Variety (August 1914)

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36 VARIETY SCENERY PRODUCTIONS, STOCK and VAUDEVILLE LEE LASH STUDIOS 308 to 316 Kant 48th Street Broadway Ofllce Lontt Acre BIdg. M E Y E R'S GtariRtM^ iMt Midi. NOSE PUTTY Always soft. Refuse dao- g«roua subcUtuta. lUvc fmt tried MEYKR'S NEW STYLE GREASE PA[NT? CHA8. MEYER. (Ert. 1868) 103 W. 13tll. Ntw V«rk. Theatrical Reproduction Photo Co. Reproductions, Enlarrvmente, All Kinds of Photoffraphy. Mall orders promptly attended to. Sittings at any time or by appointment. Call and see us, or write for price list. V. ROSS. Prop. 2S» W. 42d St., New York Opposite American Theatre. DE MAGER GUARANTEED PATENTED CHIN REDUCER Endorsed by physicians. Mnki's women look 10 years younger if used as directed. Reduces double chin. Pre- vents sagging cheeks. Keeps mouth closed when sleeping. Send measurements from ear top to ear top around chin. LINEN, IIJS SILK, $1.7S AMALGAMATED SALES CORP. 1478 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Representatives Wanted OAYETY (Matt Smith, mgr.).—"The Oayety Olrls." Excellent business. CENTURY (Joe Donegan. mgr).—Opening week of Columbia extended. "Oay Morning Glories." Good business. SHLBERT (Earl Steward, mgr.).—Pictures. GRAND (A. Judah, mgr.).—Pictures. GLOBE (W. A. Newkirk, mgr.).—Al Abbot, very big; Johnson, Hoard & Listette, riot; Unada & Irving, applause; Reynolds A Car- penter, good; Ida RuBsell A Co, tine; The Overton.s, excellent. ELECTRIC PARK (Sam Benjamin, mgr.).— Phllllpplnrs band. FAlRMOUNT PARK (W. F. Smith, mgr.).— Vaudeville. W. V. Newkirk, formerly traveling repre- Hentatlve of the W. V. M. A., is the new man- ager of the Globe, filling a vacancy caused by ('y Jacob's desertion to the Locw Interests to manage the Empress here. The Keystone Dramatic Company has closed in Oklahoma, hut will reopen after a few weeks' rest. LOS ANGELES. By GUY PRICE. ORIMIEIM (Clarence Drown, mgr.; U. B. O.).—Week 17: Trixle Frlganza (second week) scream ; Chrystal Ilerne, woll-recelved, but sketch bad ; 'Five Melody Maids and n Man." pleasing; Sammy Burns and Alice Fulton, iiev<r ; i'ruice Lai Aiun Kin, very good; Chevalier de Mar and Miss Ellante, ALL SUITS FORMERLY $18.00 to $40.00 NOW/ $9.00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $20,001 1582-BR0ADWAY-1584 (Brtweon 47th-48th Sts.) (OPPOSITE STRAND THEATRE) NEW YORK CITY WARDROBE TAKEN AFTER NIGHT SHOW Dry Cleansed and Delivered for Next Matinee. SPECIAL TO PROFESSION GOWN Ory cleansed GENT'S SUIT DRY CLEANSED PRESSED O'HEARN 1554 Broadway, N. Y. iti. 41-47 tt. Phone 6153 Bryant Open Day, Night and Sunday. PROFESSIONAL RATES MODERN METHODS DR. HARRY HYMAN DENTIST'Strand Theatre BIdg. artistic dancers; Clark and Verdi, fair; Con- radinl's animals, passably pleasing. EMPRESS (George Fish, mgr.; Loew).— Week 17: La Jolle Deodlma, remarkably good; Pearl and Irene Sans, pleasing; Tom Waters, well-received; "One Flight Up," very good; Malvern's comlques, entertaining. PANTAGES (Carl Walker, mgr.).—Week 17 : Standard Brothers, favorably received ; Cooper and Rlcardo, very good; New Orleans Creole, entertaining; Little Jewel and her Manikins, pleasing; Newsboys 'Quartet, re- markably good ; "The Schoolmaster," fair. REPUBLIC (Al. Watson, mgr.; agent, Bert Levey).—Week 17; Clarence Lydsten and Maxie Mitchell, excellent; Fletcher, good; Dorothy Raymond, fair; Magee and Kerry got over; Vlnetctis, exceptionally good; Heinle Auerbach, mediocre; George and Marie Brown, pleasing in a way. HIPPODROME (Lester Fountain, mgr.: Western States).—Week 17; Hope Booth and Co., very good; William R. Abraham and Agnes Johns, excellent: Ralph Connors, fair; Nardini, mediocre; Cleland and Ingals, enter- taining; Three Clancy Twins, clever; Aerial Benos, fair. CENTURY (A. A M. Lewen, mgrs.).