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VARIETY 23 Booking Everywhere * :. ,;. WILLIAM FOX VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT Is now ready to supply your house, whether Big o r Small, with a full line of VAUDEVILLE ACTS booked in direct conjunction with the WILLIAM FOX THEATRES JAC. W. LOEB, General Booking Manager Address: JOHN ZANFT, General Representative 130 West 46th Street New York Telephone, Bryant 7340 THE NEW HOME FOR THE PROFESSION The Palace Hotel 132 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK CITY (Between Broadway and Sixth Avenue) REMODELED AT AN ENORMOUS COST Absolutely Fireproof Everything New Excellent Cuisine by D. H. WILSON r at Moderate Prices v- ROOM SERVICE WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE The Finest Hotel in New York at Moderate Prices Telephone and Hot and Cold Water in All Rooms RATES, From $1.00 Up Telephone, 816 Bryant JAMES P. TAYLOR, Manager the "dog dayB." This theater Is the wonder of the south so far as attendance goes, being virtually sold out the year round at twelve performances a week. The attendance has kept up throughout the hot weather as well as it does in the cooler months hut Wells sees nothing good in sight for his faithful patrons and has announced that the theater will be "closed for repairs," etc. Atlanta's theatrical colony still Is talking about the rapid-fire courtship and impromptu marriage of "Rube" (Walter) Dickinson and Laura Grant, an Atlanta girl. Dickinson, who was on the Forsyth bill week b«for« last, tarried after his engagement to visit friends. While at a roof garden party Sunday he met Miss Grant. Two hours later he called her aside and proposed. She accepted, a Justice was summoned and the wedding was per- formed on the tango floor. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson departed the next day to fill "Rube's" summer bookings, then they will go into .Vew York for a short vacation before the opening of the regular season. U. B. O.).—Good bill all through. Eddie Poy and his Seven Kiddies, big hit; Nat Wills, hit; Al White and Miss Francis, over fairly well; Ryan and Lee, scored; Brooks and Bowen, went very well, girl very clever; C. H. O'Don- nel and Co., playlet, good story; scored; Cadets Gascogne, impression; Leffel Trio, pleased. SAVOY (Ben Harris, mgr.; agent, direct).— Top heavy bill. Eva Tanguay, bit bit; Edgar Atchinson Ely in "Billy's Tombstones/' fairly well; Charles Leonard Fletcher, hit; Weston and Young, scored; Three Keitons. pleased; Warren and Bianchard, amused; St. Onge Troupe, closed show. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (John Toung, mj?r.).—Hortiz Minstrels, hit; Boyden and Lawrence, scored; Parsleys, pleased; Curson Sisters, big hit; Fern. Blgelow and Mehan, went well; Hurleys, over fairly well. NIXON (Harry Brown, mgr.).—Closed for week in preparation for the run of legitimate shows, the first, "Under Cover," beginning Aug. 8. Sundays also. ATLANTIC CITY. Mr LOUIS WII«OAllS. APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr.).—David Delasco'H "Vanishing Bride." KEITH'S (Chas. G. Anderson, mgr.; agent. Lillian Russell, ill with grippe, has entirely recovered. Florence Heston, a local girl who has made a Hucess on the stage, is now in South Africa. Hubert Cavanaugh, husband of Misn Heston. is with her. THE CASPER, TODD & SHAFER BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. Will start season 1914-lS with the following towns: BRADDOCK. PA. UNIONTOWN, PA. CUMBERLAND. MD. FAIRMONT, W. VA- CLARKSBURG, W. VA. MONESSEN, PA. MEADVILLE. PA. WHEELING, W. VA. STEUBENVILLE, O. E. LIVERPOOL, O. YOUNGSTOWN, O. NEW KENSINGTON, PA. CHARLEROI, PA. ZANESVILLE, O. BEAVER FALLS, PA. ALLEGHANY, PA. PITTSBURGH PA. NEW CASTLE, PA. BUTLER. PA. OIL CITY, PA. NEWARK, O. Acts desiring to break jumps from P'ast to West, write, wire or 'phone. Can use any number of musical conudy tabloids for ten weeks. Offices, C23-S25 Wabash Bldg. Bell 'p^one 2567 Court GEO. SHAFER JEROME CASPER J. WARREN TODD M E Y E R'S Giarantfttf BMt lls^< CLOWN WHITE Nr»er gi'ta hurU —will not Injure the imwt tfnder skin. Rvfasf dAngproas Milistitutcs. CHAS. MEYEI. (Ekt 1868) 103 W. 13t1i. Ntw Ytrh. BALTIMORE. 