Variety (October 1914)

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VARIETY 17 Bfarejwette, Mick. MARQUETTE (ubo) 2d half Rapoli Co Kauffman 6 Lillian Mesapkl*) ORPHEUM "Wrong from Start" Zerhto's Dogs Kirk * Fogarty Annie Kent The Randalls Cbaa F Semon Dupree A Dupree (Other* to fill) MllwaakM MAJESTIC (orph) Prlnceaa Radjah Bell Family Anna Chandler Cbaa Yule Co Herman Tlmberg Cameron Sisters Nevlns A Erwood Soltl Duo CRYSTAL (loew) Dixon A Dixon Warner A Corbett Chas L Fletcher "Wine" Nichols Sisters Wanda Mlsmeapolle ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Alfred Bergen Ann Trasker Co Eugene Trio El Ida Morris EIRey Sisters Gardiner Trio PiatoT A GTlaser (One to fill) UNIQUE (loew) Amoros A Mulrey Meredith A Snooser Pisano A Bingham •Sidelights" Cabaret 3 Alvln A Kenny ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Katbryn Durkln Alexander A Scott tf American Dancers Harry Tsuda The Orasers Hermlnie Shone Co Binns A Bert Hans Kronold PANTAOES (m) (Open Sun Mat) Wood's Animals "Night Hawks" Quinlan A Richards Rosella A Rosella Palfrey Barton A B Osrdcsw Utah ORPHEUM (loew) (1-2) Jeter A Rodgers Billy Inman Co Chrlstensen Slgsbee's Dogs Wm Morrow Co 0 Krazy Kids Osaaaa ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Lai Mon Kim Avon Comedy 4 Mrs F Bond Trlxie Frlgansa Pallenberg r s Bears Lorshmonds Frances De Orossart (One to fill) Oaakoalw Wla. PEOPLE'S (ubo) Lucille Block 2 Zyls 2d half Broomstick Elliott DeVoy A Dayton ORPHEUM (ubo) Adler A Arllne Johnston A Wells Redford A Winchester Burke A McDonald Lambert A Ball Marie FlUglbbons (Others to nil) Mi. T«ra«su W. T.' PROCTOR'S Henry Hargraves Co Mr A Mrs Caferty Herbert Qermalne 3 Kelly A Williams 'Titanic Disaster" Mash A Evans 2d half 311 roy A Corlell Lyrlca Harry Morse Co W S Harvey Co dorrisey A Hackett (One to fill) NaafcTUle, Tcaa. PRINCESS (ubo) "Follies of Broadway' Newark, N. J. PROCTOR'S LYRIC Sprague A McNeece Julia Rooney "Man of Mystery" Harry Morse Co Edith Swan Girls Pat Stromberg W 8 Harvey Co 2d half The Irmenas Brandon A Taylor Tyson A Barbour Geo Nagel Co Lamont A Milham Harold Kennedy Decker A Web "The Haberdashery" Newbarsjk, N. Y. COHEN O H (loew) Mellen A DePaula Anderson A Evans Hartley A Pecan "Vaudeville In Monk- eyland" (One to All) 2d half Musical Klelssee Ex-Mayor Lew Shank Caeser Rlvoli American Comedy 4 (One to fill) New Orleaaa ORPHEUM Mr A Mrs D Crane Elinore A Williams Kajlyama McConnell A Simpson James Cullen Tango Chief (Others to nil) New Rockelle, N. Y. LOEW 3 Baldwins Clarence Wilbur Lester Trio 2d half Hartley A Pecan Tom Mahoney (One to fill) Norfolk, Va. COLONIAL (ubo) 1st half Nana Chas Weber (Others to fill) 2d half Salon Singers Edith A Eddy Adair (Others to fill) Ottan DOMINION (ubo) Alexander Kids Les Jundlts "Squaring Accounts" Elisabeth Otto Leo Carrillo (Others to Oil) Pkllaelelakla KEITH'S (ubo) Connolly A Wenrlch Valerie Bergere Co Willie Bros 3 Lyres Corlo A Dinus Joe Jackson Belle Baker Kluting's Animals KNICKERBOCKER (loew) Delaphone Kelso A Leighton Marie Russell "The Punch" Jim Morton Oasch Sisters 2d half Oscar Lorraine "Gray of Dawn" Jim Morton Frey Twins (Two to fill) Plttakarsjk HARRIS (ubo) August Family Minerva Courtney Co Old Town Four Rose A Severn Baby Zelda The Stlllings Ah Ling Foo SHERIDAN (ubo) Oeo Richards Co Helen Carlos 3 3 O'Nell Sisters Musical Parshleys Dunn A Dean Harry Sauber GRAND (ubo) Chrletlenne A Loulset Brooks A Bowen Claude A Fanny Usher 2 Carltons "Lawn Party" The Volunteers Cummings A Gladings (One to fill) Plalafleld, N. J. PROCTOR'S Held A Cameron Minna Phillips Co Hamilton Bros Florence Rarfleld Budd A Callre 2d half Lasere-Lasere A Dog Drown