—Mu- sical burlesque. David Silverman Is now manager of Bert Levey's Republic. Al Watson, In charge for past year, has been transferred to a Northern post. Hardee Kirkland, long associated with the Seiig as producer, has gone to New York. He will be connected with the A. H. Woods othce. Ann Tasker Is now with the Alcasar forces in San Francisco. Richard Barry, author of "Brcnda of the Wood." Is In New York to arrange for the Eastern production of the play. He also has two vaudeville sketches which he will try to Induce managers to accept. The Gaiety people have accepted Miles Overholt's musical play. "Let's Get Married," for early production. "The Chameleon," ^produced here and writ- ten by two local writers, Is now on the Or- pheum time. James Spencer has been engaged as assist- ant director at the Regal. Sberley Hunter, local sketch writer, was married to JaquUin Church. Pete Gerald is back with the Century com- pany again. MILWAUKEE. By P. O. MORGAN. MAJESTIC (James A. Higler. mgr.; asent, Orph.).—Bickel & Watson, enviable; Van Hoven, laughs; Lasky's "Red Heads," excel- lent; Ed. Morton, fine; Gruber A Adelina's Animals, went big; Alexander Bros., unusual- ly good in opening; Miller ft Vincent, pleased; Mile. Paula, fair. ORPHEUM (T. H. Ealand, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Margaret Braun & Sister, splendid; Onetta. unusually good; Aerian Bddys, ex- cellent; La Moss & Kruger, fair; Cushmann & Welsh, good; Llbbey & Thayer, fine; Dave Rfl'*^!, pleased; Jordan ft Stanley, entertain- ing. CRYSTAL (William Gray, mgr.; agent. Loew).—Cycling McNutts. big hit; Vivian Carman's Minstrels, excellent; "Mag Hagger- ty's Father," fine; Harry Thompson, pleases; Grace De Winters, entertaining. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.).—Dav- idson Stock Co. closing season with "Our Wives" to good business. GAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.; agent. East).—"Girls of the Gay White Way" opened Sat. to capacity. CLUB (Rod Waggoner, mgr; agent. Frog.). —Joe Howard's "Love and Politics" to big business. Harry James will try out a musical tabloid for the Orpheum approval. Robert Brunton, local scenic artist, and wife have returned from a two months' tour of Europe. They sailed on the day war was de- lared. and they're happy over the fact. Hungate and Randall produced "Poverty," a vaudeville skotrh, at the Little theater last week. It Is sure of "big'time" consideration. Jim Corrigan Is acting as nurse to the two Corrigan heirs while his wife (Lillian Elliott) is appearing in "His Son ' at the Burbank. mil Stoermer. former Little theatre man- ager. I^ now Interested In the manufacture of pictures. Agnes Cain Rrown, recently over the Pan- tasrs circuit, Is here taking a rest.-. Dancing between fllms is a novelty which has been Introduced at the Little theatre. Moving picture men of the state will meet here on September 15 to prepare to flght pro- posed legislation. Bills already drawn relate to state license, state building code, censor- ship and fire Inspection . SHEA'S (Henry J. Carr mgr, U. B. O.).— The Meisterslngers of Boston," created a decided and spectacular hit; The Werner- Amoros Co., scored; Oakland Sisters, novel; •Maxlne Dro's ft Bobby, clever comedy; Brooks ft Bowen, good; Franklyn Ardell A Co. featured ; Van Bros, usual; The Jordan Cfirls are a clever trio. OLYMPIC (Chas. W. Denzinger, mgr. Sun) —Menio Moore's "Fairyland Frolics" Is pro- duced by an excellent company of 7 • Garry O'Reilly, pleased; Fred ft Qess Lucler are cever; Almyra. sensational. Million Dollar Mystery continues to pack house. STAR (P. c. Cornell, mgr).—In opening their regular season. "Cordelia Blossom." with Uurr Mcintosh and Louise Dresser was well received. Next, May Robson In "Martha By-Thc-Day ". 7th—"Nearly Married." GAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr).