Variety (August 1914)

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VARIETY 39 •* ■■ 'I' •li 1 T i m" LEW GOLDBERG ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE W. V. M. A. AND U. B. O. WANTED GOOD SURE-FIRE COMEDY FEATURE ACTS FOR IMMEDIATE BOOKINGS— 910 FORT DEARBORN BUILDING CHICAGO, ILL. trlnsic merit, but from the standpoint of hu- man sentiment. He takes the part of an in- termediary between the mill men and the owner, who is a woman, left a fortune by her father. Finally, of course, he marries the owner of the million dollar plant. Skipper, Kennedy and Reeves come in for a goodly Hhare of appreciation, while Jefferson, Hurley and Wren are excellent fun makers. Law- rence Johnston, ventriloquist, is at his best. There are others who round out a delightful show. The St. Louis Pageant Choral Society, or- ganized this week by members of the great Pageant and Masque choruses, will reproduce the music of the Masque In its first concert in November. More than 700 singers In the Pageant and Masque chorus, forming a part of the greatest spectacle of Its kind in his- tory. A large orchestra and distinguished soloists will assist the chorus members. "The Messiah" will be produced later, followed by Schumann's "Paradise and the Perl," from Moore's Lalla Rookh. John H. Oundlach. who was president of the Pageant and Manque was chosen to head the choral body. Fred- erick Fischer, musical director for the Page- ant will direct the mammoth chorus. The so- ciety will be permanent and will form the nucleus around which the out door production Is expected to be brought to perfection. "The Telephone Tangle," very entertaining Rdward Farrell & Co., fine; Albert Von Tilzer, u hit; Ayons & Family, good ; Byal & Early, pleased ; Parlllo & Trablto, clever; Dupree & I)upree, good. LOKWS YONGE STREET (J. Bernstein, ingr.; Loew, aKt.).—Wilson Bros., went strong- ly Wifey, well put over; Slayman Alls .\rabs, sensational; Sandy Show, amusiftg; Larkins & Pearl, pleased; Dorothy Wahl, clever; Cook & Rothert, pleased ; SHEA'S HIPPODROME (A. C. McArdle. ragr. U. B. O., agt.).—Grace Wilson, a hit; Deface Grand Opera Stars, very good; Jimmy & Betty Morgan, clever; Bedfern & Winches- ter, diverting; Manyons Birds, well trained; Frank Wilson, laughs. GAYETY (T R. Henry, mgr.. Columbia).— "Prize Winners," ."^l "The College Girls." STAR (Dan T Pierce, mgr.; Progressive). —"Moulin Rouge Girls," 31 "Follies of Pleas- ure.' SCARBORO BEACH PARK (T. L. Hubbard, mgr.).—Mitchel Trio. D'Urbanos Band. HANLAN'S POINT (L. Solman, mgr.).— Regimental Band concerts, King & Queen div- ing horses. Melville Stoltz, manager of the Shubert an- nounces It will open Sept. 13 with "The Elopers." The Garrick, another Shubert house Is to be devoted to pictures African bunt opens the Garrick, Septeivber 6. ^ F. C. Whitney was in town last week, and he will present for the first time on any stage his new musical comedy "Lady Luxury" at the Princess Sept. 14. One hundred and four- teen picture houses In the city have been asked to devote one day's receipts to the fund the city Is raising to look after the families of those that have gone to the front to fight for England. The American theatre. Harry Wallace, man- ager, opened Sunday to a capacity crowd with Tom Arnold in "The Prince of Tonight." The company was well received here and the stage settings are to be commended. Mabel LafTin is In the leading feminine role. TOLEDO. KEITHS (Sam Pearlstein, mgr.; U. B. O. ; rehearsals Monday 10).—Riggs A Witchle, rlever society dancers ; Homer LInd, excellent; The Volunteers, musical; Clark ft McCul- lough, eccentric comedy; Three Lyres, very good ; Lee & Cranston, pleased; Steiner Trio, Itood; The Turners, excellent skaters. ARCADE (Mr. Hurtig, mgr.).—Will H. Rob- erts ft Co.. Prof. Corrigan's Animals, Clifton A Burke, Buick A Ford, McGreevey A De- vcre, Ahree Van Staats, Harry Gibbs A Co., Emmett Bros., Burt M. Jack and Mr. A Mrs. Denny Hurley. LYCEUM (Abe Shapero. mgr.). "Septem- ber Morning Glories." EMPIRE- "The Social Mnids." TORONTO. IIY H.iRTLRY. PRINCESS (O. B. Shephanl. inRr). Percy Haswell's engagement was extended an- other week and she presented "Arabian •MghtR" which went well. Raymond Hitch- cock in "The Beauty Shop" opens the regular season .'11. SHEA'S fj. Shea, niRr. ; U. B. O. agts.). WINNIPEG. By CHAMP IKOS. WALKER (C. P. Walker, mgr.).—Week 17: "War." Program of pictures, slides, patriotic songs, recitations and lecture, finale tableau of Justice surrounded by the countries of the triple entente consisting of girls in costume and carrying national fiags made a hit. Lieut. St. John-Brenon of the Winnipeg Light In- fantry explained the war map. The whole was under the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire and was for the purpose of rais- ing funds for the wives and families of those left behind by soldiers who had gone to the front. Roger Briggs gave Klplings "Ounga Din" well. ORPHEUM (E. J. Sullivan, mgr.).