a mild comedy, barely get- ting over. Marie Tempest has revived "The Marriage of Kitty" at the Playhouse for the third time. NOUVEAU CIRQUE FOR SALL (Special Coftle to Vabibtt.) Paris, Feb. 25. The owners (Camille Blanc and friends) of the Nouveau Cirque are willing to dispose of the property And have offered the circus for sale. FROM EGYPT TO BERLIN. (Special Cable to VARivrr.) Berlin, Feb. 25. Fatima Lallarough, wife of a Turkish Pasha, who fled from Egypt in an aero- plane, is now in vaudeville as a "De- monic** dancer. She draws through good newspaper publicity and pleases the audiences. MARIGNVS AMERICAN PRODUCER. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Paris, Feb. 25. There is a rumor that an American stage producer, at a large salary, will be or has been engaged to assist in put- ting on the new revue at the FoUes Marigny in April. It is said by those who know that Ned Wayburn is not the person, al- though the story relates the engage- ment is of a man who has produced for the Shuberts on your side. "PEER GYNT" CONTINUED. (Special Cable to Varidtt.) Berlin, Feb. 25. The Schauspielhaus has divided "Peer Gynt" into a two-nights' enter- tainment, giving a very creditable per- formance. FORMER IDOL FALLS DOWN. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Berlin. Feb. 25. .At the Palast am Zoo a train sketch is a laughing success. Hamilton Painter Magin. a rag violinist, gets over. Josefy, a one-time Metropol idol, reK'stered a frost. SHAKESPEARE DRAWING. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Berlin, Feb. 25. The Deutches will make further Shakespearean productions. "Henri IV" and "King Lear," current, are splendid performances and arc draw- ing big. CONGRESS OF VARIETY MEN (ffpeoUii Onbie to Varibtt.) Berlin, Feb. 25 Thtrt Will be a confreis of vaude ville, circus and cabaret managers held May 12 to discuss the new German theatre law. RECORD ADVANCE CLAIMED. (Special Cable lo Varibtt.) London, Feb. 25. .Alfred Butt claims the music hall record at the Palace with a $45,000 ad- vance sale for Nijinsky, who opens Monday at the Palace. CIGALE REVUE FAIR. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Paris, Feb. 25. Flateau presented another show at the Cigale, Feb. 19, a "new" revue "Pourquoi Pas?" by Andre Barde and Michel Carre. The star is Mile. Mis- tinguett. Lucette Darbelle also scored strongly. This fantasy was well received and it is a fair success. The mounting is good. George Perry Returning. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) London, Feb. 25. George Perry sailed for America last Saturday, (Miss) Lee White con- tinuing to work alone at the Al- hambra. "BABY MINE" ON TOUR. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Paris, Feb. 25. "Baby Mine" is to be withdrawn from the Theatre Rejane to-morrow, when Max Dearly takes the successful piece on the French road. The following night Mile. Emilienne d'Alengon will open at the Rejane with a revival of "Zaza," playing the title role, supported by Gaston Dubosc and Roussell. Vaudeville Exhibition Dates Set (Special Ca5/e to Varibtt.) Berlin, Feb. 25. The Vaudeville Exhibition date has been fixed for May 9-24. Even Personality Doesn't Do It (Special Cable to Varibtt.) London, Feb. 25. Fred Kitchen produced "Pinkie" at the Palladium. It is a poor sketch in which his personality is entirely lost in a bad story. LAUDER CLOSING TOUR. Los Angeles, Feb. 25. Harry Lauder will close his present American tour in time to catch the March 10 boat from San Francisco for Australia, where he is to remain under the direction of the Tait people over there until Sept. 26, returning here and starting east under the management of William Morris, who is also concerned in Lauder's Australian visit. Mr. Lauder is at the Majestic this week. Mr. Morris is with the company and will remain until his star sails, im- mediately after leaving for New York. TOM JONCS nUVIAL AND SAO FAIRT TALL. * (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Paris, Feb. 25. The first novelty staged by the new directors of the Opera Comique (Messrs. Cheusi and the Isola Broth- ers) is "La Marchande d'AUumettes" ("The Match Girl"), by Mme. Rose- mond Gerard (Mme. Edmond Rostand) and her son, Maurice Rostand, music by Tiarko Richepin. It was presented tonight. This musical work by the sons of two famous playwrights and academi- cians caused some interest. It was po- litely received by an elegant public, but is a trivial, sad, fairy tale, well ren- dered by Jean Perier, Fernand Fran- cell, Mme. Guiraudon Cain, Brohly. POUGET TAKING ALCAZAR. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Paris. Feb. 25. The Stanley deal for the coming sea- son at the Alcazar, Paris (with Cliff Fischer as manager), is apparently off, for Leo Pouget, late manager of the Marigny, is negotiating to take that al fresco establishment this sum- mer. DANTE SAYS 'TAINT SO. (Special Ca5le to Varibtt.) Paris. Feb. 25. Dante denies the rumor of his ap- pointment as manager of the Folies Bergere, Clement^ Bannel remaining next season. IN BILL NEXT MONTH. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Paris, Feb. 25. Marck's Lions, Joe Jackson. Diving Norins and the Johnson and Dean Sex- tet open at the Alhambra March 1. DOING CUTTING OPENLY. (Special Cable to Varibtt.) Berlin, Feb. 25. Tickets for all Berlin houses are always obtainable at reduced rates. The Kuenstler theatre has reduced its prices openly. CHARLOT SOLE DIRECTOR. (Special Cable to Varibtt > London, Feb. 25. Andre Chariot has been appointed sole managing director of the Alham- bra. Leveaux is out. OSCAR NOT WORRYING. Oscar Hammerstein is apparently not worrying over the temporary set- back to his plans for giving grand opera at his new theatre on Lexington avenue. He is dickering for a big at- traction to occupy the house until next .September, pending the decision of the Appellate Court of the action brought against him by the Metropolitan direc- tors. If he loses, Oscar will devote the house to big legitimate attractions; and, if the Appellate Court decides for him. he expects the Metropolitan folks to appeal, which will meantime give him the right to present opera there. He says he will not consider any picture propositions, as a matter of sentiment. The Pantages vaudeville road shows are now playing the Lyric, Calgary. Can., instead of at the Empire, where they formerly appeared. If jen don't AdTerttoe Is VABIXTT. SAILINGS. Reported through Paul Tausig & Son, 104 East 14th street. New York: Feb. 26, Mrs. Bert Sheppherd (Cedric); Feb. 27, William Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Robins (New York); Mar. 2, Mrs. Karl Emmy (President Lincoln); Mar. 4, Maud Tiffany (Olympic). (Special Cable to Varibtt.) London, Feb. 25. Feb. 24, Pedersen Brothers (Cymric). SAHARET IS SAILING. Saharet, the dancer, who is finishing a tour of the Orpheum Circuit, by a New York appearance at the Palace this week, expects to sail next week for Europe. ' Saharet is an American girl by birth. She has been receiving $650 weekly on the Martin Beck route. While over here the dancer has received a great deal of publicity through her marriage and divorce to a Chicago stock broker said to be worth $30,000,000. Saharet has none of it. GABY'S TOUR OVER NEXT WEEK. Philadelphia, Feb. 25. The road tour of Gaby Deslys in "The Little Parisienne" will end March 7 in Boston, when the star returns to New York, to rehearse in the Sam Bernard revival of "The Girl from Kay's," due to open at the Casino on' Broadway March 16. ENGAGED FOR LONDON "P ft P.** Bobby Leonard, of vaudeville, has been engaged by Edw. Laurillard. for his London production of "Potash ft Perlmutter," for the part of Perlmut- ter, Gus Yorke (Yorke and Adams) for Potash, and Miss Seymour, of the "Girl on the Film," for Miss Dressler's part. Lee Kohlmar is staging the piece. Laurillard has practically concluded negotiations for the English rights to the successful comedy drama, "The Misleading Lady," now running at the Fulton. He has postponed his sailing for England to March 4. GERMAN ACTORS WARRING. Cincinnati, Feb. 25. The war among Ge^-man actors con- tinues with fury unabated. Amandus Horn, organizer of the new Teutonic stock company, declares he has cap- tured from the old organization, Willy Diederich, its leading comedian, and that Willy will be with the rival body next year. Horn's company was in- corporated the other day and will use the Emery Auditorium for Sunday night performances. Otto Schmid's company will not get the Grand Sunday nights next season, it is said. Schmid is negotiating for the rental of Heuck's opera house. MARY GARDEN CANCELS. Mary Garden, the song virtuoso, not only cancelled her Boston date but has also called off her big society engage- ment with John McCormick and Ysaye in Wilmington. Del. Miss Garden pleads illness and it is reported she will return to England without apearing in atotJifr eoM' t4rt ov«r h»re.