—Dave Mar- »A FOR YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET YOUR VOICE *i\w -r^^ ^.«.. WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE THE CASMINE CO.. IS37 Broadway, Hew York City, Aator Theatre BMg. Mme.lNaftal m West 4Sth St., New York. Telephone Bryant 170. TO THE PROFESSION SSt Slightly Used Imported Evening Gowns and Wraps, also Street Suits and Dresses at exceptionally low prices. Gowns to hire. ON AND OFF THE STAGE JACKS SHORT VAMP SHOES are famous for their originality aad quality. bee Jacks about your Custom Work. Jacics Shoe Shop Oar Only Store t 4f5 Sixth Ave. bet. 2tth A Mth Sts. WANTED First class Tumbler. Not over S ft. 2 in., for recognized act. State all tricks and salary ax- pected. Prefer one that does Spotting FUpflaps. Write to JAMES BURNS Dobbs Ferry, New Ifork DUNEDIN TROUPE WANTS LADY CYCLISTS (for *\ew Act) JAS. E. DONEGAN, Mgr., ZJ9 W. Mth St., N. Y. POSITION WANTED YOUNG MAN, neat appearance, wishes poei- Uon in BOX-OFFICE ot high class theatrv. Would like to learn the theatrical business. Can tumish bonds, etc. Address Position, care VARlEiy. New York. DRESS MAID WANTS POSITION Very handy in sewing. Am willing to travel for reasonable salary. Address Rln. A. BURO, iS7 K. lltth St., Now Yark LADIES' EVENING GOWNS, SUge aad Street Ureases. 5Ughtly used. Latest designs. 1 cater especially to the theatrical trade. Mail orders receive prompt atUntion. MRS. A. jSNER, 715 Seventh Avenue. New iTork. WANTED, YOUNG LADY partner who cnn alns, talk and dance, lor vaudeville. Addreaa C. BAKKR, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^artaty^Nejv^ork^^ PARTNER WANTED Triple Horizontal Bar Performer Would like to joia partaer or troupe. A 1 flyer for aerial act (a la Hegelmann> trapeze or comic bars. Also good dog trainer, creator ot the "PoUce-dog" in Europe. Address PAUL BONEL (I. A. L.). VARIETY. New York. ion in "SUgeland," on his farewell tour opened to packed house. Next "Priie Win- ners." TECK.—H. B. Warner in "Under Cover," opened the season, playing to big business. Advance sale heavy. iNext, Margaret lUing- ton In "Within The Law." GARDEN (W. F. Graham, mgr).—"The Follies of Pleasure." opened big. Next, "May Wara and Her Dresden Dolls." ACADEMY (M. B. Schlesinger, mgr.).— Playing Loew acts three times daily to capa- city uusiness. Help Wanted" headlined; Klein Bros, are good comedians; Smedley, tair; The Maynards, usual; 4—Regals— i, good; Ed. Rowley, clever; Bertlma, charmed; L.awton, held Interest; Dixon ft Falls, hit; Jack Boyce, coming; Singing Picture, con- cludes. PLAZA (Slotkln, Rosing ft Michaels, mgrs.; McMahon ft Dee, agenu).—Hunter ft Koss. amused; Yale ft Davidson, hit; Pete Baker, featured; Four Kings, went big; Worth Sis- ters, pleasing; Musical Made, good. Shea's new Hippodrome will open Monday, mat., Aug. 31. with pictures, and will continue with film for several weeks. Al Sherry ig to manage the new movie palace, which fully equipped la said to have cost |u(X).UUO. Be- lasco. Frohman, Flske and Cohan ft Harris attractions are to be played only. The or- chestra is to be the largest in the city. H. Marcus, former manager of the Lyric, her- alded as director. A *35,0U0 organ has been Installed. The Lyric under management of O. S. Schlesinger will open Aug. 31 with Brownell- btork Stock, who will remain throughout sea- f?°' x.A.**®w. ^"' offering will be "butterfly on the Wheel ; following week, "Stop Thief." Col. T. Kennedy's Shows are playing daily to big crowds at Black Rock. *-'•«/ Mortimer H Mlzener. manager of the Waldameer Theater at Waldameer Park a short way from Brio. Pa., has opened up with two performances dally. Bookings are made through both Pittsburgh and Buffalo. Five acts and pictures are drawing good crowds. J. W. Cross and Son opened up their new *'°T' ;P* P.eerless" at Cuba. N. Y.^ ^h7s week. They will use pictures excluslveiy for a time. '