A Moulton Henry Hargraves Co Edith Swan Girls Howell Sisters Porteheeter. N. Y. PROCTOR'S Brown A Moulton Gilroy A Corlell Lyrlca Lung Tchang Yuen William Slsto 2d half Held A Cameron Hamilton Bros Mr A Mrs Nat Caferty Kelly A Williams Xardini Portland, Ore. EMPRESS (loew) Murphy A Foley Schrlner A Richards Romain A Orr "Thro' the Skylight" Nell McKlnley McClure A Dolly PANTAOES (m) "Kingdom of Dreams" Cornell Corley Co Acme 4 Kelley A Catlln Early A Lalght Oray A Peters Providence, R. I. KEITH'S (ubo) "Bride Shop" Keno A Mayne Sylvia Loyal Co Mullen A Coogan Webb A Burns Farrell Taylor 3 Claire Kummer Lawrence A Hurl Falls Resrlaa. Caa. ORPHEUM 1st halt Rlggs A Wltchle Sophe Bnowden Martin Van Bergen Hunting A Francis Ernie Potts Co (Others to fill) Rlcasaoad, lad. MURRAY (ubo) Wilson A Aubrey Estelle Wordette Co Little Miss Jean Loughlln's Dogs 2d half Romaine Howe A Howe Cooper A Richards Cole Russel A D Rlcksaoad, Ya. LYRIC (ubo) 1st half Salon Singers Edith A Eddy Adair (Others to All) 2d half Nana Chas Weber (Others to fill) Roeheater, N. Y. TEMPLE (ubo) Nellie Y Nichols Kingston A Bbner Angelo Patricola Harry Brooks Co Billy B Van Co The Kramers BUI Prultt Sutton Mclntyre A S Saeraaieato ORPHEUM (6-6) Act Beautiful Burkhart A White Finn A Finn Kramer A Peterson Ismed "The Beauties" EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Swan Laurie A Alean Miller Moore A G DeVoy Faber Co Avellng A Lloyd Neptune's Nymphs Saalaaw, Mick. BIJOU (ubo) Kolettl Clyde A Marlon "Enchanted Forest" Earl A Edwards Flying DuValls 2d half Berry A Berry Holden A Herron Routan's Songbirds Ed Gray 8 Abdallahs Salt Lake ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Miller A Lyles Josephine Dunfee Hayward Stafford Co Jones A Sylvester Natalie A Ferrari John Hlgglns (Others to fill) EMPRESS (loew) The Valdos Stewart & Hall Yvonne Murray Livingston Co Jones A JohnHon Buch Bros PANTAOES (m) (Open Wed Mat) Lucille Mulhall Co "Dolly's Dolls" Paris Green Reld Sisters Vanfleld Saa Diego SPRECKEL (orph) 1st half 3 Hlckey Bros "Matinee Girls" Byrd Frost Crowell Hlnes A Fox Chas McGoods Co (Others to All) PANTAGES (m) "Seminary Girls" Willard Hutchinson Co Antrim A Vale 4 Soils Bros JameB Brockmann Saa Fraaelaeo ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) O'Brien Havel Co Joe A Lew Cooper C Gllllngwater Co ."> Metzettls Ashley A Canfleld Cbas Ahearn Co Stan Stanley 3 Mack A Orth EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) 1/iypo A J;enjaroin Kva Prout Mr A Mrs D Elwyn Irwin A Hersog Senator Murphy Dora Deane's Famtons PANTAGES (iu) (Open Sun Mat) Pony Moore Co Winsch A Poore Coogan A Cox Gilbert Gerard Lovee A Wilbur 0am Joae, Oal. VICTORY (orph) (9-10) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento, this Issue) SaTaamak, Ua. BIJOU (ubo) 1st half Schooler A Dickinson Bond A Caason MUly DeVoy A Pr LaFrance A Bruce 2d half Newell A Most Revolving Collins Brown Delmore A Br Curzon Sisters Shirley Bates Co St. Lomla COLUMBIA (orph) Mercedes Vlnle Daly Laddie Cliff Chadwlck Trio Australian Chopper? Lancton Lucler Co Jarrow McRae A Clegg •t. Paal ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Mile Asoria Co Fred Kornau Santly A Norton Jack A Forls Minnie Allen Johnny Johnston Co (Others to fill) EMPRESS (loew) Golden A West Sallie Stambler Co Holmes A Riley Cameron DeVltt Co Wilson Bros Slayman All Arabs Sekeaeetadr. N. Y. PROCTOR'S Doranto Nellie Brewster Co Smlletta Sisters Stevens A Stevens Nick's Skating Girls Morrlsey A Hackett Burt Gorn Melbourne 7race Melbourne 2d half Fox A Burkhardt Van A Ward Sisters Gerard A Gardner Georgia Campers (Others to fill) Seraatoa* Pa. POLI'S (ubo) Perelra Sextet