'By J. E. DOOLEY. VKTOHIA (Pearce £ Scheck. ingM. J agents, .\-.\).—Tho "Boxing Kangaroo, good training: Lightning Weston, Mbows ability : Joe Kelsey, fares well; Margaret lies and Company, many laughs Bessie Le Count, makes a hit. NEW (George Schneider, mgr.; agent. Ind.).—Three TumbllnR ToniK, fast and dar- ing ; the Taylor Twin Sisters, good; Ben Hu- bert, ordinary ; the Spelimans, win out; Long. Chatron and Oreen, pretty and lively; Hodgs and Lowell, pretty good. AUDITORIUM (Wedgewood Nowell. mgr.) —"Orausturk" well played by the Poll Play- ers. Enid iViay Jackson plays with real feel- ing. Joseph Sweeney also does exceedingly well. Houses ought to be much larger, being the only show, besides |K)p vaudeville, in town. i *■ The new dancing floor that is being built at RlTsr View Park will be put Into use for the first time Thursday night. Manager Pitzslmmons has arranged an attractive pro- gram for the next three weeks, one of the features being a display of fireworks each evening. Vincent A. Valentlnl, son of Dr. J. J. Valen- tin!, surgeon of the Baltimore Fire Depart- ment, has Joined the Keith Circuit and played last week at Brighton Beach. Just 10 years old and an extensive traveler, Valentin! is making his mark as a song writer and com- poser. He is a former student of Loyola Col- lege, thlH city, and studied music at the Pea- body Institute. He is booked to appear at the Maryland theatre during the latter part -of this month. J. C. Sutherland has been named as man- ager of the Oayety, succeeding William L. Ballauf, who has been detailed to manage the Palace. John T. Ford, connected with Ford's opera house Is being mentioned as the possible auc- oessor to Harry C. Kilmer as the repreaenta- tlve of the Fifteenth Ward in the First Branch City Council. BOSTON. By J. GOOLTS. LOKWS ORPHBUM (V. J. Morris, mgr.; agent. I^oew),—Vaudeville. LOEWS ST. JAMES (William Lovey, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Vaudeville. BOWDOIN SQUARE (George E. Lothrop. mgr.).—Vaudeville with stock burlesque han- dled by Violet Maacotte. SHUBERT (B. D. Smith, mgr.).—Raineys pictures. Last week. Big slump. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—Majes- tic Players managed by William H. Leahy. Capacity all last week, with "The Master Mind." Edmund Breese held over this week for "The Lion and the Mouse." PLYMOUTH (Fred Wright, mgr.).—Opens Saturday matinee with third company of "Under Cover." for three weeks. 'Along Came Ruth" underlined. GAIETY (George natcheller, mgr.).—Opens Aug. 17 with the "Globe Trotters" (Colum- bia). HOWARD (George E. Lothrop, mgr.).— Opens Auk. 10 with "The Girl from Maxim's" (Columbia). CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr.).—Opens Aug. 17 with "The Roseland Girls'; (Co- lumbia). GRAND OPERA (George E. Lothrop. mgr). —OpenH Aug. 17 with "The Girl from Max- im's" (Columbia). Charles A. Ellis, manager of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, was in Ilayreuth last week as the guest of Dr. Karl Hvc\. HIh visit was due primarilv to bis dealre to hear "Parsifal" under the leadership of Dr. Murk. Josephine Audrey, who is playing Poll's Plaza in Worcester thin week, went especially well with her nlnglng act, which is high class and goes best with an appreciative audience. William T. Hodge in "The Road to Happi- ness" will open the Wilbur early In Sep- tember. .Nothing final has been heard in this city yet as fo the out' ome of the fate of the big UoHton hilt it will probably continue combi- nation. BUFFALO. Ry a. K. RUDVLPH. SUKA S (Hrnry J. Carr, mgr., U. B. O.) - "Th<- Hid MendH" return engagement, head- llri<(I. went biK ; Alexander Kids, held over. • x.-i-c'dlOKly popular: Alberts Rouget, sensa- tioHMl :" Dale & Hoyle, ph-ased ; Edwin George, umuhI ; Marry KIIIh. good; Huraham & Irwin. (■)«'V<r ; Aboil U<ri IIiimld'H Arabn. (.losrd with i>lv hit. Of.Y.MFMr' (Mni.,. Fowl-r, mRr., Sun.) - MariiMM'n F'our. applaurh-d ; I'ete Baker, went Mg; MuhI<u! litll:. H'orcd ; Great Rodo dc Co., good.