—Week 17 Ahearn's Cycling, excellent; Stan Stanely. personal hit; Joe and Lew Cooper sing and play their own songs, fair; Mack and Walker, neat; Katherlne Durkln. bright comedienne, new methods make her go like a whirlwind ; Kramer and Pattison, good: "Act Beautiful.'' fair; business fair. DOMINION (Doc Howdon. mgr.). "Texas " well put on by the W. R. Lawrence Players • business good. PANTACIES (Walter Fogg. mjcr.). -A good laughing bill; AHsky's Hawallans, big hit; yinoff Trio Russian Dancers, hit; Henry and Harrison, good: Work and Play, great acro- hotlc act on new linos; Link and Robinson, nice act: business Kood. STRAND (H. WInckler. iiiKr). Most pre- tentious bill yet seen at this house; Web- ster a Melody MuIIds. hit of the little bill • the whole show sundwlrlird In with movies draws a good business. IVPir w'of One Week Only, Commencing LiIAlV Bway MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31 NIGHT PERFORMANCES ONLY—NO MATINEES VAUIDEVI J U I Al Jolton Whiting A. Burt Ray Monde Anna Chandler Mary Pickford Mercedes Pauline PRICES: ALL TUE BRST ARTLSTS IM MUSI(\\L COMEDY AND VAUIJFA'ILLE Lillian Lorraine Fox & Dolly Irving Berlin James J. Morton Frank Tinney Bert Leslie & Co. and 50 others. SOc, $1, $1.50. BOXES, $2. ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (August 31) Players may be listed in this department weekly, either at the theutrcs they are appearing in or at a permanent or temporary address (which will be inierted when route is not received) for $5 yearly, or if name is in bold type, $10 yearly. All are eligible tu this department. Adier 41 Arilae til B 176th 8t N T Alexander Bros Majestic Chicago Anthony A Rosa Variety N T Arco Bros Qarrick Wilmington Ardath Fred J Co Temple Rochester Arnaut Bros Maryland Baltimore Barnes * Crawford Variety N T Barnold's Dog A Monkey Variety N T Barnum Duchess Variety N T Bl( Jim F Bernstein 1492 Bway N T C Bimbos The Variety N Y Bowers Fred V * Co Variety N T Bowers Walters A Crooker Her Majesty's Melbourne Aus Brady A Mahoney 7S0 Lexington Ave Bklyn Bronson A Baldwin Variety N Y Brooks Wallle Variety New York Bruce & Calvert Loew Agency Chicago Buch Bros Variety New York Busse Miss care Cooper 1416 Bway N T C Cantwell A Walker Majestic Ft Worth Carlp & Williams Palace NYC Carr Nat 10 Wellington 8q London Eng (^arus & Randall Majestic Chicago Ce Dora 9 Riverside Ave Newark N J Claudius A Scarlet Variety N Y Cooper Harry Keith's Boston (^orelll & aUettl Keith's Toledo Corradim F care Taualg E 14th St N T C Cross A Josephine Empire London Eng Crouch & Welch Keith's Washington Curtis Julia Bushwick Brooklyn Dale A Boyle Columbia Davenport D'Arvllle Jeenette Montreal Indef De Felice Carlotta Variety San Francisco Delmar A Delmar Majestic San Antonio De Long Maldle Pantages San Diego De Mar Grace Hammerstein's N Y C • Devine A Williams Keith's Cleveland Dlero Majestic Houston Dixie Henry E Co Keith's Boston Dupree A pupree Temple Detroit Earic Emily Hammerstein's NYC Bbeilag Trie S9 Hudson PI Hoboksn N J Elinor A Williams Keith's Philadelphia Blisal»eth Mary Variety London Eng Emmett Mr A Mrs Hugh S Crossan Apts At- lantic City Empire Comedy 4 Majestic Milwaukee Fagan M Byron oars Coopsr 14It Bway N T C Fields Teddy Variety N T Frank J Herbert Vltagraph Studio Bklyn Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave NYC (Jallagher A Carlln Keith's Washington George Edwin Orpheum Brooklyn ailletti's Monkeys Hammerstein's NYC Godfrey & Henderson I'antages San Diego Olbson Hardy Variety N Y Gordon Jim A Elgin Girls Varlsty N Y (}ray Mary Majestic San Antonio Oreea Etiiel Variety N Y Grees Karl S Marlahllf 8tr Blngsn-Rhein Osrmany tiuerlte lAura Variety London Oygl Ota Variety N Y Hagans 4 Australian Variety N Y Hamilton Jsan Touring England Harrah Great S747 Osgood St Chicago Havilans The Variety New York . Hayama 4 Variety NY Hayward Stafford A Co Orpheum Oakland Haywards The White Rats N Y Ideal Dominion Ottawa Imhoff Conn A Coreeae Variety N Ings Clara Variety N Y Jarvis A Harrison Keith's Cincinnati Johnston Johnny Majestic Chicago Johnstons Musical Variety London Jordon Glrli Shea's Toronto . ■'•■ of Inrlag^ONES AND JOHNSON-Ray Time-East aad Waat Juliet Shea's Buffalo Kammarer A Howland Rehoboth Mass Kaufman Bros Orpheum Sioux City Kelly Walter C Keith's Philadelphia Keno A Mayne Hammerstein's NYC Keullng Edgar Louis Variety N T Kirk A Fogarty Keith's Lowell Lo Count Bessie cars Bohm 1647 Bway NYC I.4I Croix Paul Fountains Pk Louisvllla liane A O'Donnell Keith's Cleveland Laurl Roma Variety N Y FRANK LE DENT SEPT. 7. PALACE, CHELSEA ENG. Leonard Bessla Stf Townaand Ave New Raven Lealla Bert A Co V C C New York REGARDING MAIL !!! The one best way to ingure prompt receipt of your mail ig through VARIETY'S Address Departmeiit It can't go wrong. No forwarding. No delay. May be changed weekly. ONE LINE, $5 YEARLY (52 timet). Name in bold face type, tame space and time, |10. Send name and address, permanent, route or where playing, with remittance, to VARIETY, New York. (If route, permanent address will be inserted during any open time)