Carlton A Davis "Making the Movies" HAS Puck Willie Hale A Bros (Others to fill) Seattle ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) Lockett A Waldron Claude Golden Lydell Rogers A Ly White A Jason Three Types Adair A Adair Moore Llttlefleld Co (One to fill) EMPRESS (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Geo A Lilly Garden Bogart A Nelson Hippodrome 4 Eugene Emmett Co Stantons Wormwood's Animals PANTAOES (m) Minstrel Maids Isabel Fletcher Co Hugo Lutgens Elwood A Snow Leon A Adeline Sis ■tesu City ORPHEUM (Open Sun Mat) "Red Heads" Lewis A Russell John A Mae Burke Woodman A Living- ston Irahoff Conn A Cor Bertie Ford Thomas A Hall (One to fill) Sooth Chicago GAIETY (wva) La Marros Flo Ban- Holer A Boggs Marconi Bros Rmmett's Dogs 2d half Callonette Archer A Carr Florence Modena Co LewJHawklnB OeoDalbeanle Co Spokane ORPHEUM (loew) (Open Sun Mat) Ethel A Lucy Baker I^elghton A Robinson Orace DeWlnters Ryan Richfield Co Harry Thomson Cyrllng McNutts PANTAGES (m) (Open Sun Mat) Lander Stevens Co Bruce Richardson Co York 3 Prince A Deerle Togan A Geneva Stoektoa, Cal. YOBEMITE (orph) (7-8) (Same bill as at Sac- ramento, this Issue) Syraeaae, N. Y. GRAND (ubo) Heath A Mlllership Stelner Trio Lee A Cranston "Fixing Furnace" (Others to fill) Taeosna EMPRESS (loew) Montrose A Sydell Celts Bros WilBon A Wilson Morris A Beasley Oddone Kitty Francis Co PANTAGES (m) Musical Juveniles William Schilling Co Belle 3 SUber A North Silvers Oakley Torre Haate, lad. VARIETIES (ubo) 1st half Lillian Doone Co Chick Sales 4 Mllos Marconi Bros Rice Elmer A Tom 2d half Sherman Van A Hy Mile Techow Harry Hollman Co Barto A Clark Jack Winker 8 Toledo, O. KEITH'S (ubo) Hopkins Sisters Arnaut Bros Jarvls A Harrison Milton Pollock Co Ray Samuels Woods A Woods 8 (Others to fill) Toroato SHEA'S (ubo) •Pekin Mysteries'' Flanagan A Edwards Stuart Barnes Chas Ravenscroft Ford A Allison Harry Beresford Co Ioleen Sisters (One to fill) YONGB ST (loew) Parise Richmond A Mann Trovollo Jim Rosen Co Innes A Ryan Pekinese Troupe (Two to fill) Troy, N. Y. PROCTOR'S Archie A Gertie Falls "Ward 22" Rose A Gates Rita Gould Van Ward Girls Warren A Conley The Two Hordes 2d half Mr A Mrs Cappelen Stevens A Stevens "Fun Shop" Murphy A Lachmar Henry Frey Sweeney A Rooney Ualoa Hill, N. J. HUDSON (ubo) Eva's Dogs Duford Bros Conley A Webb Alfred James Holt "A Business Proposal" Farber Girls Anard Bros (Feature to fill) Utlea* N. Y. SHUBBRT (ubo) Reglna Cornelll Co Kelly A Galvln Society Buds Wiley A Ten Eyck (Others to fill) VaaeowTer, B. C. ORPHEUM (loew) Juggling Nelson Burke A Harris Musical Avolloe Wm H St James Co Anderson A Gelnes Stewart Sis A Escorts PANTAGES (m) Teddy McNamara Co rttanie Saunders A VonKuntz Rosdell Singers Lockarte A Leddy Victoria* B. C. PANTAOES (m) Allsky's Hawallans Link Robinson Co Henry A Harrison Work A Play Vestoff 8 W b. o. KEITH'S (ubo) Nine White Hussars Ed Foy Family Jane Connolly Co Hasel Cox Maxine Bros A Bobby Weber A Capltola (Others to fill) Waterkarr. Coaa. LOEW Howard A Field Mlns Elsie White Edna Luby Co Thos Potter Dunne 3 Bennett Sisters (One to fill) 2d half Doc Will Davis Eddie Heron Co Bert Melrose Helm Children Martini A Frablnl (One to fill) WllaUaatoa, Del. DOCK8TADER (ubo) Peppino Chung Hwa 4 Trevltt's Dogs (Others to nil) WiajUaoa. Caa. ORPHEUM Ward A Cullen Trovato Gertrude Hoffman Llbby A Barton Billy Swede Hall Co (Others to fill) PANTAGES (m) Maurice Samuels Co Dxford 8 tfadell A Kane Dunlay A Merrill Reed's Dogs SHOWS NEXT WEEK. NEW YORK. "DANCING AROUND" (Al Jolson)— Winter Garden (Oct. 10). "DADDY LONG- LEGS' '—Gaiety (2d week). "CONSEQUENCES"—Comedy (2d week). GRAND OPERA—Century (4th