Variety (February 1914)

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VARIETY _^ BEST PLACES TO STOP AT LEONARD HICKS m HOTEL GRANT, a«an> ^ The Keystone of Hotel HospitaHty GEO. ROBERTS, Atst. Mgr. TIm Bcftncd Horn* for Frofe—ional*. Handsomely Famished gtoom Hosted Rooms Bfttko Mid ennr •otaToBlooeo KILDA" PhoM 71«T Birant Aoknowlodfod mm tho bost dUmo to stop mi la New York City. One block from Bookla* OlBoos Md VABUBTT. Now at 67 W. 44th Streot PAULINE COOKE, Sola Propriatraaa ST. LOUIS. MO. BKGKNT HOTKU IM N. 14TH MBW RBOKNT HOTEU 101 N. 14TH METBOPOLB HOTEL, M9 N. ItTH 8T. B. B. CAMPBELL, Prop, and Mgw. Thoatrlcsl Headquarters MlMtoa* Walk to All TheatrM Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA COOirS HOTEL «*▲ Theatrical Hotel •f the Better ChMo" Walnut Street, Above Blchth di»II*jI*ImI«Ia Opposite Casino Theatre rmm^Mmpnn Cafe Cabaret every nlsht •mx AT THB tAMB ADDBBM THE CENTRAL Hesao of the prefwaton for ton y< ttl West 42nd St. (Mxt to Hammsntotai's) NEW YORK OTEL WARRE far tiM Profession - SAN FBANCISCO Mbhlsr Major O (C) Monro* Nod Sorsland Boatrlco orris Harry (P) Morris Nlaa Mudgs Bra Mulhall Resale Murray Mse Myers BelU N NeclST YlrslBla Nicholas Nellie (C) Nolan Louise Nomi Robi (C) Norman Fred (C) Norris C I Norton Hosh R Nowalo Jas (C) O Onrl Archie (C) Osko Men (C) Owen Mrs A M Parisian BeauUss ?krk Winifred ?arquste A Pom (G) >earce H ▲ >hilllps OoS ''Isrce Slgna '*la Mrs Serafon i*ollock Horace *orte BlsDoa *owerB John A J Mmsore Fred *unier Bra *uscaden Rose Seymour Harry Shannon Irene Shear BlUr Shepherd A R Shropshire CUdo M Sldner Jack Sidney A Townlay SIgman Harry (P) Skatelles Tho Smith A Ryan (C) Steeley Walter C Stein A Collins Steiner Mamie B (P> Stewart Frankle (C) 4alnn A Qulnn talston Lotta 'lamlto Raoul lamlso A Amo lanler Robt (C) lajmond A Co (C) .ecd St John 8 (C) .eeres Paula lenihsn Adele .ials The oberU William A '.ome Sam oonoT A Russell (C) OSS afurray owland Earl <frn The UBsell Babe (C) S kwyer Delia (P) ;huli Sophie Texlco (C) Texlco Then Bd Thomas Hilda Tony A Norman (C) Towensen C P (C) Tucker Sophie Tyrone Madge VandlnoS Mrs L Vernon Orac* (C) Victoria Poor (P) Vine 0erU (0) W Wallace Franklyn Watts Carrie (C) Ws-Chok-Be West Ford West Jessie W Weston Mr W Wheeler Bert Wheeler Zelma Wheeler A Wilson (C) Whitehead Joe Whiteside Pearl Whittler Delia Williams Frank Wilson Fred E Wilson Oypsy Winn Bd Wilson J B (C) Wilson Thomas Woodward Clyde Woodward Earle Work A Ower Wyckoff Fred Y Yeoman CTeo Yoke May Z Zanler Geo S (C) Zelda Baby Zellner Jacob H Zenda Carl (C) Hotel Plymouth 38th St. (Between Breadway and 8th Ave.). N. T. CHy New Flr^roof Balldlac. A Stone's Throw from Broadway SiDiie roM $1i!l $1.^ w $1.!! with pirate balli DnUc nm $1.