week). "HE COMES UP SMILING" (Douglas Fair- banks)—Liberty (4th week). INNOCENT'—Eltlnge (5th week). "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE"—Cohan (5th week). • MISS DAISY"—Lyric (5th week). "ON TRIAL"—Candler (8th week). "PRETTY MISS SMITH" (Frltzi Scheff) — Casino (3d week). "TIPPING THE WINNER"—Longacre (3d week). "THE BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE"—Lyceum (5th week). "THE GIRL FROM UTAH "—Knickerbocker (6th week). "THE HEART OF A THIEF"-Hudson (Oct. 5). THE HIGH COST OF LOVING"—Republic (7th week). THE MIRACLE MAN"—Astor (.'Id week). THE HAWK" (Wm. FaverHham)—Shubert (2d week). THE LAW OF THE LAND"—48th Street (2d week). THE PRODIGAL HUSBAND" (John Drew) —Empire (4th week). THE MONEY MAKERS"—Booth (Oct. 5). THE THINGS THAT COUNT"—Playhouse (Oct. 5). THE THIRD PARTY" 31)th Street (10th week). THE STORY OF THE ROSARY" Manhat- tan O. H. (5th week). TWIN BEDS"—Fulton (ftth week). •'UNDER COVER"—Cort (7th week). WARS OF THE WORLD"--Hippodrome (5th week). "WHAT' IS LOVE"" Maxine Elliott (3d week). CHICAGO. "JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN"—Audi- torium (5th week). "UNDER COVER"—Cohan's (5th weak). "A PAIR OF SIXES "—Cort (9th- week). PEG O' MY HEART"—Garrlok (15th week). "THE BELLE OF BOND STREET"—Illinois (4th week). "ONE GIRL IN A MILLION"—LaSalle (5th week). "POTASH « PERLMUTTER"—Olympio (7th week). "THE YELLOW TICKET"—Powers' (5th week). MARIE STUART'S ESTATE. O'Brien, Malevinsky & Driicoll, as attorneys for Clayton White, executor under the will of his late partner, Marie Stuart, announced this week that the estate had been settled by the distribu- tion of $22,500 to six charitable organi- zations named in the will as follows: The Actors' Fund Home, $5,000. The Edwin Forrest Home, at Phila- delphia, $2,500. The Hospital for Ruptured and Crip- pled, 135 East 42d street, New York, $2,500. The Lying-in Hospital, 17th street and 2d avenue, New York, $5,000. St. Rose's Free Home, maintained for the cure of cancerous poor, $3,750. The Rosary Hill Home, at Haw- thorne, Westchester County, N. Y., also maintained f% the care of can- cerous poor, $3,750. "Mr. White," said the lawyers, "waived all rights as residuary legatee to claim any interest in these bequests which he might have under the law, which prevents a deceased person from bequeathing more than half her estate to charitable corporations, and directed us, as attorneys for the estate, to con- serve this estate so as to pay* .these legacies in full, which has been done, giving full value to the intention of Miss Stuart as expressed in her will." Wants Lombard! Co* New Orleans, Sept. 30. Owing to the impossibility of secur- ing a French opera company for the coming season, directors of the French Opera house have started negotiations which may lead to the engagement of the Lombardi Opera Co. OBITUARY. Samuel O. Baker, aged 50, died at the Metropolitan Hospital Sept. 21. He was well known in theatricals for 30 years. Bright's disease caused his death. F. H. Bradstreet died in Chicago Sept. 16. He was a well known man- ager. Adolph Hoffmann, father of Richard Hoffmann, of the Western Vaudeville Managers' Association, died Sept. 19 after an illness lasting over 15 years. He is survived by a widow and eighl children. San Francisco, Sept. 30. Bradford Drady, the 10-year-old son of Robert Drady, attached to the man- agerial staff of Pantages, was killed by an auto truck Monday. Hamilton, Ont, Sept. 30. John (Jack) G. Appleton, manager of the Temple (vaudeville) here, died this morning of inflammation of the lungs. He had been manager of the Temple for five years, and before that was 10 years at the loeal Savoy.