^ $1 Jl m $2.!! with private batli Special low weekly rates to the profession Every rooaa has hot aad cold ninnlng water, electric light and long distance telephone PboM 15t0 Greely EUBOPEAN PLAN T. BINNOTT, Manager Phone 1944 Bryant OBO. P. BCHNEIDEB, Prop. THE BERTHA FURNISHED APARTMENTS Complete for Housekeeping. Strictly TheatrlcaL StS WEST 48D 8TBEBT, NEW YOBK CITY. Hot Water, Bath, S-4 Booms. NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHEB HOUSE. UNDBB MANAOEMBNT OF THB OWNEB HIE ARTHUR 2S2-2S4 Wert SSth St., off 7th Avenue, NEW YORK S2.S0 to $3.00 Weekly Catering U vandevUlo's btao IM SCHILUNG HOUSE 101-lM Wwt 4tth mnM NEW YORK American Phui. MBAL 8BBYI0B AT ALL HOIJB8. Private Hatha. Mosle Bimm for rehearsals. Phono IMt Bryant Seymore Hotel Everything New 4s-fio Booth Ave. RochetteTp N.Y. JOHN A, DICKS, Prop. If yoo don't adv«^to« la VAUBTY doa't advertise at all. 100 rooms, scmpnloasly dean, 1, baths on every floor, steam heat, electric light and gas Telephone 41S5 Qreeley El- iME\A/ YORK 22 W. COdi STREET (Near CohmlNU Grcle), NEW YORK Single room, cosy and warm. $8.50 *per week np; double room, $5 per week op: room with private bath. g7 per week np; pnrlor bedroom and bath. §10.50 per week np; rvaning hoi and water: anod beds: telephone in every room: also electric Uaht: excellent service; restanrant attached; home cooking; prices reasonable; transients. Catering to the theatrical profeeslon. New Management. WELLINGTON HOTEL Wabash Ave. and Jacksaa Blvd. CHICAaO Rates To Thr^ mTEL AN ITALIAN 108-118 West 4811 St LMdi 40e. Witli Wise DINNER YOU GIOLIH) WONT FORGET Near Bth Ave. DINNER. WMk Dgya, III. HfUayt Mti Iniiys, Us. WidiWiM COOK'S PLACE tTO W. MTH ST. Phone Greely B4tt MA LYNCH NEW YORK CITY Booms and Board 91 per day and np Haison Chevalier Where all performers shonld iMko their headquarters. Professional rates. European or American plan. Luncheon, fOc. Dinner, 66c. 628-580 Seventh Avenue NEW YORK CITY ifOMr or Tnr wniTE rats DIXON EUROPEAN HOTEL Hot and cold running water in rooms Bath, no extra charge SOS OrMdway FARGO, N. D. MAndel FED YOU WELL AT THE RESTAURANT WHY CAN'T I DO LIKEWI8E AT IMANDEL'S INTER-OCEAN HOTEL 7 RATE. $8.50 AND UP. HTATK AND VAN BUHEN ST8. CHICAGO ntaated In tho heart o 408 Trrmont Street tl-t6 Albion Street BOSTON, Matt. A home-like hotel for tho Theatrical feeslon. Bates VERY reaeonable. TtA. Tremont 81689 SaintPaul Hotel NEW YORK CITY One block from Central Park Subway, SHI and tth Ave. L Stations. Same distance twmm Century, Colonial, Circle and Park Theatres. 100 Booms, use of bath. 91 per day. 150 Booms, 'i' '<• hath, 91.60 psr day. Saltes, Parlor, Bedroom A Bath, 98 and «p. By the week. 96-98 and 914 and np. SPECIAL BATES TO THB PBOFBiSlON. Telephone 8906 Columbus SMUTOM LUNCH. Ptttsbwi B. FISH EL Oppoelte Lycenm. Allvin and Gayety Theatres. Open Day and Night. Home for White Bats. KANSAS CITY, RiO. HOTEL CONVENTION Cor. Itth and Broadway. Near all Theal Observotioii Park St. Cars Direct to Door. Every roeslble Convenience. Popular Prioos. IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE IN «4 DONT ADVERTISE AT ALL